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/lit/ - Literature

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9245754 No.9245754 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't millennials interested in literature?

>> No.9245758

Anyone who unironically uses the phrase "millennial" is a retard.

>> No.9245761

they are

>> No.9245765

Why? It's the most commonly used term for referring the generation.

>> No.9245767


>> No.9245775
File: 71 KB, 615x878, Elf-film-still-with-Will-Ferrell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being a millennia that enjoys literature and reading this.

>> No.9245779

Because it's a massive buzzword and it's only so popular because it's a buzzard.

>> No.9245784

>implying buzzfeed and vox isn't literature

>> No.9245789

Because of the ways in which the internet affects of our brains, it's becoming increasingly difficult to buckle down and read. There are plenty of millenials who are interested in readings, but relativist views have skewered any standards of quality, which in turn results in lack of taste.

>> No.9245794

The majority of this board's population is very likely "millennials"--those born between 1982 and 1998, give or take a few years each way.

>> No.9245801

Tfw born in 1958.

Guess I'm too old for this here board and website.

>> No.9245811

That face and smile deserve a slap, just for existing.

>> No.9245812

Are you fucking serious

>> No.9245814

I enjoy literature
I'd say the previous generation has less chance or desire

>> No.9245819

I hope you've seen every shitpost I've ever made

>> No.9245824

Is it not weird being decades older than this site's main demographic?

>> No.9245829

Youngfags out

>> No.9246001

we read more books than all other cohorts

>> No.9246033

Are there any conclusive studies that would point truth towards your statement, OP? If so, I would be interested to read more about this topic.

From an subjective point of view, I would much rather be inclined to claim that every generation has its own congeries of individuals with various habits and interests, for some those interests and hobnies could be it reading. I wouldn't put myself out there and claim that 'millenials' would be any different from the ones who came before them or to the one who shall come after. People of this generation are into literature as much as their parents and their grandparents before them.

>> No.9246038

Ah, excuse my orthography... Damn you mobile keypad, with your small letters, damn you go eternal slumber...

>> No.9246044

self-entitled, impatient and lazy

>> No.9246045

they read plenty of YA/genre fiction shit. Apparently you should be impressed when they stop checking their phones long enough to read through the ASOIAF books.

and then of course watching Netflix original box set shows is apparently something admirable.

>> No.9246097

>why aren't lay-people interested in literature?

Philosophy and classical literature has been a niche interest for a long time now. It's not like the current crop of college students are the first to exhibit this trait.

>> No.9246110

You forgot to mention that reading a book isn't actually reading.

It only counts as reading if you're reading some philosophy book that you can brag about reading on lit.

Fiction doesn't count as reading.

>> No.9246153

Where? I see none.

>> No.9246281

Because literature is trash.

Genetics + Aesthetics > Pseudo-Intellectualism

>> No.9247088

Get a load of this faggot, everyone.

>> No.9247241

Yeah! FUCK representing meaningful ideas symbolically!

>> No.9247246

More people read today that ever in entire history.
This idea that the grass was greener in the past is fucking retarded.

>> No.9247275
File: 31 KB, 250x392, Harry_Potter_and_the_Philosopher's_Stone_Book_Cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes....but do they read literature

>not literature. its just a book

millenials live within a visual culture based on instant gratification. they prioritise the image over the text (inb4 derrida nonsense). its unreasonable to expect them to be fervent readers

>> No.9247292

Stop moving the goalposts, faggot. First you complain that people don't read enough (factually false) then you complain that people don't read what you read. Maybe mind your own business and let people enjoy whatever?

>> No.9247293

>Talking 'bout my generation...

>> No.9247294

>being this much of a dualist pseud

Single-sense formats are ineffective. This is why anime is actually the best medium, if it weren't so flooded with low-effort garbage.

>> No.9247295

> People of this generation are into literature as much as their parents and their grandparents before them.
How come every obnoxious pseud is a relativist? kys

>> No.9247304

what the fuck.
I'm not the op.
I haven't even read any other posts ITT.

get off my dick

>> No.9247309

Well they are interested in literature, it's just that it most likely isn't literature that /lit/ considers literature.

You know, like Harry Potter and A Song of Ice and Fire.

>> No.9247313


>> No.9247324

I prefer "the internet generation"
A generation who essentially grew up on the internet and, thus, prioritise the image over the text and have no attention span

>> No.9247330

>millenials live within a visual culture based on instant gratification.
I remember being 15 too.
Upvote if you're the 90s kid

>> No.9247432

>Philosophy and classical literature has been a niche interest for a long time now

Yeah, forever. For most of human history literature was a pastime for the rich. The masses couldn't even read or write, nevermind questions of taste.

>> No.9247434

too offensive

>> No.9247446

>tfw when peepaw uses tfw

>> No.9247451

because they're fucking cancer

I was born in 1978 btw.

you "people" disgust me

>> No.9247603

my bingo group says otherwise

>> No.9248215
File: 3 KB, 142x49, 59gwNlZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying plebs liked literature before millenials

>> No.9248954

Show us your research.

>> No.9248955

Did you mean nose piercing?

>> No.9248974


We volunteer more, we donate more, we bully less, we're better than you shiftless gen x'ers in every way. The things you hate are things all young people do.

>> No.9248981

Millennials stop at 1995, not 1998. That's gen Z.

>> No.9248998

It's Robert Pirsig

>> No.9249030


>> No.9249039

Not much reason to read when you can get all the information from books in more convenient and succinct sources.

>> No.9249111

This thread reads like old people angry at cloud: the post

>> No.9249120

>it's another millennial doesn't know he's a millennial episode

>> No.9249128

Because video games are much better lol

>> No.9249200

because there's more emphasis on attaining technocratic careers and degrees, millennials still read but in much smaller amounts than the previous generations.

>> No.9250311

89 here can I be genY then please?

>> No.9250316

Oh shit that's a synonym for millenial nvm amigo.

>> No.9250318

Is this bait?


Or do you prefer "Generation Y"?

They're both universally accepted terms which define the time period. Nothing inherently wrong with the term either, considering the generation it describes mostly consists people growing up at the turn of the new millennium.

>> No.9250326

millenials are probably the first generation to be fully computer literate which is something. my dad didn't get a pc in to his adult hood and struggled learning how. probably very few of our grandparents can use a mouse and keyboard to any great effect.

>> No.9250337

My guess? They are all hyper-pretentious assholes who have the only valuable opinion and are more interested in telling everyone how enlightened they are compared to people who lived in an entirely different time who's life's context is swept under the rug.

>> No.9250401
File: 75 KB, 636x497, 1970's awesome flying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as another olderfag (a little younger, from the '60's) I have to say that what IS weird is that the youngfags think it is weird that olderfags are on the boards.
YOU are young, you are supposed to be out there sowing your seeds, doing all the shit that olderfags have already done.
but you're not.
you're pecking at a laptop while hiding behind 7 proxies, you've got an email tab open, nine windows of porn, Facebook, Instasnap, you're waiting for a text from someone, anyone, and some 'likes' to affirm your positive sense of self.
Or you reject all that, except the porn, and think that makes you superior.

Fact is, olderfags saw the best bands, knew the greatest decade (seventies), met the best authors, got teargassed in all the best places, hung out at the bars and hotels you call legendary today, knew the museums and galleries without the crowds, travelled the world long before discount airlines ruined the experience, were at universities before they became a PC shitshow, fucked before AIDS, and knew what true non-digital-age freedom was all about.

But you go ahead with your "you're old" schtick.
What you don't understand is that stuff doesn't bother anyone who's old.
Because we know - KNOW - really know, that you'll be old.
Much sooner than you think.
Or you'll be dead.
And forgotten.
But probably just old.
And forgotten.
Just like us.
At least we knew lived an organic and individual human life, and not a simulacrum.

>> No.9250408

that's just ridiculous
people had Macs in university dorms in 1985

>> No.9250712

Yeah, you're about 40 years too old to be here.

>> No.9250717

Everything he said is true.

>> No.9250734

>Is this bait?
No, it literally is a buzzword and OP's post is a fine example of this.

>Why do millennials do X
>Why don't millennials do Y
>How come millennials are so Z

Shitty newspapers and clickbaity websites are full of headlines to that effect and it's thanks to those that it exploded in popularity. For all its legitimate uses those are dwarfed by its meme-status among lazy journalists.

>> No.9250742

>getting a fucking five star meal at an airline

>> No.9250771

>Fact is, olderfags saw the best bands, knew the greatest decade (seventies), met the best authors, got teargassed in all the best places, hung out at the bars and hotels you call legendary today, knew the museums and galleries without the crowds, travelled the world long before discount airlines ruined the experience, were at universities before they became a PC shitshow, fucked before AIDS, and knew what true non-digital-age freedom was all about.
If I had to hazard a guess I'd say you did very little if any of that. Given that you're on 4chan hanging out with people young enough to be your kids I'd wager that you were a lot like us when you were young.

Maybe didn't go out much, maybe girls didn't like you, maybe all your peers thought you were weird (and if you're here, probably still do), maybe you sank too embarrassing amounts of time into shit like Star Trek and DnD, you might even have been one of the first weeaboos, maybe you didn't even like your peers. Maybe you were an edgy contrarian rebel that had to prove he was better than the normies in some way without ever engaging with them. You probably didn't see great bands, you probably didn't teargassed, you probably didn't go to any famous bars, you probably didn't travel the world, you probably didn't meet any great authors. What you probably did was sit at home doing something trivial while all you knew surpassed you in every way.

>> No.9250882
File: 258 KB, 600x439, a1e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder for the newfriends who came here in the last 2 years.

>> No.9250905

They do. You just never see it for the same reason you wouldn't have seen it in any other decade. Plebs don't need, they never read, and they never will.
Stop forcing this "this generation sucks :(" meme, it's always been shit too

>> No.9250909
File: 34 KB, 600x337, 1474306637077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reasonable stance to take, my good anon.

>> No.9250910

yeah, in the western world, personal computers with internet connection were RARE to have even in the western world until the 90s I'd say.

>> No.9250915

Weren't you at /g/ hoeing this line?

>> No.9251684


>> No.9251925

Because contemporary literature is shit.

>> No.9251930

she looks dumb but if she were sitting next to me in class i would fall in love with her

>> No.9251939


being a millennial is a choice

and if its not then people have to stop using the word the way that they do

>> No.9251966

why do you believe they're not?

>> No.9252026

I'm 30 years old and my dad was born the same year as you.

>> No.9252172

>Why aren't millennials interested in literature?

Substantiate your claim and give reasons why "millenials" are less interested in literature than any other group.

>> No.9252198

They read once for English class and didn't enjoy how the teacher taught them everything about the author's intention, subtext and context of the book rather than actually teaching the story.

It left a bad taste in their mouth and most millennials have a short attention span, too short to give something another chance later down the line, therefore most of them don't read outside of their facebook and twitter feeds.

>> No.9252209

you're on 4chan.
this isn't some kind of peer reviewed publication.

"digital natives" are retarded and don't have the attention span for serious literature. Everybody knows this.

>> No.9252237

Hi Dad

>> No.9252238

>you're on 4chan.

This really shouldn't be reason enough to blindly believe unsubstantiated claims just because
>everyone knows this,
especially not in a place that is as ideological as 4chan.

>> No.9252262

Cool sweeping generalisations you got, faggot.

>> No.9252291

>Back in my day!!!

>> No.9252294


>> No.9252295



>> No.9252317

Really sounds like you just don't want to have your ideology questioned, desu

>> No.9252320

fuck off slavoj

>> No.9252321

It's technically possible. I mean my dad's not much younger but he got into the internet when it was just becoming a thing, so he knows a lot about it. He'd never use a site like this, but I'm sure some people like him would.
I'm 18 years old and my dad is 6 years younger than yours.

The fuck kinda working-class fucknugget are you

>> No.9252323


>> No.9252444
File: 112 KB, 800x900, MFW happy birthday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I had to hazard a guess I'd say you did very little if any of that. Given that you're on 4chan hanging out with people young enough to be your kids I'd wager that you were a lot like us when you were young.

>Maybe didn't go out much

>maybe girls didn't like you
apparently some did, I found out later, but I wasn't aware then.

>maybe all your peers thought you were weird (and if you're here, probably still do)

>maybe you sank too embarrassing amounts of time into shit like Star Trek and DnD...
And that's where you went wrong.

you see, we didn't have 500 channels where I lived and D'n'D and such were unknown to me, so what I did was I got the fuck out of my town and travelled the world.
Places like NYC, London, and Paris might as well have only existed in my dreams, so those were some of the first places I went.
I didn't get a rail pass and zip through these places, I lived in these places (except NYC).
Because I left as soon as was possible, I literally had almost no money.
So I worked as best I could wherever I was - painting libraries, teaching english, translating documents, working at restaurants, etc.
In London a certain portion of my food came from free samples at various supermarkets.
I didn't give a fuck, I was in London (and Paris and Venice and Rome and later Tokyo and Hong Kong and LA, and so on).

I had figured, correctly, that outside my town no one knew me so no one had preconceptions of who I was.
So I could remake myself. And I did, and it was more successful than I could ever have imagined. I won't bother with the details because I'm certain you won't believe me (I wouldn't).

I went from barely having kissed a girl to having beautiful girlfriends, from no real social life to parties with all sorts of interesting, smart people (and plenty of pricks, too) from all sorts of countries and incredibly varied backgrounds.
I mentioned the bands and teargas and famous bars and hotels and meeting great authors (and musicians and a famous playwright and a couple of actresses) because all those things happened, and looking back I can see it seems pretty fucking great. And it was. At the time, it was just life, or rather it had become "just" my life, but I'm still glad it all happened that way.
I ended up, after a decade or so, with less money than most of my peers, but great experiences.
And thanks to those experiences I was able to get on with the rest of my life in a completely different way than I would have if all I had done
>was sit at home doing something trivial while all you knew surpassed you in every way.

Maybe if I had had the internet and unlimited porn and forums as substitutes for human contact I would have done none of that. Very possible. But I was born earlier than you were, so I was deprived of the option to waste my best years on a Gambian peanut harvesting board.

>> No.9252472

Well I was at a Canadian university in 1985 and they were novel, even rare then, but two years later there were a lot more.
The notion that millenials have any sort of advantage re: the digital age is pure fantasy.

I'd love to hear how that could be.

>> No.9252491
File: 789 KB, 1280x781, Ramirez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember my father getting hot tea in his lap when a porcelain tea cup hit another and broke. That tea cup would be considered a weapon now, no doubt.

cool undergrad terminology you've got, Ethan.

I know, right.
But you'll be saying it sooner than you think.
Maybe right here.

>> No.9252568

>Oh shit I can finally go out and see the world!
>Better visit NYC, Paris, and fucking London.
My dad travelled around Turkey and Israel. I mean I haven't done shit but my dad is better than your dad (I mean you) so I win

>> No.9252600
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>you're pecking at a laptop while hiding behind 7 proxies, you've got an email tab open, nine windows of porn, Facebook, Instasnap, you're waiting for a text from someone, anyone, and some 'likes' to affirm your positive sense of self.

Fuckin savage m8

>> No.9252645

Because they have screens.

>> No.9252654

I didn't go on the internet till 2002. I was 23 years old.

I preferred life before it desu

>> No.9252662

So basically you're saying the secret to going from NEET to ELITE is to go somewhere where no one knows who you are?


>> No.9252684

It's not exactly a secret. I (almost) literally had a "gf in canada" because of it. But it's not actually because people don't know who you are. It's because you feel like you don't have to act like everyone knows you will act. I.e. you don't subconsciously get trapped into being an autistic prick.

>> No.9252709


but eventually won't all those new people come to expect you to act a certain way as well just as the old ones did?

>> No.9252732

Im a millenial. I read literature

>> No.9252743

It's literally the nomenclature given to people from this generation, you dumb fuck.

>> No.9252774

Hopefully not in an autistic way.

>> No.9252782

>Fuckin savage m8

But it's not true. Most people on here are completely out of the loop of the whole social media game. These are sort of shit conclusions you come to when you only view society through your generation glasses.

>> No.9252797

>Or you reject all that, except the porn, and think that makes you superior.
your number is gotten, friend

>> No.9252807

Given to people from this generation by retards you mean.

>> No.9252845

You know I really hope when I'm 55 I'm not spending my time trying to armchair-psychoanalyse an entire generation because I'm not willing to admit that I may not have my finger on the heartbeat of the mid-20s culture like when I was that age.

Seriously anyone can string a bunch of buzzwords together and pretend you figured people out. Oh wow we're just retching for affirmation by our peers, we with our Twitpics, and Snippers, and Instatinders. Please explain to us how we are, old wise man, we just don't get it.

>> No.9253611

pretty much, yes - but this guy's explanation adds a legit aspect:

whatever the reason, it work

if people don't know you, they don't know you're not cool
and if you know no one knows you're not cool, you're free to your real self, and people respond well to that, whoever you are.

>> No.9253628

you really got me, girl.

>> No.9253635

I'm 21 and my dad is 3 years older than yours.

>> No.9253650

I always get the sense that the older people on this site lived a sedate life before the internet and their musings about life in the face of the all-encompassing digital revolution is something akin to being ripped from stasis and forced to reckon with a seismic shift in the way the world operates. It's kind of sad to think about

>> No.9253686
File: 374 KB, 1920x1080, wallpaper2016p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so do shit.
do more than your dad - go to mars with musk, or something.

>> No.9253704

Is it ultimately better to never use the internet for website like 4chan/reddit/tumblr/twitter/etc, basically any website that offers a community feeling.

I wonder if maybe I should stop coming here for my own mental health.

>> No.9253707

My dad frequents weird Russian gaming sites and he was born in 1945

>> No.9253719

not an argument

>> No.9253720

Why is genZ so much better?

>> No.9253787
File: 141 KB, 499x652, lego repair wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I always get the sense that the older people on this site lived a sedate life before the internet
why would you think that?

>and their musings about life in the face of the all-encompassing digital revolution is something akin to being ripped from stasis and forced to reckon with a seismic shift in the way the world operates. It's kind of sad to think about

it might have been sad, if it was anything like that.
but it wasn't.
there was no seismic shift for me, and I've never even heard of anyone who had any reaction of any sort to the digital revolution.
the real seismic shifts in my life were:
⤷ getting a driver's licence
⤷ leaving home
⤷ this stuff: >>9252444
⤷ having real relationships with women, living together and shit (probably the biggest adjustment)
⤷ best friend's suicide
⤷ having to dump friends who were going in directions I wouldn't go

The two things that might seem as if they'd be seismic shifts, going from being poor to the opposite, and "the all-encompassing digital revolution" aren't even close to making the list.

The money thing just eliminated the constant worrying.
and the digital shit wasn't anything, really. The was no future shock. You and Toffler were completely wrong about that.
Go to any airport and what do you see? People of all ages fucking around on their phones. Ever see an old person shocked by a phone, or any piece of technology?
I knew a farmer who didn't have electricity in his home until the mid-1990's. This guy, a regular guy not a farming Larry Ellison, took about 90 seconds to figure out how to work a computer and send his son an email. Not once did he recoil in awe, or even offer a superlative.

>> No.9253805

Haha fuck you Gramps, you're a big dumb faggot

>> No.9253815
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>> No.9253829

I thank you for capitalizing "gramps"; you know your place.

>> No.9253872


I agree. People need to separate from teh digital world

>> No.9253987
File: 24 KB, 310x474, womyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millenials love nu "literature" though, trash like this is the new standard for literary merit

>> No.9255171
File: 1.13 MB, 331x1003, mfw 1427004279430.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it's not true. Most people on here are completely out of the loop of the whole social media game. These are sort of shit conclusions you come to when you only view society through your generation glasses.

Dismissing generalizations with a generalization. wew.exe

>> No.9255305
File: 204 KB, 488x791, 912348123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too busy doing dumb shit to be interesting.

>> No.9255312

Please let me see those titties.

>> No.9255323

I've never been to /g/. It took me like three years to venture outside of /sp/.

>> No.9255328
File: 166 KB, 736x941, f21a488630d318ccfdc13b4f6b3102eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being a millenia

>> No.9255351

The earrings seem like overkill, but I'd have to see more to judge.
Much more.

>> No.9255354


sauce pls

>> No.9255376
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>> No.9255384


Well actually I am. My boyfriend isn't but I read a lot of books and some of my fav's are Lolita, Notes from the Underground, 1984, The Master and Margarita and The Great Gatsby. I'm 19 years old by the way.

>> No.9255385

>implying videogames aren't literature

>> No.9255392

Very high quality post. Worthy of [s4s]. I mean that.

>> No.9255399

What sites? Is he CompScifag or something

>> No.9255566

That's all true about us the same way that boomers are all fat and selfish. Making sweeping generalizations like this is a sure sign of immaturity tbqh.

>> No.9255683

But someone born in 1960's is Gen X not Baby Boomer. Douglas Coupland was born in 1961. The other poster was born in the 1950's. Anyway, what specifically about that doesn't apply to you?

>> No.9255693

Dad what the fuck aer you doing here

>> No.9255890
File: 6 KB, 200x150, images (29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blah blah blah in MY day we chased him dippety miles down that street for the lad had stolen our tight to say twenty! We walked on the mantle, and we were DAMN grateful when air was invented! We hid our chips with our belt onions, which was the style at the time, and got forty rods to the hogshead, and in those days ferry cost a nickel, and the nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them, which is just the way I like it!