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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 34 KB, 575x600, fernando-pessoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9202892 No.9202892 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Pessoa?

And Portuguese writers in general

>> No.9202896

Whiny little virgin defeatist pussy

>> No.9202899

>Portuguese writers
Very talented guys, but played themselves by writing in shit language.

>> No.9202983

>And Portuguese writers in general

better musicians than writers imo

>> No.9202988

A great read.

>> No.9203440

>writes book basically telling people never to give up

>> No.9203446

/lit/ HATES pessoa especially the book of disquiet

>> No.9203459

What the fuck are you talking about, if you want to read them you can pick up translations

The language in which you write does not affect your success

>> No.9203487

It's because they identify with it so thoroughly and hate the fact

>> No.9203549


>> No.9203627

>caring about Book of Disquiet
>not about Message or Alvaro De Campos


>> No.9203739


>> No.9203758


>> No.9203765

read about 10 pages of disquiet before i put it down.

i got this impression >>9202896
i really can't fucking stand hearing about the struggles of pitiful rich kids with daddy issues.

>> No.9203888
File: 100 KB, 591x464, 2967140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>and it's not even Pessoa's book

>> No.9203929

>Very talented guys, but played themselves by writing in shit language.

One of the most sonorous languages in the world:




>> No.9203973

Youthood is when you idealise Catcher In The Rye
Adulthood is when you realise that Book Of Disquiet is better

>> No.9203981

I liked The Book of Disquiet

>> No.9204338

>elis regina


>> No.9204398

>posts brazilian
We're talking European Portuguese which is the ugliest Romance language out there.

>> No.9205174


That song was the lullaby my father sang when he nursed me on his lap.


You're right in a way: they kind of consume the vowels and put more focus on the consonants: the result is a much rougher, less sweet, less solar sonority.

Sometimes it seems to me that Brazilian Portuguese sounds more like Italian than with the Portuguese from Portugal.

But Portugal has some great writers. Pessoa was a very gifted and hard-working individual.

>> No.9205210

>european portuguese is bad

What's with this meme


>> No.9205217

It's not a meme. European Portuguese sounds like French with very heavy Polish accent. It's harsh and unpleasant to ear. Songs have little to do with normal speech.

>> No.9205222

Normal speech has very little to do with writing.

>> No.9205250

>what is subvocalizing

>> No.9205261

>subvocalizing a language you don't understand

You're going to be reading translations, don't kid yourself.

>> No.9205268

>implying I'm as pleb as you
Uhm. No.

>> No.9205276

It sounds like drunk Russian.

>> No.9205305

You'll never have as good of an accent as a native speaker, so of course your subvocalizations are going to sound like garbage.

>> No.9205323

This is why Brazil is holding the beauty and value of the portuguese language!
Why would you link this shit music? ffs.
The brazilian anon that linked the 3 videos choose 3 good songs.
Tugas ruining our mother language, feels bad.

btw good portuguese music:



>> No.9205326

also forgot:

check the differences between br portuguese and pt portuguese.

>> No.9205332

Haha did anyone else notice he's wearing a fedora?

>> No.9205337

In case of Portuguese native speakers sound like garbage already. Also your claim is complete false. It's not hard to get rid of accent by yourself or with a speech trainer.

>> No.9205375

Not if you learn the language as a child.

As an adult, you'll never completely get rid of your accent.

>> No.9205393

I am an adult living abroad and I got rid of my accent completely in couple years time with some training. Same for fellow expats. You're literally pulling statements out of your ass.

>> No.9205398

>You're literally pulling statements out of your ass.
It's basic linguistics. You'll never get rid of your accent, you can imitate a native's just fine, but some specific phonemes will remain from your native language.

>> No.9205437

It's not linguistics at all, stop trying to appeal to things you don't understand. With enough training and perseverance you can learn to articulate absolutely anything from African clicks to Eskimo ejectives.

>> No.9205444

Joyce LARPer

>> No.9205566
File: 137 KB, 492x500, Almada Negreiros - Retrato de Fernando Pessoa 1964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ulysses published 1922
>pessoa's work were all structured prior to 1918

also, they ouevre are far different...

anons like >>9205444 is why this board will never progress. What good does to you to try to meme?

>> No.9205624

Brazilian is revolting to listen to, it's effeminate and dishonestly cheerful, a tropical dialect through and through.

European Portuguese does sound like Russian desu, which is a good thing.

>> No.9205631

>. What good does to you to try to meme?

I get to make nerds mad

>> No.9205645

Portuguese is a beautiful language, I don't understand this meme. Now German on the other hand....

>> No.9205675

Yes, for an insecure numale your viewpoint is justified.

>> No.9205736

You must be confused, my little simian friend, the testosterone deficient tend to be deferential to the tropics and your apelike ways.

>> No.9205754

I am Austrian. Your preoccupation with masculinity and complete disregard for grammar certainly proves your superiority to 'le brazilian apes'. Try /pol/ for more mature masculine 14 year olds like yourself.

>> No.9205758

Does it hurt your european pride knowing that the macaco state of Brazil is far more relevant and prosperous than the butthole of europe, aka Poortugal??

>> No.9205810

they're all shit

>> No.9205825

I got to be honest... it sounds really good

>> No.9205872

Reading this in my lit class right now. He sounds exactly like >>9202896
Am I missing something? I want to like him but it's so hard.

>> No.9205885

>I am Austrian. Your preoccupation with masculinity and complete disregard for grammar certainly proves your superiority to 'le brazilian apes'. Try /pol/ for more mature masculine 14 year olds like yourself.
You accused me of being a "numale" and now of being preoccupied with masculinity. You really are confused.

Yes, the same way India is more relevant than Slovenia, but I'd still like to live in the latter.

lol, by all metrics brazil is a crime-ridden slum country. Portugal is poor by Western European standards (the highest in the world), they're miles better than your failed jungle state.

brazil also has zero writers worthy of mention

>> No.9205889

yeah because he doesn't take his own fucking advice

>> No.9207194

hue is delicious
also you have no idea what cultural referential huezilians carry
it's godly desu

>> No.9207200
File: 228 KB, 1000x763, oak-on-the-shoe-of-the-gulf-of-finland-1857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

german is delicious when whispered softly by a female anon

>> No.9207655


oh, thank you so much :)

Sometimes is good to have some nice things said about your native tongue, especially when you are somewhat depressed: small and humble compliments always taste like a warm tide bursting inside of you.

Btw, where are you from?

>> No.9207664

Lösche das

>> No.9207670

Saramago and Camões were way better

>> No.9207697

This thread is the reason why /lit/ shows that mot of his users have 0 lit knowledge and only follow meme writers. Sasuga braindead idiots

>> No.9207742

Now replying to OP:
Pessoa is one of the most prolific portuguese writers and to my knowledge the one with the most Pseudonyms (in which every single one had a different writing style, ranging from the edgy/emo Alvaro de Campos to the jolly/happy-go-lucky Alberto Caeiro).
Camões, the writer of the Portuguese epic "The Lusiads", similar to Homero's Odyssey, but wrote in decassylabic ottava rima, narrating in semi fiction story the journey of the portuguese sailors to India (In that trip he lsot his eye, and in the return trip one of the boats capsized during a storm and he almost drowned while trying to save the book from getting wet)
Saramago doesn't need explanation, but he's hated for his lack of punctuation in his books.
You have many more like Bocage, Florbela Espanca, Miguel Torga, Almeida Garrett, Eça de Queiroz and Gil Vicente. Some will be ahrd to find in english, but Queiroz, Torga, Saramago and Pessoa have lots of is works published in english.

>> No.9207789

Great recomendations.

>> No.9207836

ITT: A bunch of brazuca hues pretending not to be brazucas and shitting on the absolute best romantic language, European Portuguese. Go fuck yerselves, galeras. Not a single normal person doesn't think your accent sounds unintelligent as fuck and trashy.

>> No.9207839
File: 9 KB, 250x250, bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Portugese writers
>ctrl-f "aesthetic value"
>mfw 0 hits

>> No.9207851



>> No.9207857

*heteronyms, pseudonyms is for losers

>> No.9208206

ITT: butthurt salazar fanboys struggle to come to terms with macaco state of brazil being more relevant than the romania of western europe

>> No.9208229

>being this assblasted that your romance language sounds like bad slavic
Just accept it, Pedro.

>> No.9208409
File: 27 KB, 220x314, Domingos_Jorge_Velho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw like both european and brazilian portuguese
>tfw rejeitado pela pátria portuguesa de meus ancestrais

>> No.9208581

>de meus ancestrais
DOS MEUS ANCESTRAIS! Use the article, Brasileiro de merda!

>> No.9208721

You can shape your life however you like,
It was already shaped before you lived it.
Why do you wish to trace on the ground
The fleeing shadow of the passing cloud?

>> No.9209674

wow, a country with 200m people is more "relevant" than a country with 10m??? truly incredible... my eyes are open now...