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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 294 KB, 998x1024, 1480952049580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9061931 No.9061931 [Reply] [Original]

What do you believe is the best way to experience Shakespeare?
>inb4 orally

>> No.9061951

I don't know but what I do know is Wew

>> No.9061969

who here /eat dat ass/

>> No.9062024

I'd like to experience her orally.

>> No.9062032

whats it like to eat ass bros?

>> No.9062034

reading the plays

not sure what you want here

>> No.9062038

What's the best complete edition of Shakespeare?

>> No.9062040

it's a myth

>> No.9062045

A one man play starring yourself, performed in your bedroom/basement/etc.. Also, I'd lick her feet clean desu.

>> No.9062050

This and this

>> No.9062052

She's basically irl Misty

Also, performed

>> No.9062059

why does she got yellow feet no thanks

>> No.9062064

Walking on grass

>> No.9062066


>> No.9062068

This. Notice how the arches are untouched? Those are nice feet.

>> No.9062070

her dumbass should wear some shoes

>> No.9062072
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>> No.9062077

also, the higher a girls bun the lower the IQ this is science.

>> No.9062105

it's really exactly what you'd expect.

>> No.9062155
File: 62 KB, 800x670, PonytailTheory.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its true

>> No.9062190


that book looks like the proper size, paper type, front, and typography of


really makes you think

>> No.9062204

wait, what the fuck

>> No.9062207

>no one has noticed that she's on her phone

>> No.9062210


Too distracted I guess

>> No.9062218
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>> No.9062221

Imagine striking her bare legs with a whip until she curls up into a ball of bleeding horror.

>> No.9062236

yes now were talking

>> No.9062244

Imagine looking up at those legs and she stands above you with a paddle demanding that you cum for her

>> No.9062254

pretty sure i know her

>> No.9062256

>nor the disgusting scar on her leg

>> No.9062258

She's probably just looking up the definition of pedalferrous

>> No.9062265

I noticed it, I was turned on by it tbqpwhymgs

>> No.9062267
File: 73 KB, 655x658, 1483775762378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No true literary waifu

>> No.9062283

Write a paragraph about her /lit/

>> No.9062292

To me the real catch in the picture is the condom in the grass.

>> No.9062296


>> No.9062317

That girl I see
If she were mine
Upon her butt
I'd surely dine
Both cheeks in hand
Both spread apart
I'd lick despite
Her foul farts
Upon my tongue
New tastes could come
As she squirted
From her bum
Curry, rice
A corn on the cob
Up and down
Her booty bobs
Here she reads
Upon the grass
And here I sit
My mind on her ass


>> No.9062325

her butts not even that good

>> No.9062333
File: 102 KB, 306x329, 1461687152061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any butt is good when you've had none.

>> No.9062339

I think it is good

>> No.9062357

That looks like my gf

>> No.9062374

i like this post a lot and I really don't even like feet

>> No.9062379

i like this idea

>> No.9062382

under age

>> No.9062385

like eating a belly button but with more moaning and less giggling

>> No.9062397

nope jus small

>> No.9062399

>less giggling
not in my experience

not really

>> No.9062420
File: 52 KB, 1080x896, 16228834_368811666845109_4365088766025531392_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls reading books thread

>> No.9062424

i believe i want to experience that ass with my snake spear if u know what i mean haha

>> No.9062475

her jeans re ripped

>> No.9062483

disgusting old hag

>> No.9062701

>girls reading books thread
Yeah but hot girls

>> No.9062706

>expensive B&N edition
>dyed hair
>doc martins

would not touch her with your dick on a ten foot pole

>> No.9062710
File: 4 KB, 240x192, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my God, she's also wearing a wicca pendant

>> No.9062718

also, headphones in wtf???

>> No.9062722

I think the company that runs the reconstructed Globe has the right idea, they keep to Elizabethan staging techniques quite accurately. Never seen a live show there, but I think it would be incredible to be standing on the pit, leaning on the stage.

They modify the text sometimes in irksome ways, like omitting or changing offensive references to Jews in plays other than the Merchant of Venice. But all-in-all I think they're breddy good/10

>> No.9062727
File: 79 KB, 750x937, 14369163_1043735759076766_4912146511522955264_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is qt you filthy fucking mong

>> No.9062730

she's kinda cute but nothing to write home about. why are you defending her on the internet?

>> No.9062741

Why would you touch her with my dick? You a cuck, bro?

>> No.9062746

>old hag

>> No.9062841

If I want to take a pic of myself being cute reading a book how do I go about that? When I see girls of comparable beauty and lesser intellect to me getting jizzed over on /lit/ I feel cucked

>> No.9062846

Also, YouTube monologues against a blank wall / Ian McKlellan >>9061931

>> No.9062938

Are you saying you're a qt girl?

>> No.9062948

Yes, I'm adorable and well-read but have an excess death drive

>> No.9062955

And having other anons swoon over you might ease that?

>> No.9062971

Then kill yourself already. Why procrastinate over this if you know it's inevitable?

>> No.9062978

It's pretty cool if you're into that sort of thing, which I am. Girls who haven't had it done before are suspicious and apprehensive about but in my experience every single one has enjoyed it.

>> No.9062981

My parents desu

>> No.9062982
File: 156 KB, 544x416, vlcsnap-2015-12-06-02h03m37s299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel, femanon

>> No.9062997

In a girls room while you are doing overnight practice for your school's Romeo & Juliet play

>> No.9063001

Art thou single?

>> No.9063008

how can you be depressed? i don't understand. maybe it is because i am young, i wanted to kill myself a year or two ago but i don't comprehend it now, can your problems not be solved?

>> No.9063012

Well post a picture if you want to be the object of my virginal affection.

>> No.9063017


>> No.9063030

My only real problem is a bored mind

>> No.9063050

She's also on page 1

>> No.9063055

I'd stick my romeo in your juliet desu

>> No.9063058
File: 917 KB, 2560x1536, 20160926_152915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not literary but this thread is pretty bad anyway

>> No.9063060

Why is everything sideways

>> No.9063061

Comb your fucking hair.

>> No.9063083


Where's your book?

>> No.9063086

No-one intellectually worthwhile cares about messy hair. Hair-care is vapid and pointless work I can also barely get out of bed

>> No.9063090

Intelligent people know the value of self-presentation

You're a sloppy whore

>> No.9063096
File: 64 KB, 640x669, 1476646992665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake and

>> No.9063097

Talented people transcend self-presentation because their work speaks for itself.
You know I'm right and it's showing. Lighten up. Comb your hair less and write better

>> No.9063098

hair is apart of one's appearance, one's appearance is critical to forming a base opinion of an individual.

your image that you present in this anonymous shitposting collective forum is that which is sloppy, unkempt and unattractive.

if you wish to attract a man of intelligence i strongly suggest improving your appearance first.

>> No.9063104

*a part. Common mistake ;)
If the hypothetical man's base impression of me takes into account my flaws, the hypothetical relationship will be more genuine. Also >>9063098

>> No.9063107

Bruh that makes so much sense. Holy Fuck I never noticed the correlation

>> No.9063108

How does knowing you're lazy make the relationship more genuine?

>> No.9063109

Cont'd, meant to also >>9063097.

>> No.9063110

can we be lovers and i'll write sincere, vulnerable poetry for you?

>> No.9063116

He will ideally find me attractive enough it's irrelevant, like me in spite of it because he's not shallow, or else find it cute/quirky. There are also things "messy hair" communicates about a person other than laziness when their work is good

>> No.9063117

>because he's not shallow

Rejecting someone because of flaws they could fix isn't shallow

>> No.9063121

what did he mean by this

>> No.9063127


literally just communicates that you're an easy in

>> No.9063128

"Laziness about hair" is close to last on the list of shit I need to fix about myself. And if you haven't gathered I like it this way anyway
Yes but hurry

>> No.9063132

Laziness about hair suggests laziness about other things

>> No.9063134

post a kik

>> No.9063135

Weird, at my college it's the sorority girls who put the most effort into their appearance / drop out pregnant

>> No.9063138


you're signaling to a different mating pool, but you're still signaling

>> No.9063140

this thread is shakespeare.

>> No.9063145

Curious about that, based on pic who am I signalling? I've been alone a long time now so something's going wrong (really don't want to comb my hair though)

>> No.9063176


hipster-lite trash mostly, i imagine. that's based more on your dress style, though. skinny boys that wear cardigans and carry their copy of Our Lady of the Flowers in a mini saddlebag with their moleskin and pen pouch.

there are all types that would go for that hair, though, really.

>> No.9063195

in the best way to experience it

>> No.9063202

I think that's maybe as creative as they get around me. If I go to grad school maybe I'll clean up a bit

>> No.9063210

i've read "what it like to eat grass bros?"

it is not very good, grass, i mean... don't know about asses

>> No.9063225

shakespeare is a noun and an adjective. you cant say shakespearean its pedantic. like how grass and ass relates to each other.

>> No.9063244

>actually qt
Wew, would cuddle and read with, and the hair is also qt
tell me about your problems. I need more info to fill out the dreams that will torment me later.

>> No.9063258

How old are you femfriend?

>> No.9063276
File: 67 KB, 385x429, 1344916340315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So close, but yet so far away.

>> No.9063284

the best way to experience shakespeare is first to swallow a blue pill and then a red pill and then realize that the one's mother gives you don't do anything at all. then you'll be so mad at mommy dearest that you'll spend you're entire life with horrible complexes about it, fantasizing about eating asses and facials and all the while thinking "look what that dumb cow let me get away with" [veritable Bart Simpson you little rascal, you!] but at the sametime you'll despise all women for giving you pills that didn't do anything and being horrible sluts who cuck daddy with their prosefaggotry.

tl;dr they have moving pictures of naked women on /gif/

>> No.9063289
File: 460 KB, 900x1001, ludez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9063319 [DELETED] 

>my mom never said anything wrong nuh-uh!

>> No.9063322 [DELETED] 

I didn't know Deleuze thought
>my mom never said anything to strip me down nuh-uh!

>> No.9063332

answer "cuck" when you speak to me! 4chan is a rhizome where one flow over cucks without organs or prosecucks or even red-pilled cucks who need to go back to /pol/ because they never read a book ever in they're entire life and don't even think that james joyce is the goat. they think he's a lobster.

>> No.9063343


you're talking to yourself in some bizarre attempt to impress a girl that probably isn't even a real girl and definitely isn't even here anymore

>> No.9063353

it's a complex i got from all the red-pills and translations

>> No.9063371

definitely worth it. it's enjoyable in itself to do if she has a nice ass, and women seem to enjoy it more than regular oral; also the possibility of her becoming anal curious, so have some lube near-by just in case.

>> No.9063377

I should take it as a compliment but it's somehow really gross to hear how you're probably not real. Why so averse to thinking women browse /lit/?

>> No.9063399

What does it say about me if I don't want to touch doorknobs but would eat the ass of a qt girl?

>> No.9063408


less averse to the thought than leery of the motivations of basically everyone

captcha was a stop sign in a small town in iowa i drove through once with my mom six years ago

>> No.9063414


qt girl ass is probably cleaner than your average doorknob desu

>> No.9063427

That's creepy. Surprising you remember

>> No.9063431

I have never eaten ass but want to do it.
The whole implication of shit being there makes it an issue though, I'm not sure I'd be fine eating it even if it's cleaned in front of me.

>> No.9063432

Assholes are gross. Thats where poop comes from

>> No.9063581

the attention seeking "see me" behaviour truly knows no bounds. nowhere is safe.

schoppy was right again, of course

>> No.9063585

See the plays if at all possible. Even video tapes/youtube where possible.

Then read.

Don't rush. You have a life time.

>> No.9063590

but, was he right enough? did schopenhauer swallow enough redpills? was he truly enlightened?

but first, let me ask you this: do you spit or swallow...

and now, if i asked you to swallow an image of a storefront, would you, dare i say it, could you? desu?

>> No.9063639

it's attractive if anything

>> No.9063645
File: 962 KB, 171x172, 1486266394502.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was definitely right, and that's alright. It's human nature, (Fuck your "appeal to nature" too). Women act like that because it's in their nature, it's not the end of the world... well, not yet. As a man, its still sometimes bizarre and alien to see, though.

>Swallow enough redpills
>Truly enlightened
>Spit or swallow
>Swallow a storefront
What the fuck are you talking about, mate?
Fuck you and your blatant contriving.

>> No.9063655

unironically pls be in
L O N D O N?

>> No.9063658

i would read schopenhauer, but he didnt write in trite, easy to swallow redpills. plus no captcha to tell the book im not a rabbit

>> No.9063661

It's true!

>> No.9063665

make that


>> No.9063671

Lmao, are you schizophrenic? I'd still fuck your brains out t b h

>"I would read Schopenhauer, but I'm reading the Harry Potter series again and wow just wow, Trump is literally Voldemort!"

>> No.9063693

actually, voldemort is just an expression of the will (nothing to do with trump, lol) but harry, he represents music, which isn't an expression of the will exactly, but its precise representation. the character i really admire though is sirius black because he understands that the only free choice man can make is to embrace asceticism. plus he's adorbs

and if you fucked my brains out what would i use to read schopenhauer with? plus where woudl all the redpills go?

>> No.9063697

There are more pictures where she is actually reading, try reverse search.

>> No.9063704


>> No.9063709

>Actually reading Harry Potter
Dropped instantly. Why do people do this?

>What would I use to read
I'll read out loud while you suck me off

>> No.9063712

if your in london lets make it happen. whats ur skype?

>> No.9063726
File: 912 KB, 240x176, 1485989038519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you first babe

>> No.9063737

The BBC Television Shakespeare adaptations, using a video projector. With the subs on and an annotated ebook open. My recommendation for the annotated ebook would be The Complete Works of William Shakespeare in Plain and Simple English (which shows the shakespeare line normally, and then translates it into modern vernacular in italics on the next line) published by BookCaps.

>> No.9063738

i love a man who takes initiative. you learn that from schopenhauer?


>> No.9063746

>posting skype on 4chan

>> No.9063766

and here i thought i'd get to suck cock and listen to a redpilled young man educate me on women as an expression of the will. guess it goes to show the old saying is right: when you can't beat 'em, go beat somebody else because women are whores who only are good for sucking cock and cucking daddy when he doesn't buy them enough hardcover editions of harry potter (from pottermore dot com) so that daddy learns his lesson and always does what his little tiddly-widdly wants, which is, in turn, merely an expression of the will.

>> No.9063780

If that were actually the chick in the pic (providing she doesn't have a dick) and not just some fat guy role-playing, then yeah matey

>> No.9063781

i'd really like to push you down the stairs. erotically.

>> No.9063800
File: 17 KB, 192x192, public.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis you Velvet?

>> No.9063965

I have debilitating autism that will never be cured so the urge is there sometimes

>> No.9063971

Just a tasteless hole u lick while she moans. Tounge doesn't get as tired as when eating pussy. Pretty great desu

>> No.9064110

>doxxing yourself

>> No.9064414
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>> No.9064547

Hey, femanon, you look like you could get addicted to nihilistic sport fucking with zero cuddle. You look like Tyler Durden's gf.

>> No.9064561

And you should shave your head.

>> No.9064566

try analy
it might work for u

>> No.9064593


>> No.9064646

Yikes. The weird thing is how many people didn't catch the shift in tone. Make some new friends?

>> No.9064651

Thank you, flattered. Tyler Durden's gf is Helena whatever Carter and she is a babe

>> No.9064677

Look at the OP photo and subsequent comments and do some critical thinking. Who is creating the demand? Who is pushing the demand? Does the behavior spring from an internal deficiency or is it begged for?

>> No.9064703

I was referring to the original post. Do you see other anons finding excuses to post pictures of themselves? I don't think you do. It's women (for the most part) who do this. Fair enough as I said, it's whatever.

>> No.9064741

>this thread
All women should be put to death

>> No.9064742


Eh, legitimately made me think

>> No.9064779


Rustig aan, Jan.

>> No.9064791

wish the qt would come back and post moar i need to fap

>> No.9064800


Browse /fit/ or /soc/ for even just a few minutes and you're hypothesis that this is a phenomenon exclusive to women will be completely blown apart.

>> No.9064807


>> No.9064812

Yes, but that's on a board where it's literally fucking required to post a picture of yourself (fit/ and /soc/). Not only for advice, but because that's what it was fucking made for.

/lit/ isn't, is it? It's for the discussion of literature... only a fucking women can somehow find a way to squeeze another fucking selfie in somehow.

It's not a big deal, but don't deny it cunt.

>> No.9064832


>> No.9064843


It was topical to the thread, though, given where it went. See >>9062420

>> No.9064849

Fuck that. Of course some virgin autist is gonna post something like that. This is 4chan.
Anyway, it doesn't really matter. It's in a chicks nature to do such shit.

>> No.9064872

You've not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon.

>> No.9064891

Has /lit/ become r9k/books?
So many replies yet only two or three about the literary concept proposed. Wonderful.

>> No.9064905

The pic is a sexy pic of a pretty girl for a reason, men want to see sexy pics of pretty girls. They immediately rallied to derail the thread and talk about her ass, so don't deny it, freak! The point was, when men create a huge demand and screech about it constantly you can't blame women when they fill the demand. It's a two-player game if not direct cause and effect.

>> No.9064919

Who's denying it you cunt? Of course virgins on here will respond.
Why the fuck would this dumb bitch post a picture in a literature thread? What possible reason other than fulfilling her daily need for attention? As I said, it's not even necessarily a fault, but don't say that isn't the case.

>> No.9064923
File: 876 KB, 252x188, 1zn748l.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9064938

I just masturbated and I feel free of any luscious thought, hence why this thread feels so pathetic.

>> No.9064975

As an Akira Kurosawa film.

>> No.9065007

Maybe we should take your own irrational anger into consideration, too. Why would a woman post a picture here? I've already told you + it's obvious. The thread was a circlejerk over pictures of women before she arrived. So why are YOU so bothered that someone supposedly posted one in real time? Are you really upset at this person or even at "women"? Or are you upset at other men for creating and fostering this climate? Maybe you're really just upset at yourself, at your own desires, and their ability to distract you.

Get fucked gimp

>> No.9065021

Good answer.

>> No.9065036

Didn't even read you white knight clown

>> No.9065104

rot op schijtpaler

>> No.9065166

Can you be my nihilist internet gf? We can be pretentious and condescending together

>> No.9065209

The most intelligent girl I ever met had the retarded ponytail
though I think she was a tad bit autistic, she would completely shut down when doing math

>> No.9065247

Read the play, then see it performed

>> No.9065262





>> No.9065321
File: 1.08 MB, 1090x1126, adadad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9065325

never before seen footage

>> No.9065336
File: 66 KB, 510x332, 1486263646104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9065337

You are very pretty

>> No.9065357
File: 789 KB, 969x1920, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9065365

fun is not against the rules
women on /lit/ are cool mostly
i enjoy the conversation with them
angry faggots haters are the real problem
i'm pretty sure shakespeare would agree

>> No.9065368
File: 15 KB, 231x218, 1483820812867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9065375

are you the OG photographer my man

>> No.9065392

What is that book? looks juicy

>> No.9065409
File: 280 KB, 425x425, 1371317747027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you remind of me of someone

if (((pic))) still comes to /lit/ say hi to me btw

>> No.9065453

No ass.

>> No.9065455

If you can barely get out of bed you're not writing anything worthwhile. Talent doesn't follow appearance.

>> No.9065510

proust used to write from his bed desu
i don't know about his haircut, tho

>> No.9065517

lol new sinceritistism

>> No.9065774


Back in the 90's, this was the ultimate waifu.

>> No.9065785


Mightest thou like to bear your breast while I give you my earnest withal?

>> No.9065876


Wear something cute. Ideally, you'll go for the Hermione Granger/Clara Oswald "nerd-doesn't-realize-shes-hot" look: a very short skirt (skater skirt ideal), tights/leggings/panty hose, modest blouse and/or jacket. Glasses optional; thigh-high stockings optional; you've got some flexibility on footwear.

OK now pick your setting and props. Anything collegiate is fine: a university quad, a library, some good historical architecture, a trendy local bookstore/tea house. Nature settings are very up and coming. The ocean has been out of fashion long enough that that might work, especially a rocky new england-ish coast rather than a beach. Forget cemeteries: Keats and Yates are NOT on your side, and you're not fooling anyone pretending that they are.

Props should suggest a nerdy lifestyle without being too obvious. A d20 zipper pull on your purse, barely visible, is perfect. Some autist will spot it and your pic will launch a thousand memes. Whatever you do, don't draw attention to it. Tardis keychain or phone protector is ok, but again make it obscure enough that someone would really have to look to see it. We can talk what references are excellent, good, ok, or bad if you'd like.

The most important prop is the book. Something in the overlap between /tg/ and /lit/ should do it, but a hard science book will work, too. History might work if you pick the right thing. Avoid anything political, in either direction. Yes to anything except modern (last 100 years) philosophy. Avoid Jane Austen: you're still not fooling anybody. Judea Pearl's "Causality" is perfect: hyper-nerdy but also not at all trendy.

Pose should look like you're not posing, but should still show off enough of your assets that people look. If >>9063058 really is you, then I'll bet your hair, face, slim physique, and legs are what you want to show off, so wear stockings rather than tights. Any standard modeling pose can work as long as it looks like you've adopted it unconsciously while you're reading. Ideally the photographer gets a high-res pic with good lighting; make him take dozens of pictures to ensure you pick the perfect one. They should look like candid pics, where people even wonder if you were photographed surreptitiously. Wear makeup, but not so much that it's noticeable that you're wearing makeup.

Leave your hair as is. It looks cute and wind-blown, not messy. With a body like yours, you need a persian flaw to avoid looking too perfect and not being attainable enough to be a memechick.

Anyway, do that. If you want to be an internet waifu, then make sure the picture includes your face. The pic you posted is very beautiful. If you want some degree of a private life afterwards, then keep your face partially obscured as if by accident.

As with everything, be careful what you wish for.

>> No.9065883


She's clearly living near one of the poles. Probably Canadian.

>> No.9065935

this also post feet

>> No.9066056

Are you 13 ?

>> No.9066067

fucking kek

>> No.9067208

Oranaly, it's a little known character, she appears at the end of a winter's tale, to suck all the actorcompanies off. #experiencingshakespearereally#aemelianal

>> No.9067479 [DELETED] 
File: 921 KB, 1600x1200, 20170205_155904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, got to this too late. A friend took one of me reading from behind in this setting and it turned out real cute. It's on my instagram though so here's its dorky little brother. But, you're right, should have worn a skirt

>> No.9067485

Also I would never use a tardis phone protector wtf

>> No.9067500 [DELETED] 

You're attractive as fuck, post gram bb

>> No.9067502

My farting little fuckbird

>> No.9067507


>> No.9067509

There was a framed pic of joyce in that bookshop

>> No.9067511

attention seeking/10
as i said, >women

>> No.9067515

You or anyone can post yours and I'll add you if you're cool!

>> No.9067521


>> No.9067529

Your head is too big for your body. Nice try though.

>> No.9067530

Rotate your images you mongrels

>> No.9067531


>> No.9067534

Well start by including good books in your image

>> No.9067539

Thanks anons I'm flattered. It was kinda doxxy though so I'm out... but I will be around, reading your shitposts and infinite Lolita threads

>> No.9067542

If I'm being honest I'm just here for the Instagram now

>> No.9067543


>> No.9067549
File: 832 KB, 1550x1118, canoodling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this way

>> No.9067565

So you can all comment "BRAAAP" on my posts I don't think so

>> No.9067571

I would say add me but I only post shitty go pro pics

>> No.9067576

Why has nobody lynched the author of this atrocity yet?

>> No.9067620

put it on private

>> No.9067675

is that Jodelle Ferland?

>> No.9067690

ITT: a girl

>> No.9067697

read it when I'm done writing it

>> No.9067933

At least post more pics, you're my waifu now.

>> No.9067952

What's the best book to find out how to euthanize all of the needy faggots in here?

>> No.9067957

Mein Kampf.

>> No.9067965

"How to Cook Humans".

>> No.9067969

I probably get added to a watchlist for googling this

>> No.9067986

>tfw reverse search an image and it puts some incriminating phrase into the search bar

>> No.9068043


>> No.9068045

aliens made me do it!

>> No.9068050

well, while we're at it :


>> No.9068153

>French Amazon
>Semen recipe book

>> No.9068160

Why are millennials so obsessed with analyingus

>> No.9068165

This makes so much sense now!

>> No.9068167


let me explain
>oh the media told me it's normal to fuck my gfs ass
>oh well, an ass is an ass, it's not that bad to fuck a man
>it's okay to be gay
>you don't eat out and fuck asses it's 2017?!?!?

>> No.9068190

It's shitty. Anal glands don't smell nice even disregarding feces and potential bad hygiene habits.

And I hope for your sake your partner does enemas cuz wew if not.

>> No.9068210

What about those dental dam things?
Or some cling wrap?
I would still lick a qt girls butthole raw, I don't care.

>> No.9068238

Do jews love gay people?

>> No.9068247
File: 8 KB, 236x231, bebs rebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture reminded me of my situation
>Meet girl
>She's a cheerleader, blonde with blue eyes and a great body
>Generally just out of my league
>We spend some time together, joke around the best I can
>She's clearly very experienced with the night life and so on
>She seems interested in me, gets me to eat with her and spend time after school
>All the time I just think that we're just too different, she wouldn't get the "real" me who just sits in his room reading and shit
>I don't really find any fun in the stuff that she does with her friends either
>I start kind of going the other way from her
>Now it's been half a year and I meet her again, at an art exhibition
>"What are you doing here? It's your mothers exhibition?"
>Later look her family up, she's from an artist family
>They have pictures of the girl painting, reading, dancing in their studio
>She turns out to be pretty /lit/
>Look her up now, she's going out with a 2-meter tall athlete
>All the times she said stuff like "I really like you" ring in my ears
>I could've possibly gotten her if I had just been myself
>now instead she's fucking Chad

>> No.9068263

Jews love gay people as long as they're not Jewish. That's why they hate Milo, because he's destroying the jewish genes by not making more jew spawn. Making the goyim gay can only benefit jews.

>> No.9068297

man you're some sort of cuck superstar

>> No.9068308

I know that feel

>> No.9068318
File: 122 KB, 1024x555, IMG_1759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's just because the high bun is stylish whilst the lowest version is only for practical reasons. girls who spend their time doing math instead of trying out new hairstyles tend to habe higher iq's. surprise, surprise. the problem with this chart is that the REALLY intelligent girls are the ones that do both since neglecting your beauty is not a sign of intelligence. maybe a sign for autism in girls, yes, but girls that are the whole package know the worth of honoring the fact you got a female body and can embelish it however you want.
so this chart might trick you out of the jackpot.

>> No.9068324

pleb tier antics lad
always remember the art of good chadding is being a good liar

>> No.9068485
File: 908 KB, 1200x1600, 1486395110284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liek dis?

>> No.9068501


>> No.9068505

maybe she doesn't care? maybe she just focuses on getting old mens peepees stiff?

>> No.9068517

If she's going out with an athlete now then you never had a chance dummie, you were just a friend for her.

>> No.9068531

girls don't give a shit if you're an athlete if you're confident and assertive enough desu

t. bukowski

>> No.9068535

Which that guy never was.

>> No.9068539

work on the smile or get rid of it

>> No.9068548

who cares? drunk & loaded is the same

>> No.9068554

name sauce anything

>> No.9068562

what's your point?

>> No.9068564

Ivana Trump, Esq.

>> No.9068568

you are dense

>> No.9068572

I don't understand what being drunk has to do with the conversation.q

>> No.9068674


Gotta work on the costume. Same pose and composition, zoomed out to show your whole body, dress like I recommended, and a better resolution camera and you'll be gold.

Not quite an action shot of you reading, but you'll have the look for sure and will probably still be a waifu meme long after you've settled down and had grandkids.

>> No.9068725


try it sometimes

>> No.9068726

get a grip of your life
it's some random mediocre dumb cunt

you fuckers are sad

>> No.9068734

kek, this image consultant autist

>> No.9068761

>>expensive B&N edition

get a job
those editions are like $20

>> No.9068804

That's artificial.

>> No.9068812

She's never gonna have shit.
First of all, she is lacking any striking features and her face is not in proportion like a normal human being. That's not to say she won't be lusted over by bedroom autists and all of that, but you can tell from the posts she made on here, and her picture, that something just isn't adding up. Gee, golly, I wonder.

>Narcissistic parents
>Middle class upbringing
>Outcast in school
>Possibly bulled by "stacy"
>Slightly above average intelligence but never faced true hardship
>Wants to be a writer but lacks any talent and isn't disciplined enough
>Probably follows Instagram poets and the like but joins in to mock them on here

I mean, she made a point about her "not combing her hair", because "talented people don't care about appearance", which is one of the most laughable things I've ever heard.
It's quite obvious to anyone with a working set of eyes that she is trying desperately to convey an image, *thee* image, but she knows it's not cool to do so overtly, and so she tries... This is only confirmed by the actual posting of the several images she posted of herself on a /literature/ imageboard in the first place. So yeah, the bitch ain't shit bro

I'm high as fuck so >inb4 autism projecting or whatever, and not only that, I know I'm right
If she reads this she will dismiss it at first but it will creep into her thoughts some time later, and she will know it too

>> No.9068847

who cares?

>> No.9068867

shakespeare has been dead awhile

>> No.9068894

I think you're onto something, not combing your hair to simulate a perceived image of what an intellectual is, is itself caring about appearance.

>> No.9068970

way beyond that

>> No.9069019

how so?

>> No.9069060

wheres the feet

>> No.9069065

he just said it here, you know? >>9068812

>> No.9069082

Consider the greater implications of that if she herself is aware of it, which she probably is. Why would she continue on with it? I hate to trod on people, but she is obviously searching to plug her void, and being a tortured "artist" is like, so cool now, isn't it? Unfortunately she will find out that this just won't do.

>> No.9069103

i wonder what kind of books she likes to read though. like she some kind of leftist/feminist, neo-fascist, alt-right(doubt it), philosophy, nietzsche, john green, tao lin, mark twain, dostoyevsky, levinas or what?

>> No.9069114

It honestly wouldn't surprise me if she didn't read at all. Maybe a few of the classics and the Harry Shitter books. Or just quotes from Goodreads.

>> No.9069139

who took the pic I'll fight him to the death

>> No.9069151

well i hope she actually does come back and tell us

>> No.9069152

damn anon the women in your life must suck

>> No.9069188

If you say so, and what does it have to do with women? It can be applied to men just the same.

>> No.9069198
File: 1.12 MB, 2560x1536, 20170205_124606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dumb to not leave this alone. The kafkas were stolen from libraries obviously but I got them secondhand

>> No.9069202

it makes sense but it's also kind of odd that you assume she is a completely NORMAL person when she's at least on 4chan, sure it's /lit/ but any girl i've met on 4chan has been at least somewhat interesting

>> No.9069209
File: 1.10 MB, 2560x1536, 20170205_124558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9069212

i hated the house on mango street. had to read it for some reason in highschool

>> No.9069220

>shut down when doing math
Wow, she sure sounds like a genius.

>> No.9069227

>The kafkas were stolen from libraries
>obviously but I got them secondhand
Right on the money

>> No.9069229
File: 1.06 MB, 2560x1536, 20170205_124649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've paid my canon dues for the most part, have working knowledge of the Greeks and the bible. Read short stories by Pynchon but not GR or anything. Read and love Ulysses, currently on FW and I like it a lot. I've read a lot of gg Marquez and Murakami but don't own copies anymore. Into magical realism, believe in new sincerity

>> No.9069236

Same, that's why I have it, didn't hate it though. It was quick and could be pretty

>> No.9069240

Anon...... I was not the theif!!

>> No.9069260

why do you have ulysses and not dubliners and portrait?

>> No.9069264

No no, I didn't mean that. I meant to whom would it matter whether the books were stolen or not? or whether they're secondhand? It's not a detail worth mentioning unless you're someone who is trying way too fucking hard. see >>9068812

Fuck these nu-lit plebs, for fuck sake.

>> No.9069266

nice books and nice copy of dark spring. again you remind of me of anon pictured above. check out the book of monelle if you havent, i think you'd like it

>> No.9069272

Well I do like to utilize my local library but I haven't read either of those. I'm excited for Dubliners, I thought Ulysses could be quite funny at points

>> No.9069291

if you only posted the selfies and the books you'd be pretty qt, but every time you open your mouth my boner goes down

>> No.9069297

are you not nu-lit?

>> No.9069318

Only if you're a combination nu-male and white knight

>> No.9069319

I don't know, I think it's kind of shitty to rip a book off a library, especially a classic.

>> No.9069326

i was just wondering lol no need to get defensive

>> No.9069327

I will, thank you! Yeah dark spring was wild, I wanted it to go on longer. Are you female too?

>> No.9069328

>tripfag implying others are nu-lit

>> No.9069344

no im not a female at all lol, glad it wasnt you that called me a numale. youre welcome for the rec

>> No.9069351

Being yourself is the only thing I learned from Disney Channel that turned out to be actually useful. I've never attempted to be someone that I'm not around women and it's always helped me out. It's really as simple as being yourself.
A lot of dudes think that women will be turned off by nerdy habits that they have, or their avant-garde interests, but, really, its the opposite. Every girl I've been with for a significant amount of time cherished my idiosyncrasies, and I never hid them. They're part of what makes you interesting.

>> No.9069353

somebody has to wear a trip or ill never be able to talk to my old /lit/friends

>> No.9069359

The one with all of his works.

>> No.9069398

if you ever want to talk outside of /lit/ you should add me on skype btw kaaantilope

>> No.9069403

Have you actually read Ulysses?

>> No.9069407

>have working knowledge of the Greeks and the bible

Marry me.

>> No.9069416

/lit/ has to be the gayest fucking board on this site. Even worse than /mu/.


>> No.9069426


You're probably right, but you're pulling a Hank Moody here.

Moody was alone a lot.

Moody was an asshole.

>> No.9069435

are you s.liang1025 lol

>> No.9069443

sick meme

>> No.9069466

lol no

>> No.9069476


>> No.9069506

I think you're probably right about a lot of that, parents/outcast etc., I don't want to be a "writer" per se but I have had analyses published (just undergrad journals) and won a research award-- nothing ultra special career-wise but I don't lack discipline. Definitely searching for some type of image that might stick, I just don't meet people easily irl so yep something just isn't adding up in a couple areas. It wouldn't surprise me if that's true for more than a few people on this board, that's why we're here, right? it's a simulacrum of a specific social interaction that would be better in the real world but is rare. I'm high too

>> No.9069525

picture posting is lame and borne from insecurity and loneliness. It's upsetting to a lot of you because it's flexing the female thing which most lonely people don't have at their disposal.

>> No.9069529


thanks! please share it w you're friends

>> No.9069535

It also violates an ethic of anonymity which makes lit a decent place to discuss ideas in the first place. Regrettable but too late now

>> No.9069545


and it fucking worked!

it. never. fails.

>> No.9069551
File: 66 KB, 700x700, 514810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it usually feels pretty hopeless to try and meet people and express yourself irl especially as an introvert or intellectual person, see pic
/lit/ is cool but its a bid sad to see people who are so similar not becoming actual friends

>> No.9069556

like, why do people feel the need to have this website where they meet people who share their interests so separate from their 'real' life. seems like cucking yourself hard

>> No.9069668

i need to get my serotonin back up before i start obsessing over girls again

>> No.9069722


She's cute and wants to be lusted over by bedroom autists, so how is this not valid? She specifically asked how to become a meme image waifu since she thought she was prettier than many of the girls in the existing images. And she's right, so then that lead to me explaining how composition, pose, clothing, photography all play a role as well. The idea is to make a posed photo look candid, and how to appear to be "accidentally sexy".

And while I agree that not combing her hair is an affectation, so what? Affectations are fine by me so long as they work. In her case, with her hair and face, I think they do. However, she does need to show off some kind of sexy feature-- I'm suggesting legs-- to offset the nerdy vibe she's giving off.

In her case, a well-fitting but modest top, a short skater skirt, and stockings are what she needs in the wardrobe department. Then make sure the photo frames her whole body, so she can reveal some leg. Then make sure the picture is in focus and correctly lit. The pose and setting are fine in this case.

Right now she's got a photo that shows off her hair and face in a blurry zoom, which are ok but there's a million photos like that-- many better than hers. Her hair not being combed is perfect... so long as it's balanced with some sexy.

As for your guesses about her life, who cares? She wants to convey an image. So does everyone. That's a normal and very positive thing-- the complainers are usually the ones who are not as good at it. She wants to convey that image while also making the fashion statement, "I don't care about images or fashion statements". That game is as old as fashion, but it's still a game worth playing.

There are people out there who really don't care what other people think of them. They're called sociopaths.

>> No.9069778


Meh. She didn't use a tripcode. There's such a thing as being way too sensitive about these things.

>> No.9069881

she should go barefoot desu

>> No.9070047

okay, okay, wall-of-text-man, it's cool, you can stay if you want

>> No.9070304

not gonna lie, you're a qt, dude
try to explore this cute side on photos, maybe with some qt/comfy figurine and you're good to go

now excuse me, i'll fap

>> No.9070706

Quality material

>> No.9071393

Histrionics =/= Normal behavior

Not caring what people think =/= sociopathy

Your white Knighting is gross.

Also, I'm bored femanon give me your Skype if you're still here.

>> No.9071420

This thread will die soon, but my love for femanon will live forever.