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/lit/ - Literature

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9116456 No.9116456 [Reply] [Original]

Favorite female author?

>> No.9116460

Anne Carson or Alice Munro

>> No.9116464

Sylvia Plath

>> No.9116465

Clarice Lispector

>> No.9116501
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her dad is bald, so she will love bald men

>> No.9116505

Alice Munro

>> No.9116507

What's the best place to start with Carson?

>> No.9116515


>> No.9116626
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Literally, start with the Greeks.

>> No.9116632

I don't read women.

>> No.9116635
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>> No.9116657

I just want to say that I appreciate what you are doing, OP.

>> No.9116668

Andrea Raftel

>> No.9116672


>> No.9116716

why do they all have huge ass hands wtf?

>> No.9116728


Their simian arm length is more disturbing desu

>> No.9116734
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Reading women's books is like watching women's sports

>> No.9116855

>Alice Munro
My niggas.

Also, is Carson McCullers any good? I've seen /lit/ trash and praise her at times. Give me an honest answer.

>> No.9117032

>being an armlet
I'm 182 cm tall. It's 190 cm between my fingertips when I stretch out my arms.

>> No.9117050

Wuthering heights is the only book I somewhat like written by a woman.

>> No.9117063


what's it like being an ape

>> No.9117170

Hilda Hilst and Dorothy Parker.
Ok it's actually Woolf but I wanted to give those two a mention because they deserve it.

>> No.9117182

pretty exciting and sexually pleasing?

>> No.9117186

Evelyn Waugh

>> No.9117348

Enid Blighton

>> No.9117360

It's still a waste of time though.

>> No.9117530

Willa Cather

>> No.9117532

Okay I can't take it anymore; what's wrong with their fucking feet?

>> No.9117537
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Reading works done by women is a fruitless endeavor.

>> No.9117540


>> No.9117674

np Claire >>9117532
ballet dancers feet are important. those boots protect them.

>> No.9118192
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Erika Mitchell

>> No.9118198

Why did you say that? Now I can't stop staring at this freakish picture.

>> No.9118205
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Edith Hamilton because she started with the Greeks.

>> No.9118221

Muriel Spark

>> No.9118231

Tove Jansson. Barbara Comyns is a close second though.

>> No.9118240


>> No.9118241

Rosalía de Castro

>> No.9118339

I like Emma Goldman. No one else does though and everyone tries to call her a Feminist. How can a woman who argued against women's suffrage be a feminist? She was just an anarchist.

>> No.9118353



>> No.9118362


Susanna Clarke. She's the only modern female writer that I really enjoy.

>> No.9118376

Carli Claire

>> No.9118383

and another

I don't think a single author has had a bigger influence on me

>> No.9118384

tell me /lit why do they wear the boots?

>> No.9118479
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I just can't take female authors seriously. It's like they lack a certain depth of thought. I might well be wrong, I wish I was and in public would certainly say something else. Arendt and Anscombe are the only ones that spring to mind (to prove myself wrong). I have promised myself to take up Plath and Weil tho.

>> No.9118510
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This is literally what hairlets tell themselves

>> No.9118824

Ahh shit, I actually had to read those for a World Lit class. Didn't realize it was Carson.

>> No.9118848


>> No.9118863

Mary Shelley

>> No.9118882

>t. Pseud who has never heard of Eliot, Woolf or Sappho

>> No.9118886


I gave a girl a ton of munro that I kept finding around thrift stores. did I make a mistake?



>> No.9118900

If it keeps coming up in thrift stores you probably don't have anything to worry about.

>> No.9118931

Poetry: Sexton
Prose: McBride

>> No.9119572

The way this meme is developing, it's got potential to be something really special.

>> No.9120603


>> No.9120666
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Is that Robby Rotten???

>> No.9120698
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it also exposes the reddit hiding among us when they rage at it,,,

>> No.9120823

I don't read stuff written by women.

>> No.9120839
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>> No.9121850

St. Faustina and Flannery O'Connor.

>> No.9122291


>> No.9122327

If I take of her boots, will she die?

>> No.9122342

the sight of her feet would be very painful

>> No.9122345


Do me a favor will you and go slap the person who keeps doing your breathing for you

>> No.9122354

She's a big girl

>> No.9122365

for you

>> No.9122517

sadly she isn't my girl ;_;

>> No.9122567

mira glazed donuts

>> No.9122580

Anne Carson or Woolf

>> No.9122684

She was gatekeeping incarnate and her cunty attitude leaked into everything she wrote.

>> No.9122761
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Eileen Chang

>> No.9122771

whatever that means. Haven't read any of her novels but her 'common reader' essays are fantastic.

>> No.9122811

Joycefag detected

>> No.9124118

bump for our girl carliclaire

>> No.9124176
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post ur rare carlis lads

>> No.9124199

There's no better answer honestly.

>> No.9124224
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lads... she's taken

>> No.9124229
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we need to act quickly

>> No.9124231


quick everyone message that guy and tell him to fuck off

>> No.9124281

doris lessing

>> No.9124339

Diana Wynne Jones

>> No.9124437


>> No.9124444

Is this what the modern religious courting looks like? Instagraming your date and getting friendzoned riht there and then?

>> No.9124449

>Barnes & Noble in-store cafe
She is so basic it hurts.

>> No.9125336



>> No.9125708

She's ovulating as we speak, my man.

>> No.9125726
File: 207 KB, 500x488, 1481772033793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


f-fuck off, it's caused by too much testosterone you low t b-beta

>> No.9125747

lol she's pleb as fuck

>> No.9125797

Laurie Halse Anderson.
Her most well know book is Speak, however my favorite book from her is Twisted. It is about a kid in high school, who becomes part of the nouveau cool but still has to deal with his shit family and kind of terrible sense of self worth.

>> No.9127250

It's another episode where they worship Carli Claire!

>> No.9127258


>> No.9128213

No. Tried reading her and found her fairly dull.