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/lit/ - Literature

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9115102 No.9115102 [Reply] [Original]

So what's the deal with him?

>> No.9115104


>> No.9115135

Can someone give me a quick rundown on this guy?

>> No.9115154

Reads a lot. Likes Vonnegut. Is a scientist or something.

>> No.9115167


I've skimmed his reviews and they seem more annoying than anything. Maybe I'm just jaded idk.

>> No.9115172

It's kind of weird how he reads both patrician and pleb stuff. Where does he find the time anyways? How does he live? Does he have a job?

>> No.9115199
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>capitalism is like, evil, guys!

>> No.9115245

Has a nice beard.

>> No.9115555
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Jew. Pic related is even worse though.

>> No.9115609

Seems to be stoned.

>> No.9115858

Talked to him once. He's a very lonely person.

>> No.9115861


Pretty sure he has a wife and a family.

>> No.9115876

Has an ex-wife and no kids.

>> No.9115886

Boy, I am just nonplussed hearing that

>> No.9115911

he is the end point of this whole "patrician" path that everyone on /lit/ is following. full of useless information that impresses no one in reality, sad and alone, and STILL writing on online anime boards with the hope of getting validation, even though the real world has moved on from the autism of philosophy and the outdated fake profundity of literature to better things.

>> No.9115932
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made it 2 da top

>> No.9115983

So, we ought to be play videogames like everyone else? Should I stop learning about reality as representation and go suck some consumerist dick?

>> No.9116193


>> No.9116213

Notorious pedophile named Rick. He lives in Georgia. The country Georgia, not the state. Kids fear him. Whenever he looks at children he comes in his pants.

>> No.9116220

While inside his pants, he plays Call of Duty. The latest one. Afterwards, he goes to the grocery store and picks up pickup trucks. Pickup trucks are favorites among children. Guess what he does with the toys; guess with a reply.

>> No.9116264
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>Reads 900 books in one year

>> No.9116271

He should legally change his name to Skimmer, because he skims a lot.

>> No.9116288
File: 19 KB, 111x131, lit girl irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about her?

>> No.9116290

>He should legally change his name to Skimmer, because he skims a lot.

Sebastian here, I don't

>> No.9116311

Most people leave reviews, because they read the book and can have something to say. You only leave stars. I always see you post in these Goodread threads as well, so somehow you're here, reading 900 books, and living your life.

>> No.9116319


>Most people leave reviews, because they read the book and can have something to say. You only leave stars.

Not that guy but you don't even know how new you sound right now.

>> No.9116324

I'm new. Just started coming here today.

>> No.9116928
File: 19 KB, 294x400, wat_baldrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't that Baldrick?

>> No.9116934

He completely missed the point of A Confederacy of Dunces.

>> No.9116938


>> No.9116950
File: 5 KB, 250x180, 1465167941933s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I post on 4chan but I'm like totally above it all haha
>I also post on the literature board even though I don't like books but I'm not a faggot or anything lol I'm just so quirky XD

Literally kill yourself.

>> No.9117019

Oh for fuck sake, not this shit

/lit/ was my fortress of solitude from /b/ memes