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File: 13 KB, 220x316, Karl_Marx_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9234058 No.9234058 [Reply] [Original]

>his dad was a Jew
>Grandparents were Jewish
I thought we liked him.
What happened, /lit/?

>> No.9234092

>jewish dad
By Jewish law, the child is only Jewish if it's passed on from the mother, therefore Marx is not a Jew

>> No.9234102

Marx was a spendthrift who simply didn't want to work.

>> No.9234123
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>tfw you think /pol/ is ridiculous, but on the other hand a lot of deliberately untraditional, un-Christian thinkers were Jews

>> No.9234154

>Didn't work
>Wrote hundreds of articles, brochures, and reports. Published five books during his lifetime, one requiring 14 years of research. Fucking Das Kapital.
I'm not even a fan of Marx, I just want you to stop parroting a dogshit opinion you read in a paragraphed circlejerk.

>> No.9234158

Are Mischlings /our guys/?
See you at communion, brother. Don't forget to drink the blood and eat the flesh of the eternal Jew. Anything uncanny about the ritual is surely a coincidence.

>> No.9234166

Technically God has abandoned the Jews for the Christians, hence the New Covenant.

>> No.9234169

Technically God has abandoned the Christians for the Latter-Day Saints

>> No.9234170

>le '/pol/ is ridiculous' meme

When will you realize that /pol/ is always right. We must ensure the future of our white children and get women back in the kitchen where they belong.

>> No.9234191

Except marx wasn't born a jew, wasn't raised a jew, married a christian aristocrat in a protestant church, has non jewish children, was best buddies with a non jew, wrote a book ranting against jews, and was philosophically influenced almost exclusively by non jews.

>> No.9234201

take the redpill, dumb brainwashed idiot numale

>> No.9234251

what are you talking about, /lit/ worships jews

>> No.9234354

confirmation bias

>> No.9235303

Probably 50% of the geniuses we discuss on /lit/ are Jewish - at least in part.

Get over it.

Who cares about lineage? Focus on a man's work, you monarchical inbred.

>> No.9235439

Marx denounced religion, it's true.


Henry George was the better social philosopher.

>> No.9235600
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>/lit/claims to hate identity politics
>"workers of the world unite"

>> No.9235623

how can an ethnic jew not be born a jew?

>> No.9235624

>Focus on a man's work
wow, just wow

>> No.9235647
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If you look at the history of communism it's like the who's who of Jewish intellectuals. I know it's not fair but I can't help but be mad at them for that. Not to mention all the modern Jews who consider vicious anti-white rhetoric to be a form of "self criticism."

Like that guy who founded "Race Traitor" magazine: protip buddy you're not part of my race.

>> No.9235659
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>Bakunin on Marx and Rothschild
>“Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of blooksuckers, a single gluttonnous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild.

>This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ....”

>> No.9235685

Why is it that /pol/ can invade any board without punishment?

>> No.9235689

so jewdom is in the mitochondrial DNA, interesting

>> No.9235730

>If you look at the history of communism it's like the who's who of Jewish intellectuals
Engles, Gamsci, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Hi Chi Minh, Guevara, and Althusser were all Jewish? Thanks for the info.

>> No.9235751


Lenin, Trotsky, Luxembourg, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Kurt Eisner, Rudolf Hilferding. . .

Read a book sometime eh?

>> No.9235755
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Man I love Bakunin even more than Marx but that's brutal

Only really proeminent jewish marxists are the Frankfurt School (which is also why they're such a meme amongst retarded /pol/lacks with a infograph understanding of philosophy)

>> No.9235762
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>literally the commander of the Red Army
>second only to Lenin
>not really prominent

>> No.9235767

Lenin wasn't a Jew. Even by Nuremburg law standards he's not.

>> No.9235789


Okay I'll give you Lenin, but the rest are all Jewish. I'm not even an anti-semite but anyone whose studied history ought to have noticed that Jews are overrepresented in the ranks of communist parties and radical movements.

Maybe it's cultural, Talmudic wrangling seems pretty similar to the constant ideological disputes endemic to communism.
Maybe it's because of inherited schizophrenia, like Wilhelm Reich.

Who knows these things.

>> No.9235793

Also, notice the wind kind of went out of the sails of world communism after the creation of israel?

>> No.9235801

I never said there were no Jews involved. It's just that their presence is exaggerated by conspiracy theorists. Same goes for the anti-racist activists/intellectuals.

>> No.9235813

It's probably because Jews are a disenfranchised minority that also happens to be fairly educated, so they're effectively the ultimate communist target audience.

Similarly in America communism is black as fuck.

Except you know, that whole cold war thing.

>> No.9235819

It probably happened when Stalin gained dominance within the Soviet Union.

>> No.9235820

consider jews are less than 1 percent of the total world population they do seem to be quite a bit overrepresented, sorry, but it just comes down to the fact that in the age of nationalism the jews had no state, so they turned to communism to make a secular state where they could be in the ruling class, but after israel, they didn't need communism anymore and let it die

>> No.9235821


>I never said there were no Jews involved. It's just that their presence is exaggerated by conspiracy theorists

You kind of did though, be honest. I don't think it's an exaggeration either, although I don't agree with the conclusion /pol/ types draw. If you look at the history of the African National Congress you'll find that the movement would have floundered if not for Jewish members of the South African Communist party. Same deal with the NAACP.

If you're a minority wherever you go you would want your adopted country to be as cosmopolitan as possible, even if that came at the expense of other ethnic groups.

>> No.9235824

>Probably 50% of the geniuses we discuss on /lit/ are Jewish - at least in part.

I'm not /pol/, but I highly doubt this. Jews tend to drastically exaggerate their artistic contributions in an obnoxiously chauvinistic way imo. Outside of Kafka and Hermann Ungar, I can't think of one Jewish nonfiction writer I hold in particularly high esteem.

>> No.9235833

oh, also most (all?) communist spies in the united states were jews

>> No.9235835

Libertarianism is Jewish too. Rothbard, Mises, Ayn Rand and Friedman.
Jews do have high verbal IQ, higher IQ than Europeans in general. And culturally they're successful. To me it's less about conspiratorial over-representation and more about intelligence

>> No.9235838

so if jews have higher iqs than europeans it follows africans have lower iq? what are you some kind of racist?

>> No.9235855

Are these from the same anon?

>> No.9235871

>"white" people prohibit jews from having land
>proceed to fuck each others cousins and just spend money like whores with daddy's card
>meanwhile jews have to study and get prestige as liberal professionals
>by the time white "elites" realize, they're all weak minded, frothing degenerates
>jews control all of the banks and cultural institutions

kek, truly the superior race

>> No.9235876

>Whites fight back

kek, truly the superior race

>> No.9235885
File: 69 KB, 619x406, Jew-Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whites lose

Can Goyim do anything right?

>> No.9235888

>proceed to fuck each others cousins

considering jews suffer from a range of maladies associated with inbreeding i wouldn't throw stones

>> No.9235891
File: 525 KB, 500x504, Jewess1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought being sexy as fuck was associated with the exact opposite of inbreeding.

>> No.9235892

Surely everything you read on the internet is true mate. Where do I sign up for the altright red pill cool kids club?

>> No.9235896

>the jewish mod is posting more "jewish women are sexy" bullshit

if that's true why won't anyone marry you?

>> No.9235901

Yet it was whites who had to stop whites. No wonder Jews are so keen on eliminating the white race, once organised we would wipe you hook nosed kikes off the planet faster than you can say, "hava nagila".

>> No.9235902

Because marriage isn't liberal. Unless it's gay marriage, that is.

>> No.9235906
File: 111 KB, 1365x2048, Jewess2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's a Jewish grill /lit/ mod she better hit me up.

>> No.9235908

how new are you exactly?

>> No.9235914

Fortunately goyim are Jew-owned and all they do now is bomb Arabs for us.

>> No.9235915

Why would she? You can't even form a coherent sentence.

>> No.9235918

This is unironically my first day on /lit/.

>> No.9235920

>implying this is work
That faggot hasn't done one day of manual labor, he is just a gigantic pussy.

>> No.9235921

The Arabs are Jewish pawns.

>> No.9235926
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>> No.9235931

The Jews want them to act like that. They're easily controlled idiots, as shown by their devotion to a Jewish religion, and can be used to flood Europe with more pawns to control. Why else would every attack on uncontrolled mass immigration in Europe be met with threats of market apocalypse? The Jews are just using those morons.

>> No.9235933

muslims are british and american pawns, the brits showed how useful they could be by having them fight the turks in ww1, but then we, which is to say the americans, started using them against the russians in the cold war, and now we use them against assad in the new cold war, god, how can they be so gullible? oh, right, they follow islam

>> No.9235934

Well no shit people from highly educated backgrounds who have good reason to be skeptical of nationalism/religious fundamentalism tend to be radicals. Like does /pol/ just not get that?

>> No.9235937

>muslims are british and american pawns
Who do you think controls Britain and America?

>> No.9235943
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> They're easily controlled idiots, as shown by their devotion to a Jewish religion
The irony is deafening.

>> No.9235945

Europe has rejected Christianity on the whole, that's why Islam is being cast upon us. It is the latest Jew religion and is much tougher on non-believers.

>> No.9235948

christianity is pagan, well protestantism is just some shekel worshiping jew larping bullshit, but catholicism is more pagan than jewish

>> No.9235956

i think america wants to see you dudes overrun by non-whites and/or muslims so america won't have another other alternatives to their version of white civilization, which is to say european welfare state, etc.

>> No.9235957
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>Europe has rejected Christianity on the whole

>> No.9235961

>You kind of did though, be honest
How? Mentioning Stalin and Althusser doesn't mean I debt the existence of Luxemburg and Marcuse. I only meant to say that many highly influential figures in the history of communism were not Jewish. The should have been obvious.

>consider jews are less than 1 percent of the total world population they do seem to be quite a bit overrepresented,
No duh. When they're that small a portion of the population, nearly any presence can make you statistically overrepresented. The question is how many Jews are actually involved with this type of work, but that would probably make your conspiracy seem weaker.
>to the fact that in the age of nationalism the jews had no state, so they turned to communism to make a secular state where they could be in the ruling class, but after israel, they didn't need communism anymore and let it die
Because communism was the only ideology available to them at the time. That whole Zionism thing didn't come about until after the creation of Israel.

>> No.9235962

which is probably why they're always stirring up war in areas bordering europe. right now, in american politics they'res always the "what about europe" question when ppl say "nationalized healthcare" etc. can't work, when europe is 70% turkish no one gonna be talking about european healthcare anymore thats for sure

>> No.9235964

Then why has church attendance fallen so dramatically? Why is there such as shortage of clergy? Why are governments adopting secular legislature?
No, the Jews have already decided to flood America with Christian immigrants in the form if spics.

>> No.9235966

Botswana has universal healthcare and they're like 100% black.

>> No.9235967

is this the bitch that replies several times to every single Trump tweet with "sweetie"

>> No.9235969

Jewish membership of the Bolshevik Party never surpassed 6%

>> No.9235972

Clearly not because there's a shortage of Christians.

>> No.9235975

>Because communism was the only ideology available to them at the time. That whole Zionism thing didn't come about until after the creation of Israel.

gee it's not like that whole "neoconservatism" thing didn't start because a bunch of trotskyists (which is to say followers committed to jewish trotsky over georgian (christian) stalin) became nationalists after the creation of israel...sure some geriatric old jewish communist kept on believing communism, but just look at world communism it began to decline after that, and eventually jews turned against the ussr

>> No.9235978

>No, the Jews have already decided to flood America with Christian immigrants in the form if spics.

well then they need to rethink their endgame cuz turning america into a majority catholic country probably isn't going to end well for the jews

>> No.9235982

and how many where in the leadership of the bolshevik party?

>> No.9235983
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>> No.9235986

In the northern states there is.
Catholics are more hardcore than proddys. Protestants are just relaxed Catholics and one step away from Atheism.

>> No.9235987
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>it's a "Jews" thread

>> No.9235993

>muh Jews dindu nuffin even though every great historical thinker agrees that the Jews are a menace.

>> No.9235997

Again, I think the decline in efforts for world communism came from the dominant communist power adopting a policy of socialism in one country.

Leo Strauss's students were former trotskyists?

>> No.9235998

This is what /pol/ actually believes.

>> No.9236004

>/tumblr/ actually thinks their postmodern anti-racist drivel permeates through all of history

>> No.9236005

Do you not get sick of beating the most putrefied horse on the face of the planet? It's just a pile of bones and flesh-strips at this point

>> No.9236009

It's mostly ash, actually.

>> No.9236010

>muh non sequitur

>> No.9236013

>Maybe Jews aren't the root of all evil
>postmodern anti-racist drivel
Really made me think.

>> No.9236017

You know as well as I do, if you aren't a brainwashed fool, that the Jews are destroying western civilisation. Everyone with a brain can see it, you only say they aren't because of the le racism is bad meme.

>> No.9236022
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> Everyone with a brain can see it

>> No.9236028

>the Jews are destroying western civilization
original insight bud, I'm totally reeling

>> No.9236030

It's not original. It has been known to most thinking men for centuries.

>> No.9236039
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>thinking men

>> No.9236053

Name an historical non-Jewish philosopher and he will be an anti-semite I guarantee.

>> No.9236072

Define "historical." I'm guessing you'll say "19th century or before"

>> No.9236075


>> No.9236080

Gramsci, Lenin, Engels.
Also, as other people have stated, Marx never accepted his Jewish heritage.

>> No.9236090

Confucius was an anti-Semitic?

>> No.9236093

>inb4 "He would've been if he'd met any Jews!"

>> No.9236098

hey, do any of you guys like Jordan Peterson

>> No.9236105

Technically god has abandoned Christians for Muslims

>> No.9236122

Technically God has abandoned Muslims for Baha'i

>> No.9236128

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.9236134


>> No.9236137

So what? It was widely aknowledged by his contemporaries.See, for example, bak unin's statements about him and what marxism used to mean in those days. And remember: they both share a curious experience regarding the IWA.

>> No.9236143

I've mentioned 3 major Communist thinkers who were not of jewish origins.
How exactly have I proved your point?

>So what? It was widely aknowledged by his contemporaries
Should we care about gossip when discussing philosophy? Shouldn't we, instead, look at the sources and see if there is anything that suggests any sort of zionism in Marx, or even something as mild as accepting his heritage?

>they both share a curious experience regarding the IWA.
Care to expand on this?

>> No.9236158

>I've mentioned 3 major Communist thinkers who were not of jewish origins.
>How exactly have I proved your point?
Oh, you don't know much about them, do you? Or are you trying to help my argument?

>> No.9236164

Engels, Lenin and Gramsci were not Jewish, you fucking retard.
Stop believing every infographic you find on /pol/, you philistine scrub

>> No.9236173
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Isn't the case that only 2% of """""""Christians'"""""" attend church regularly? And even that's not saying much because the largest churches in """""""""Christian"""""""" countries like Sweden and Canada are basically new age cults that allow atheists to be ministers.

>> No.9236178

>Engels, Lenin and Gramsci were not Jewish
Not what I'm claiming.

>> No.9236184

What are you claiming then?
None of them were anti-semitic either- well, I'm not sure for Engels (I have read a good deal about him and I've never found any trace of anti-semitism, but I may be wrong), but Gramsci definetely was and Lenin even repelled tsarist antisemitic laws, wich were subsequently reinstated by Stalin).

>> No.9236195

And this "redpill" would be what exactly? Denial?

>> No.9236199

Women are sluts, Jews control the wold, white people are the best people in the world and capitalism is fine.
It's basically becoming a overly religious Klansman who also uses irony and memes alot

>> No.9236207

/pol/ delved so deep into shitposting that people actually believe the things they shitpost about.

>> No.9236216

You should look further into it. It is probable that more men you admire are Jewish, or part-Jewish, than you realize.

I'm not Jewish either (actually Germanic-Swiss), but I've realized over time that Jews have made intellectual contributions to mankind which are completely disproportionate to the percentage of humanity they makeup.

>Von Neumann

There are many more.

>> No.9236219

Oh, I wanted to say Borges too. Borges was part Jewish.

>> No.9236223

So you don't know much about them. You could have just said.

>> No.9236225

Wasn't napoleon an antisemite?

>> No.9236228

Maybe you're believing false informations, maybe I do. Just say what you have to do say instead of being so obscure.
What's wrong in what I have said?

>> No.9236244

It's from the horse's mouth, so I'll trust it.
>Just say what you have to do say
Think about this again.

>> No.9236253

It's a typo, for Christ's sake.
You're saying that I'm saying something wrong, yet you're refusing to say what's that thing that is wrong. Are you saying that Gramsci, Lenin and Engels were jews? Are you saying that Gramsci, Lenin and Engels were anti-semitics?
Am I supposed to interpret these cryptic, information-free posts and just go ''aaaah, now I get it!''?

Be clear ffs

>> No.9236275

It's not gossip. That was a widely known fact when Marx was alive. Did he at any time negated it or made efforts to hide it to the public?

>Care to expand on this?
I read in a book by Rudolph Rocker that at some point the appeal of Bakunin in the IWA (I don't remember which one) was becoming so big that Marx and Engel's lust for protagonism made them so jeallous <spoiler>(or the compromising of some hidden interest so nervous, IMO)</spoiler> that they basically led the IWA to dissolution and then created a new one, Bakunin and anarchist organizations not allowed.

>> No.9236278

>It's not gossip. That was a widely known fact when Marx was alive. Did he at any time negated it or made efforts to hide it to the public?
No, but there's also no reason whatsoever to link Marx the intellectual to his Jewish heritage.

>I read in a book by Rudolph Rocker that at some point the appeal of Bakunin in the IWA (I don't remember which one) was becoming so big that Marx and Engel's lust for protagonism made them so jeallous <spoiler>(or the compromising of some hidden interest so nervous, IMO)</spoiler> that they basically led the IWA to dissolution and then created a new one, Bakunin and anarchist organizations not allowed.
This may be shady, but what does that have to do with his jewish heritage?

I'm just trying to understand if you're trying to make an actual critique, or if you're just pointing his jewish ancestry as a direct flaw in his character and philosophy.

>> No.9236293

Not much of a reader, are you? Why are you on this board?

>> No.9236298

Fuck off.

>> No.9236301

This is completely nominal Christianity. It's cultural Christianity. Anybody who has studied theology, the Bible or church history for more than a week would agree that Christianity is in sharp decline. Also Europe/America was over 95% Christian only a few decades ago

>> No.9236310

I think there is actually at last a few very good reasons to investigate them. Also, check the "why I am not a communist" chapter by Bakunin and the part about marx in hitler's My Struggle to see two different arguments against marx's scientific socialism with different arguments and reasonings behind them.

I I'm not saying that his race is in any way a flaw in him or.his character, but I think there are good reasons to suspect a nondeclared interest in Marx and Engel's political and philosophical work, either proceeding by them, or by some of their financiers.

>> No.9236311


>> No.9236335
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Sometimes I wonder if /pol/ is just a false flag operation to make the left look less retarded.

>> No.9236374

I'm a Marxist. I don't see why it would be odd for a Marxist to dislike the Jews.

>> No.9236416

I meant to say "fiction writer", but yes, Jews have contributed a lot, but 50% is an absurd figure, especially for literature where I frankly find Jews to be somewhat underrepresentedd among great writers if anything.

>> No.9236418

Do you dislike them?

>> No.9236430


>> No.9236431

Why do we have /pol/ threads.

Janitors and mods can go fuck themeselves

>> No.9236444

Jews are more intelligent. Of course they will be untraditional.

>> No.9236448

So some ideas should be burned in the world of /lit/?

>> No.9236458

>I think there is actually at last a few very good reasons to investigate them.
There are a few reason to investigate Marx's jewish ancestry? Because the reason you've mentioned does not really have anything to do with Marx's parents being jews (unless you're equating Marx's realpolitik methods to his, refused, jewish identity, wich means that we're traveling on /pol/ territories).

>Also, check the "why I am not a communist" chapter by Bakunin and the part about marx in hitler's My Struggle to see two different arguments against marx's scientific socialism with different arguments and reasonings behind them.
What does this have to do with Marx's parent being jews? I've never said that it is impossible to disagree with Marx, I'm only saying that the influence that people in this thread are putting on his parents is based on prejudice at best, shitposting at worst.

>but I think there are good reasons to suspect a nondeclared interest in Marx and Engel's political and philosophical work, either proceeding by them, or by some of their financiers.
You've mentioned a few facts, but none of them have really much to do with Marx's jewish heritage. I mean

>I read in a book by Rudolph Rocker that at some point the appeal of Bakunin in the IWA (I don't remember which one) was becoming so big that Marx and Engel's lust for protagonism made them so jeallous <spoiler>(or the compromising of some hidden interest so nervous, IMO)</spoiler> that they basically led the IWA to dissolution and then created a new one, Bakunin and anarchist organizations not allowed.

Do we really have to think that Marx and Engels were just doing zionist psyop when they excluded anarchists from the IWA? Why would you think about that? It is far more likely that they did it because, you know, they were communists and thought that the anarchist cause was excessively naive, a distraction to the real goal, which in their eyes was socialism.

Now, I know almost nothing about the event you're talking about, yet I've read enough Marx to know what did he think about anarchism, so it is easy to me to put that narrative on that event. On the contrary I honestly don't know what would I need to quote and read to prove that Marx's hidden interests were linked to zionist movements.

>> No.9236501
File: 241 KB, 720x1280, shadilay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why why why
Because intelligence happened..

>> No.9236510

Meanwhile a huge amount of jews is busy with nothing but keeping jewish traditions intact.

>> No.9236533

So do Japanese people.

>> No.9236562

>Because the reason you've mentioned does not really have anything to do with Marx's parents being jews
And also,
>What does this have to do with Marx's parent being jews?
Would you care to read both of the documents I recommended to you? Because Marx's ancestry has everything to do with Hitler's argument.

>the influence that people in this thread are putting on his parents is based on prejudice at best, shitposting at worst.
I agree with you. But still, there are some suspicious movements in Marx and the socialist movement that raise my suspicions.

>You've mentioned a few facts, but none of them have really much to do with Marx's jewish heritage
I mentioned a document that does.

>It is far more likely that they did it because, you know, they were communists and thought that the anarchist cause was excessively naive, a distraction to the real goal, which in their eyes was socialism.
The word anarchism used to mean a political struggle to abolish both the state and the principle of private property and which incorporated a lot of socialist thought. Many anarchists (even Bakunin if I remember well) considered themselves socialists, and regarded anarchism as part of the socialist movement.

>thought that the anarchist cause was excessively naive
They couldn't sincerely thought that, given that the anarcho-syndicalist revolution of Catalonia worked so well right before their eyes. Speaking of which, it is a documented fact that there were also military alliances to crush the Catalonian revolutionaries that involved both the USSR (marxist and directly related to the post-anarchist IWA) and Franco's fascist state. The book by Rudolph Rocker I mentioned before, called 'Anarcho-syndicalism in theory and practice' has a very good and documented account on the anarchist movement, the Marx-Bakunin relation in the IWAs and the anarcho-syndicalist movement that gave birth to the Catalonian revolution.

>> No.9237037

Have you read the critique of Marx and Marxism done by Hitler in My Struggle?