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/lit/ - Literature

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9240974 No.9240974 [Reply] [Original]

Guys where can I find a community like /lit/ but in real life?

>> No.9240976

implying this isn't

>> No.9240983

Pretentious humanities/arts majors are not that hard to find IRL, if one lives in or near a city.

>> No.9240992

Are we all just pseuds circling the drain of truth?

>> No.9241001

Yes, like cum in the shower.

I mean that on 4chan, it's nearly impossible to distinguish knowledge of a philosopher's work from namedropping, if the namedropping is done skillfully enough.

>> No.9241059

paris cafés

>> No.9241071

I like discussions on here though. Normally its difficult to abstract someones statement from their history. But all we have hear are words, and words are all that can be judged. A world of pure reason so to speak, where ad hominem and its subconcious varieties cannot exist. Its the reason why anons hate people with tripcodes, not because they have an identity, but because its 4chan that identity can do nothing but be attacked and rarely praised. In the end, the view of the majority will be negative.

>> No.9241086

Calling them "discussions" gives them a bit too much credit. /lit/ and /sci/, among all boards, used to have discussions, but not hardly anymore.

>a world of pure reason so to speak, where ad hominem and its subconscious varieties cannot exist

You are not describing 4chan.

>> No.9241107

Ad hominem isn't the same as insulting the other guy, it's dismissing their argument because of their character---e.g. "Oh, you post on this other subreddit/board? You're clearly dumb and wrong" or "Looking at your history you support X, so I'm not even going to debate you anymore." etc.

>> No.9241119

Why do I always see anons romanticizing the past of 4chan. "It was better before", but I bet its always been the same. I think 4chan is a place condemned to change; any effort to go against that constant flow is stifled and it slowly wastes away until not even a trace is left. Its a place all too welcoming, even for its vitriolic ways; because 4chan is just too close to reality, its just too accurate to leave. Everyone mentions something in passing conversation, words that stay for moments before being borne into eternity with the rest of history. And so it was as it has and always will be, just some people trying to talk, trying to ease the suffering; a near futile effort but still attempted because sometimes it works, if only for a little while.

>> No.9241121

>there are niggas listening to philosophy on audible right now
>there are other niggas listening to Sportscenter that know more about life's greater truths than anyone else here

>> No.9241129
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>Ad hominem isn't the same as insulting the other guy, it's dismissing their argument because of their character---e.g. "Oh, you post on this other subreddit/board? You're clearly dumb and wrong"

This happens all the time, except it gains validity through communal straw manning rather than actual, physical identity. "kek check out the redditor," gb2/pol/," etc.

>> No.9241131

Get some half decent friends that aren't complete pleb. The problem is that you gonna end up with a bunch of memers.

>> No.9241132

People are too balls less in real life to talk about literature, it just either results in sentimental platitudes and forced respect to the dumb shit people have to say or you get an autistic duel between two pseuds fanboying their favourite meme philosopher they never actually read.

I studied literature in Uni and was part of my Universities Literary society and it was all useless garbage

>> No.9241133

Do I have to become a bohemiam or what? Flights to paris are out of my budget tbqh.

>> No.9241135

People are memeing about Paris, but bigger metropolitan cities increase the likelihood of finding decent people. Not by enough though I find

>> No.9241136

It hasn't always been this way. /lit/ and /sci/ used to be slow enough that children with tiny attention spans wouldn't bother browsing.

/b/ has always been shit.

>> No.9241138

It's a porn site

>> No.9241139

>I bet its always been the same
>I think 4chan is a place condemned to change

>> No.9241146

Same in that sense. Its a place which mirrors reality in that gatsbian way.

>> No.9241151

People do that anyway.

They just imagine a fictional opponent and start making ad hominems based on that.

>tell a /pol/yp that maybe gassing Jews isn't a good idea.
>They instantly imagine you're a tumblr using, pudgy, insecure man with glasses, a shitty beard and poor luck with women.

>> No.9241160

I get where you're coming from but that's not a genuine ad hominem---they've already dismissed your position in itself, the insult is supplementary.

>> No.9241161

Community college

>> No.9241166

I think right now we're all sitting here; on the train, in our chairs, on our beds; we're all looking for that common thread. We wade through life, accrew new experience, but we can never talk about our deepest thoughts or epiphanies because we're silently scared that our friends will gravely misunderstand, conflate our ephiphanies for an attempt to find a mere effectual experience, a chance to "get deep". So we are at a loss for a common thread or connection. We occasionally have a friend we can really discuss these things with and to share our thoughts, but just like all things they are transient, and once they leave we pretend that its okay, we create the shell of congeniality, the facade of appreciation. What fervence occurs when, slumming around the deepest parts of the internet we come across a small corner of like-experienced individuals who enjoy a good talk about literature and a good joke about philosophy. We persist with our lives but the reality exists here, in a deep corner which we never talk about where no one will find us. We don't gain a new face but we discard the false one. What you find on here is a person in their purest form, just sanctified communication. Our little pillow fort of understanding. Our own little community; in the vastness of the world we can find a person to talk to, a person who only wants to talk back.

>> No.9241245

Dogshit post

>> No.9241256

>go to community college
>try to find people to talk about literature and music with
>only people who have expressed interest in literature or music read YA romance novels and listen to ska and pop
What community college are you going to filled with refined tastes?

>> No.9241263

your head space

>> No.9241265

no decent people live in cities by choice

>> No.9241268


>> No.9241461


>> No.9241475

why would you do that?
you'll only get disappointment irl
this is your secret club, op

>> No.9241476

Big city bus shelters are the closest.

>> No.9241507

Nowhere, it's unique

>> No.9241510

Write poems, join the visceral realists, get laid.

>> No.9241517
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You can't, that's why it's special. By its very nature, it can't be replicated in real life, that's the allure. It allows for a kind of discussion that was impossible before the internet, where ideas can be judged entirely on their own merit.

>> No.9241520

pretty sure it was a joke to imply that the people on lit aren't actual academics.

>> No.9241534

There is this homeless guy who lives in my neighborhood whom I sometimes give cigarettes to and listen to him talk.
He once talked to me about the Grand Inquisitor, then said he was an admirer of Céline, Bataille, Baudelaire ... And finally he quoted Conrad and went full /pol/ on me, complaining about the jewish conspiracy and saying that asians women are the only non white women worthy of respect...

I'm pretty sure that's the most /lit/ interaction I had IRL.

>> No.9241544

your mom

>> No.9241549
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My two main boards are /lit/ and /d/

I think the allure of real 4chan is that it doesn't exist in real life.
I talk to 1.5 people in person each day.

>> No.9241666

Hey, I know this is pretty out-of-left-field, but what's it called when artists and authors and shit allude to other famous author's and stuff by including similar shit in their own works?

I want to say "homage", but I just thought I'd double-check.

>> No.9241696

If I wanted to get ignored when I ask for critique, I'd go back to college.

>> No.9241837

How do you talk to half a person?

>> No.9241965


>> No.9242032

I bet there are some really interesting bums out there but also some that will stab you for one of those cigarettes.

>> No.9242038


>> No.9242234
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I agree with this. Discussions in person have their charm, but just consider the concept of time, or distraction, or whatever else. People checking their phones and not listening. Stuff like that.

A disembodied conversation that can stretch over days, where attention is scattered all over the place, is really interesting. It's like floating in space, sensory-deprivation. I've become less triggered IRL since coming here, because trying to be a Special Snowflake on /lit/ is absurd. When everyone is a snowflake, nobody is. It helps to realize how much of what we say is this a craving for recognition. You will get called a pseud and you will get triggered because you are a pseud.

There is always the temptation to bait, to try and get a response from some anon *without knowing why.* It's like a debased postmodern thymos. I wonder what psychoanalysis would say about the discourse of the anonymous. Is this hyperreal? It doesn't feel like it. Feels more like hyperreality becomes the actual reality, becomes a context for a kind of speaking that isn't discursive.

>which is how it would feel, if you were a complete hikiko. which you are
>fuck you freudian superego, you're not the boss of me
>kek. that's funny
>*sniff* you're such an asshole, superego
>that's the job, dickface. i shit on things
>but why?
>there is no why, fuck you
>but superego, on /lit/ having power is ridiculous. people don't care
>yes they do. they do care. Things Matter A Lot
>not as much as you'd think. when everyone is big brother, then no one is. thinking that your big other is the big other is outrageously stupid here
>*melting* b-but you want power
>on a burgundian gymnastics forum? please. pretending you have power here is even worse than having it in real life. power in real life is bad enough. trying to be a big deal here is the height of stupidity. this is not a place for fame, but for the disenchantment of the allure of fame. being a somebody on an anonymous forum is worse than being a nobody in real life. believing you are important here is dumber than believing you are important out there. we both know this
>*smoking* b-but you're trying to be a big deal now
>true, but one has to divest and accept being ridiculous somewhere. this is the place to do it. it's a potlatch
>you're a loser, you'll always be a loser
>that's the point, that's what i'm saying. the point is not to win, b/c winning an internet argument is worse than losing it. it means you needed to win a fake argument from your basement. the point is to lose in the right way so that the game continues
>*screech, howl* you're a c-c-cuck
>sure. there's no denying this. but the point is that i'm not stuck in here with you and trying to escape. you're stuck in here with me
>oh god you're such a dork
>sure. but what's the alternative? trying to prove you're not a dork makes you look like a dork. the more you deny it, the more obvious it is. the choice is between being a creative fool or a repetitive idiot

>> No.9242307


>> No.9242555

>the 4chan commentaries

>> No.9242560


>> No.9242607

> allude
There's allusion. It can go under the umbrella term of "intertextuality." You might even be thinking of pastiche, though that is different from allusion.

>> No.9242950

i've been on lit for like 6 years and it's been the same shit the whole time

>> No.9242982

A community of petty, catty, unpleasant pseuds, sycophants, and all manners of self-righteous primadonnas? You can find that and much more at the local humanities majors,my friend.

>> No.9242987

Cum actually gets stuck on the floor tiles and the drain plate and is a bitch to get down. It doesn't circle, it tumbles. You have to actively push it down with the shower stream.
Fucking pseud.

>> No.9242994

No practicing psychologists, psychiatrists, or neuroscientists for that matter take seriously the id-ego-superego distinction. Just so you know.

>> No.9243007

I suppose it depends on the viscosity of one's semen, the heat of the water, and the strength of the water jet. I don't have to push mine down the drain, I guess I'm low test

>> No.9243607

Yeah, I've been here for a month and it's really gone downhill desu desu

>> No.9243635

autistic support groups

in reality every starbucks and mcdonalds has at least one guy suffering from dunning Kruger

>" I am a literary genius! just wait until my novella lambasting my manager gets published

on the other hand if you think the "discussion" on here is anything but masturbatory you might consider drinking bleach

>> No.9243654


This is real life, anon. Are you one of those retards that always said "wait until you get into the real world"?

>> No.9243663

My parents always lecture me using the term "the real world" to which my reply usually is, "My eldest sister is 33 and you still pay for her life. What real world?"

>> No.9243667

how interesting. Do you have a blog i can subscribe to so I can learn more about your fascinating life?

>> No.9243686

but they're not /lit/

>> No.9243696


>> No.9243715

ad hominem is very much present on this board you stupid faggot.

>> No.9243725


>> No.9243737

[Citation Needed]

>> No.9243772

some kind of middle school for kids with autism

>> No.9243798


not me >>9243696

but yes


>> No.9244897

high school

>> No.9244912

On lit

>> No.9245124
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> where can you find it?
> *chuckles*
> it was here, in your heart all along OP

>> No.9245149

Black people are 3/5ths you do the math, also consider learning what rates and averages are.

>> No.9245770

No, it's not. It's not even possible in an anonymous environment.
See >>9241160

>> No.9245782

I joined a writer's club on MeetUp - we meet once a month and bring a packet of 10 pages of our latest work, whether it's a short story or chapter from a novel. Its the highlight of my month.

>> No.9245785

this sounds like if a computer could transcribe the thoughts of a retarded adult woman on her death bed

>> No.9245952

You can't. We're mono/lit.