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/lit/ - Literature

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9306182 No.9306182 [Reply] [Original]

> as we can see by his posts on 4chan /lit/, the idea for what we now consider his masterpiece had taken shape as early as 2017...

>> No.9306189


>> No.9306270

>We learn from this post that Thomas Pynchon was his favorite writer. Note that he adds "for sure," leaving no room for doubt.

>> No.9306281

b...b...but I'm an any moose

>> No.9306321

>Here we find a "greentext story" about an embarrassing day at school. We have no reason to believe this story is untrue or in any way embellished.

>> No.9306343

>He often chastised his community members for being "academiacucks" [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. His critique spilled over into his most seminal works.

>> No.9306346
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>they use an algorithm to trace your writing style across all anonymous posts on all image boards and message boards dating back to your earliest posts on the internet

honestly hoping i die soon because i cannot live i n this world for much longer

>> No.9306367

Ha good thing everything I've ever posted on the internet has been part of an elaborate trolling campaign

>> No.9306386

this, but unironically. It's nice to know that when I get famous, scholars and schoolchildren will have to sift through all my shitposts to find some sort of meaning where there is none

>> No.9306393
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>He seemed to have invoked a frogshaped muse several times to 'help help' him.

>> No.9306409

>"Here we see a revealing line discussing his intimate preferences, both romantic and masturbatory. We must remind ourselves that the use of pornography at that time was endemic, and that judging him for his predilections is at best anachronistic..."

>> No.9306415

t. HP Lovecraft 95 years ago

>> No.9306419

>Miss Teacher, I'm sorry but I was looking in the restricted section, and I stumbled upon a forbidden post. Is it true that he didn't start with the greeks?

>> No.9306430

>"And here we can see a list of all the titles of x-rated videos he ever watched... 'Fat mature forces ebony girl to eat her farts', for example"

>> No.9306437

>We learn in this thread that he was a man of his time and place, believing as his peers did that his own private diary was the most profound and moving book ever written.

>> No.9306453
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>"Professor Xerz, what is the connection between his racialist comments in his posts, his baiting of leftist game developers in his tweets, his sympathetic portrayals of Africans in his later works, his profession of "redpill" ideology at 21, and his preference for well endowed black men in nearly all of his pornography"

>> No.9306469
File: 57 KB, 634x508, 25F645E000000578-2964403-Fresh_faced_Natalie_Portman_displayed_her_natural_beauty_as_she_-a-1_1424701297059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here we see the young author railing against the female gender, calling them 'inferior worthless subhumans... we should lock up all women in rape camps, vile roastie whores."
>This misogynist tirade can be contrasted to the copious amounts of femdom strapon fucking porn the young author consumed, and his apparent deep desire to be an 'ass licking slave'

>> No.9306487

>He seems to have been an ardent follower of Sam Harris, starting a thread about him almost every day.

>> No.9306503

>"...truly a study in opposites. It is dichotomies like this that make him one of the least understood authors from the era of resentment."

>> No.9306528

is 4chan the intellectual hub of our generation?

serious question.

>> No.9306542

>Hard to believe, that such an author had numerous learning disabilities. This we can see in thousands of comments over the years, questioning the basic concepts we find trivial. What DID he mean by this indeed.

>> No.9306568

>"You may have noticed he had a proclivity for images of crudely drawn, anthropomorphic frogs. Prominent contemporary psychologists feel this suggests a regression to childhood, especially as he was documented posting these well into his late thirties..."

>> No.9306576

Oh yeah and all the pornography I've ever watched was similarly an attempt to troll potential future biographers haha man I'm always one step ahead of those idiots

>> No.9306579

>His antipathy towards the capability of women stands in contrast to the fact that he was supported and provided room and board by his mother until her death at 83 by suicide. This must have had a profound effect on him, as his suicide followed closely about six months later, presumably due to his financial difficulties. Yet another interesting fact considering his years of championing "NEET" [a young person who is "Not in Education, Employment, or Training"] life for the prior 30 years.

>> No.9306584

Are internet historians a thing yet? Will that eventually be something one can study?

>> No.9306603


>In this class we review a seminal event in social gaming, the awakening of the sleeper in everquest 1

>> No.9306628

Well, that's about enough internet for one day.

>> No.9306741
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>> No.9308027
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criminally underrated

>> No.9308031

if someone finds a way to connect all my posts im leaving the country and going off the grid forever

>> No.9308046

I often leave 4chan for periods of time and have been doing so on and off for nearly the past ten years, and then I see things like this, and that's why I remember why I still come here.

Made me lose my lunch lad.

>> No.9308345

>professor, the recent electron-memory scan proved that the author was in reality a racist, bigot asshole who told his fellow internet users to kill themselves numerous times for no reason and was most likely a psychopath incapable of basic empathy, literally worse than Hitler. why are we wasting time studying books like this? Can you give a single real argument to justify it?

>> No.9308942

>As you can all see, he didn't start with the greeks.
>uncontrolled giggles

>> No.9309287

Absolutely excellent thread

>> No.9309298

>perhaps what is most fascinating about the author is his obsession with David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest. To this day, it is a mystery whether his fondness of the novel was ironic or genuine, yet it still remains true that Wallace's work can be seen as a fundamental influence of his work.

>> No.9309352
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>Not only did he try to mimic the style of his favorite author in his writing, but also his mannerisms. Footage from his webcam shows him recreating gestures and facial expressions from image files he had saved, an activity that could last for several hours.

>> No.9309359


>> No.9309381


>> No.9309416

>he often dug in and scratched his anus with his index finger, and bring it up to his nose would sniff and posts inspired by the smell, he attributed this behavior to "the human condition"

>> No.9309417

>The author expressed a great affinity for James Joyce, although there is no conclusive evidence he ever read any of his works

>> No.9309437

fucking lost

>> No.9310553
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>The main goal of his career was to find the truth, and I mean capital-T truth, about why we are all so unhappy. And but so it shouldn't be a surprise that he spent so much of his limited time on this image board.

>> No.9310581

>here we see him speculating how he would be judged for his juvenile posts on the id fueled anonymous posting forum known as 4chan.com once he inevitably became a famous author

>> No.9310631


>> No.9310653

>Unfortunately for young Anon, he would be rejected for publication multiple times and die of intestinal tract complications after consuming too many chicken tenders one fateful evening.

>> No.9310658

tfw you don't aspire to be a book writer but you aspire to be greentext writer...

teach me how, senpaitachi

>> No.9310669
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...a perfect display of a truly broken man who's mission was to continue suffering until death released him from his plight...

>> No.9310670

This is the most retarded thread I've seen in a while, even if people are basically joking