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9268049 No.9268049 [Reply] [Original]

With all that talk about AI and automation as the future, if such a future would become true, will Ted become the Marx or Jesus of the future?

I mean, I imagine that not everyone is willing to become reduced in value if robots outperform humans on many tasks. Or are there other individuals who write about the threat of increasing technology?

>> No.9268166

>With all that talk about AI and automation as the future, if such a future would become true, will Ted become the Marx or Jesus of the future?
The original luddites had a better understanding of the nature of technology than Ted

>> No.9268173
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> I imagine that not everyone is willing to become reduced in value if robots outperform humans on many tasks

most of the tasks automation will taker longer to replace are already associated with working with other humans

much of the redundancy in human employment, like customer service, sales, has to do with communication with other humans, something that will be made redundant when the owners of capital automate their lifestyles from soil to military

the transition period (now) will be (is being) eased by the importation of third world peoples who come from areas already defined by impoverishment and societal disruption, lowering both the standard of autonomy and expectations of the masses: living as human chattel with iPhones, Walmart, and physical safety is a vast improvement as living as human chattel among the Nortenos or in war-torn Syria

>> No.9268200

He was brilliant but burned out too fast. Like if Huxley had a panic attack and scribbled Brave New World in a night.

Industrial Society and Its Future is insightful but misses the existential problem. It condemns artificial happiness but never bothers to ask, why happiness at all?

Better: have you heard of The Last Messiah, essay by Peter Wessel Zappfe? Not 100% relevant but good supplementary reading on angst and the futility of human desire.

I will check tjis thread later, busy atm.

>> No.9268210

this man knows

read kirkpatrick sale and pynchon instead, kaczynski was a hack

>> No.9268823
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I find it funny how optimistic people in the 1950s were about the future. I think it might have something to do with how good society was back then: America was still on its postwar high, good jobs for everyone, one working man could support his whole nuclear family, things were looking up.

Now, we dread the future. Technology isn't marvelous, instead it's something that will be used to destroy us and make us miserable. I can't help but feel like the way we view the future is a reflection of our present. Which means we are well and truly fucked.

>> No.9269198

After making the single mistake of not making one intelligent decision in 30 years, the anti-tech movement was put to a halt after they couldn't take other people's tech.

>> No.9269324

Holy shit, know everything triggered
Just wondering why Jarek publish with pseudo

>> No.9269707
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>will Ted become the Marx or Jesus of the future?
>implying they're not one and the same

>> No.9270860
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Human relationships took the back seat to instrumental rationality, which is/was inevitable under a consumption-based capitalist system

Doesnt mean it can't change. Nothing is unconditional after all

>> No.9270867

I recommend this short documentary about Jacques Ellul (The Betrayal by Technology)
