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/lit/ - Literature

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9134130 No.9134130 [Reply] [Original]

Why do normies hate Ayn Rand so much? I can't go a day without someone on campus just jumping on that bandwagon and verbally attacking someone who was reading it in public. What is in this book to make people so upset at just the shear thought of it?

>> No.9134143

First off:

Kill yourself

> I can't go a day without someone on campus just jumping on that bandwagon and verbally attacking someone who was reading it in public
This is a lie

>What is in this book to make people so upset?


lol hilarious

God, I hate you frogfaggots. Read the book (I know you are only here to talk about muh normies/liberals/women/jews/whatever)

>> No.9134150

I'm just asking why people get so upset by the book and the ideas contained within it.

>> No.9134154

Kill yourself

>> No.9134158

Reading Ayn Rand in public is literally virtue signaling.

>> No.9134166
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>being mentally scared of words on a page
>telling other to kill themselves for reading certain books
>being a book burner

>> No.9134178

>thinking there's a conspiracy against him when someone reminds him not to shit up this board

Funny frog pictures, though.

>> No.9134215

The collective wants us to conform. If you do something outside the norm, they would kill you if they could. Take care.

>> No.9134219

I wish there was still a rule against discussing Ayn Rand desu

>> No.9134220

There's nothing good about the book. The philosophy is a completely delusional mix of sugarcoated social darwinism and Stirner-style anarcho-individualism, which is faulty on so many levels it's not even funny. But even if you're a 20 year old neoliberal reptiloid who digs that shit, the book itself is just awful. Clumsy, incoherent and overall irredeemably shit writing is what's waiting for you. Basically the whole piece is just one big overreaction of a Soviet refugee whose family got pwned in Russian revolution. Ironically the very same revolution is what allowed her, as a woman, to get higher education. It's US popularity is imho purely because it resonates with the American self-sufficiency, "work hard and everything is possible" and other land of opportunity memes.

>> No.9134256

Rand wanted to revert some economic modernization and government intervention which was legitimized in the 20th century. To most people that sounds like going back to the time when the newly created working class worked and lived in the poorest conditions.

She's also often confused with hardcore libertarianism which is basically Liberalism pre-Industrialization, when she clearly wasn't.

>> No.9134273

I was on board until you started to glorify the Russian revolt and shat on American liberalism.

>> No.9134281

I wasn't glorifying anything - I simply stated facts as they are.
>muh American Dream
>current year

>> No.9134288

it's bad

>> No.9134292

stefan molyneux, how many times have we asked you to stop posting here?

>> No.9134322

Enjoying the work of Ayn Rand is an unfailing mark of an asphyxiated mind. It screams out, "I have the mental faculties of a 15-year-old and have been exposed to as much literature as expected for my cohort." I am being 100% serious, unironic with you when I say that you should not be posting on this board if you enjoy Ayn Rand. You're going to run into a wall of resistance because most of this board can see right through her garbage. Please don't ask anyone here to explain to you how bad her work is. Such explanations are a google search away.