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9231981 No.9231981 [Reply] [Original]

starship troopers edition


Science Fiction

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

Previous Threads:

>> No.9231989
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what's some good /sff/ books with bread

>> No.9232051

My good sir have you heard of Redwall?

>> No.9232057

Female warriors ruin books with the sole exception of the female warrior in the Last Sacrifice.

>> No.9232077
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>> No.9232150
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the genres are all fucked man

>> No.9232170

>forcing genres

>> No.9232253

Deed of Paks is female warrior and it's great

>> No.9232259

Tell me about Johannes Cabal, Kevin.

>> No.9232271

(not chart autist)
First book is really fun, it's more of a black comedy that a straight fantasy.

Followups not so much. Author's other stuff is nautical scifi and pretty okay

>> No.9232314

>female warrior

>> No.9232319

If you think female warriors are bad, what about "strong female characters" in urban fantasy? I can't tell you how many times I've had to stop a show because some blond floozie in a leather jacket wheelies in on a street bike.

I'll take female warriors any day, thank you very much.

>> No.9232323

>thank you very much
everyone who says this sounds like an absolute cunt

>> No.9232327

well I only am sometimes.
nice get.

>> No.9232330
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I hate when the only way for a female to be tough is to take on men twice her size and make shitty emasculating quips. Especially when these women taking on men are skinny little twigs. Give me some muscle girls damn it.

>> No.9232342

yes, exactly! I want women with more of a personality than "zingers about fighting like a girl dispenser"

>> No.9232344

>in urban fantasy
Don't read lol
>thank you very much
everyone who says this sounds like an absolute cunt

>> No.9232345
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Any recommendations for near-future military sci fi?

>> No.9232420

man just go on the archie and search "near future military sci-fi"

people give tons of great reccs

>> No.9232454
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What old pulp books are you reading Vince?

>> No.9232476

I get that they're popular, but how are the Malazan books? I'm looking to get into a good, deep fantasy series.

>> No.9232500
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If you haven't read Lord of the Rings, please don't post in this thread until you read it.

>> No.9232504

I don't read bad books.

>> No.9232566

How many fantasy books should I read before writing one?

>> No.9232573


>> No.9232591

lord of the rings

>> No.9232756

more than you ever will

>> No.9232766

don't read any.

>> No.9232793

I've posted about this before but it's really autistic how genre authors always take "strong female character" to mean "literally strong and tough" rather than "strongly written".

>> No.9232841

Yeah. It's ruined a lot of books for me. In fact, I flat out refused to read books with females mcs for nearly two decades because of it.

Except, oddly enough, YA. For some reason, YA fantasy is the only genre that consistently has good female characters. Don't ask me why.

>> No.9232842


>> No.9233009

honestly you lot would probably like it

It's female author/female mc but the author is an ex-military no mosque on ground zero type and the book has a pretty blatant christian message.

>> No.9233017

The first book anyways. The second and third are:
>paks repeatedly gets owned by the badguys

I read the R. A. Salvatore novelizations of the movies, do those count?

>> No.9233020


how legit is this site?

>> No.9233109

It must be true. I've never seen someone use hyperbole on the internet and get away with it before.

>> No.9233129

Utter garbage, just like when it was brought up a few threads back.

>> No.9233147

So I'm reading Leviathan Wakes and I just got to the part where Miller and Holden meet up. Is it just me or has the writing just completely dropped off a cliff. It wasn't the best before, but it's starting to read like fan fiction tier now.

Really considering dropping the book because of it, which is a shame because 100 pages ago I was really enjoying it.

>> No.9233165

Nah it's 1 book military fantasy 1 book of job/heroic struggle and then a magic fantasy conclusion

>> No.9233234


But seriously just give it some more time. Only the last parts are bad/strange for lack of a better word but rather for story reasons and not the actual writing.

>> No.9233260

it's all downhill from there, both as a single novel and a series

>> No.9233293 [DELETED] 

What happened to Mateja Kežman?

Was he the Depay of a decade back?

>> No.9233363

Then maybe you'll like malazan.The first book might not be the best to get an idea,so I would suggest you to read at least at books 2 (or 3 'cause it will give you a lots of answers) .

>> No.9233478

Haha made me chuckle, duder. That was one solid post!

>> No.9233502

>mfw people said Sanderson writes good fight scenes
fuckin memes

>> No.9233535

I like it. Powered through all six books in the last few weeks. Solid writing, well structured universe and the weirdness would only be off putting to someone with end stage autism.

The "weirdness" is most definitely in reference to alien technology that is eluded to but not yet explained... It is all just interesting side notes at the moment and I have no doubt that the writers are going to pull through.

>> No.9233541

Why all the hate to Sanderson?
I can't tell by his another works (i didn't read it yet), but at least the way of kings is pretty good in my opinion (i'm going to start with WoR).
And yes, the fight scenes are pretty good too...

>> No.9233571

Jerek from grim company is goat

>> No.9233588

By law, none. But I reckon working authors will be familiar with the most well known works by Tolkein, Dunsany, Howard, Leiber, Wolfe, Le Guin, Gavriel Kay, GRRM. That's as well as a working knowledge of what contemporary authors (competitors) are doing.

Somebody like Brandon Sanderson knows them all and more. You just have to hear him talk to know that. And I don't think his Tarantino-esque appreciation of the genre is unusual among his profession either.

I've never read Sanderson (and I have a lot on my pile before then) but he did mention he liked Jackie Chan movies so I presume there's a little of that in his books?

>> No.9233613

>>Somebody like Brandon Sanderson knows them all and more.
Not really. He's firmly rooted in post-1980 fantasy, I wouldn't give him familiarity with the Dunsany school of dreamlike descriptive fantasy or the Leiber school of adventure, and that's based on his work - if he has read them, they didn't leave an impression.

Now, Swanwick has read them. What he's done with them is something else but you can tell he has read them.

>> No.9233635

You don't read fantasy to write fantasy.

>> No.9233734

>do you know who I am
>some cunt

Bretty good

>> No.9233844

I read Frederik Pohl's 1954 satirical short story The Midas Plague. Cheap energy and robotic industry means an overabundance of goods, and so every citizen must fulfill a consumption quota. By fulfilling their quota, people progress into a higher class of society where the amount of compulsory consumption is less. By this, the poor live in large mansions full of trinkets and grow fat while the rich live in simpler houses. The story follows a couple of newlyweds of a lower class as they negotiate and overcome the rules.

Overall this is a buoyant piece of satire which humorously explores explores a single idea. Domestic troubles, boozy antics, robotic shenanigans and group therapists; a bit like crossing Mad Men with I, Robot and Philip K Dick. It's a brisk piece of fun which deserves four out of five dinosaurs.

>> No.9233859

If anyone here is interested, I've made a horror general:


>> No.9233869

Make it Horror & Mystery at least, like this thread is Fantasy & Scifi.

>> No.9233877

I really want somewhere to talk about pulp crime novels desu

>> No.9233879
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>> No.9233880

I've always thought sffg should include horror.

>> No.9233883

I've really been craving some good locked room mysteries myself.

>> No.9233918

Read Library at mount char, Sabriel, City of Stairs, The Thousand Names, Black Jewel Trilogy.

All female Mcs all good. Enjoy.

>> No.9233931

Read that last year in Pohl's Midas World compilation. I also thought it was pretty good.

>> No.9233965

That line inspired the comment desu

>> No.9233992 [DELETED] 

>finally get home and decide to sit down and write
>sit there with writer's block for a full hour staring at a blank page
>finally my mind clears and I get started
>the door slams open and my dad comes in
>turns on the tv full blast then immediately walks away from it into my room and won't shut up while taking off his work clothes and walking around noisily

welp, there goes my night. God I can't wait to move out

>> No.9234045

Don't care

>> No.9234113

You fucking autist. Horror falls under fantasy and scifi. They falls under the fantastical.
They are all fiction, but horror falls under fantasy and scifi depending on what mechanics the author uses.

>Some magical shit making people immortal, turning them inside out and multiplying their nerve endings sensitivity a thousand fold so they can experience never ending pain?

>Some organic symbiosis machine that attaches to a person's pain centre in the brain to be used as a form of punishment?

Fantasy and Scifi covers all the headings of fiction. Even history fiction is fantasy because it didn't happen. I don't know what it is with you people and semantics.

>> No.9234121

You know there's horror without fantastical elements, right?

Hell, there's even horror non fiction.

>> No.9234138

Once it's a fantasy aka didn't happen. It falls under fantasy. It doesn't have to have fantastical elements.

Non fiction horror would probably be all the Nazi and american human experiments, war trench stories etc. History. meaning it has no dealing in a fiction general. But all the shit that didn't happen or is speculated to happen if so and so condition is met is fantasy.

>> No.9234139

>finally get home after long day earning money for my son's tendie and reading habits.
>walk in the door and turn on my favorite show I've been waiting to watch all day.
>take off my work clothes, and ask my son how his day was and if he did any writing today. I see him staring at a blank page like every other time I come home. I mention that I'm watching a good show and he should come join me. He never wants to spend time with me.
>he mumbles something angrily under his breath so I walk off.

God I can't wait for him to move out

>> No.9234146

So should we discuss Nabokov's fiction books in sffg because all those stories were made up?

>> No.9234150

>walking around your son naked
pls be my mommy or daddy

>> No.9234159

>Even history fiction is fantasy because it didn't happen.

>> No.9234239

Horror and fantasy/science fiction are not the same.
This is like the argument in which Biology and Physiology needs to be a field in the General Physics because all the life beyond of being constituid by cells it's constituid in molecules and atoms.
There's fantasy and scifi works who use a little bit of horror by creating a better and realistic world, but the horror it's not a part in the general plot.
There's horror works which are set in a fantasy or science fiction world. The horror conforms the plot and the intention of the author for handle the story according to it's point of view to present his/her perspective to scare (generally) and sink the reader.
The objective are differents in the three genres for obvious reasons.

>> No.9234425

>tfw promotional quotes printed inside book compare it to Cherryh
I highly doubt it.
>author is a woman
Oh, of course...

>> No.9234477

Does Stranger in a Strange Land hold up?

>> No.9234482

A fantasy novel about fucking banking (Dagger and Coin) has a promo quote on the first book comparing it to game of thrones just because it's what people know

not imo

author was already a bit off the rails by then

>> No.9234492

Not at all. Read anything of his from before and nothing after.

>> No.9234498

Harsh Mistress came after and is considered his best tho

>> No.9234502

vampire novel that isn't faggy or overly degenerate?

>> No.9234505

Passage trilogy by Justin Cronin

>> No.9234508

my diary desu

>> No.9234521

Fevre Dream

>> No.9234526

Hey /sffg/ what are some novels that immersed you in so much that you wanted to go to the places in the novels? Or maybe even made you desperately want to meet one of the chraracters

>> No.9234527

>A fantasy novel about fucking banking (Dagger and Coin
>Dagger and Coin

>> No.9234539

I enjoyed the fuck out of it. Although I didn't read his other works, so I don't know if it's better or worse than the others. I give it 4 modern out of 5.

>> No.9234545

Did it? OK, Harsh Mistress is pretty good. I don't consider it his best, he was already trying too hard, it's no Door into Summer, but it's pretty good.

>> No.9234573

Guy who posted >>9231243 here. Can someone help me out?

>> No.9234647
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>> No.9234662
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>cheese ball in his beard

>> No.9234691

>standing in space on a spaceship

>> No.9234694

It's a mic

>> No.9234708

how long has it been since a readable sff book last came out?

certainly nothing since 2017 started, and we're almost a quarter of the way through

>> No.9234721

It's a station, not a ship, and he's not standing on it.

>> No.9234801

The ending just killed that book for me.
I just love AI's too much.

>> No.9234843

>asking for recommendations, but in a cunt way so you can avoid having to actually read anything

>> No.9234864

I'm not asking for recs, I'm complaining about how shitty sff has gotten

>> No.9234877

Anyone else notice that the majority of Philip K. Dick's characters are very unlikable? They're all self-centered, arrogant and anti-social. They're all smart as fuck, and conniving too. What does this reflect on Dick's part? As far as I know he generally wasn't very similar to his characters in the asshole department (except to women, to an extent). What gives?

>> No.9234901

Sff has always been looking for diamonds in a shit pile

>> No.9234905

The Erstwhile came out like a week ago, if it's anything close to Vorrh it'll be well worth a read

Jan and Feb are months in every industry where only unwanted crap gets pushed out

>> No.9234908

Grim company spin off when

>> No.9234940

Could anyone recommend some good mecha content? I'm specifically looking for books primarily focused on walker 'mechs.

>> No.9235117

The bibel

>> No.9235128

are there any long novels based on the kthulu mythos?

>> No.9235186

Literally the fucking hunger games. bread is fucking everywhere the country is named bread in latin the love interest is a bread baker and there is literally one sexy loaf of bread every book.

It's YA trash and unoriginal YA trash at that, but there IS a reason it got popular despite squatting in the grass over the love triangle that teenagers gobble up like skittles. Also, bread.

I know IT is part of the mythos.

yeah, but these days you're lucky to find a sliver of amethyst stuck to a corn kernel

>> No.9235310

TUC excerpt when?

>> No.9235315

I'm the guy who started Malazan and posted in the thread 4 days ago saying that after three chapters it was just contextless proper nouns.

Most people just attacked me, but there was one anon who said that it was the point of Malazan, to piece together the puzzle and try to pick up on all the hints and things. I just want to say thanks anon, you changed my perspective and I've really been enjoying it now (9 chapters in).

>> No.9235421

Why did you word a recommendation post in such a way. Can't you ask like a normal person?
Do you think we are redshit and will fall at your feet spewing book names?

>> No.9235437

Bv Larson Mech series. Enjoy.

I heard grim company was a shitty black company clone and was recommended not to read it.

>> No.9235465

... everyone told you it was the point of the book dropping you in the middle of the world and having you work shit out (me included). That anon just wrote a fucking thesis for you explaining why you should continue, which I didn't bother with because your ass looked like an infodump kinda cunt.

Anyways you're welcomed (it was my long ass post berating you for being a short attention span brainlet that made than anon post a longer ass post explaining why you should continue). I mean who just starts a book and expects to know everything?

>> No.9235550

I didn't really know Malazan's or Erikson's reputation when I set out. I was going from having recently read Hobb/Nix/Sapkowski where things are explained more. Sure I'm used to holding things in reserve at the start to discover later, but the amount of things that need to be held in reserve seemed overwhelming and the chapters weren't linked at all at the time so it didn't seem like it was going to be revealed anytime soon.

Also the suggestion to read the Reread of the Fallen shit on Tor was great too, it made me realise that I was actually doing okay, and the things I didn't fully understand I wasn't supposed to yet.

>> No.9235678

Why is DONATE a meme? Donate to what?

>> No.9235684
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The lack of Wolfe-posting ITT is disappointing.

Just read 'Breakfast and Bed' and 'Petting Zoo.' It doesn't come up so much in his more well known works but Wolfe really seems to have a chip on his shoulder when it comes to modern society. I get the impression that if given the choice he'd prefer to have been a medieval peasant over a 20th century science-fiction writer and engineer.

>> No.9235718
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Worldbuilders, my charity.

>> No.9235725

>aid for the developing world

>> No.9235729
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You're not a trump supporter are you anon?
Why haven't you donated to my charity?

>> No.9235732
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Is there a term for the fusion of neckbeard and numale? Nu-Beard?

>> No.9235747

Are you retarded? As per your definition, all fiction books are fantasy or sci-fi. Every single one. What is wrong with you?

>> No.9235754
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There's a term for people like you, and it's "disgusting biggot".

>> No.9235761

He is right thou. All fiction is fiction. Meta-fiction?

>> No.9235773

Yeah, but genre and definition are two completely different things and they're in no way interchangeable it's like saying everything edible is food.

>> No.9235958

Daniel Abraham is an apostle ofGRRM. He wrote the graphic novels of the series.

>> No.9235965

I feel I'm too dumb to read Wolfe. 95% of his references just fly past me. That map of Greece for Latro blew my mind though.

>> No.9236089

As long as the fade and Sasha are never mentioned again.

>> No.9236165
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Saw this at the bookstore and picked it up on a whim, having heard that the anime adaptation is good. It's... really bad.

>> No.9236170

Apparently the prose is encyclopedic and moreover translations won't carry over the meaning of the original language anyway. Therefore, I'd give any translations of books a very wide berth.

>> No.9236191

The translation is bad and to be honest the series is praised for being top tier anime rather than actually being good.

>> No.9236202
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>> No.9236227
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I'll attempt a Wolfe-post. I bought a copy of his retrospective short fiction compilation the other day. Haven't gotten around to reading it though. Skimmed the first story and it's written in second person... Interesting, because most of his novels are in first person, with the character supposedly writing the story; Severian wrote a memoir or something like that, Latro wrote memories on scrolls, Wizard Knight and Sorcerer's House are both letter correspondence. And speaking of medieval, all of the aforementioned books feature unconventional swords. Is Wolfe some kind of sword otaku?

>> No.9236256

When young, Harry Potter.

>> No.9236271

I'm the one who added malazan to my to-read list because of that altrucation. Currently a third through an it's interesting and engageing. And the audiobook narrator is great too.
Even though I feel I still don't think I completely understand what exactly a warren is.

>> No.9236295
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Just watch the anime instead

>> No.9236305

Wolfe is a medieval/classics otaku. And 'The Best of Gene Wolfe' is great. I read my university library's copy when I have free time between things. My favourite stories in it are 'Forlesen,' 'Westwind,' 'From the Desk of Gilmer C. Mertin' and 'Bed and Breakfast.'

The little paragraph notes following each story are great. Wolfe is a very funny man who believes some strange things.

>> No.9236309

I don't think you're supposed to, I'm only a little bit further in than you. So far we know that there are different warrens, some of which are more dangerous, and they can be used for transportation as well as for casting different schools of magic. They also relate to gods/Ascendants somehow. Recently I also learned (different spoiler coz you're not up to this) that there are creatures that live in the warrens.

>> No.9236328

That's most of what I've gathered. Adding that someone can be master of one warren somehow. And that warrens are sometimes enigmatic, appearing mysteriously.

I kind of like that magicians are often somehow older than a century, and that there is no apprentice wizard character so far.

>> No.9236365

I really like Whiskeyjack and his band of soldiers, and I think the Darujhistan setting is really cool. Most of the non-Bridgeburner characters don't interest me yet, though I sort of like Kruppe just for being so different.

>> No.9236402

You still here bro?

I polished off Echo a few months ago and I also found it terribly confusing. Try re-reading, or if that fails, Peter Watts did some great reddit AMAs where he answers specific questions. You'll be surprised how many religious references he packed in there.


>> No.9236601

>everything edible is food.
Are you that writer fag that goes on about flavors?

>> No.9236607

they are actually really nice if you like that puzzle feel. I've only read to book 5 but when you get new pieces to solve old puzzles you are introduced to even more and deeper puzzles.

Another thing all books have in common is the conslusions being really epic, even if the first 800 pages are boring those last 100 - 200 pages are like on fire in every book.

>> No.9236610

I see why people (whites) like this show so much. It's the same shit with dbz, ssj means going blue eye with blonde hair. This logh already got some blue eye white (not anime) fuckers.

>> No.9236629

Everyone like Kruppe. He is like Glokta in first law series.

>> No.9236635
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This thread has been allowed to progress too far without a Wolfe-post.

I'm considering contacting Marc Arimini. I think I spotted something in The Fifth Head of Cerberus that he's never acknowledged that might be significant. I haven't read his big book, only what he's published online though so I can't be sure. Did he ever discuss the significance of the other prisoner attempting to contact Marsch/shadow-child during his imprisonment? The other prisoner's banging is described as almost sounding like an imitation of human speech rather than a logical code like that of Prisoner 47. Earlier, either in 'A Story' or in a comment by VRT it is mentioned that the Abos communicated over long distances by banging on tree stumps to imitate the sound of speech. Obviously this has led me to thinking that the other prisoner is an abo. Being an abo they're incapable of working a complex code system like Prisoner 47 or Marsch. Since we can work out from context that most of the characters in The Fifth Head of Cerberus are abos this isn't too significant, but it raises the question; if abos can't work codes, who is Prisoner 47? The only other human/non-abo in the city is supposed to be Number 5, who at the time is imprisoned outside of the city.

Has Arimini ever commented on this? Do any anons with fresh recollections of the story wish to weigh in?

>> No.9236639


>> No.9236655

Did cosmerefag finally get fed up of Sanderson? Why doesn't he Map-post anymore? Did the bakkerfags drive him away?

>> No.9236664
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I Wolfe post every thread anon.

>> No.9236831
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So I'm writing fanfiction again which means trying to find and read the best books that science fiction has to offer.

>Dangerous Visions edited by Harlan Ellison
This one's an anthology. In my opinion, there's way too much sex but the story you definitely don't want to miss is Flies by Robert Silverberg. It's kinda fanfictiony in the way it's written (short snippets rather than an overall) but this guy thoroughly knows his way through conclusions and beginnings.

The Jack the Ripper storyline was quite good too (read, pretty fugging GOAT) which reminds me of one Doctor Who novel featuring the Marquis de Sade or a version of him

Two other shorts which shouldn't be missed are the 'The Man Who Went to the Moon — Twice' lovely and melancholy in its writing and Judas which is fairly Asmovian in its take with lots of unique and inspiring ideas.

Altogether a lovely anthology.

>The New Space Opera - Gardner Dozois
I only read two vaguely interesting stories from this anth - Minla's Flowers (Alistair Reynolds) and The Emperor and the Maula (Robert Silverberg - surprisingly again? This story is a Thousand Nights with a ). The other stories didn't really seem to have a good grasp on characterisation and seemed pretty generic. Also Reynolds writing is quite loose and not tightly packed. In the Ellison anth there are very few long stories with compact writing and scenes whereas Reynolds sprawls out a lot more and as a result there are scenes when you wonder if that's all he can write.

>The Forever War - Joe Haldeman
I don't usually read military fiction but this one is a gem. The primary plotline concerns man vs taurans and chronicles the span of the protagonist's life. This book has remarkable scientific accuracy in mulitple places and provides a very refreshing view of life on the front in ways that I haven't seen many other novels do. There's a small amount of humour, horror, a very cynical perspective on tragedy and a sense of growing distance between protagonist and society that makes it unusually good to read.

>> No.9236927
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Redpill me on Patrick Rothfuss.

I've read mixed reactions on the companion he wrote for Torment: Tides of Numenera. I had heard the name before but never read his stuff.
Is he worth reading? Wolfe is my favourite fantasy writer, will I enjoy Rothfuss or no? Why (not)?

>> No.9236930
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>> No.9236972

As you mentioned Reynold's, I agree his writing isn't amazing and some of his work drips with cliche, but I'm a bit of a fan nonetheless.

If you've got some space time, maybe try Chasm City. I personally thought it was awful at the start but I he somehow kept me reading and I was enjoying it by the end.

>> No.9236976

Reynold's conclusion to that story was quite good I have to say, and his writings had a surprising amount of staying power.

>> No.9236999


I think he's an okay writer just fails to ignite the coziness which Tolkien crafted in his novels, he's trying to emulate him too much.

>> No.9237035

I just remember reading CC and thinking from the start it was a real piece of shit, and while things improved as I read there were certain bits of stupidity I couldn't overlook.

Yet by the end I was loving it, and if someone were to ask me I would say I really enjoyed the book. Bizarre.

>> No.9237071
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>Sorweel could scarce breathe. His spit seemed gravel for swallowing.
>Two pale forms against depths of grey and water-green, the one slight upon the one hard, locked in a clenching, quivering embrace.
>Kissing as though the other possessed the sole breath.
>Grinding, their groins famished, piercing and knowing.
>Never had he witnessed such a thing, breath-stealing, filled with rage and horror and imperious lust. He was not who he was for seeing it. Not one of his concerns survived the trespass before him. Not his father. Not the Tear of God that would avenge him.
>Nothing mattered save this...
>The children of a god mating. The woman he loved betraying...
>His little brother called out for him. He found him, grasped him, cold fingers opposite a burning palm.
>And he coupled with the sinuous image writhing before him, arched in answer to the man's black-haired grunting, spilled his seed to the girl's high blonde cries.
>She lowered her head to his chest in carnal exhaustion and lay there, her breasts kissing the barrel of his chest, her back bent to the arc of an oyster shell. Sorweel stared, held motionless by the shock of his dwindling ardour. Shame. Elation. Terror.
>Knowledge that he could not move without alerting them robbed him of the ability to breathe. He stood stupefied as she turned to him and smiled.
>He ducked in abject panic and shame.
>"Who are we," she called out in a drowsy laugh, "for you to abuse yourself so?"

>> No.9237096


jesus fucking christ can you pathetic autists stop posting this ridiculous shit

>> No.9237104
File: 189 KB, 500x316, 1468127593617.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need sff books with grannys taking a dicking on the regular. Emphasis on sex with older attractive women where it is described and regularly.

>> No.9237122
File: 12 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, it's as I feared, the exact opposite of what I like. Generic fantasy told by someone who has to spell out every single unimportant detail with ridiculous nouns and adverbs...
Welp, back to Wolfe it is.

>> No.9237128

When we get new material.

>> No.9237151

Such great content you have there. You really added so much to the general with your post.
How about you give us quality shit to discuss. Now that cosmerefag is gone, only the wolfe and bakker posters remain. Give us new books to meme, discuss and shitpost about. Get off your ass and help mold the general in a proper direction.

>> No.9237169

Is the ending of Prince of Nothing trilogy supposed to be so brusque and out of place? As if the whole thing beforehand had absolutely no purpose nor has it ever happened.

>> No.9237343

I actually told you to drop it since you weren't enjoying it, but whatever I guess.

These books are very large and sometimes you only get certain perspectives a couple times per book. It can take a long time to put certain events in proper perspective. Also do not expect to fully understand anything Shadowthrone does for most of the series, he's playing like 20-D chess.

>> No.9237513

They Thirst by Robert McCammon

>> No.9237843

The holy war is won, and Kellhus becomes emperor.

What else were you expecting?

>> No.9237877

That image is not how I imagined that scene. One of the foremost points of ridicule in the book is that the tactics should never work in 3-dimensional space. Obviously, there is no way to completely surround anything on 3 sides, except on a plane. But my vision of that part was more like two fleets 69ing, with each fleet simultaneously fleeing and chasing, shooting at the ass-end of the other fleet. Maybe the anime misinterpreted it.

>> No.9237908
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>> No.9237923

You could have used the orouboros as an example instead you know.

>> No.9238082
File: 27 KB, 600x400, i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genocidal Organ by Project Itoh
Basically Metal Gear 4 but written earlier by the guy who forced Riden in MGS2. Near future war on terror, with a mix of bio-punk, meatplanes, meatroads, NANOMACHINES etc. And no Clancy-like fap on equipment and american flag covered in jizz.
The only problem the MC is an introspective weeaboo, and his megatonnes of philisophical thoughts are the most unrealistic thing about and american military. Also, japs finally made a good anime based on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErbBU0gZnzI

>> No.9238167
File: 194 KB, 1022x1535, peripheral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a quick rundown on picrelated.
Has the oldman finally revived the cyberpunk? Or this is old schizophrenic's crap? The description is completly uninspiring.

>> No.9238252

Ouroboros is a single snake. I felt that 69 was a more apt analogy than autofellatio, since it takes two.

>> No.9238256

>giving grannies some love is degenerate

>> No.9238326
File: 45 KB, 257x431, Jompjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post weird shit

>> No.9238346

>Skimmed the first story and it's written in second person.

There is a distinct reason for this. The last lines of the story are central to the overall vision of the story itself.

>"It's the same with you, Tackie. You're too young to realize it yet, but it's the same with you."

The story implies a subtext of Divine Teleology. The fact that "you" are a character in a story about a boy who loves a story which he knows will end in the eventual death of his beloved characters is itself a reflection of our own inevitable demise. Also just like the story, we will always exist within the grand divine plan and our story is itself a part of the overall story of humanity and mankind itself. Wolfe is suggesting that each of our lives are our own little stories, themselves part of a grander divine theologically consistent story, which will always exist within the Eternal Actual of Gods Omniscience and Omnipresence. It's Aquinas via a mix of H.G. Wells, Edgar Allen Poe, and Borges.

"The Last Thrilling Wonder Story" deals with this theme in great detail as well but I don't think it's in The Best of Gene Wolfe collection.

>> No.9238418

I don't see you giving recs either way.

>> No.9238495

I thought it was pretty good, but then I've loved all the rest of his books.
It is a neat take on time travel and completely stand alone.

>> No.9238948
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>> No.9239097

>boobs 4 views

>> No.9239117

Why does he always look like some dirty homeless man? Why do hack writers never know how to take care of themselves?

>> No.9239128

Are there any fantasy books about mechanical geniuses like Dedalus?

>> No.9239137

They are too busy being successful and writing to care about such frivolous things as hygiene.

>> No.9239148

>busy writing

top laughter

>> No.9239151

How about a gnome loli who makes a perpetual battery?

>> No.9239181
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>tfw 85 years old
>might die soon

What do, /sffg/?

>> No.9239207

Collect Pringles royalties cheque for the month.

>> No.9239210

is it trashy?

>> No.9239456

I enjoyed it. Was fun for me, mileage might vary.
The cogweaver trilogy

>> No.9239633

Is that a ripoff of Behold the Man (or vice versa)?

>> No.9239770
File: 102 KB, 396x640, Red Planet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find a cheap old paperback of Red Planet by Robert Heinlein in good condition, buy
>Begin reading
>Halfway in, it's pretty good, just a simple coming of age story about friendship in a cozy Martian setting
>Later find out it's not the authorised version but a print of the heavily censored original which cuts out references to sex and subversive ideas

Well at least the cover art is good. I'm still enjoying it a lot more than The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, which I dropped.

>> No.9239794

Thoughts on Hammers slammers and Drake?

>> No.9239939

>tfw I thought that spiky thing was the statue of liberty

>> No.9239945

>sex is bad
>I enjoy censored books better
1. I bet you're an Americlap
2. I bet you love Sanderson

>> No.9239973

Anon was complaining about not getting awkward Heinlein erotica. Not all sex is equal.
>sex is good
>so if you don't accept all hobo BJs and five-dollar whores you're a prude

>> No.9240174

t. Catholic

>> No.9240186

I've seen grim company mentioned a bit in here

Is it actually any good? The summary they gave on store listings made it sound like it was way over the top grimdark nonsense

>> No.9240207

>I've seen grim company mentioned a bit in here
Like 3 times total for the year, 5 times tops. Some anon is shilling and doing a bad job of it.

>> No.9240228

remembered why I've heard of it now

There's an old post on r/fantasy that points out just how many times the author decides to write about poop in the 2nd book of the series

>> No.9240287

That is probably one of his worst works, it's famous because it's pretty basic/entry level as far as a s-f concept goes. Start anywhere else

>> No.9240302

Definitely bis weakest/shilliest works, I've heard 100 times it was just slapped together for income. Read Starship Troopers, or Number of the Beast (the latter only if you've read a lot of s-f like Burroughs )

>> No.9240349

'Salem's Lot

>> No.9240376

Any recommendations from 2017?

I know it's a videogame but torment tides of numenera is great worldbuilding and storytelling highly recommend for the sffg crowd
They also published a book to go with it.
Numenera - the Poison Eater
anyone read it?

>> No.9240467

It's decent. Two of the protags are insufferable until about the middle of the second book, when at least the guy becomes more likeable. Sword in the north is a always fun throughout the series, almost worth reading for his chapters alone.

>> No.9240774

You mean the book Lord Neckbeard, Rothfuss himself put together?

>> No.9240792

get houseled and shriven

>> No.9240840

Your right I just looked it up he is involved in the writing. I had no idea.
It says he wrote one of the companions. Just happened to be the one I hated and told to fuck off, coincidence?

>> No.9241190

I'm not sure if he's discussed that. But as long as you're polite, Marc is fine with communications.

>> No.9241217

Jesus. I'm reading this at the moment and really enjoying it. The things i agree with are that secondary characters aren't really delved into and i hate the whole Kvothe-Denna relationship. It's kinda cringy reading those parts.

My circle of friends praise the book so much they gave me a copy.

I've only started getting back into reading and i'm finding it an easy read. What should I read after i finish The wise man's fear?

>> No.9241270

What kind of stupid ass equivalency is that? How is reading sex scenes even remotely demeaning to your character or putting yourself at sanitary risk? In the first place to equate reading a sex scene with actual sex acts you'd have to be a prude of monumental stature, as only an American can be.

>> No.9241274

>what is a metaphor

>> No.9241446

Is scifi just a sub-genre of fantasy?

>> No.9241459

Fantasy is a sub-genre of sci-fi.

>> No.9241460

So Beowulf was a scifi?

>> No.9241463

For an alternate universe where dragons exist.

>> No.9241466

>kings were elected
you're repeating yourself, gene. that's something Jonas said

>> No.9241608

literally spilled black seed to this post right here

>> No.9241663
File: 286 KB, 1041x1600, pjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>catgirl sidekick on his dick 24/7
>he never fucks her

Man, what a case of blueballs this book was.

Can I get a fucking book where the MC crushes some alien puss?

>> No.9241712

Rogue Fleet has the mc fucking a cat

>> No.9241728

Like a housecat?

That's not really what I'm looking for.

>> No.9241731

Wise man's fear takes a huge dump on the series. I know there were a few oddities that you overlooked in name of the wind, but your enjoyment didn't suffer because of it... well book 2 is all about suffering.
If you want, read it and get it out of the way so you can rage with us.

Also what do you like? What draws you into the kingkiller universe? The magic? The magical technology? That whore Denna? Tell us what gives you a tingle and we can rec you books accordingly.

If it's magic school that got you (one of the things that also got me) try the magicians trilogy by Lev Grossman.

>> No.9241739

How can you be on someone's dick.. yet not get fucked? I think you meant to say something along the lines of the guy getting teased and not giving in.

>> No.9241745

Pick up a copy of "the man kzin wars" anthology. Dude has a whole harem of anthropomorphic cat chicks.

>> No.9241762

Apparently TUC has some "big deal" of a twist that flips the whole series on its head.

What do we think it is?

>> No.9241831
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Inchis are the good guys.
I knew it all along.
Just look at this poor guy.

>> No.9241877

what is TUC?

>> No.9241881


The Unholy Consult, the fourth and final volume of the "Aspect Emperor" series by R. Scott Bakker.

>> No.9241900

What I'm really into is the magic. I think the concept of sympathy is solid comparing to the magic of harry potter.
I really like the way that at the university there's different disciplines.

Thx, I'll check it out

>> No.9241902

The Ember War Saga or the Three Body Problem Trilogy?

>> No.9241966

3bp is better but you might find ember more fun

>> No.9241975

>tfw been wanting to read a new fantasy series/novel for months, but haven't been able to find anything that tickles my fancy
Any fairly recent stuff with the ambition and scope of Malazan, but not the preachy bullshit that ends up making the entire series disappear up its own ass? Also above average prose would be super nice as well.

>> No.9241980


>> No.9241983

So you guys allow threads like this on /lit/ now?
That's depressing.

>> No.9241994
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This is for you. Feel better soon :'(

>> No.9242001

This is the one you have a problem with?

>> No.9242028

This thread objectively has more actual discussion than the rest of /lit/

You may dislike the genres but people here tend to have actually read the books they're talking about.

>> No.9242053

Alright lads, I'm currently balls deep in political theory (doing a masters). I want to keep up with fiction but I find that lately I continue to purchase stuff that's exceptionally "heady" so to speak and I find myself not having the patience for it - and yet I can delve deep into critical and continental theory for hours upon end with no problem at all, it's weird.

Anyway, recommend me something. A page turner so to speak. Or should I just buy a bunch of Lee Child books?

>> No.9242059

>political theory (doing a masters)
I guess that's one way to end up in a dead end job.

>> No.9242063

Heroes Die (Acts of Caine)

>> No.9242135
File: 1.34 MB, 2544x1900, Sffg memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not literature reported
Nice meme

>> No.9242141

Anyone? Please? There has to be some of you that have a fetish for attractive older women?

Bakker opened a fetish I didn't even know I had. Please. Please.

>> No.9242163

what are some books similar to dark souls????

>> No.9242181
File: 994 KB, 1000x1016, berserk___guts_sad_r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to reading, are there any books like berserk?

>> No.9242214

I need to write this one down.
Too bad I have the same cover you posted and not this one.

>> No.9242230
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Something about the face is nausea inducing...

>> No.9242245


>> No.9242273
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>> No.9242274

>homosexuality is legal now

>> No.9242282

Eh... I have the luxury of being able to pursue things I'm genuinely interested in as opposed to thinking purely about the career aspects of any given thing.

>> No.9242324
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>> No.9242348

>crushes some alien puss?
The Imajica by Clive Barker.
they bone in a prison, and keep everyone awake all night
The book is fantastic. I don't know why nobody mentions it more.

>> No.9242376

Might pick it up..

>> No.9242384

Politically I'm about as far away from /pol/ imaginable.

>> No.9242425

The twist is the consult wins

>> No.9242493

How bad is the preaching and/or philosophical ramblings in Bakker's stuff?

>> No.9242510

Is The Dark Company good?

>> No.9242522


>> No.9242572

titus, worm ouroboros

>> No.9242592
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Was it fascism? or simply autism?

>> No.9242718

Please respond

>> No.9242837

Not that bad. Really only happens during warrior prophet, and for only a page or so.

>> No.9242852
File: 19 KB, 158x272, ArmorOriginalCover.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read "The Red" off of one of the recc lists and it sucked balls.

But I'm currently reading pic related and it shits all over all other military sci-fi I've ever read before.

So it's a film? I'll check it out anyway. Thanks anon.

>> No.9242875

>take literal years to get beyond chapter 2 of a book
>read the rest of the series in 3 days
This has happened a few times now, some sff authors suck at intros

>> No.9242918

Any opinions on David Gemmell?
I only read his first book, but I've also read it's his weakest.

>> No.9242959

>you know what this society where anyone can vote if they complete military service but regular people hate the military reminds me of?
>this other society where nobody can vote but everyone loves the military

>> No.9242972

He popped my fantasy cherry. There's nothing particularly fancy to his writing; I'd say he was like a blue-collar, working class type of fantasy writer. But he's extremely solid through pretty much every book. I've read all his stuff and I'd say none of his books are bad. Some are just better than others. His Rigante series is my personal favorite.

>> No.9243103

He's the fucking best

Like not all of his books are great but the ones that are good are the template every action fantasy since tries to copy

>> No.9243283

Just started reading The Darkness That Comes Before

this thing with Kellhus isn't going to end well is it

>> No.9243492

Why spend any time looking at it? I didn't.

>> No.9243515
File: 56 KB, 537x540, Cosmere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to post and nobody seems to read the other shit I read. Also busy

>> No.9243577

This is the book, they've made an anime of it recently.

>> No.9243627
File: 14 KB, 243x107, Supox_comm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ringworld aliens don't count. They're literally just humans that look slightly different.

Aliens = Star Control aliens

I want a man going balls deep into a Supox.

>> No.9243631

I like covers. The cornier the better. The subject here is very feline in shape, texture, and pose. The face, however, appears painted on and clumsily so. The facial features to head size ratio also looks off. Kinda like they took an image with a fully feline face and drew a human face over it. Most distressing.

>> No.9243639

>Ringworld aliens don't count. They're literally just humans that look slightly different.
>he only read the first book

>> No.9243658

What? Are there puppeteer handjobs in the sequels?

Spoil me.

>> No.9243660

He's being ironic, Star Control aliens are Known Space aliens with the names changed.

>> No.9243690

>puppeteer handjobs
I don't think so.

In the sequels Niven decides that all inter-species diplomacy must begin with yiffing, to refuse would just be rude.

>> No.9243730

>not trusting your friendly neighborhood Anasûrimbor

>> No.9243830

>halfway through Blindsight
>nothing has happened
I mean, I like it, but when does stuff actually start to happen in the story?

>> No.9243906

What's the matter?

Afraid he might take yo girl?

>> No.9243914


He called it rishathra,
Some days I'm certain this genre is a wasteland.

>> No.9243941

Yes, I know. I use yiffing because it gives people a good idea of what I'm talking about without having to look it up. Honestly the whole thing annoyed me, so I enjoy making fun of it.
>Some days I'm certain this genre is a wasteland.
What do you mean?

>> No.9244177

How did Wheel of Time even become popular, it's bloody awful

>> No.9244209

I'm late to the game, but I'll take every chance I can to deride Patrick Rothfuss. The man is the hackiest hack to ever write, and he's praised by most everyone. He can't write characters well, he can't tell a story, sometimes he does manage to have beautiful descriptions but most the time his write comes across as a cringey attempt to be poetic. He's a hack who thinks he's a genius. There are plenty of hacks who know they are hacks, and work with that. But Rothfuss really does think he is brillant. A lot of the scenes of his books consist of him taking traditional fantasy elements and "deconstructing" them. But the deconstruction aren't clever subversions that make readers think, they are obvious and stupid, like having a coked out not-dragon instead of just having a dragon or have a magic system based on "Science."

I once saw someone on the internet say that Rothfuss' sympathy magic is better than how most authors do magic because it's more realistic. But that's not true at all, all Rothfuss did was mention some scientific principals in a way that barely makes sense when infodumping about magic. Also it's fucking magic, it cannot and should not be "realistic" because there is no such thing as magic.

People say that Rothfuss knows what he is doing, that by the third book it'll all turn out to be a case of unreliable narrator. I don't believe that. Even if he does use an unreliable narrator it doesn't make up for telling a bad story.

Rothfuss is like Eragon for adults. For some reason people read his stories and are amazed.

Just read this, this guy did it better than me: https://ronanwills.wordpress.com/2013/03/17/lets-read-the-name-of-the-wind-an-introduction-of-three-parts/

>> No.9244214

>his write
I'm worse than fucking Rothfuss. At least what he writes is grammatically correct.

>> No.9244417

Well, I finished Robert Heinlein's Red Planet from 1949 and it was an altogether enjoyable read. The young and timid protag lives on a Martian colony with his exotic pet and staunch best friend. They are all whisked off to a Martian boarding school where they encounter a draconian headmaster and a rapacious company scheme which would be disastrous for their colonist parents back home.

It's a simple coming of age story of friendship and overthrowing authority. The Martian landscape is full of exotic plants and creatures, as well as an enigmatic race of natives who throw up some unanticipated plot twists. There's also a recurring subtext about the nature of a frontier society, the general idea being that these people should not live by the same ideas as settled societies. Here, colonists should be more daring, self sufficient, distrusting, and even children should carry guns and be prepared to fight in the name of freedom.

All of these unfashionably red-blooded fancies, traditional storytelling, exotic visuals and unabashed masculine displays won me over completely, and so I must bestow four dinos out of five on this book.

>> No.9244423

>There's also a recurring subtext about the nature of a frontier society, the general idea being that these people should not live by the same ideas as settled societies.
That is my favorite thing.

>> No.9244426
File: 72 KB, 1024x563, fallen_by_spiralhorizon-d7qa1ug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The twist: Shaeönanra was right all along.

>> No.9244511

Was not, Heinlein liked to write about radically different societies and how they might come to exist, besides the TF were based on Switzerland of all things IIRC
Anyone who calls him facist probably would call him a libtard for Harsh Mistress or a hippie for Stranger
Fucking love Heinlein

>> No.9244544

I originally wanted to make a manga or VN but I fucking suck at drawing and am occasionally okay at writing.

What are some examples of books that are obviously anime/appeal to the otaku crowd but aren't just straight up YA fiction drivel?

>> No.9244562

Kino's Journey.

>> No.9244578

It's got an explosive end.

Watt's himself says if he could change anything about the book, there'd be more action in it.

echopraxia is a thrill ride start to finish, though

>> No.9244586

I can't believe I fell for the Sanderson meme. Way of kings was so painfully mediocre. Someone recommend me some good fantasy please . I like Abraham, Wolfe, Peake, Hobb, Leiber, Le Guin , Feist etc

>> No.9244622

The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson.

>> No.9244894

*folds arms beneath breasts*

You wanna say that to my face, wool-head?

>> No.9244898

I'll do it. I'll find some way to make a macro about dinosaurs as units of measurements.

>> No.9244906

>I like Abraham
>m-muh price
>m-muh bank
Fuck off

>> No.9244962
File: 76 KB, 640x480, 4fc97fbd1de2dc94a881f1f068782b9f.640x480x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How successful can weird / dying earth fiction be? I'm on a Wolfe and Vance kick, but it's hard to believe that they actually profited off their works. Is it simply a different time?

I've been trying my hand at a more episodic tale in the same vein as the genre, following a surveyor of a weird apocalypse, but for all the effort I put into it, I start to feel discouraged, knowing it's an idea that's lost steam since the '80s and would probably be passed over by retards who'd rather read another GRUM clone.

>> No.9244968


I wasn't referring to you personally in any aspect of my post, so lay your hackles down if they were up.

>> No.9245009


Aren't Wolfe and Vance best known and respected for their mastery of language? The setting of the Dying Earth seems to me to be incidental.

If you mean to attempt to emulate that mastery of language, then you relegate yourself to a sliver of the available market in an ever more illiterate age.

If instead you mean to write GRI degeneracy in a Dying Earth setting, then I would not be surprised to find it popular.

>> No.9245024

Nightwings is a superb story in a dying earth setting by Robert Silverberg. It's like a more lyrical and less loquacious Vance.

>> No.9245032


Easily, some of the best.

>> No.9245046
File: 24 KB, 238x400, 28481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death Gate Cycle by Hickman & Weiss

>> No.9245054

Dying Earth was always a very niche subgenre, and I think the reason nothing much else has been written since the 80s is because BOTNS is such a high bar to clear.

Going full hack and becoming the John Norman to Vance's Burroughs might be worth trying.

>> No.9245057

There's actually a minor revival going on in that vein right now, look up Cirsova magazine. They'll open for submissions again soon. Weirdbook is along that line but I don't know much about it. You could also publish direct on Amazon, there are people looking for dying earth.

But as for getting a traditional publisher to pick you up and hold your hand and make you the second coming of Vance, yeah, give up. You can certainly get read by a lot of people though.

>> No.9245062
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There's only one way to make money in publishing, anon.

And trust me.

You aren't





>> No.9245063

I've only read Troopers and Stranger in a Strange Land. Honestly, not too impressed, especially with Troopers. Don't get me wrong I thought the best parts were the political discourse between MC and the teacher. I have 2 smaller books of his to read, then I'll tackle a longer one, what would you recommend?

>> No.9245066

Are there any (ANY) women worth reading in fantasy, /lit/? And don't meme me with Le Guin.

>> No.9245126

Door into Summer if you want wacky time-travel hijinks, zeerust, and good feelings, Puppet Masters if you want to kill some evil aliens, Citizen of the Galaxy if you want a coming-of-age space adventure, and Have Space Suit Will Travel for all of the above.

>> No.9245128

Diana Wynne Jones you fool.

>> No.9245153

Cool, saved. Thx anon

>> No.9245256

Why do writers decline in quality? You'd think you'd just get better at writing after doing it endlessly

Valente, Wecker, Jesmin, and the old classic, Rowling

>> No.9245338

Writing for the check, trying to write what pays most. Forcing yourself to write when your ideas really are exhausted and you're not in contact with humans anymore. Trying to break out of their mold into something they're just not as good at. Breaking into something they're just as good at but you don't like. Getting old.

>> No.9245339

library at mount char

>> No.9245356
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I was given an advance copy of TUC, don't read any farther unless you want it spoiled. Kellhus meets Cnaiur, who reveals that he has the Heron Spear (the only weapon that can defeat the No-God), and will give allow him to have it on the condition that Cnaiur can pound his ass. Seeing no alternative, Kellhus agrees, and Cnaiur violently rapes him for like 4 chapters, only to reveal that he doesn't actually have the Spear. Achamian goes insane and starts eating his own shit. Mimara eventually mercy kills him. Finally, the Fanim march on Momemn and Esmenet is beheaded.

>> No.9245361

I might be wrong, but aren't of the things considered to be the best examples of literature were made for the sake of buying more whiskey (although whether they are actually good is something I'd care to debate)

That said, I wonder how much of it is psychological. What states of mind are conducive to good writing? Do pride or shame cause a decline in quality?

>> No.9245367

>there will never be a Wheel of Time live-adaptation
>you will never see the Dragon reborn
>you will never see Elayne's, Min's and Aviendha's tiddies

>on the other hand you will never have to hear Egwene

Its an emotional rollercoaster

>> No.9245369

No hackles Donkey-kun, just terse in my manner of expression :3

>> No.9245381

When PKD needs more liquor because he's nuts and he's self-medicating, he puts his best effort on the page and it's still DADOES because he's nuts. When Steven King needs more liquor because he's paranoid from his childhood poverty and he doesn't trust his wealth to last, he just scribbles whatever because he knows he sells by weight, not quality.

Sometimes being nuts is good for your writing, sometimes you're at your best when everything is right (or you can make everything right because you're just that competent and you're good at writing too). Like most aspects of our success and failure it is most likely frustratingly tied to genetics.

>> No.9245383

Andre Norton is good if you like old pulpy stuff.

>> No.9245392

>tfw the female MC convinces her husband to supply weapons to the gender equality terrorists because she's afraid of pregnancy and they offer their services as expert genetic analysts

>> No.9245541

Don't forget:
>you will never see scantily clad women in those silver neck things

>> No.9245611
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This. Read history before you write fantasy. Not other fantasy.

>> No.9245711

>tryndemere vs phoenix aatrox.jpg

I can't believe I'm feeling friendly towards a tripfag. All these years on 4chins and camaraderie is extended to a tripfag. Weird times.

>> No.9245757

I anonymize, I highly recommend it.

>> No.9245843

you're the one memeing, friendo
there's a long list of established women in fantasy.
See other anons-
Anne McCaffrey, Susanna Clarke, Robin Hobb...

>> No.9245855

Armor is a strange book. I read it a couple of years ago and still can't decide if it's garbage or great.

>> No.9245856

Robin Hobb you fucking fool

>> No.9245865

I'm not that anon pls explain this I feel like it would be funny if I understood.

>> No.9245907

just finished this audiobook a few minutes ago. can't believe how much it gripped me and kept me up a few nights in a row. any other military sci-fi PTSD simulators I should listen to? I haven't even done Starship Troopers to be honest.

>> No.9245915


>> No.9245919

Red Rising. Not even joking.

>> No.9246031

>can't believe how much it gripped me and kept me up a few nights in a row
Exactly the same for me.

>sci-fi PTSD simulators
Yes, I really want more of this too. I've read one series like this before, but it has dog-people in it which most people here would find disagreeable.

>> No.9246039

>but it has dog-people in it which most people here would find disagreeable.
this is sffg

>> No.9246052

Parts 1 to 4 (short story collection:
Part 5, the novel:

>> No.9246075


>> No.9246165

Just read a review that suggested to skim the Jack Crow sections. Would you agree with this?

>> No.9246276

You should absolutely read them. The ending won't be as good if you haven't.

>> No.9246400

If you just want a better written 40k-novel skip the Jack Crow sections. They're painful to read through but it's at least somewhat deliberate. It all comes together nicely.

>> No.9246734


>> No.9246750


>> No.9246791
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>> No.9246792


>> No.9246831
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>> No.9246938

Some cunt bake some new bread.

>> No.9246959

Fresh out the oven.