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/lit/ - Literature

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9144141 No.9144141 [Reply] [Original]

How is it possible for an entire country to be so completely devoid of literary talent? I say this as a Canadian

>> No.9144156

Anne Carson is top-tier desu

>> No.9144158

alice munro is pretty tight desu

>> No.9144182

Munro, early Ondaatje, and Leonard Cohen are all pretty strong examples of talent.

>> No.9144216

forgot robertson Davies

>> No.9144219

Excuse me, you have Rupi Kaur

>> No.9144220

Learn french.

>> No.9144224

canadas the fucking weirdest country lol

>> No.9144225
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you were saying?

>> No.9144229

Oh, I don't know- Robertson Davies is kind of fun. That second trilogy quite good!

>> No.9144231

read my book op

>> No.9144237

pierre berton matie

>> No.9144244

Unequivocally no. Fuck Quebec

>> No.9144251

stay pleb

>> No.9144253

Mavis Gallant is the patrician choice

>> No.9144259

Fuck off back to France any time.

>> No.9144271

these also:
Atwood, Ondaatje, Robertson Davies, Richler, and Rawi Hage come to mind.
Remember, Canada is a big country in terms of territory but there really aren't that many of us in terms of population.

>> No.9144273

Go read a book, friend.

>> No.9144284

Because we're still basically an anglo trading outpost with no culture to speak of other than muh liberal tolerance.
Take the Quebec pill

>> No.9144311

As a Canadian, I have no idea where to start with Canadian literature. I also have no interest in it.

To be honest, this seems interesting.

>> No.9144339
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OP here. Thanks for proving my point. This country is trash and our """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""literature""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" is even worse

>> No.9144356

Richler is trash
Davies is trash
Atwood is meh genre fiction
Don't know Hage
Ondaatje is pretty decent.

The only literature that came from Canada that I really like is Alice Munro, and one good author is pretty paltry for a national output. Saul Bellow is great, but I don't know if I'd consider him a Canadian author as he moved to Chicago when he was 9. We might be able to claim William Gibson, who has lived here since he was like 19

>> No.9144364

A friend of mine and I took a Canadian Fiction class at my university (we're Canadian so it's not weird). We were assigned this one book by Mordecai Richler (Solomon gursky was here), and it was so bad that we made it a ritual on our semi-regular nightly woods hikes to read a page from it, rip it out of the book, and use it to start our campfires

>> No.9144366
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this thread

>> No.9144420

Day of Rake when?

>> No.9144451
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The original Anne of Green Gables is cute.

the dozen or so books after that, I dunno.

>> No.9144458

>he hasnt read The Canadiad

>> No.9144517

There's tons, there's just no meme books so you idiot nyrb hipster fucks are ignorant to them.

George Bowering, Al Purdy, Bliss Carman, Gilles Henault, Albert Ferland, Hugh MacLennan, Graeme Gibson, Rawi Hage, Garry Thomas Morse, Alice Munro, S.D Chrostowska.

Read a fucking book.

>> No.9144539

Because they are fucking leaves.

>> No.9144561

Because you don't give anything a chance.

>> No.9144568

Anything novels from Canada that edgy or dark?

>> No.9144586


>> No.9144589

Um, yes. Look up Southern Ontario Gothic. Also read a fucking book>>9144586

>> No.9144597

>Southern Ontario Gothic
>actually dark in any way

>> No.9144607

George Grant

>> No.9144749

Came here to post this.

it's great but in my opinion as a canadian who lived in a similar situation, there wasn't enough descriptions of the bear's anatomy and no actual intercourse with the bear, but it did eat her snatch a few times, so I'd say it wasn't even that edgy. It's a neat look at how normies handle isolation though

>> No.9144784

this direct quote from the book seems to disagree. >>9144339
also based on that passage it's absolute garbage

>> No.9144796
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>he doesn't rate this madman right here

>> No.9144849

Canada unironically has an amazing cultural production of art and literature for such a small population historicity

>> No.9144850

Literally who?

>> No.9144865
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Canada is just as over-represented as Jews in Hollywood and the North American music industry.

Gordon Lightfoot's lyrics alone are literary master-pieces one and all. A true Canadian treasure.

>> No.9144908

While Malcolm Lowry technically isn't Canadian, he did write Under the Volcano while living in British Columbia, and you can't tell me that's not a fucking dark novel.

>> No.9145015

It's a desperate and short lived scene and basically every other page in the book is about how desperately lonely she is.

you can be an utter faggot about it but at the end of the day you're going to jack off to trap shota vore so how about you get over the bear fucking

and yeah I have been stuck on a ranch by myself for extended periods of time, I have thought about fucking an animal, so fuck you

>> No.9145385

Hey leafs, I need to read a book by a Canadian author published in the last 4 years for uni. Any recommendations?

>> No.9145401

is this a country? i've never heard of

>> No.9145501


>> No.9146979
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Canada has tons of good writers. Try reading more.

>> No.9147019

There are some local bookstores here in NS which have tons of Canadiana, I've been meaning to go pick some out, I assume there are many underappreciated gems.

>> No.9147041

Fifteen Dogs – André Alexis
Hermes and Apollo grant human consciousness to a group of dogs in the name of settling a bet. The dogs are torn between two alternatives: continuing with their old dog life and resisting the changes or embracing their new lifestyle.

>> No.9147102

thought Ondaatje was from RSA

>> No.9147280

How is it possible for a country with such a small population to have so few popular writers?

>> No.9147321

35m mostly white people aint a small country, m8

>> No.9147351

Bookmark on Spring Garden in Haliwood ftw

>> No.9147374

At least Canada is better than Cuckstralia

>> No.9147776


You're New Age yuppie trash.

>> No.9147799

Didn't even know he was Canadian. I thought he was from Minnesota or some such hellhole.

>> No.9147836


All trash.

>> No.9147877
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I really enjoyed this. Only canada book i've read

>> No.9148194

You've read not a single fucking word of any of those books, so forgive me if I disregard your useless opinion.

>> No.9148262

Stop making up names. 1/2 of these are just taken straight out of an old phone book.

>> No.9148842

Most individual countries don't have much in terms significant literary contribution when you go through the list. Canada is a low population country without a very interesting history, it's not much of an outlier.

>> No.9150331

Guy Vanderhauge you cucks get on it

>> No.9150358


You seem like a very uneducated, arrogant person who is most likely not enjoyable to be around in real life.

>> No.9150388

You seem like a smelly French faggot who needs to fuck off back to Europe

>> No.9150413

You first, Quebec.

>> No.9150425

You seem like a crooked teeth anglo that needs to go back to Europe.

>> No.9150449


Actually I am not French at all and live in BC. But cool assumption.

>> No.9150534

betabux quebcois losers detected. even france doesn't want you LMAO

>> No.9150608



>> No.9150635

We were here first, faggot~~~

>> No.9150640
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>> No.9151230

If you are monolingual in a bilingual country you are probably a sheltered person.

>> No.9151248

Quebec literary culture is where it's at.

As another posted said, learn french.

>> No.9151626

God the Quebecois are so pathetic. At least the real French have reasons to be chauvinistic.

>> No.9151647

Second this.

>> No.9151650

Quebec also produces way better music than the rest of canada. Why are anglos so useless?

>> No.9151734

Pierre Burton

>> No.9151757

Just like USA, but USA floods the world with his trash 24/7 as a way of imperialism.

All former colonies are shit.

>> No.9152357

Before you all say fuck Quebec, Gabrielle Roy

>> No.9152993

And yet 90% of Canadians speak English as their first language. Your ancestors must have been some seriously spineless cucks

>> No.9153332

Yes, if you prefer Celine Dion to Rush, I suppose so.

>> No.9153749

At least you're not Australian

>> No.9153755


>> No.9153780


I'm sure Canada and Australia still have more writers of note than New Zealand.

We have Katherine Mansfield, C.K. Stead, Maurice Gee, maybe Janet Frame if you're into that kinda thing, and that's about it. And Mansfield is probably the only one that's well-known outside NZ.

>> No.9153788


But that's statistically wrong, it's like 20%.

>> No.9153953

What is it with people endearingly eating up the works of race baiters?

Do you think it's "eye opening" when you read a person talking about racial differences and unnecessarily making said differences a big deal?

Are you one of the rare few that still give CNN and Buzzfeed views?

>> No.9154103
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>> No.9154129

Did he write literature? I thought he was just political/theological.

William Gairdner is one of my favourite Canadian authors but he doesn't write literature either.

Stephen Leacock is another one of my favourites...He wrote a lot of great short stories, and also so political/economic stuff.

Gordon Lightfoot will go down as one of the best songwriters of all time. A lot of his songs become successful as covers by more famous singers.

>> No.9155458

Haven't read any, have you? His prose is beautiful, and his plots aren't "race baiting." Go read a book.

>> No.9156135

She was from Manitoba, though her work
is associated with Montreal

>> No.9156342



>> No.9156353

Lowry was great, you should read The Forest Path to Spring

If under the volcano is like inferno, then forest path is paradiso

>> No.9156356

Mac DeMarco's new album seems to refute your argument

>> No.9156385

No argument was made except an appeal to authority. OP is a (self) hater.

>> No.9156710

No wonder they want to secede from you