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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 620x330, sallyrooney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9168530 No.9168530 [Reply] [Original]

>"Sorry, what's your name again? Oh ok, and you're a published author, right? Only, this party is kinda only for writers who have actually published a book already"

What do you do in this situation /lit/?

>> No.9168535

i wrote in hypersphere and totalitarianism in a sauna

>> No.9168538
File: 39 KB, 640x360, 1470118041561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"I don't want to go to some lame YA party. Later on, squares."

>> No.9168542

i show them my published book obviously


>> No.9168544
File: 24 KB, 512x512, helm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This you?

>> No.9168556


>> No.9168557

I'll author a real mean post about you on facebook, unless you apologize right now.

>> No.9168566

'Technically I still write things. Being published is irrelevant.'

Because they're shitty YA authors they'll have trouble deconstructing my obtuse argument and I'll just walk past them.

inb4 alfafa as fug etc

>> No.9168568

Holy......I want more.....

>> No.9168575

They're not YA authors, stupid.

The girl in the middle, Sally Rooney, just turned 25 and sold her debut novel ("Conversations With Friends") for a six-figure sum.


>"Frances is a cool-headed and darkly observant young woman, vaguely pursuing a career in writing while studying in Dublin. Her best friend and comrade-in-arms is the beautiful and endlessly self-possessed Bobbi. At a local poetry performance one night, Frances and Bobbi catch the eye of Melissa, a well-known photographer, and as the girls are then gradually drawn into Melissa’s world, Frances is reluctantly impressed by the older woman’s sophisticated home and tall, handsome husband, Nick. However amusing and ironic Frances and Nick’s flirtation seems at first, it gives way to a strange intimacy, and Frances’s friendship with Bobbi begins to fracture. As Frances tries to keep her life in check, her relationships increasingly resist her control: with Nick, with her difficult and unhappy father, and finally, terribly, with Bobbi. "

>> No.9168578

>Alex Corvus' cheeks were also a flooded road.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9168585

UIf they're going to be cunts about it, I'd just leave if they aren't going to let me in. I'd definitely ask if I could just wander around anyways, but if they're adamant, just leave.
Or maybe pretend to be a fan of someone.
Sounds like shit

>> No.9168595

>darkly observant

what did she mean by this?

>> No.9168597

>central character is a writer

Sounds like another triumph of the 21st century literary imagination.

>> No.9168599

>author is 25
>author just made at least $50k writing her debut novel

It really suck to be you, huh?

>> No.9168602
File: 98 KB, 504x470, 42868696203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the author is a young woman struggling to become a writer
>the protagonist is a young woman struggling to become a writer
>sold for a six-figure sum

>> No.9168603

You can also make 50k pretty quickly selling heroin.

>> No.9168608
File: 209 KB, 300x498, projecting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It really suck to be you, huh?
Do you think I'm some struggling writer, or something? Another failure of imagination ...

>> No.9168641

I've published several poems in my friends anarchist zine, bitch. Now, if you excuse me, I've got free wine to drink.

>> No.9168644
File: 99 KB, 655x855, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wer einst zu verkünden hat, schweigt viel in sich hinein.
>Wer einst den Blitz zu Zünden hat, muss lange – Wolke sein!
And then I run away with my arms behind my back desu

>> No.9168647

I know the guy on the left. He most certainly hasn't published anything. Otherwise I'd never hear the end of it.

>> No.9168655

No, you don't.

>> No.9168669

Micheal Barton. Studied History and politics in Trinity, Dublin. We used to compete against one another in short story competitions.

>> No.9168673

Does a regular column in a weekly local newspaper count?

>> No.9168680

Looks like he won.

>> No.9168685

Were you that lad who tried out for debate team and got laughed out of the room?

>> No.9168687

By what metric? Being in a picture beside a published author? I guess he's got me there.

>> No.9168691

I spit in their faces

>> No.9168700

He's a part of the in-crowd, loser. If he wants his work published he can just ring up Ms Rooney or another of his literary friends and say "Hey, I have a novel that I want to publish. How can you help?" and within days the eyes of a seasoned editor will be reading the contents of his imagination with astonishment and delight. Meanwhile, you are sitting in your room on your laptop, in total silence, with no lights on, in your boxer shorts no doubt, refreshing a page on notorious the racist forum and general loserfest of 4 Chan. Where's your book contract? Where's your photograph in the paper? Who the fuck even are you?

>> No.9168719

Sounds like you're projecting, buddy.

>> No.9168729

Sasha Grey made good money rimmimg some gross dudes, your point is...?

>> No.9168738

My name is Jon, and this is my glock 17. Prepare to die.

>> No.9168740

Posting a pic of yourself with a YA author and pretending you're published has to be in the top ten of pathetic shit I've seen on 4chan, somewhere between the guy that listened to a single Linkin Park song 60 thousand times and the guy that paid 150 dollars to get raped by a tranny.

>> No.9168747

well he'll be dead one day so it doesn't really matter, we'll be even then

>> No.9168748

Ummm, but what if you ARE published? Ever consider that lad?

>> No.9168753

Not really. His essential spirit will continue to exist via wikipedia and the internet in general, while your essential spirit will be instantly extinguished, never to be considered ever again outside of your ma's thoughts.

>> No.9168762

This post made my day. What a sad man must you be to write all that shit. He's not published but he could use influences instead of talent to get published, wow. We're all jelly as fuck, please stop being such a winner, I couldn't handle it.

>> No.9168765

That doesn't make her a good writer. The "main character is a writer" Trope has already been done to death and barely ever done well.

>> No.9168766

I show them the reams of poorly constructed, unedited erotica I've self published and proclaim myself the "James Joyce of Evangelion-Werewolf-Vore".

>> No.9168936

Nothing much going on for you today, then.

>> No.9168942

>$50k is a lot
God damn it feels good being middle class.

>> No.9168949

You're right.

4chan truly is the most fulfilling life.

>> No.9168968

Is it better to have published a terrible piece of YA trash or to have published nothing at all?

>> No.9168973
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>> No.9168977 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.54 MB, 2456x3262, 1488290255526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh ok, and you're a published author, right?
I am

>> No.9169089

what about the "main character is a depressed neet loser" trope?
tell me quick before I hit submit on this draft

>> No.9169137

Just do it. Worst thing they can do is say no.

>> No.9169145

Reminder that women want to be fucked by male writers who write about women, in good or bad.

>> No.9169159

>Worst thing they can do is say no.
And add you to their shit-list, so they can ignore any future submissions.

>> No.9169163

That's what pseudonyms are for.

>> No.9169297

Could work, as long as you change your address too.

This is the age of shared data. It wouldn't surprise me if publishers kept a centralised list of no-hopers, for use throughout the industry. It would save them a whole lot of time and labour.

>> No.9169340

Different publishing houses have an inherent interest in their competitors wading through torrents of shit. It's probable that some publishers collaborate and share rescources but the majority don't, much for the same reason that McDonalds and Burgerking don't share consumer data.

>> No.9169426

best answer so far.

>> No.9169443

being in the paper is not an honor, more like the reverse, because it means journalists noticed you and journalists are UNIVERSALLY complete subhumans who should be legally disallowed from holding work or receiving charity

>> No.9169484


>Being published whilst you're still alive
>Admitting that you are motivated by avarice, vanity and the need of fame
>Not withholding all of your material to be published posthumously, which is when it really counts

Later, losers.

>> No.9169506

It's the kind of thing a third-party developer might come up with. A sort of "credibility rating agency" for would-be authors. Publishers would submit their data and pay a fee to access the central database.

If it works in the credit industry, it could work for publishing. Might be a business opportunity worth pursuing, if it hasn't been already.

>> No.9169547

Overwhelmingly, nothing. Most YA authors would have made more money if they had spent their time flipping burgers instead of writing. When you get to the point where you're making more than you would have otherwise, the threshhold becomes your self-awareness and appetite for shame. How much of a raise would you accept in exchange for the private and public knowledge that you are a hack?

>> No.9169640

Hey that's the Dublin Chapters, that's where I shop

>> No.9169652

H&F on Dawson Street is more comprehensive and better laid out, honestly.

>> No.9169659


Yeah, but Chapters has that dirt cheap second hand section upstairs

>> No.9169667

Are either of you published authors? Don't reply if not.

>> No.9169670


I've published scientific papers, does that count?

>> No.9169675

Just short stories online and in a couple of magazines.

>> No.9169681

"Well Id like to get published, so Im kinda here to hear about other people's experiences and maybe learn a thing or two."

>> No.9169743

Thwack the bridge of their noses with my actual, tangible book, then berate then like they deserve.

>> No.9169887

Are these three Polacks famous?

>> No.9169892

Girl here. I'd have turned away by the fifth word.

>> No.9169902

Betacarotene deficiency

>> No.9169920

I would lie about it, make up a name of a book and a plot for it on the spot. All the hipsters will pretend to have heard of it and I'm in.

>> No.9170210

link them to my halo X my little pony fan fiction and ask them if it counts.

>> No.9170267

I made $50k at 23 killing babies in third world countries. Then I made $60k to sit around and read books. I got a triplet of buddies out in Silicon Valley all pulling in mid six-figures, all under 25, to code shitty phone apps.

Oh, but you're impressed because someone else wrote one of hundreds of thousands of books that gets published a year, but her drivel was the right kind of stupidity to get snatched for by a publisher so that publisher can cash in on the inevitable Netflix mini-series or Fall seasonal movie.

Breh, get over it. Literally billions of people make money doing things. Millions of people make money doing they things they love. It is not special or unique, at all, and pretending like it is is a surefire way to out yourself as a child.

>> No.9170315

Do actual publishing companies only consider publishing works by someone who's already published in magazines, journals, newspapers, etc?

Do they just ignore aspiring writers who haven't published anything before hand?

>> No.9170377

>caring about money

She's going to blow it on purses and cocktails, hoping the guy who rails her that night won't leave her in the morning like all the others have.