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File: 285 KB, 990x484, goosebumps-990x484[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9118229 No.9118229 [Reply] [Original]

What was the best goosebumps book?

>> No.9118243

Yur mum

>> No.9118248


i dont know that one, cant find it on google either, whats it about?

>> No.9118289


I Live In Your Basement scared the shit out of me.

Beast From The East was stressful to read.

>> No.9118299

Plebs will say Night of the Living Dummy, pseuds will say One Day at Horrorland. The patrician answer is Calling All Creeps.

>> No.9118303

I can't pick a favorite if they're all the same.

>> No.9118315

I always liked the choose your own adventure books by goosebumps. My favorite was "escape from the carnival of horrors"

>> No.9118331
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>> No.9118338

Didn't the nigger lay an egg at the end?

>> No.9118352


this is lit not pol, go worship donald trump elsewhere you fucking nazi

>> No.9118402

Trapped in Bat Wing Hall and The Twisted Tale of Tiki Island were pomo masterpieces IMO.

>> No.9118474

I think I've read "How I Got My Shrunken Head", or then I just remember the artwork. I recall the plot having something to do with Egyptian mummies.

>> No.9118492

>Trying to stop people from saying words
Fuck off you fucking Nazi

>> No.9118507


hurrr i cant say nigger the founding fathers had a revolution so people can be racist rednecks

>> No.9118516

He's getting on in years, lads.

>> No.9118610

Throwing hot dogs down hallways.

>> No.9118615

Get off your high horse, faggot. This is 4chan. If you're so easily triggered by words, go to tumblr or facebook or what have you.

>> No.9118774


you really really are good at taking bait

>> No.9118792
File: 35 KB, 316x463, Calling_All_Creeps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to post Calling All Creeps!; glad I only had to scroll 4 down
>cookies tho

>> No.9118975


oh shit i kinda remember this, what happened plot wise?

also why was goosebumps cover art so kino?

>> No.9119006
File: 50 KB, 318x462, 411446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related has always been my favorite. I remember falling in love with the ghost girl who the MCs befriend.

>> No.9119023


wtf why do all these covers look so familiar when i never read the damn books or had any

>> No.9119037

The Blob That Ate Everyone disturbed me as a kid.

>> No.9119076

The one where they're in school and get sucked into this other-wordly room full of kids in black and white, and all the color fades from their body, so their only escape is the girl's lipstick which is still red because it was closed.

It was /lit/ was fuck.

>> No.9119077
File: 2.00 MB, 1962x2891, goose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I still have some of these books in a box somewhere in the attic. I loved this one.

>> No.9119108

I remember this being quite a pomo book, but I can't recall why or the exact plot of it.

I do remember >>9119076 though, it was The Haunted School

>> No.9119115


The kid wrote a story that came to life and was trying to write a better end that didn't involve everybody dying, and then he realized he had the power inside him all along and saves the day.

And then it turns out that the whole thing was actually being written by a blob in another dimension, who decides it'd be better if the blob ate everybody after all.

pomo as fuck desu

>> No.9119122


each one is worth 100bucks on ebay if you can find em FYI

>> No.9119126


is pomo the equivalent to kino on /tv/?

im a newkraut here at /lit/

>> No.9119164
File: 54 KB, 234x235, 1396473718916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tearing up the house I can't find them!

>> No.9119193

Welcome to Camp Nightmare scared me shitless when I was in 2nd grade

>> No.9119248

I have the exact same opinion

>> No.9119789

Either The Beast from the East or One Day at Horrorland. I should reread them.

>> No.9119812

The ones that I remember most are Camp Blood, Monster Blood, Living Dummy, and I Ain't Scared

>> No.9120053


bro lol i was lying sorry

>> No.9120165

>>Nobody mentions the GOAT, Say Cheese and Die

>> No.9120281

Came here to say this

>> No.9120600

One Day at Horrorland is the objectively correct answer. Every other response is wrong.

>I should reread them.
That will probably ruin the memories you have of them.

>> No.9120624

What are some non-Goosebumps, patrician R.L. Stine? I picked up Beach House and Fear Street #1 a few months ago.

>> No.9120907
File: 1.64 MB, 1379x1999, The_horror_at_camp_jellyjam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not valuing the divine mix of a conspiracy theory and surreal horror

>> No.9120929
File: 676 KB, 1087x915, I+will+get+a+lot+of+red+thumbs+for+this+_02c5837c8931132c59501f2087d009da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no scarecrow walks at midnight

>> No.9120938

The most disturbing Goosebumps book for me was probably Chicken Chicken, but that comes nowhere near R. L. Stine's magnum opus, the short story "I'm Not Marvin"

Stine also made a surprisingly patrician book of some of his favorite horror stories called "Beware"

>> No.9120964

why do ppl on 4chan boards associated with the arts always circlejerk over shitty low forms of the art and pretend its the greatest thing ever?

is this some sick twisted form of contrarianism?

>> No.9120978
File: 568 KB, 1200x1680, eadadf_5885502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigga im not Marvin is kino

>> No.9120985

Short answer, yes. But mainly I think it's the nostalgia factor involved as my elementary school library was rife with these books and it was pretty much the first time in my life that I could really discuss books with my friends as they had read them too. Later on, everyone moved away from novels or stayed with the same juvenile YA authors they had been reading for years.

>> No.9120990
File: 18 KB, 240x200, Just+fuck+me+up+_ff6670b38192a078f1e0f8dba9682f9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one is claiming any of these are good books my friend why do you hate fun so much?