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9064385 No.9064385 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about mainstream news? Do you consume it on a regular basis? Which publications have you found to be more honest and worthwhile to read?

What are your views on current mainstream media in general?

>> No.9064387

yeah what's up with that i don't even smoke crack

>> No.9064388

I don't read mainstream news. I prefer to think for myself.

>> No.9064402

I don't read any news because I think it's almost always a waste of time.

>> No.9064513

nytimes has always been trash

>> No.9064523

I think that reading reuters, the independent, christian science monitor, and le monde will give you a good broad view. Add that to The Atlantic, NYRB, New Criterion, American Conservative, Jacobin for some editorial views, and NPR in the morning, and maybe BBC world service, and you will have enough viewpoints and ideas to create your own world view.

>> No.9064524

Fox news and breitbart. All media has some bias. I know both of these news organizations have a conservative bias, but they are the most entertaining.

>> No.9064533

This article isn't inherently wrong, """nutrition""" only affects your life as much as you want it to.

>> No.9064538

*you'll cowards

this. i read /pol/ and watch livestreams of happenings

>> No.9064543

when will you realize that this is a tremendous waste of fucking time and you could literally just read the greeks and romans instead?

>> No.9064558

I've read them. I'm not a child, or a college student. I live in the world, and don't subscribe to NEET concepts of man as an island. I have investments, and children, and I make educated decisions. Furthermore, there has been a very interesting rebound in longform essays (check out longreads) and many good ones (and bad ones) come out a year.

>> No.9064637
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>that article is literally saying that healthiness is a spook
I'm so proud.

>> No.9064950

have memes gone too far?

>> No.9064978

'respectable, mainstream' media outlets, like the NYT, NPR, Wapo or the guardian, are half CIA/State Dept. plants and half inane rantings of neurotic bourgeois liberals with too much time on their hands.

>> No.9064982

It's shit.

Real patricians get all their news from /pol/.

>> No.9064986

>But I would like to add that sugar tastes really, really good.
Holy... I want more

>> No.9064990

All pretentious cuck garbage.

>> No.9065009

I, a true intellectual, get all my news from Breitbart, /pol/ and the daily stormer

>> No.9065013

Your use of the term cuck shows you to be an anti-intellectual. Show yourself out.

>> No.9065015

holy shit, I knew this board had gone to shit recently but I didn't know we were so overrun by /pol/ vermin. gtfo and go back to your containment board

>> No.9065025

unironically trusting WaPo and the NYT has to be at least as bad as getting your news from infowars. for example, see the completely manufactured russian panic stories they've been pushing lately. To say nothing of the total inanity of their opinion section. The cargo cult of 'respectability' is just the product of media's self branding efforts.

>> No.9065027

>redditor tries to pretend to be a le oldfag

>> No.9065028

at least theyre on the right website
>>/2x4 chan/

>> No.9065032

t. cuck

Go back to your anti-Trump protest, faggot

>> No.9065033

>le pol hivemind
genuine cancer

>> No.9065035

FT, Economist, Süddeutsche, Die Zeit

>> No.9065038

>multiple people thinking you're a retard is a hivemind

>> No.9065042

t. Neoliberal reptoid shapeshifter

>> No.9065059
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>> No.9065073

I get most of my news from Reddit, /pol/ and the national radio.

>> No.9065077

stale meme

>> No.9065083

This is blatantly untrue

>> No.9065085

The NPR bougie lib hivemind is also a hivemind, anon

>> No.9065113

News rots your brain: makes you less creative and dumber.


the study is probably bogus but anecdotally I find it to be true

for /lit/ purposes I'd avoid entirely

>> No.9065121


I sometimes read Reuters but I can't stand mainstream news in general. It perpetuates its own existence in a constant never-ending wheel of drama. I believe paying attention to the world outside of yourself is good but, fuck, it's gotten to the point where it functions like an addictive drug. The positives no longer outweigh the negatives.

I guess 24/7 news channels and the internet have created this monster. The internet has also made it much harder to avoid news.

>> No.9065123

How exactly can news make you dumber?

>> No.9065131


Because blindly following an 800 word article that espouses significant ideas without considering its own ideological perspective or bias is dumb as fuck.

>> No.9065139

who cares, it says what it needs to say

>> No.9065153

hinders your ability to think about anything other than meaningless minutiae

>> No.9065296 [DELETED] 
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>christian science monitor


>> No.9065304

christian scientists are a thing you doofus

>> No.9065310

I guess a scientist with an imaginary friend is very reliable though, lmao

>> No.9065316

it should be legal to beat journalists of all kinds with sticks

>> No.9065318


Christian Science is a cult, it has nothing to do with actual science.


>> No.9065322

I enjoy reading The Economist for my news, it's quite well-informed, and even if one article is blatantly biased they have good columnists and analysis. I don't have to wade through a bunch of middling stuff like I have to do on massive news sites like New York Times and even worse The Guardian

>> No.9065372

>actual science
You mean a cult?

>> No.9065385
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>News is bad, stop reading news
>t. news website

>> No.9065396

Implying I am dominated by spooks like the right-left paradigm

>> No.9065407

this wasn't implied at all

>> No.9065437

Loyal Private Eye reader reporting in. No political bias, they hate every cunt equally. Their In The Back and In The City sections are the most vital investigative reporting I've ever encountered, so much so that I wish there was an entire publication dedicated to such writing.

>> No.9065443

do people even subscribe to the Private Eye anymore? i barely hear or read about people discussing it

>> No.9065457

im so glad im not this stupid

collecting miscellaneous """facts""" certainly doesn't make you more intelligent.

>> No.9065469

it saturates your attention and memory because of how important it seems, but yields no results whatsoever in your life, creating a significant dissonance.

>> No.9065472

Skimming reuters, foreign affairs and le monde diplomatique. /pol/ for habbenings and alternative facts.

>> No.9065491


Readership of 200k, should be a lot more if you ask me but then I would say that. You probably read shit that they broke first all the time because almost all UK mainstream media plagiarises them.

Side note, I'd read the Economist but their pro-globalism stance puts me off. If I'm going to read something, I want every side to a story.

>> No.9065493

I have bad teeth so eating lots of sugar basically sentences me to dental pain

>> No.9065512

>but their pro-globalism stance puts me off
I agree and I'm a subscriber. but on other stuff, they have lots of gems in terms of articles, and the quality of their content is relatively consistent. I have yet to find a better magazine/newspaper that's not satire

>> No.9065528

>used to be subscribed to nyt
>realize that you can bypass the monthly limit of 10 articles by clearing your cookies
take that globalists

>> No.9065546


It's the only other publication I'd consider subscribing to, but I'd always be wondering what they aren't reporting on. With Private Eye they don't give a fuck, as long as they're angering the establishment they're happy, that's why I'm so loyal. Conservative? Lol fuck you. Labour? Lol fuck you. UKIP? Lol fuck you. It's a wonder I even bother to vote anymore.

>> No.9065562

I tend to read Reuters or get most breaking World events from twitter.

>> No.9065573

>New Criterion

Glad I'm not the only one who likes the snobbiest of the Right and the snottiest of the Left.

>> No.9065579

Feels good to be one tbqh.

>> No.9065672

>NEET concepts of man as an island
lmao #rekt 75% of all posts