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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 93 KB, 512x288, jordan-peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9283663 No.9283663 [Reply] [Original]

Dude be a hero, lmao.

>> No.9283670
File: 64 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jordan peterson is literally just joe rogan 2.0


>> No.9283673

Can we get all the Peterson posts into one thread?......or shall we start reporting them for spam?

>> No.9283680

He started out great unfortunately he will also succumb to pop culture cancer.

>> No.9283684
File: 54 KB, 1280x850, sysoce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9283723

His lectures introduced me to the depth of psychology a few years ago, while I was a mere junior in high school. For that I thank him. However, as of late his videos are far too political for me, and his adherence has led him to befriend a few idiots, for the sake of this political position. Idk :P He also grows far too indignant while explaining psychological phenomenon and their relative history.

>> No.9283744
File: 328 KB, 800x778, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that any """""""""""""""thinker"""""""""""""""" that has a youtube channel or any significant fame is a charlatan.

Yes, that's right. The moment you use philosophy for fame or money, you are a charlatan

>> No.9283789
File: 60 KB, 528x500, 1489895169779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but his youtube page is just recordings of his uni lectures............................................ he's literally letting you take his class for free rather than having to enroll...........................................................

>> No.9283806

Doesn't matter, he's a charlatan

>> No.9283931

I think you're the charlatan, how bow dah?

>> No.9283947
File: 320 KB, 600x941, sortingman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9284278


>> No.9284302

peterson is so whiny I can't take listening to his fucking drivel

he sounds like he can break into pieces at any moment

>> No.9284317


>> No.9284323

what does he mean by sort yourself out

>> No.9284345

you'll have to sort that question yourself

>> No.9284347


>> No.9284352

>muh piaget
>muh jung
>muh nietzsche
>muh solzhenitsyn

he literally says the same shit over and over again every lecture/interview holy shit

>> No.9284355

About 90% of things he says is effectively gibberish. This the man is senile

>> No.9284365

maybe you just don't understand him? can you give me an example of something he said that is incoherent?

>> No.9284382

Guess why
Jumpy dumbasses only know him as "that professor that fucking owned those dumbass SJWs" and guess what he gets invited to talk about

You'll never guess

>> No.9284392

Why does someone like this get a huge following and not someone like Nick Land?

>> No.9284395

Same can be said about nearly every philosopher interviews. Actually, nearly every philosopher has some major arguments of note and not much else.

>> No.9284427
File: 158 KB, 600x941, 1490320798014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9284517
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>> No.9284537


>> No.9284556

mmm a rare peterson

>> No.9285256

You mean rare peperson

>> No.9285276

His levtures are either introductory or straight up self help shit.
You won't find any actually academical lecture of his on youtube, af beast you'll find a video of him telling you what to do for one hour and (maybe) explain to you 1 or 2 chore concepts by Young.

He's basically the Neil Degrasse Tyson pf psychology.

>> No.9285277
File: 58 KB, 1024x576, 1489755274620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is a lot btw.

>> No.9285282

Will somebody please explain to me the lift meme? I don't play video games, I just want to understand the reference

>> No.9285292

Well yes but science blackman does run an observatory. You have to understand that he is not as much a work on science stuff type but a coordinate others and be the face of our institution. Considering the impact he has on the mainstream he does an A+ job too.

>> No.9285296

because he has no charisma, hes a boring autist. Nick land might as well be dead.

>> No.9285297

So he's basically a leech? You could have said that earlier.

>> No.9285304

That is the opening scene of a mission/level in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. In the game, the quote is "Remember, no hostages." So the meme is... well, pretty self-explanatory.

>> No.9285305

You're elite man, everyone should be as smart as you and should be able to see that Jordan is just entry level pleb. There definetely aren't millions of people with average IQ's that could benifit from listening to some of the things he's saying. ELITE.

>> No.9285321

nah, it's "no russian", as in the language, because they're russians doing a false flag attack

>> No.9285323


You're such a pseud I don't want to read essays to get informed around something or perhaps entertained.
Are you suggesting peer reviews on the fucking youtube?

>> No.9285330

Not a leech you cretin, there is a need for someone to organise and lead an institution, get funds, educate the masses on their level and be the face of said institution. You're just too edgy and stupid to understand how a public institutio works.

>> No.9285411


Who is the old guy standing next to peterson on this picture?

>> No.9285419

I have a feeling that you wouldn't measure up to either of them, by any metric.

>> No.9285640

Oh get over yourself

>> No.9285646

Carl Jung

>> No.9285667


>> No.9285877 [DELETED] 


Holy shit did he just cry about all the little maggots?

So much ideology for this guy.

>> No.9285928

Nick Land is too abstract for the mainstream. Peterson's work in psychology means that everything he speaks about is very closely related to everyday observation, so it takes much less work to understand him. Also Land carries less authority, and is generally worse about getting his message out.

That said, I'm a fan of Peterson and Land and Zizek all for pretty much the same reasons: I'm supportive of anyone actually engaging in philosophy in <current year>.

>> No.9285973

Yeah and Land doesn't go out of his way to make his work accessible to the plebs, like Peterson does.

>> No.9286135

Peterson has work? I thought he was just a teacher.

>> No.9286179
File: 186 KB, 1920x1080, 1488499020508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone always think they have to become someone else's ideal?

It's like with Nietzschefags. He never said it was a good idea to become the ubermensch yourself.

People see this idea of DA BEST and then throw all caution to the wind to become DA BEST in a purely unthoughtful and unreflective manner.

It reeks of insecurity and it really grinds my gears.

You have a mind, use it.

>> No.9286195

>It's like with Nietzschefags. He never said it was a good idea to become the ubermensch yourself.
Uh, excuse me, I'm a complete nietzschesperg and I consider myself subhuman garbage

>> No.9286353

Clearly I should listen to a great intellectual such as yourself.

>> No.9286375

why is /lit/ so triggered about this man?
does he hurt your leftie feelings?

>> No.9286883

Is this all you've got?

I'm not the one here running a PR stunt. He choses to be a charlatan, I have the right to criticize him for it.

>i-I want to consume pseudo intellectual shit, l-leave me alone
>/lit/ is actually defending a self-help guru
You guys can't sink any lower.

>> No.9286926

Who said it was the best according to the ideals of others?

Create your own ideals and live so that they are fulfilled to the max.
If your ideal is JUS CHILLN then do that?

>> No.9287085


>> No.9287289

t. guy that got into political thought via gamergate

>> No.9287396

This, ugly weak cucks = not worth listening to

>> No.9287859

Speak for yourself. I am a pure dualistic being that has risen beyond mediocrity while being a complete idiot. One cannot be Nietzscheian without becoming a Ubermensch but remaining an idiot.