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/lit/ - Literature

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9186198 No.9186198 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good reads (preferably novels, not philosophical essays) related to existentialism / absurdism / nihilism.

I know those are 3 different philosophies but they all share things like lack of objective morality / lack of objective meaning in life / overcoming the absurd / etc.

>> No.9186244

desu bump

>> No.9186289

desu bump again

>> No.9186296


>> No.9186309

is that one better than this lit or what

>> No.9186466

Hijacking this thread

What's the difference between nihilism, subjectivism and relativism? Don't they all ultimately collapse back to nihilism?

>> No.9186479

The Book of Ecclesiastes is like twelve pages and packs more heat than any of these scrubs.

>> No.9186491

fuck off jew

>> No.9186525

>this pleb posts on /lit/ and there's nothing I can do about it
pretty infuriated tbqhwy

>> No.9186529

i said fuck off jew

>> No.9186687

who's the nihilist?

>> No.9186725

No Exit
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
White Noise
The Stranger
The Trial
The Plague
Notes From the Underground
Crime and Punishement
The Unbearable Lightness of Being

>> No.9186734

Nihilism is only the first step towards the Truth.

>> No.9187018

anything by Houellebecq

>> No.9187938

10/10 comment would read again

>> No.9187958
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>> No.9188077
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>> No.9188126
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> lack of objective morality / lack of objective meaning in life / overcoming the absurd / etc.
The reason yóu are playing this language game is that you are boring and uninspired. Probably bullied as well.

>> No.9188146


>> No.9188164

found the religious cuck

>> No.9188203 [DELETED] 


>> No.9188244

he didnt evne mention Tolstoy and you say /thread

>> No.9188297

desu bump

>> No.9188312

>lack of objective morality
Who cares. You know you'd feel bad for insulting your brother or killing a nigga so you don't do it for the sake of peace of mind.

>lack of objective meaning in life
Like having that used to make things any easier. "Just hold out fifty or so more years, paradise awaits if you're a good boy". As if that made life meaningful in a profound sense dude. People were just as depressed then as now.

> overcoming the absurd
Ooooh how mysterious and intriguing. Not. There is nothing "absurd" about life. We do what we must to get by and this involves mind numbingly redundant activity for the sake of aquiring currency under capitalism, or plain old survival in earlier times.

Of course you gotta leave it to coddled post war bougie snails to make it about their feels. MUH ANGUISH. MUH EXISTENTIAL ASSPAINED ANAL PAINS. Do you even realize how silly this sounds to men with intact balls?

Sort yourself out kid. Nothing personalle.

>> No.9188324

fuck off jew this is /lit/ go discuss philosophy in /his/

>> No.9188347

Good lit doesn't concern itself with superfluous philosophical wankery. Only the meaningful type :^)

>> No.9188368

Wow you're incredibly stupid.
Go back to r9k or /b/, clown.

>> No.9188444

Debate me, philistine.

>> No.9188454

I like you, anon
I hope you're racist

>> No.9188488

found the jew

>> No.9188519

I've always thought jews were the guys who wanted goyim to fall into nihilism and spend their whole life depressed.

>> No.9188549

Nihilism is not depressing, only beta teenagers that act like im depressed life is shit i hate everyone think nihilism is depressing.

I bet you are one of those, never heard about übermensch ?

>> No.9188577

found the nose

>> No.9188670

desu bump

>> No.9188686


>> No.9188689

What the fuck, Camus would not have said there's a meaning to life

>> No.9188707

He would if it had gotten him laid

>> No.9188734

>Implying he was a cuck like you

>> No.9188740
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Watch it

>> No.9188794

St. Augustine started and said everything of value that is there to be said on the subject. Everything else is garbage for teenagers.

>> No.9188838

>St. Augustine

>> No.9188895


>> No.9188942

Now THAT'S one YOUNG Pope.

>> No.9188980

A young faggot

>> No.9188986

Makes me happy that I'm Christian.

>> No.9189032

I know his domain is philosophy of history but does Oswald Spengler touch upon meaning at all in his writings?

>> No.9189037

subtle bait i like it

>> No.9189097

not a bait faggot

>> No.9189114

lol that is the archive of /lit/.
All past threads, even deleted ones, and deleted messages too.

>> No.9189167

proud of believing in things that dont exist kek

>> No.9189194


>> No.9189211
File: 489 KB, 853x480, Screenshot+from+2016-12-04+11-46-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this stuff is garbage, worse than useless. Read Nietzsche and Jung. SORT YOURSELF OUT.

>> No.9189228


>> No.9189234


>> No.9189264


>> No.9189294


>> No.9189360

Carl Gustav Jung

>> No.9189374

the nihilism one seems wrong.

>> No.9189379
File: 72 KB, 960x1280, cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking kierkegaard is valuable because of the shitty solutions he provided to the problems he diagnosed and not for the diagnosis itself

why do stupid people even bothered reading philosophy?

>> No.9189503

kant LUL

>> No.9189506

i didnt make it m9

>> No.9189523

t. someone who never read cunt

>> No.9189540

This is some thread lads

>> No.9189602

i did and he was a faggot

but at least he wanst 100% wrong

>> No.9189631
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>i did and he was a faggot
>he said while not explaining in detail why Kant was a faggot

>but at least he wanst 100% wrong
>he said while not explaining in detail why Kant wasn't 100% wrong

you have to do better than that, this is serious business

>> No.9189645

this is /lit/ not /his/ faggot

>> No.9189656
File: 131 KB, 485x458, 1446962245561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>associating with a school of thought
>still caring about the meaning of life

>> No.9189687

>not interested in anything


>> No.9189696

Existentialism is great when you are 14 but then you grow up and realise that the one true way to comport yourself is by belonging to One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church and studying the writings of Church Fathers.

>> No.9189703

>is by belonging to One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church and studying the writings of Church Fathers.

wouldn't they not want you if you're above the age of 14 tho?

>> No.9189804

nice b8

>> No.9189823


>> No.9190142


>> No.9190388


Who's representing Atheist existentialism and nihilism here?