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/lit/ - Literature

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9173903 No.9173903 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw your parent(s) never encouraged you to read
>tfw your parent(s) were uncultured and narrow-minded
>tfw your parent(s) never introduced you to the local library
>tfw your parent(s) never encouraged you to articulate opinions and respect logic

>> No.9173910

There is no greater motivation in life than wanting to tell mommy and daddy to go fuck themselves. Harness that.

>> No.9173913


>> No.9173935


Good news! Free will exists.

Now get to work and stop using early determined variables to dictate your life.

>> No.9173936

So? When I was a kid, my dad read to me until I was like 6. Then I went and found my own books (usually pilfered from his study or the school library)

are you saying you had NO access to books?

Maybe it's because I'd see my dad read, but I usually put it down to my innate curiosity. I was never encouraged to read.

>> No.9173993
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>tfw your parents were too poor to send you to a private school where you'd receive a classical education
>tfw you spent your formative years playing mindless videogames instead of reading literature, learning another language, or picking up an instrument

>> No.9174007

>tfw your parents encourage you to read, send you to a nice school and help you out with your hobbies
>tfw you read more in your 24 years than most people in their lifetime
>tfw you speak 4 languages and play 2 instruments
>tfw you're a STEM grad with a great job

>tfw you still waste time autistically shitposting on le epic maymay exchange forum for edgy teens

>> No.9174074

>Free will exists.

>> No.9174107

>Muh mommy and daddy didnt encourage me
>tfw thats why Im a retard

>> No.9174113

Nice post, thanks for reminding me that.

>> No.9174223

my mom was a single mom with 4 kids and she was a janitor at our shitty apartment complex, she took me along with her when she picked up shit and garbage. then she locked me in an empty room for hours while she was gone by tying a dog leash around the door handle and fixing it to another door handle, this was my childhood. fuckkkk you

>> No.9174235

>your parents encouraged you to read at a young age
>you were a gifted, intelligent and engaged reader
>you end up becoming an English Major because of it and hate your life
damn OP you're lucky

>> No.9174242

so you were poor, neat

>> No.9174247

>she was a janitor at our shitty apartment complex
>our apartment
She didn't just lock you in your room? What the fuck?

>> No.9174315

I went to a fancy pants college and felt bitter about how so many friends had parents who were professors or artists or writers or generally COOL ppl. I think the only book my mom has read in the last 15 years is 50 shades, and dad in construction. Neither really care about _culture_. Now four years out of school, I don't feel that bitterness so much. The real world don't give a hoot about what you've read, and there's all the time in the world to get urself cultured for your own sake. You'll have a better sense about what you actually enjoy (vs what you ought to enjoy) and you'll probably be much more down to earth than the people who have had patrician lit fed to them from out of the womb. ////// Basically, don't worry, u won't be a plebe forever

>> No.9174327

My parents gave me a good upbringing but it all went to shit when I reached age 15 and they suddenly expected me to be an adult and leave the house. At 15. One minute they're being nice and the next thing I know I'm sleeping on park benches, so yes, I harness this energy.

>> No.9174329
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>respect logic

Why would I "respect" a possession?

>> No.9174337


>tfw you will always be a loser as long as you shift the responsibility of your life away from yourself and that this shift trades your potential for achieving anything with superficially satisfying self-pity

>> No.9174343

My dad is an engineer but he worked about 10 years in construction, living in caravans around Scotland and being a foreman etc. when he was younger.

Him and his colleagues do pub quizzes against my ex-school teachers and college lecturers in town and his group decimates them every fucking time. I know it's a pub quiz, but he is the most lowbrow working class type-man imaginable, and he really loathes those types. He's like shrek.

>> No.9174347


Your dad is scum. I've worked in a pub before that held quizzes, and the type of people who won were the kind who could name every football team in Scottish League 2 yet couldn't wash themselves in the morning.

>> No.9174357


>the kind who could name every football team in Scottish League 2 yet couldn't wash themselves in the morning.


>> No.9174358

Hahaha, I know. Basically everyone in my town who is over the age of 40 is scum tho

>> No.9174366

>studying English at university
>mum is always telling people how she would encourage me to write stories when I was young
>also mentions that I would see my dad reading a book and mimic him, long before I could even read
>believes it contributed to my eventual decision to study literature
>mfw I regret choosing English
>mfw I don't enjoy reading

>> No.9174535

Truly there is no escape from this hell

>> No.9175864

Even if you've never read a book in your life at 18 you're not far behind if you jump into real literature directly. Kids don't read anything worthwhile and if teenagers read literature then they will most likely need to reread it later on to actually gain much from it.

>> No.9175967

Sucks to be you. I'd probably off myself if I grew up prole.

>> No.9175977

>implying proles have any self-awareness
They live a happy life.

>> No.9175983

My parents only gave me life...ugh like seriously? Fuck you dad!

>> No.9175987

absolutely retarded

>> No.9175992

My mom is a prostitute and my dad a violent drunk who beat me up once a week, I'm the first person in the history of my family in college and I'm botj bad of hearing and autistic, so stop complaining you pussy.

>> No.9175996

Growing up rich and reading at a young age is a disadvantage, it will make you think you're a bigshot and start getting an English or philosophy degree while still being a pleb.

>> No.9176008

>tfw I never seriously read in my life but when I decided to I found my dad's bookshelves have the complete works of Joyce, Shakespeare, Aristotle, and sampling a from Plato, Kant, Descartes, Hegel and many others

>> No.9176013

Yeah, my dad isn't very cultured, but I get a feeling that he has a lot of untapped intelligence. He was one of the best in his field, worldwide, but he has such awful emotional and personality problems (abusive parents and growing up when mental health wasn't exactly... held in high regard), that he ruins everything he could have had.

He's super paranoid, but at the same time weirdly naive? Like he assumes everybody is out to get him, but every two months he talks about this huge business deal that he never demanded to have in writing. Like, com'on.

I forgot what my point was. Basically, he reads a lot of koontz and king, but recently he's gotten back into reading, and is really branching out. It's the only silver lining in his life right now. It makes me feel bad.

I want him to read, but I'd rather he just be able to watch tv if it meant he was well off.

Sorry for the blog post, I just... I have a lot of feels right now.

>> No.9176023

Sorry to hear that your father fell for the memes

>> No.9176053

I guffawed

>> No.9176475

You figured it out yourself. You did good. Now spread it.

I kind of got trapped in the mindset of expecting school to teach me everything. Biggest mistake I ever made. So I basically delayed doing everything that I wanted to do.

Fucking hell - when I used to play with my chemistry sets around 7/8 yo I had a fucking lab journal. Imagine if I channeled that into something useful.

>> No.9176489
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>tfw parents weren't rich so I am unable to live a life of leisure reading any fine literature I want and studying philosophy as I please
fuckin bourgeoisie

>> No.9176500

jealous of life since im a bit on the opposite end but glad we have one thing in common

>> No.9176520

you shouldn't need your parents to get you to do that. if anything I would have refused to go along with this idea, simply because i'd always be in their shadow

this guy gets it. I taught myself computer programming at an early age, and worked on a few FOSS projects, majoring in CS

>> No.9176541

i've grown to like it
I feel like the anonymity of 4chan makes genuine conversation easier without trying to (unironically) boast and be overly pretentious

>> No.9176557

>parents never encouraged me to read
>waste my time on vidya/internet
>27 now and only really starting to read

I'm an uncultured pleb for life

>> No.9176639

hey look a daddy issues thread
>dad is borderline illiterate blue-collar baby-boomer endtimes doomsayer pastor/illuminati fanatic
>mom is from the literal jungle, also borderline illiterate but had enough asian-mom sense to take me to the library when i was a lad
>Books were the only aspect of my life my dad couldn't regulate because he can't read past grade school level
>he would literally throw away my books if he didn't like the cover for satanic/illuminati reasons
>got into the habit of buying hardcovers and trashing the dustcovers so all my books are plain
>he still tries to trash books with "death" or anything dark in the title
>tell him he can't touch anything he hasn't read
>he finally acknowledges that I'm more intelligent than him
>notices that books are literally the only thing I own because everything else has been demonized by some stupid reasoning
>we don't talk anymore but he's obviously trying to make up for his shitty parenting
feels terrible 2bh but I'm glad I discovered literature as a surrogate mentor

>> No.9176645
File: 18 KB, 600x238, despair_wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey look a daddy issues thread
Nice, I could use one of them.
>tfw never had a father
Feels very bad.
No book can ever cure this feel and the lifelong scars it causes.

>> No.9176653

>tfw parents encouraged me to read but I was too much of a little shit to humor them
>only started reading at 13 when my aunt gave me some shitty YA books that I found entertaining

>> No.9176900

I don't understand this thread. I do what I want to do.

>> No.9176938

sometimes I think it's too late for myself.

All the great writers began while young. I started reading seriously only at 14. That's a stunt on my growth I feel and there's no way I'll compete with others.

Part of me just says to major in classics so I can potentially catch up.

Another part of me just wants to not go to college and try to become the musician I've always wanted. But I live in the middle of fucking nowhere.

Anyone have a band that will let me follow and shadow? Thanks

>> No.9177245

Lmao most writers were doing jack shit in their teenage years, some into their twenties. You're fine anon. Reading serious literature at such a young age is a waste of time, you don't have the life experiences and knowledge to truly understand it. Kids should be reading non-fiction

>> No.9177270

>Free will exists

i shiggy diggy

>> No.9177310


why do you care that u dont have a dad? my dad was a drug addict who killed himself before i was born and it never really bothered me.. i think i remember getting upset about it when i was 13 once but before that and after that i never thought about it or cared.. maybe im just repressing..

>> No.9177335

This isn't true at all. I spent most of my childhood reading and I attribute most of my "intelligence" to simply having greater reading comprehension than anyone around me. It carries over into a lot of different areas; I'm able to quickly comprehend concepts that other students have to study for hours to memorize.

On the subject of parents:
>mother was a schoolteacher
>father is an Engineer with a degree in English and reads all the time
>I read pretty much constantly during my childhood and adolescence
>would enjoy an English degree but decide to do Engineering instead because $career and I hate writing

Feels pretty fucking good desu

>> No.9177342

You're also a huge fucking liar, don't forget that.

>> No.9177347

You're anecdotal evidence doesn't work, I can use that too. My buddy is the top of his class as an physics major in a top 20 school, he reads no books except his text books when he started college. The attributes you listed mostly comes down to genetics and your upbringing, not what books you read at 12

>> No.9177355

I feel for you anon. My dad is genuinely the smartest guy I've ever met, but he had a shit childhood and it kind of fucked him up socially. He did pretty well for himself and our family, but he could have accomplished so much more and now his life is basically over.

>> No.9177370


I just don't feel like I'm very smart; I can't organize information well and I have a shit memory. All that reading seems like a good way to explain it, but of course I can't say for sure.

>> No.9177389

>All the great writers began while young. I started reading seriously only at 14.
DeLillo didn't start reading seriously til he was like 19

>> No.9177395

this is my response to 95% of /lit/

>what does lit think of
>should i do
>what's the best
>how do i

>> No.9177412


>> No.9177446

>respecting logic

>> No.9177452

>caring about culture
See: >>9177446

>> No.9177456

>The attributes you listed mostly comes down to genetics and your upbringing,

>> No.9177458

Wow amazing argument anon, really changed my thinking

>> No.9177463

>Arguments are good because le greek me-mes

>> No.9177487
File: 32 KB, 530x298, howardheader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents never parents went college. My mom never even finished high school. While my dad went to the marines for 8 years straight out of high school. They aren't educated on classical literature but they worked hard to make sure me and my sister had a better life then them. Sure they don't know who Nietzsche is but the point is that at the end of the day it doesn't matter how many authors you know or how many books you've read only knowing a skill and hard work can get you far. I know this sounds gay af but just thought i'd give my two cents.

>> No.9177511


what do you mean you have a bad memory, i thought you understand concepts quickly that others have to spend hours to memorize (presumably to remember them for tests..)?

>> No.9177528

>LMAO YOU WANT MORE THAN ME JUST SAYING "wrong"???? That's not enough for you XD??? Lol im such a contrarian I don't even need arguments

Seriously kys

>> No.9177560

If you have a comprehensive understanding of a concept then you don't have to remember all the details; you can work it out for yourself on an exam. Many students have trouble understanding things so instead they memorize how problems are solved and then recite them back during the test. These are also the sort of people who are frustrated after exams because the professor made some minor changes to the problem and they couldn't figure out how to adapt their knowledge to fit.

I usually test very well.

>> No.9177649

t. reddit

>> No.9177684

>your room
haha, ok. you gotta go lower famalam, think a one-room studio that opens onto the world of shit outside.

>> No.9177748

your opinions are worthless if you don't tell anyone the reasoning behind them

>> No.9177833


>> No.9177855

Is it true that not reading to your child decreases his maximum potential IQ?

My parents never read to me as a child, but they did teach me the alphabet at like age 4.

>> No.9177856

>it matters in any way shape or form
I'd tell you to commit suicide but you already have

philosophically, that is

>> No.9178116

Honestly probably most likely usually this senpai
Some 9 year old on counter strike was talking about how he's really smart and knows what a spine is and I was tempted to call him a stupid retard just to make sure he wouldn't grow up thinking he's smart but I didn't because he was 9. He might've been a literal genius for all I know but there is no greater setback for intelligence than complacency

>> No.9178126


And now you shit post on 4chan in your pre-teens.

>> No.9178141


My parents encouraged me to read since i was born, but i was a fucking idiot and didn't start reading till i reached 16.

I regret it so much.

>> No.9178787

>having shit parents
My parents didn't even speak English and they encouraged me to read.

>> No.9178909

>tfw my parents encouraged me to read but it was all nonsense I've spent years undoing.

>> No.9178922

My parents never made me do anything except my homework. The house was always full of books and classical music though. No television and only limited computer use which might have helped; there wasn't a hell of a lot else to do around the house but read.
I mostly just read shit until the end of secondary school where I was taught English by this married couple, they really woke me up to appreciating proper literature.

>> No.9178938


>tfw your parent(s) were too poor to finance you for your entire life, allowing you to travel the world, attend the best universities, living a carefree jetset lifestyle that would give you the best circumstances to write a mediocre book about your personal life

lål, life truly is suffering.

>> No.9178980

>not läl
Lmaoing at ur life

>> No.9178985

Why? muh greek me-mes?

>> No.9179743

>parents are disabled and might be mentally ill
>never did anything to support me
>never taught me anything
>dad always told me to go away and that he'll kill me
>lots of neglect and abuse, verbally and physically
>results in me being a weirdo, borderline retarded fuck

>tfw stopped hating my dad a long time ago
because he's just a miserable fuck who lived a shitty life
>tfw never hated my mom because she's still awesome

Whatever. I think that even with a great family I would have turned out to be human garbage so I'm not that bitter anymore. It isn't their fault.