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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 193 KB, 600x427, 1lone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9013094 No.9013094 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start:

"We all grow our wings only after we die.'

"A heartbeat is the greatest music of all."

"Why are we so concerned about diamonds? There's a billion of them in the sky."

>> No.9013122

>ITT: Rupi Kaur mining for ideas for her new book
go to bed Rupi

>> No.9013133

It’s weird that pirates would go shore to shore looking for buried treasure when the real treasure was in the friendships they were making

>> No.9013136

>"Why are we so concerned about diamonds? There's a billion of them in the sky."

Don't ever say that shit again

>> No.9013141
File: 163 KB, 497x539, coelho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9013178

The d... The divine... The divine individual *bursts Into treats*

>> No.9013195

"God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?"

>> No.9013350

>"Why are we so concerned about diamonds? There's a billion of them in the sky."
I like it.

>> No.9013366

Fiction's about what it is to be a human being.

>> No.9013373

The key to your heart is in everyone else

>> No.9013383

Books write us more than we do them

>> No.9013387

"God's dead, honey."
"No, he still lives and breathes the pure Air of the Lands of Man. He still is aloof in the sky, and un-aloof in the heart. The heart of the Lands of Man."
"But the science...!"
"The 'science' which thine mouth shan't utter a word from no on for thine swine mouth has no right to bar his word upon the glory of God."


It was then and only after he spake with the greatest of Great Men of the Lands of pure Air that he realized that, whether hitherto God was-is-will he lived in the minds of those who do the godly goodly deeds in the eyes of their Lord.
He swayed from the intensity of the feeling of smallness and sameness of the Lands of pure Air of Man.
And all was good.

>> No.9013392

Loneliness is but the absence of companionship.

>> No.9013402

Being is housed in language.

>> No.9013408

A dong in the pants is worth two in the bush.

>> No.9013409

Love; love means kindling the fire of hate to warm others.

>> No.9013410
File: 40 KB, 357x400, wittgenstein is mad as hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but thats true u fuckin nerd

>> No.9013418


>> No.9013421

But these could all have valid meanings. Do you mean "deep" quotations that are actually dumb and vapid?

>> No.9013422

"The wind is what happens when the sea makes a change."

>> No.9013423

As the last Man closes his eyes for the last time, Future opens its infinity of doors facing the Past.

>> No.9013427

There is no happiness in sadness.

>> No.9013433

Linguistic determinism was debunked ages ago faggot

>> No.9013434

A great book needs a great reader.

The faster we fly, the quicker we fall.

A hot cup of cocoa is better than getting fucked up.

>> No.9013437

Kek, I bet you're the same sort of person who says that a philosophical theory was "proved".

>> No.9013439

Best ITT

>> No.9013442
File: 93 KB, 250x237, 1476165709640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these threads

>> No.9013447

All knowledge is parallel.

>> No.9013449

An eternity of foreverness must needs not quench the neverending infinities amidst the islands of the I.

>> No.9013454

Steel wins battles, gold wins wars

>> No.9013460

okay this is kinda good.

The hand which fed you, is the hand that kills you.

>> No.9013461


Damn that's good

>> No.9013463

There is no absolute truth, just look deep into yourself and find a way

We have to exploit our inner potential, crisis means opportunity!

Love is a universal fire that burns in everyone of us!

Remember, everything, no matter how bad it seems, has a meaning

>> No.9013468

"Who am I? It is you who I am not, but it is not you who I am."

>> No.9013471

I actually like this one

>> No.9013474

I am. But not the one I want to be.

>> No.9013475

That's because it's fucking ancient. And it's hardly relevant to this thread.
Even OPs examples are fucking stupid.
You're stupid. This thread is stupid. You people are never on task.

>> No.9013476

Rain is God having a wee

>> No.9013478

Every moment of existence is of torment to me,
and to all others if only they could see
That the truth of nature is torment, suffering, and decay.
But only the wisest see this, only Nietzsche.

And ayn rand as well keke

>> No.9013488


>> No.9013490

Perhaps the worst uniform we wear is the one we never take off.

>> No.9013495

How can CRASH be real if our pancakes aren't real?

>> No.9013498


>> No.9013520

Fuck you Davion, I need my towers

>> No.9013522

>implying this is wrong

>> No.9013530

"To die is to cease to be alive."

>> No.9013535

Steel wins battles, gold wins wars, but dicks win girls and girls win the world. Is your dick steel, or gold?

>> No.9013549


>> No.9013559
File: 147 KB, 800x1295, aynrand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morality is an illusion

>> No.9013564

The dragon Slyrak sleeps within this armor, and the knight within the Dragon waits. Beware you do not wake them both.

>> No.9013571


>> No.9013577

>A hot cup of cocoa is better than getting fucked up.


>> No.9013599
File: 378 KB, 464x260, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In silence, we hear everything.

The longest path is the one nobody walked.

To do you must first begin.

Fools laugh, the wise smile.

>> No.9013602


>> No.9013604

Not the anon you're replying to but this is linguistics, and linguistic determinism has been false for decades. Language doesn't work like that

>> No.9013615

Our ghosts sleep

>> No.9013624


>> No.9013671

We are everything and it is us.

Life is an icecycle hanging off a roof

Death is a drip of water in the sun

>> No.9013685

The only thing that keep us alive is the same thing that keeps the sun burning: the universe.

>> No.9013693

Is this today's Rupi Kaur thread?

>> No.9013695

The magic of the meme, is not the meme itself, but the meme of the magic.

>> No.9013697

Time flies, but you're the pilot.

>> No.9013710

If a crip rolls up on a blood to cover him from getting wet with an umbrella, is he still throwing mad shade?

>> No.9013738

Blood alone moves the wheels of history.

>> No.9013747


in response to this

'Gold is thicker than friendship.'

>> No.9013748

The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinions.

>> No.9013749
File: 999 KB, 345x194, norm being a scoundrel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We spend so much money on warships and aircraft carriers that we lose track of the ship that matters most - friendship

>> No.9013758

A liberal is just a hymen in a virgin pussy waiting to get fucking wrecked by the hard dick of reality.

>> No.9013762


when the doors of perception were locked, the man stood.

>> No.9013767

when you're stuck in a hole, stop digging. when you're stuck in three holes, you're gonna need more shovels

a toad will fool people to thinking it's a frog if they don't look to closely

you only need two people to hold a ladder you're climbing if you're heavy enough to knock it over or if there's a strong wind or if one of them isn't particularly strong.

>> No.9013772


Stealing this one

>> No.9013778

Before you can look to the horizon, you need to look at yourself

Happiness is always just around the corner, except you're colour blind

>> No.9013963

No-one cares about the color of your parachute when your pants are made of gold.

>> No.9014034

Thought is the road toward the destination of the mind.

>> No.9014053

>"Why are we so concerned about diamonds? There's a billion of them in the sky."
this triggered me

>> No.9014146

what we shitpost in this lifetime echoes in eternity...

>> No.9014153

The smart call the fools foolish and the fools call the smart foolish. We're all fools.

>> No.9014159

don't be a human being... be a human doing...

>> No.9014162


There is never a loser in life, you can still be the last winner.

>> No.9014230

"Man locks the doors to keep the dirt out, but the dirt locks the final door."

"The loins are the devil's foremost prophet."

>> No.9014255

I love this thread.

>> No.9014265

If you're not a libertarian when you're young, you have no kidney. If you're not Stalinist when you're old, you have no liver.

>> No.9014266

"A mirror reflects our body, a painting reflects our soul."

>> No.9014278

Morality is just aesthetics on a higher ontological plane :^)

>> No.9014286

"We only learn who we are when we learn who we aren't."

>> No.9014288

Do not pity a man who has nothing left, for he has nothing, and nothing has more worth than everything.

Release a word and you will lose it; keep it and you will smother it; hold it on the tip of your tongue and it will bloom.

Do not lose faith, for someone will find it, and there's little sence in playing zero-sum games.

>> No.9014294

That second one is quite good

>> No.9014296

"There are two kinds of people who listen to what fools have to say. Those who are fools themselves and those who wish not to be fools."

>> No.9014312

"We mock men who piss into the wind but few can predict when the wind will turn."

>> No.9014319



>> No.9014333

"Without light it's impossible to see just how big our shadows are."

>> No.9014342

"Our roofs are as high as our floors deserve."

>> No.9014373
File: 110 KB, 1300x1009, fwltys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a well is too deep, thirst endures.

>> No.9014376

"The pen is the mightiest tool known to man. It writes, it draws, it can do other things too."

"He who eats least is usually not that hungry."

"Time is only the second greatest gift. The first is more of it."

"Why must we wait? The store closes soon."

"A lamp giveth light, a fire flame, chairs a place to sit. These are the staples of an honest life."

"Life is death. Death is also death."

>> No.9014392

A man will read for illumination to the point of blindness.

>> No.9014411

"That there is nothing ironic about irony is the greatest irony of all."

The first two are great.

>> No.9014412

When you want your message to be heard, make sure nobody is around to hear it. That way, you may tell it more than once.

>> No.9014428


>> No.9014435

Think of how many chords a simple instrument like guitar can make and think of how many more the music of life has in store for you!

>> No.9014441

"For most people, the first sentence they utter is also the most profound one they will ever make."

>> No.9014446

better to perish, brilliantly, in the inferno of hatred than drown, forgotten, in the depths of love.

>> No.9014447

After a while most people find the company of apes grotesque, it's way too close for comfort.

>> No.9014457


>> No.9014459

How incredibly inaccurate. You couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.9014460

We mock the man who starves in order to store his food but are we not just delaying our own hunger?

>> No.9014466

How incredibly inaccurate. You couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.9014468

The first one is true though

>> No.9014472

"People go through life jumping through hoops, but who is throwing them?"

>> No.9014474


How incredibly wrong. You couldn't be more inaccurate.

>> No.9014477

For every winner there is a loser. But for every loser there might be a bigger loser.

>> No.9014480

You are always the closest you've ever been to the future

>> No.9014488

How wrong incredibly. You couldn't be inaccurate more.

>> No.9014491

You plant a seed into a willing soil and you get the fruits of your labor. You willingly soil yourself and you get a new pair of fruit of the loom.

>> No.9014494

Communism cannot work because of human nature

>> No.9014503 [SPOILER] 
File: 19 KB, 251x242, 1485223657439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"If I pull that off will you die?"

>"It will be extremely painful"

>"You're a big guy"

>"For you"

>> No.9014522
File: 7 KB, 558x493, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The following sentence is true:

This sentence is not true.

>> No.9014525


>> No.9014538


This sentence is true.

The previous sentence is not true.

>> No.9014565

No sentence is true, everybody's an idiot.

>> No.9014585


No sentence is false, everbody's a genius.

>> No.9014601


>> No.9014614


>> No.9014620


not if we medicate the population with meth amphetamine

>> No.9014703

Enough shitposting, get back to work George

>> No.9014712

>"In the end it's always just the begening"

>> No.9014739

No greater is the book than that which has a great reader.

>> No.9014762

This is a good one

>> No.9014823


>> No.9014844

Amazing. Good work Anons


Also someone should make a tumblr and call it something dumb but appealing like "/LiteratureInThought/" and just post all the gems from these threads as """artsy"""" quote images

>> No.9014864

>"The pen is the mightiest tool known to man. It writes, it draws, it can do other things too."
holy shit

>> No.9014875

Beggars can't be choosers but you can always choose what you beg for.

>> No.9014888

We went looking for some spice, but only found a couple of delicate watery manifolds.

>> No.9014897
File: 2.60 MB, 640x360, Puke bucket.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The most precious moments of all are the ones we make for ourselves"
*insert picture of sleeping cat*

"Sentiments can be spoken, but only emotions can be felt"
*insert porcelain figurine of two little children kissing*

"The hardest journeys we ever have to make are to each other"
*insert picture of sailboat at dusk*

"True growth comes from within"
*insert picture of plant-overgrown ruins*

"distance means nothing when you know what's at the end of the path"
*insert picture of young woman standing at house porch*

"All we really need are warm cookies, cold milk, and a hug from mommy"
*insert picture of old quilt*

Worked as a writer at a competitor for Hallmark for 18 years, ask me anything. (note: have never worked for any greeting card companies, just pulling garbage quotes out of my ass)

>> No.9014904

"Cut your belly open first and I'll tell you who of us has more guts"

"And who is this bickering imbecile, who questions the law of nothing with it's somethings?"

"I envy you, for you have not tasted the bitter lie we call bliss"

"'Give them no quarter, my friend. Soon they'll understand that we are the least of their concerns. For this is a three sided war.', said the mad vagabond to his dog, fighting over a piece of meat against the alley cats."

"I pity you. Your intellectual discussions have driven you off from the path of wisdom that idiots avoid."

>> No.9014943

"Nothing is imflammable. Even 'imflammable' says 'I M flammable'."

>> No.9014968

Being young and prodigious is a pitfall in itself.

>> No.9014980

"Do not pity the overzealous—for they are kindling to their own fire."

>> No.9014987
File: 2.51 MB, 173x267, haha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it blackmail to expect something in return after a kindhearted gift?

>> No.9015023

The biggest decisions are the ones we don't make.

>> No.9015031

A writer should be judged not by the color of his skin, but by the characters of his content.

>> No.9015062

I think, therefore I can.

>> No.9015066

Modesty, for a man in need, is not a good quality

>> No.9015073

If you don't do, it won't do

>> No.9015091
File: 29 KB, 640x360, 1403150855837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeds at the tree’s foot need not celebrate,
“How lucky am I to have landed on Earth.”

>> No.9015573

It is easier for a child to conquer an empire than for an emperor to conquer himself.

>> No.9015581

A pint of blood is worth more than a gallon of gold.

>> No.9016144 [SPOILER] 
File: 187 KB, 650x867, 1485268986341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's well begun is half done.

>> No.9016408


>> No.9017144

I want to add: But sometimes there's sadness in happiness.

>> No.9017161

what the fucki s this supposed to be a recipe for

>> No.9017332

The further you go, the less you know you know.

>> No.9017908

Life is what you make of it, but don't make a mess.

>> No.9018299

We observe only what we want to see

>> No.9018317

I shit you not a barber said this to me one time and I was ready to walk out on that fucker halfway through the cut

>> No.9019725


Fuck that bitch is horrible.

>> No.9019742

this is true though

It's called intentionality in phenomenology.

>> No.9020158

It's right when we feel most constipated we find the greatest relief.

Fucking GOLDEN. You're the real treasure, matey.

>> No.9020702

This website is a manifestation of your mental health.

Language is the footprints of two lovers walking a beach at low tide.

>> No.9020717

rip in peace king of boners

nice dubs dotard

>> No.9020844 [DELETED] 

"it's in the darkness of the cocoon that caterpillars become butterflies"
- /fit/

>> No.9020964

Wasn't this in some "The Pirates!" book? Maybe the one with the communists? Or the Charles Darwin one? Can't remember.

>> No.9020969

This is actually good, senpai.

>> No.9020973

Isn't this a joke about One Piece?

>> No.9020978

Books are quiet about the knowledge that the world shouts.

>> No.9020982

>Language is the footprints of two lovers walking a beach at low tide.
That is great

>> No.9021037

To make freedom informal, you must first liberate ourselves from something else.


>> No.9021257

>To make freedom informal, you must first liberate ourselves from something else.
>informal, you must first liberate ourselves from something
>you must first liberate ourselves
>you must first
>liberate ourselves


>> No.9021510


>> No.9021511

"People always end up looking like the pills they take"

>> No.9021521
File: 44 KB, 607x608, 1448843014022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone talks about getting it, but when was the last time you lost it?

>> No.9021540

A ceiling is only as high as the walls that hold it

>> No.9021549
File: 21 KB, 500x375, frog thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the boundary of our passion is defined by what we arent

>> No.9021562

>The nature of piece is staring at each other, fuming with ire, yet unable to lunge.

>> No.9021571

The best language is the one you don't understand: Music.

>> No.9021586


The only stars in the city are the ones on screen, anons

>> No.9021737

I always figured it'd be cutting each other down...

>> No.9021807


Love is more powerful than any army in this beautiful world.

>> No.9022271

The last one has meaning.

>> No.9022312

The journey begins once it has ended.

>> No.9022795


>> No.9022936

>You people are never on task.
AHAHH I fcuking lost it at this for some reason
10/10 anon I love you for making me kek

>> No.9022948

Meaning could be assigned to any of those easily. It's just shitty writing.

>> No.9022965


>> No.9022991

This is actually true, though.

>> No.9022993

May I steal this quote as part of the intro for my aftro-futuristic space saga? I'm white, and preparing my defense from SJWs.

>> No.9023007

When the ''why'' is strong, the ''how'' is always available.

>> No.9023015

Sometimes men die to let others live, sometimes they live to let others die.

>> No.9023025

All discussions of "being" qua "being" are, in fact, a discussion of "non-being" qua "becoming" fallaciously acting itself out, inherently delusional that it is axiomatically true that what is, is, unawares that what is, is not and is precisely in not being, being itself being perpetuated by the metaphysical misconception that it is and not that it is always not itself, for being that is self-aware must think it is in order to not be and thereby become, for being that is aware that it is not is, in fact, being exactly what it is and therefore cannot not be, being that being is not by not being what it is but rather being what it is not, which is being and not non-being i.e. becoming.

>> No.9023029

If you look inside, you will know thyself. If you look outside, you will know the world.

>> No.9023041


>> No.9023185

If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?

>> No.9023193

the travesty of the self is that it is the traces of others.

>> No.9023194

Fun things are fun

>> No.9023372

That is...just...whoa...i want more...

>> No.9023466

Heidegger what are you doing on a Mongolian comics forum?

>> No.9024136

Mongolian sounds delicious

>> No.9024162

>It always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because they're pretty. It's like picking your breakfast cereals based on color instead of taste.

>> No.9024175

We are mere bundles of consciousness, temporarily separated from universal consciousness by the tourniquet of life.

>> No.9024255

Maybe the real surplus value was the friends we made along the way.

>> No.9024598


"Where there is honor, there is always blood. But where there is blood there is not always honor."

>> No.9024992

Don't lynch me but thats actually pretty good

Gonna use it in my post-apocalyptic postmodern swordsman doorstopper book

>> No.9025140

I can't tell whether the people praising some of these as good are shitposting or not.

>> No.9025155

no it fucking isnt

>> No.9025241

If God created man, then who created God?

>> No.9025249


It's fucking atrocious mate.

>> No.9025268

I just LOVE this one!

>> No.9025277

Second chances matter... the very basis of all change in the universe, after all, is in chance.

>> No.9025284

"Profundity and shitposting are two sides of the same coin."

>> No.9025285

Shakespear breathed air, ate food, and took poops just like you and me, and we quail to call ourselves supermen?

>> No.9025302

riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend
of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to
Howth Castle and Environs.

>> No.9025331

Make your dreams real - don't let your real be dreams.

>> No.9025338

Just as A is ever A, you shall always do you.

>> No.9026068


The only one that was decent even in an ironic sense was the second one

>> No.9026076

The first ones to despair are always the first to understand.

>> No.9026088

7 billion people and not one stopped to say hello.

>> No.9026101

some say pen is mightier than the sword,
but I say: penis, my dear, then the sword.

>> No.9026113


Strength through humility.

>> No.9026120

Lenght through humidity

>> No.9026131

I can see it now...

kek, who do niggers like to post this type of shit so much?

>> No.9026458

Why do we spend our lives searching for truth when we already know what it looks like?

>> No.9026722

Im gay this is my ass fuck me

>> No.9026733
File: 45 KB, 500x489, 1450852714125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's honestly really good

>> No.9026898

You can only ever take action in the present.

>> No.9026913

found the game grumps fanboy!!! GO LOVELIES

>> No.9027124

>The ending of One piece if his editor didn't force him to change it

>> No.9027137


>> No.9027142

t. George Martin

>> No.9027150

"Beautiful women are like stars. They're nice to look at, but it's extremely painful when they get too close."

"I know you're looking for an exhilarating adventure. Sorry kid, but you're in the wrong reality for that."

"Maybe the ocean is so big because it's made of human tears."

>> No.9027153

replace "do" with "write" and it's perfect

>> No.9027166

"than we do them" means "than we do [write] them"
it's a lot more elegant this way

>> No.9027229

Many of these are just cheesy but not meaningless. Some are even true, just worded in a cheesy way.

>> No.9027263

John pls go