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/lit/ - Literature

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9188940 No.9188940 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw bored as fuck with brothers Karamazov
>tfw bored as fuck with Nicholas Nickleby and haven't read it for weeks
>tfw still have tonne of other possibly boring and venerated old books in my cupboard that I have to read or else people will think I'm a pleb

How do you cope with this? These books are horrendous.

The brothers Karamazov is just a load of trivial thoughts on religion, society, and philosophy along with some painfully of its time nonsense.

Nicholas nickleby is just horrifically pointless. I thought the prose would be painful but it's not. It's the pointlesness of everything and its repetitive nature. Bad things happen to Nicholas and his sister. They get more bad. Nicholas gets mad. They get less bad. Repeat. And sprinkle every page with 9001 wry observations by the narrator.

Each of them goes on for over 700 pages. How the hell do I cope? Why are these books praised? Of course I won't get any answer except abuse.

>> No.9188949


>> No.9188958
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I simply fucking hate all the shit that society and pseudo intellectuals say I should do.

I don't give a shit about gigantic boring as fuck paid by the word Victorian novels or trivial as fuck of their time ranting Russian novels or motivational speaker tier edgy philosophers who would never get away with their shit today by the same pseuds who praise them so much. And I can't believe that late 20th century PoMo has managed to be worse than all that came before, but I'm supposed to worship that as well.

This isn't 800 AD anymore. The pseuds pretend that wanking over the Greeks and Bible is 95 % of what an intellectual is. They never acknowledge anything that isn't academised. They note STEM as a trivial footnote while using it as a launching pad for their own contemporary flailing about within the infinitely large unfalsifiable space of ideas.

I don't care about psychology, macroeconomics, psychiatry, the Education system, wars in far away places, and lots of other stuff.

Life truly does end after university. Every fucking issue is sent through the prism of universities these days. Humanities and social sciences are all bullshit and they try to monopolise so much common sense and twist it. Of course you can't say that and /lit/ will defend them.

I am not entertained by TV shows, video games, or movies any more. Novels are mostly narcissistic barely disguised memoirs.

The working world is 1 % intelligence and 99 % a test of normieness.

Women have lives on easy mode and only go for Chads. People actively hate introverts. University prestige is the main factor for success in life. Most of culture is now too ephemeral to have any significance at all. Travelling is the new alternative to reading big books. Coffee is wagie fuel. I lift heavy weights but I can admit it's a sign of betaness. Working is horrific.

>> No.9188961

Why do you care that people think you're a pleb? Why waste your time doing something you hate? If The Brothers Karamazov is trivial, what do you find meaningful? What have you actually enjoyed reading? Why not read more stuff along those lines instead of old books that you have little interest in? Why did you even buy them in the first place?

The obvious answer to how you cope: just don't read them and forget about seeming cultivated. That's a hollow and vain pursuit and nobody fucking cares if you've read Nicholas Nickelby or not. They're praised because a lot of people have found them enjoyable over the years, and some of those people went on to write influential books as well.

>> No.9188963
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>tfw graduated in 2015
>tfw failed all graduate interviews because I'm not a normie
>tfw always did well in education but can't pass interviews
>tfw live at home, work small amount of part time hours, waste my free time
>tfw coming to terms with the fact that making money online is like playing the lottery, if I even bother trying to learn programming

How the FUCK can I get over this? If you're not on "the track" then you're fucked. If I had been a normie I could have passed interviews and be working as a banker or civil servant in a prestigious department. Instead I'm scanning items while living at home.

Fuck society.

And you know what? Society never stops telling me that I have to read those 50 books or else I'm dumb and focus on one thing or else I'm a dilettante and focus on many things or else I'm an inverse cripple and watch that movie and learn that skill and care about that political issue and...

90+% of famous people were simply lucky enough to be in institutions that gave them all the fucking opportunities in the world. There are close to zero jobs these days that require specialised skills.

>> No.9188970
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Guys, intellectually I'm all spooked out. I can't stand philosophy because of all the unfalsifiable garbage. Many fields like economics etc are just applied common sense and stamp collecting. I see novels as nothing but entertainment despite pretentious people claiming life / philosophical insights and tonnes of people will consider you a disgusting plebeian if you don't initially read shitloads of boring as fuck canon novels.

I think I am painfully adapting to the idea of the Internet age / information overload by abandoning any pretension that I can be an all rounder or even dilettante in everything. There are ten trillion books called "Introduction to [broad and important field]", even if you only have one of each field.

History is similar to novels. Shitloads of reading along with a shitload pretension thrown on top telling you that you truly cannot no nuthin unless you have an in depth understanding of the Greeks / Romans / Christianity / USA / WW1 / WW2 / financial systems / or shitloads of other topics I can't stand it. And then there's current events. I don't care about climate change, outer space, inequality, China, the EU, applied psychology, the education system, diversity, Russia, South America, refugees, nutrition, mental health, and more. Admitting just one of these would make me an iredeemable idiot, no doubt.

Has anyone else had similar thoughts? The spooks are powerful and must be removed but their removal leaves your mind in a promordial state that is more susceptible to spooks than before.

I go to the city centre and see people shopping and the streets are busy, which is comforting compared to when they're empty, but walking through then brings no epiphanies.

I am so past watching movies or tv shows, even ones that pander to "edgy" young males. I just about read books but only because society tells me I should, though I don't derive much enjoyment

And obviously I have an existential crisis but /lit/ is fucking pathetic in demanding that anyone who has one should immediately "grow up" and become a monotheist and wagecuck. I fucking hate wagecucking. Seeing attractive young people is humiliating. I tell myself every day that I'll soon work intensely on one thing but I can't bear to do this. If you're really good at one thing then there are people lining up to call you a tard for not watching opera or being able to run a marathon or whatever shit. So I do nothing.

Every "thinker" is at their core an utter fucking fraud. Nietzche is a Tony Robbins tier Rorschach test. Science and mathematics provide non trivial insights but only in ultra specialised ways that probably require autism to appreciate. I listen to In Our Time podcasts and Bret Easton Ellis podcasts and I think at heart everyone cares about nothing more than social drama.

Apart from money, health, and time, there are very few non trivial concept.

>> No.9188982

Your thoughts seem to be all over the place. There's plenty of things you can do without being a normie to make money. For example, if you do bother trying to learn programming, if you get several certs and create complex projects with good code design you can get plenty of IT jobs even without a STEM degree.

As for what society expects of you, I don't know why you're so interested in it. I would focus more on what you actually want, and then how to reach it. I don't see much in that post describing what you are actually looking for in life, just that you're upset with what society expects of you, and you don't like your current life. Instead of wasting your free time, why not spend it doing things you actually enjoy? Why are you not comfortable living at home? etc.

>> No.9189003

Oh, I see, this is one of those "academia-media-publishing industrial complex" copypasta threads. If you're actually a real person with these problems and not some quasi-satirical shitposter, I suggest you get a shitty full-time job and move out of your parents place, and spend your free time doing things you actually enjoy rather than worrying about what society wants from you, which is subject to change and really doesn't have anything to do with happiness (e.g. if you woke up tomorrow as a respected civil servant, you'd still find just as much to bitch about). Leaving 4chan or at least limiting your time here can also do a lot to engender a positive worldview, which is much more than half the battle.

>> No.9189004


Cheer up.

>> No.9189033

200% woke

>> No.9189040


>Nicholas Nickleby

That's it! Here I was thinking it was David Copperfield.

How's the Norwegian cabin persona progressing Mr. Shitposter?

>> No.9189064

I agree with these statements

>> No.9189153
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This is mostly true but you shouldn't let it bother you so much.

>> No.9189176
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Ok, I hear what you are saying OP, and first let me just say there have been some replies in this thread that make a few good points, but mainly I would like to say that reading just like any task you put apply yourself to requires DISCIPLINE. Actively studying literature is very different from recreational reading, only thus are you able to gleam the insights some of the classics offer, but as many have pointed out before me have little to no importance in our day to day lives. I make no point or arguement here, I just way to say that reading does enrich your mind and your way of looking at the world and other people, it cultivates sympathy for other people and above all makes you a better and more interesting person. I am rambling now, but when you are bettering yourself through books, do not forget to also exercize your physical body, at the end of the day, laying down in your bed this will satisfy and enhance your reading experience.

>> No.9189201
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I would also like to add, yes, sometimes taking up big books that others have read and found interesting and fantastic, maybe just arent for you? What do you like, what is a page-turner book for you? What kind of books enrapture you? Take note of this, try and find more books like this, these are your favorite books. Try your best to alternate between reading these fun books that you breeze through with books that you find hard to read. The main lesson is also that to always be reading as well, turn it into a ritual or habit, that at least during 1 hour a day, you are reading a book. Then atleast you are getting somewhere.

>> No.9189355

They just aren't for you, there's nothing obscene about having an opinion. Why do you care about the opinions of others?

>> No.9189365

I agree.

>> No.9189531

>somehow a sunny day
>have tonnes of free time
>driving around city, drinking coffee, browsing 4chan on phone, feeling sad about life
>know I'll look back at this time of my life with extreme jealousy once I become a wagecuck
>yesterday I was in London for a graduate assessment centre that I was doing well in until I failed the interview horribly- didn't even feel sad somehow
>went walking around London but apart from a brief period of being in the British museum I never went to any other attraction or inside any park due to the feeling that I'd be missing out on the "busyness" of the city, even though I'm an ugly autist

Currently I'm having a crisis in confidence over whether I should fully use my intuitions or just swallow life's BS.

I know that the brothers Karamazov is overwritten boring nonsense that is glorified by pseudo intellectuals. I know that being bored is to a large degree an intellectual indicator. Yet I still feel a huge pressure to read it, along with tonnes of other pseudo intellectual boring books.