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/lit/ - Literature

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9018212 No.9018212 [Reply] [Original]

Kinda want to read Don Quixote. What translation should I get?

>> No.9018222

Get the bloom approved version. it's the best

>> No.9018228

Just learn Spanish you pleb, it's fucking easy for an English speaker

>> No.9018230
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Tom Lathrop

>> No.9018255
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The Trips have spoken. I'll check it out
I voted Trump for a reason

>> No.9018263

Where to start?

>> No.9018275

>he didn't learn Spanish in high school

>> No.9018279

I'm a Brit, we learned German at my school

>> No.9018285

Just search for Don Quixote in the catalogue, there is an entire thread for a group reading of the book with recommended translations inside.

>> No.9018292

i hate to complain about an abundance of good writing but don quixote could have been much shorter i think. i really started to tire of those Chauceresque intermissions and side plots towards the end of the book.

>> No.9018298

Wie geht es dir?

>> No.9018311

Even if you learn to read/speak modern Spanish fluently, you will have a very difficult time reading Don Quijote. I have a Spanish minor and have read several books and Don Quijote is like another language.

It's like a non-native English speaker trying to read the KJV Bible, which can be difficult for even native speakers.

Also, Spanish has garbage literature and is not worth learning for non-practical/job related purposes.

>> No.9018335
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>Also, Spanish has garbage literature
It's not my fault you can't grasp the magnificence of seventeenth century Spanish literature.
Shut the fuck up, and read Calderón de la Barca or Lope de Vega, little baby.

>> No.9018340

>Also, Spanish has garbage literature and is not worth learning for non-practical/job related purposes.
tbqh if you know Spanish you should just learn French. French is shit-easy if you already know Spanish and English because then you know the basic grammar and most of the words

>> No.9018356

>who was Borges?
>who was Rubén Darío?
>who was Rulfo?
>who was Juana Inés de la Cruz?
>who was Luis de León?
>who was Calderón?
>who was Lope de Vega?

And with Quijote is enough. You should read before talking shit about the Spanish language.

>> No.9018417

Sor Juana Inés`s writting and philosophy is the best that mexico has to offer.

>> No.9018525

Agree, it's amazing.

>> No.9018551

We don't have many writers or philosphers, but we sure have some good ones.
Also, she was one of the first woman that fought for equality.
The Hombres necios sonnet is gold:
Arguye de inconsecuentes el gusto
y la censura de los hombres que en
las mujeres acusan lo que causan
Hombres necios que acusáis
a la mujer sin razón,
sin ver que sois la ocasión
de lo mismo que culpáis:

si con ansia sin igual
solicitáis su desdén,
¿por qué queréis que obren bien
si las incitáis al mal?

>> No.9018558

Mexican is the easiest language on the planet by a fucking mile

>Que pasa mi amigo?
>Uno taco por favor
>Me hacienda este grande, senior!
>gringos get out

It's like fucking baby speak you can learn this bullshit in a month if you are willing to visit some "country" where they actually talk like this

>> No.9018560

>Mexican intellectuals

>> No.9018568

You can talk like that easily but don't expect any respect from people or understand books.

>> No.9018577

mfw i don't know many examples