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9176711 No.9176711 [Reply] [Original]

>Attending Academia in an age of YouTube, Wikipedia, Libgen, KhanAcademy, Private/Public Trackers, Subscription Based Services, Sci-Hub, Forums, Video/Audio Chat and much more

LMao, what the HELL, do you think you are doing?

>> No.9176716

>he's a teenager

If you can find everything you need online you must only know about stuff you can find online.


>> No.9176727

No argument to be found!

>> No.9176810

Professors regurgitate things they read online.

>> No.9176838

>learning in isolation

lol, ever wondered why homeschooled kids are socially inept retards?

>> No.9176847

words on a screen are meaningless if you have no physical life experiences to reference what anyones talking about

>> No.9176851

Many jobs require degrees
Most visas to live in other countries require degrees

I'm just glad I live in a country where degrees are basically free so I don't have to get into hideous debt

>> No.9176854

Hell, I can talk about Kant and shit like that with my beer buddies at the bar I go to because I'm a normal person.

>> No.9176855

If you're a professor, then you literally had to have attended school.

>> No.9176865

problem: most people are self-indulgent when left to their own devices

you CAN teach yourself virtually anything with the resources at hand, you almost certainly wont

>> No.9176869

You mean I can't become an intellectual by playing video games and watching animes all the time? What the hell

>> No.9176893

this sounds like a hypnopaedic mantra for lower castes

>> No.9176909

>Being a brainlet who cares what others think


So, what's stopping you going outside, lol?!

What is an internship?

>> No.9176922

Why do you expect people to think you're smart if you speak in text talk

>> No.9176935

>if you speak in text talk

How else would we communicate, friend?

>> No.9177426

Tell me one thing you learn in classes that you can't technically learn from the internet and books? You can download every single important books and if not you can buy it from Amazon for 15 bucks or get it from your library. Your professors aren't smart people, dumb people that are too bad at their subject to become successful teach, successful and smart people don't teach, they create.

>> No.9177432

>tfw you need a degree to prove you're competent in a subject

>> No.9177448

Not being a dilettante.

>> No.9177461

Majoring in a field which will require me to regularly use millions of dollars of delicate equipment. Yes, am STEM.

>> No.9177464

>wanting to work in retail

>> No.9177466


The value of an education.

>> No.9177467

What do you mean?

>> No.9177485

lmao, not an answer!!

>> No.9177498


Clearly you never had the pleasure of taking Intro College Seminar - The Value of An Education, as a required credit freshman year.

>> No.9177499

What the fuck does "the value of an education" mean? 50k in debt? I attended a University (a rather prestige one for Yuropor) and was on top of my class with very little work, I dropped out after 5 semesters because I felt like it was a complete waste of time and effort. While you can stumble upon a good teacher if you're lucky, the majority of professors are failed students that just went through the process of wasting a decade on getting a doctorate and writing an unthoughtful thesis about a completely niche and useless topic. I suggest you to read the doctoral dissertation of your professors to realise what dumb asses and failures are teaching you. Let's not continue about how fucking economically useless a degree is and wasting 4-8 years on an education is proper career suicide, I understood that early enough and dropped out and make money online nowadays. >>9177485 is not me

Stem isn't desired, it's a myth created by Newspapers and dumb people that dream about their own tech startup. The only engineers that are desired are the ones with 15 years of experience and a lot of impressive work behind them, sure if you worked at NASA for a decade, then you'll find a high paying job in no time, but if you're a graduate you'll most likely work in a non STEM field, unless you're a top of the class genius graduate with a lot of personal work already made. Most Stem students don't work in stem related fields, not everybody can be an inventor, sadly. Sure you might just hit a niche that allows you to earn a lot with a comfy job, but it's very unlikely.

The only worthwhile field to study nowadays is Medicine, both becoming a Doctor or Nurse.

>> No.9177507

you'd be amazed what's not available digitally.

you absolutely need to be at a 15k plus university to get access to some stuff

>> No.9177512

I'm in biochem with decent grades, so if the job market isn't panning out well I can certainly just go that route. But even if I didn't, there's no shortage of lab monkey positions in my area that would pay significantly more than a retail job. Sorry to hear that your engineering degree isn't panning out, though. I have a friend who's been unemployed for two years with an MSE degree. :(

>> No.9177519

Like what?

Archives are open to the public.

>> No.9177521

Yeah, I'll tell a company to trust my 401k not because I went to school in my field, but because I watched a lot of YouTube vids on it.

>> No.9177523

>He doesn't realise that if more people abandon Academia the entire qualification/degree system will have to adapt to it too

>> No.9177524

You understand that most colleges and universities allow you to just walk into their library and read everything without being a student?

I don't have a degree and I wasn't studying STEM. I studied international European law combined with English, a huge fucking waste. I didn't get a penny into debt but I still dropped out because it was such a waste of time. I make a lot of money online and moved to a nice city in an eastern European country where living costs are low as hell. if I completed my studies I would've probably been some low position public worker or local politician, both are suicide-tier wageslave jobs.

>> No.9177527

t. High schooler

Journal paywalls are a bitch, and not easily circumvented.

>> No.9177532

>he doesn't understand the prisoner's dilemma

>> No.9177536


Writing for NYU.

>> No.9177540

>50k in debt

I wasn't a dumbass and I got a full ride based on academics.

It must suck being poor AND stupid. Like, how fucking stupid do you have to be to not at least have 3.8 GPA in public school?

>> No.9177543

I've read 6 books on Game theory, brainlet, try me.

>> No.9177545

>Journal paywalls are a bitch, and not easily circumvented.



You're welcome.

>> No.9177553

I'm European, I got paid money to go to a University and had 0 debt because I don't live in a 3rd world country like Americans. As I said, go read the thesis of your professors and laugh at how stupid they are.

>> No.9177556

>What is an internship?

Since when is education SOLEY the route to employment? And even ignoring that, many internships require you to have a degree or be doing a degree, especially in fields that require actual knowledge like engineering and technology

>> No.9177564

>I'm European

Then you officially do not matter.

>> No.9177568

>especially in fields that require actual knowledge like engineering and technology

What is Github or Prototypes?

If an employer wants evidence I can do something in Programming, I can just create projects in Github and show them that as evidence. If an employer wants evidence I can build an engine or design them, I can just buy the parts and display it to them with its functions.

>> No.9177573

I did and you responded with a meme. What's your plan for making enough people drop out of tertiary education to end their monopoly on job qualification when failing to meet that threshold will, on average, result in hundreds of thousands lost for each of them?

>> No.9177576
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>he think people go to University to learn as opposed to going there to get a certification that they've learnt

>> No.9177578

Where exactly would you "buy the parts" to demonstrate your aerospace engineering skills? Just "buy" a wind tunnel and the CAD machines to build your design?

>> No.9177582

By giving millions of people access to websites which provide all University information for free and adapting the entire qualification system from Degrees to evidence of proficiency, that is, displaying examples of creations to employers as evidence for one's skill level rather than relying on a Degree.

This is already done in programming where over half of programmers are self-taught.

>> No.9177586



>> No.9177592

Degrees show you're monkeys who are good at jumping through hoops which is exactly what employers want

>> No.9177593

Of course such high-level jobs like Aerospace Engineering would be more refined and may maintain the degree system.

Such high-level degrees are not what we should be aiming for at this moment in time.

>> No.9177597

You do understand that the European Union is more relevant than the usa?

>> No.9177610

Are you kidding? I realize a million things that the world could do differently if we people put our heads together. But that's just not how people or the world works. You've got people who want to kill you just because your foreign. Because you don't believe in their version of god. Because you eat certain foods or abuse certain privileges. And if we can't agree on what's in our minds, then we certainly will never agree to what's around them.
Me personally, I'd study hard and work for free in a career I loved if it meant I got to learn more and if my working status entitled me to free(earned) liberties. But that's an utopian aspect of an utopian concept that I know will certainly never happen in my lifetime and will only happen if many, many people die and give up their right to power for it.

I'll hold my breath.

>> No.9177611

FTFY: Professors regurgitate things they read from other professors who read obscure books.

>> No.9177612


Mine was a land grant uni from the 1800s and they had god damned turn styles at the door, which you had to flash your id in front of.

These people are terrified of letting knowledge out the door

>> No.9177615

I don't want to be rude, buddy, but what I'm advocating doesn't require a mass-movement.

We are already heading towards it, more and more young men are dropping out of College and are turning to self-learning.

It will come, the day will come, I'm just telling you to prepare yourself!

>> No.9177616

What if what the employer wants, as 90% of them do, is evidence that you have a good work ethic and the ability to work with people you don't necessarily like? What if your field requires access to technology you can't afford to produce a relevant creation? You might be able to achieve limited success with finance, but that's about it.

>> No.9177623

>he thinks he can compete with people with similar skills but who also have a college degree

>> No.9177628

>What if what the employer wants, as 90% of them do, is evidence that you have a good work ethic and the ability to work with people you don't necessarily like? What if your field requires access to technology you can't afford to produce a relevant creation? You might be able to achieve limited success with finance, but that's about it.

They'd be able to deduce you have good work ethic from your creation/prototype. No different to programmers on Github, essayists, short-story writers, accountant doing mathematics tests, engineers building engines etc. They would deduce it from your level of knowledge in relation to your age, income, etc.

The ability to work with people you dislike is not a good point because employers have no way of knowing how you got on with people at University as a Degree doesn't state that. They could tell you were good at working with people from past jobs, references on your CV, hobbies etc.

Your third point is the only good one. Yes, there are fields were access to high-tech stuff will leave you at an impasse but like I said before, these fields are not the ones we should be aiming for.

>> No.9177630

they need that sweet sweet 80 grand away.
they can't just give that shit away for free

>> No.9177633

Degrees don't mean anything any more, brainlet.

Not even Google relies on degrees any more as they've found with managerial testing that degrees don't suggest improved work ability.

You can check that online if you don't believe me, brainlet.

>> No.9177642

>paying 30K a year to have someone else tell you how to read a fucking book

top pleb

>> No.9177644

You just don't know what jobs are out there then, my man. Most college grads will go on to fill in excel sheets or write copy for 8 hours a day. Glorified secretarial work is what degrees were made for. If you were to submit a project as evidence of your capability, you would be turned down because people who do that shit aren't suited to white collar life.

>> No.9177650

>Degrees don't mean anything any more, brainlet.
Yeah they do. Having a good degree on your CV is a net positive to your overall marketability.
>Not even Google relies on degrees any more as they've found with managerial testing that degrees don't suggest improved work ability.
>One company does this one thing
Not an argument.
>You can check that online if you don't believe me, brainlet.

>> No.9177651

Self taught men already run the world, you're discussing a figment of an illusion. And I assure you, the world cannot sustain 6,000,000,000 small businesses, and will destroy itself long before it's given the chance, even just to free itself first. But those in power seek this illusion of immortality which they only understand through genetics and civilization. They've forgotten that human existence will forever be finite and that true power is sustenance and necessity not luxury and overindulgence.
Which I'm way off track now. The point here is that you have a cute idea, but civilization as you know it will kill itself before it fixes itself. Even if it's "already on track" to repair.

>> No.9177653

>Not an argument.

Amazing debating skills from the College brainlet.

Really makes ya think...

>> No.9177664

>doubling down on no arguments
Not an argument.

>> No.9177666

Reddit post

>> No.9177671

>one company does this thing
>this company is also considered one of the most desirable employers in the world

>> No.9177673

>reddit bogeyman
Not an argument.

>> No.9177679

what a stupid post, you can make up for that marketability in skills gained not doing a degree idiot which will just make you more marketable for being better skilled than the other employees

>> No.9177691

>basing argument in your 0,01% dream scenario company and its hiring procedures instead of the 99% employers who will just flip through hundreds of applications and favor those with an actual degree as so to have the highest probability of finding a good hire and avoiding as much wasted work as possible
what sort of faggotry is this?

>> No.9177706

>He thinks future self-learners will apply to boring office work




>> No.9177707

You're just implying that as a self-taught student you'll always be much better than a University taught student.

Not true.

There is no fucking reason to believe that your skills from self-studying is not skills a University student also does not posess, either through their University curriculum or self-studies at the dorm/library.

>> No.9177709

And until they get that dream job they will live the wonderful NEET lifestyle, i'm sure!

>> No.9177714
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I just started online school so I can say I have a degree, other than that, I already know everything I need to Know to fake my way through just about any profession

>> No.9177715

Except I can through examples I have already stated such as Github, retard.

HmmmmmmmmmmmmMMM! I wonder who knows more about X subject; the guy who spent 4 years studying for exams or the guy who spent 4 years using all that time actually studying the topic.

Read the thread, brainlet.

Yes, I'm sure that over half of employed programmers that are self-taught are very happy with their lifestyles.

>> No.9177718

Thats why you adopt the "I'll try anything once" philosophy.

>> No.9177722

You do realize professors have to do research, right?

They might regurgitate stuff they themselves are not experts on, but absolutely do not in their comfort zone.

>> No.9177724

Why not extend this 'research' to all peoples instead of hoarding it for themselves and their fat lives?

>> No.9177725

>such as Github, retard.
Too bad College students are barred from using GitHub too.
>HmmmmmmmmmmmmMMM! I wonder who knows more about X subject; the guy who spent 4 years studying for exams or the guy who spent 4 years using all that time actually studying the topic.
You don't understand College if you think that is only what people do for 4 years, especially in programming courses.

Autodidacticism is frowned upon in University.
>Read the thread, brainlet.
No thanks.
>Yes, I'm sure that over half of employed programmers that are self-taught are very happy with their lifestyles.
Yes, I'm sure that over half of employed programmers that are University-taught are very happy with their lifestyles.

>> No.9177727

>Why not extend this 'research' to all peoples instead of hoarding it for themselves and their fat lives?
You'd fit in well at University actually!

>> No.9177731



>> No.9177733

I'm not a Marxist, where did you get that from?

Because I'm against Academics? Marx was an academic, brainlet.

>> No.9177740
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>69% of all developers tell us they are at least partly self-taught.

>> No.9177743

>Autodidacticism is frowned upon in University.
is not*

>> No.9177746

Nice Reddit-frog, dork!

I notice you ignore the other piece of information where "43% of developers have either a BA or BS in computer science or a related field. 2% of developers have a PhD."

Which clearly indicates that Self-teaching and On-the-Job training is more important than a degree.

>Self-Taught: 69.1%
>On the Job Training: 43.9%

>> No.9177769

most of them would were they asked
the confluence of academia and economics is the most ticklish thing on earth

>> No.9177790

You don't join university/college to study there. You join them so you have a certificate that you passed them.

This. You are supposed to learn yourself in the uni. They wont teach you.

>> No.9177800

Enjoy trying to get a job with Kahn Academy on your resume.

>> No.9177808

Read the thread, moron.

>> No.9178128

The next generation of higher education will be small private firms that simply oversee what you've taught yourself on the internet and test you to prove to employers that you are qualified in a certain field

>> No.9178140

I have no answer to this

>> No.9178146

>/lit/ will fall for this much bait

>> No.9178151


Hello my naive friend. Biochrm grad with a masters degree degree from the best university in my country here.

The job market is so saturated with PhDs jumping ship from academia that there's almost no employment for our Ilk. Secure a PhD before you graduate or suffer retail

>> No.9178155

I read a lot and discuss things with as many people as I can, but I highly doubt my amateur non-degree in the field of philosophy is going to get me anywhere.

I can't afford to go to college and loans are for idiots. Thanks, America.

>> No.9178164

Wow, op. That's interesting. Be right back, adding YouTube and Wikipedia to my resume.

>> No.9178173

You must have went to a community college.

>> No.9178229

It is. Tons of research papers out there. Sure, for access to some you need to pay but ain't no hood nigga reading Harvard research papers.

And they'll probably want to only teach those worth their time so no biggie there.

just end yourself stupid socialist fuck

>> No.9178238

The problem is that autodidacts have no way of knowing whether their interpretations are shit or not, and also the reliance on all these available sources of information just makes you complacent because why would you study when you can just look something up when you need to? Not to mention that if lecturers just give you shit to study from the internet you're just going to be the same as a shit lecturer. Better to pay for professional tuition if you want to learn anything because of the other benefits directed study in an institution gives you.

>> No.9178257

No, he's talking about university and he's right.

>> No.9178289

>You must have went
>must have went
>have went

>> No.9178457

Lol, that's where you're wrong, brainlet. I know homeless people that use sci-hub for access to astronomy papers.

>> No.9178463

>Being an ADHD child

>> No.9178489

A degree is proof of a certain degree of work moral and perseverance.

Getting a degree involves doing a lot of arbitrary shit you hate and for many fields self learning is simply not an option.

>> No.9178495

Read the thread, moron.

>> No.9178534

I have and it's just a bunch of retards circle-jerking about how IT is piss easy. (I take CS classes just to get easy credits)

What people don't seem to get is that for many fields it's simply not an option to not have a degree you will never even get an interview for many jobs unless you have
A, a degree
B, 10+ years of experience

However to get that experience you would have to start at the bottom and work your way up. which people here don't seem to take into account.
University also fills the role of making autists slightly less autistic and more sociable which sitting at home learning on the internet won't.

>> No.9178585

I did it to get money, get away from my home town and a place to live.
If I didn't study I would have to live in a small city above the arctic circle in my parents house and be a wagecuck.

>> No.9178721

What do you think professors do? Because they dont teach all the time.

Unless you went to a community college. Then i guess the quality of education you'd get there would be about as good as reading wikipedia articles.

>> No.9178744

>Autodidacticism is frowned upon in University.
Where and what did you study, imbecile? Stop judging all unis by your third world diploma mill.

>> No.9178773

For those of you bragging about how your professors do research be honest with me, how much time were they actually in class with you as opposed to a TA?

>> No.9178840

There's a difference in nomenclature between Europe and America that makes a difference here i think.
In many parts of europe only chaired full-professors are refered to as professors.
The rest are simply called lectures or whatever they happen to be.
I've had very few courses that were held by actual professors.

>> No.9178899

> this is how you spot someone who never belonged to any university

Universities have been fortresses of culture on our planet for hundreds of years. You have to be lucky and active to get teachers and join the informal circles, though. Unfortunately, just being there is not enough, as most of the students and graduates don't understand what's the difference either. Hint: it's not in the paperwork and technical details of its operation that are being eliminated and improved.

>> No.9178908

>You have to be lucky and active to get teachers and join the informal circles, though.


Here comes the loser that sucked up to the professor to get into his """circle""" where he bangs dumb female students who call themselves anarchists and feminists


Actually laughed out loud at your faggy post

>> No.9179005

They do, you turd, you just have to either buy it like every other book, be a part of their university and thus have access to their database, or purchase a subscription to a database.

Oh wow, people don't spend hundreds or even thousands of hours writing and researching for free?!? fucking white males!

Most professors enjoy teaching, they would probably explain their work for free if one displayed a genuine interest, including possibly giving you a copy of one of their books.

>> No.9179039

They're paid by my tax money, you cuck!

No worries, I'll just use Sci-Hub and get all the articles for free!

>> No.9179086

I'm just a dropout, good sir. I specifically wrote about informal and not even strictly defined circles, not the old boring (for the outside viewer) cases of nepotism.

> anarchists and feminists participating in Teacher/Student romance

Your "comrades" and "sisters" will inform on you before you finish to undress.

>> No.9179089

Computer, link >>9178908

>> No.9179126

>spending money on quality pencils and charcoals and paper when you can smear your on shit on walls for free
You're truly just cucking yourselves

>> No.9179129

>not being a NEET mofo
I shiggy diggy

>> No.9179152

You should have read the replies to it.

>> No.9179188


But they're right, though. I wish I had the courage to become an autodidact, because it's obviously superior.

T. stemfag at the best university in Sweden, where education is "free".

>> No.9179247

Class is invaluable for telling you you have it wrong. It's important to have your ideas properly vetted and checked through. If you're arrogant enough to think you can do everything yourself you're also arrogant enough to either never notice or never admit that your idea of something is bad and wrong and completely off the mark.

>> No.9179250


That's whats 4chan and answers manuals are for.

>> No.9179253



>> No.9179262
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>tfw dropped out of community college when i was going from a STEM degree

I still have an interest in Engineering, specifically Automotive Engineering but i didn't want to deal with going thru all those BS pre req's.

now Im living the NEET lifestyle.

feels weird man.

Is it possible if I read books relating to automotive engineering/thermodynamics it could help me get a job in the industry even though I dont have a degree.

Ive always wanted to open my own engineering firm.

>> No.9179284

>A gaggle of shitposting nineteen year olds on an anime forum will personally tutor you

>> No.9179287


Every now and then when you're not sure if you're right about some concept, you get on the proper board and post a prove me wrong protip you can't thread.

>> No.9179288

/lit/ is the most stimulating """"""intellectual"""""" environment I've been in so far

>> No.9179374

This, you'll learn what YOU want to learn and you'll understand what YOU want to understand, having teachers implies that you go where you don't want to go and you link things that you don't want to link and you take conclusions that you don't want to take

Of course you can find teachers online and stick to one, the result will be the same, but then what's the difference? Is being in front of your computer better than being in a classroom?

One thing you probably won't exercise online is presenting your ideas in front of other people, it can be valuable asset to learn

>> No.9179390

>they're paid by my tax money
No they aren't.
Not relevant.

>> No.9180617

>go read the thesis of your professors and laugh at how stupid they are

you must have gone to an absolutely bottom-tier school lmao

>> No.9180631


>> No.9180639

get out
run away as fast as you can

>> No.9182317

What books to read.

We live in a culture that is oversaturated with information and most of that is curated by media, content farms and advertisers just out to make a quick buck. Professors have spent their entire lives researching their fields and know things that do not filter to the top of a search engine.

>> No.9182332
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Good God, is this a thing people are saying now? Stop it. Shut up shut up shut up you cancerous fuck

>> No.9182366

> ze intarnet haz errything faggots

You knowledge is so limited by you upbringing in non-intellectual environment it's pathetic.

>> No.9182401

Sci-Hub is ALL journal papers, retard.

>> No.9182404

Not an argument, brainlet.

>> No.9182407

My college is free.
My college is easy for me.
I like what I'm studying.
I know some cool people in my college.
I like my college.

It's much more comfy than living with my parents, it's in a nicer town, and I learn cool stuff without too much effort. I'm probably going to lose some job positions to self-taught aspies, but hey, good for them I guess...

>> No.9182413
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It will never work the way you intend to and you will never be happy. Life and vitality in the age of the bug man is impossible.

>> No.9182453

-A certification for you visiting an Academic institution is valued by certain organizations and required for certain jobs
-most as in 99% of the people are plain unable to motivate themselves for long learning periods
-most as in >50% are unable to understand sources that are not diluted by a teacher/professor
-and last but not least "i don´t know what to do with my life and so i will now waste a bunch of money to study some shit that i don´t care about because else i´d be sitting home and my parents would tell me to go to work" my theory is that about 40% have this mentality though i might just be optimistic

>> No.9184092

Khan academy is actually shit, it's no wonder why Pajeets love it.