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File: 55 KB, 701x559, Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9250382 No.9250382 [Reply] [Original]

How does one be as ridiculously intense and passionate as this guy?

>> No.9250390

repressed homosexuality

>> No.9250398

hit children and call them little shits

>> No.9250407
File: 333 KB, 2151x2603, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be so beautifully autistic that you consistently volunteer for the most dangerous areas during your time at WWI since you perceive fear of death to be a false view of life

>> No.9250416

Wittgenstein is the greatest example of concentrated autism that the world has yet seen

>> No.9250426

He was so autistic he almost went full circle

>> No.9250432

Wasn't really repressed. He had tons of boipuss

>> No.9250528


>> No.9250531

be Viennese

>> No.9251283

get bullied by little Adolf because you're a stuttering jew

>> No.9251292

Hitler was a weakshit little manlet compared to Wittgenstein, he probably gave him wedgies and made him lick his asshole

>> No.9251319
File: 34 KB, 480x330, Ludwig is best girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Witty was about 5'6 as an adult and Adolf really does look like the classic arrogant bully
Look at that cutie Witty tho
Would make a great anime

>> No.9251328

That's not Wittgenstein, stop spreading this lie.

>> No.9251342


>> No.9251344

The world is all that is the case

>> No.9251347

quiet you

>> No.9251348

Combine these three features:
>be from a prestigous family
>want to kill yourself badly

>> No.9251349

Wittgenstein was put a year forward in school and Adolf held back a year.

That photo is NOT Wittgenstein. The burden of proof is on you to prove it is.

This could be disproved from a single Wikipedia reading:

>Wittgenstein and Hitler were born just six days apart, though Hitler had been held back a year, while Wittgenstein was moved forward by one, so they ended up two grades apart at the Realschule.[74] Monk estimates they were both at the school during the 1904–1905 school year, but says there is no evidence they had anything to do with each other.[75] Several commentators have argued that a school photograph of Hitler may show Wittgenstein in the lower left corner,[76] but Hamann says the photograph stems from 1900 or 1901, before Wittgenstein's time.[77]

>> No.9251356

no pissant

>> No.9251364

Thus we cannot say this or that on whether it is or isn't Ludwig
But it makes for a good joke

>> No.9251369

having Bertrand Russell as your professor will probably help a lot

>> No.9251370

>Thus we cannot say this or that on whether it is or isn't Ludwig

It clearly isn't. His childhood photographs look nothing like that boy.


>> No.9251387

What a face. He obviously enjoyed killing cats and dogs. It's not like I'm surprised, though.

>> No.9251393
File: 14 KB, 236x336, lud-lud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find an immense resemblance

>> No.9251431

Then you suffer from brain problems, friend.

>> No.9251443
File: 51 KB, 457x317, Ludwig is best girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this would wrinkle your think sack

>> No.9251446

It's not him. The photograph is from BEFORE he even attended the school.

Stop trying to make up this garbage theory, thanks.

>> No.9251476

>How does one be as ridiculously intense and passionate as this guy?

You have to beat the shit out of viennese kids in the '20s. That's the only way.

>> No.9251489
File: 774 KB, 680x1248, 1488724416544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does one be as ridiculously intense and passionate as this guy?
Here's how to do it
step 1: be a genius
step 2: be extremely charismatic (and I mean it, virtually every account we've got about Wittengstein, from philosophers such as Russell and Carnap to random people he met, depict him as a royal figure, who would just shut up for 10 minutes and then say something impossibly brilliant, mesmerizing the entire audience)
step 3: that's it

This is how you get to be Wittengstein. If you're IQ is less than 45000 don't even bother.

>> No.9251503

>Stop trying to make up this garbage theory, thanks.
Several commentators have argued that the school photograph might show Wittgenstein in the lower left corner

But then there exist the likes of you and Birgitte Hamann who lie and hide the fact that it was Wittgenstein who was responsible for Hitlers anti-semitism all along!

>> No.9251515

Did he ever take psychedelics, does anybody know?

>> No.9251525

in his PI 3 years ago there is no mention of drug use, not even alcohol.

>> No.9251551

*in his PI there is no mention blablabla

>> No.9251554
File: 65 KB, 700x598, Wittgenstein and von Wright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know at least one (1) super ebin finnish philosopher

>> No.9251566

>tfw Wittgenstein was a /fa/ggot

>> No.9251610

I'm through step 1, but how do I do step 2? How to be extremely charismatic? I'm still practicing my social skills. I want to be an ubermensch, I have to succeed socially too.

>> No.9251620

>I'm through step 1

Your grammar is pretty shitty for a genius. Is English your native language?

>> No.9251621

He was just born that way, my friend.

>> No.9251626

Fucker looks better in tweed than anyone ought to

>> No.9251628


>How does one be

just kys

>> No.9251636


wait, is this real? context?

>> No.9251666

Yeah! One's upbringing has no effect on one's intelligence!

>> No.9251675

nice reading comprehension

>> No.9251683

It is 110% real, they were at the same school and quickly became natural rivals, one being a fatherless boy out for vengeance against the bourgoisie and a flaming will to live, the other being a stuttering jew tormented by suicidal thoughts from one of the richest families in Europe
Both would change the course of history - but of their short and intense relationship not much is known.
Tune in on "Young Ludwig & Young Adolf" on saturday evening on channel 6!

>> No.9251685

no u

>> No.9251694

No, it isn't.

>> No.9251699

Are you telling me that my favorite author was a degenerate faggot?


>> No.9251703

he was just really pure and unspooked and honest and perfectionist and hated PHILISTINES but the main thing is honest

>> No.9251705

>the most dangerous areas during your time at WWI since you perceive fear of death to be a false view of life
i mean this unironically made me think.

>> No.9251713

i meed to know who was the teacher. must have been one hell of a teacher ro produce hitler AND wittgenstein
i mean, how did he instill such passion?
any other interesting personas that emerged from the same schoo and time span?

btw, that looks s lot like him. the cowlick of his hair is in the exact right place

>> No.9251715

>mfw absolute giga retard
>probably 85 IQ or something.
>mfw can't even understand the implications of Witt's work without someone spoonfeeding me

being this fucking stupid and being self-aware of it is terrible.

>> No.9251739

They were in different classes, but the teacher of the Hitlers class (in the picture) was Oskar Lanning
And yeah, it's not Ludwig. It was just a joke as I said before, the picture is the last class Lanning taught in 1901 and Wittgenstein entered the school in 1904

>> No.9251749


>> No.9251772

>Tune in on "Young Ludwig & Young Adolf" on saturday evening on channel 6!
would watch
Is there any films about Adi as a young boy?

>> No.9251779


you sound a bit bitter, perhaps you need jesus?

>> No.9251818

so, something's fishy about that school thing.
the official website of the school states that hitler started first grade in 1901. he was there untill 1905. and a class above wittgenstein (which doesn't mean there was no contact in any way...)
wittgenstein came to the school in 1903 and stayed till 1906 (hitler left in 1905).
the problem is, if that's true, hitler would have been 12yo in first grade. which is -weird (i checked and the official age to start school in 1900 was 6. it happened rhat kids went later but only of they were some peasants living in rural areas and being held back to work on the fields).
wittgenstein was only 6 days younger than hitler but started first grade 2 years later? that's weird too. especially since he then would have been 14.
if they really are the ines in the pic, they surely didn't get involved in racial discussions since they were merely kids. if they had contact as teenagers, it could very well be that witty is the reason for the third reich. which would be pretty epic

maybe there are some personal documents of either of them that have other dates? might be that the school altered the informations to not get the rumors stirring

>> No.9251932

>wittgenstein was only 6 days younger than hitler but started first grade 2 years later? that's weird too. especially since he then would have been 14.

That's because Wittgenstein was pushed forward a year and Hitler back one year.

This is all well researched.

If you read Wittgenstein's diaries/notes, he only rarely makes mention of Hitler and when he does, he doesn't mention him in the context of school at all.

>> No.9251955

What did Wittgenstein write about Hitler`?

>> No.9251959
File: 60 KB, 500x313, thedance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental illness.
He exhibited the sort of genius that is understood as a curse.

>> No.9251960

he said the man was a real butthole

>> No.9251963

hitler: first grade
wittgenstein: ?

hitler: first grade again
wittgenstein: ?

hitler: second grade
wittgenstein: first grade

hitler: third grade
wittgenstein: second grade

hitler: leaves school
wittgenstein: third grade

hitler: different school
wittgenstein: fourth grade

not to mention that they both should have started school in the year 1895/1896 instead of 1900/1901

>> No.9251978

From Culture and Value;

>It isn't reasonable to be furious even at Hitler; let alone at God. MS 179 27: ca. 1945

>> No.9251984



>> No.9252045

What did he mean by this lads? Asking for a brainlet.

>> No.9252148

From what I understood : when a proposition is true, then what it states is the case.
If he writes in German, then the word "case" is probably related to what "happens", what "occurs".

I may totally be wrong, feel free to correct.

>> No.9252374
File: 35 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just because it's Witty

>> No.9252388

You TYPE like a RETARD.

>> No.9252397

Makes sense

>> No.9252488


>> No.9254374

1. be autistic
2. be groomed since birth by a ridiculously strict father
3. have direct accesss to the very best minds in your field

>> No.9254409

Right? That last point is super on the nose

>> No.9254434

Don't bullshit yourself, don't take bullshit from other people, respect other people.

>> No.9254454

Why did you post this you cock goblin? The whole thread is about this retarded picture.

>> No.9254458

Look what he's wearing. I'd make that face if someone took a picture of me wearing that.

>> No.9254473

Someone with 85 IQ would not be able to write as coherent a comment and would have much poorer diction. You're alright friend.

>> No.9254596

how to develop mental illness bros?

>> No.9254654

Will Barron be the next Wittgenstein?

>> No.9254655

Being one the wealthiest men in Europe so you can literally spend you life any way you want and never have to consider doing a job you dont like or living a way you dont want to.

>> No.9254690

This is a post ignorant of his bio. Hits the mark in some places though.

>> No.9254787

Adolf's Bizarre Adventure

>> No.9254868

By writing one book that is wrong about literally everything and then writing a second one were you say you were wrong about literally everything.

>> No.9254879

live through a world war