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9125559 No.9125559 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about Alan Watts ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMRrCYPxD0I

>> No.9125568

he has alot of good stuff from his early phase and late-ish phase
if you mention his hippie phase most of the people here are gonna laugh at you
legitimately good insight to
>muh eastern philosophy
there's so many christ tards on this board though, you're just gonna get called a fag regardless

>> No.9125598

His teachings allow for a perfectly happy and stress free life, but if everyone followed it civilisation would crumble at an astonishing rate.

>> No.9125621


remember watching him when i was like 4 years old and feeling inspired, basically self-help, not philosophy at all, and if you listen to him and acknowledge his ideas, you aren't really thinking critically.

basically, he says stuff that feels good to hear but isn't an academic or intellectual in any sense of the word. he doesn't back up any of his claims or arguments in any rigorous way..so...basically just motivational bullshit that you forget in two days. read some descartes or something instead. listening these things will actively do harm to your ability to think critically.

>> No.9125848

hate his kind

>> No.9125852

Make a porn of Sylvia Beckett and Allen Watts
Lol they can be electric dildo factory chemicals and laid off workers in Chinatown red light district

>> No.9125893

Sounds like very generic self-help hippie shit

>> No.9127302



>> No.9127334

This isn't even pseudo-science, this is pseudo-philosophy.

>> No.9127357

you will eventually become what you hate

>> No.9127361

all of the other kids in school wish they could be like alan watts
lead the school team to victory, take their exams and pass the lot

>> No.9127446

Spiritual insight will never hold up to the standard of academic rigour. It's an entirely different field.

>> No.9127573

As someone with a background in both academic and personal practice of buddhism and christianity, he's great. I'm not sure why he gets so shit on, I'm not ignorant of philosphy; critisim of him online seems to be pretty pedantic and vague. First book I read of his was "Does It Matter?", recommend it.