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/lit/ - Literature

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8995298 No.8995298 [Reply] [Original]

How do you pronounce Nietzsche?

>> No.8995306


>> No.8995307
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>> No.8995309

neet shee

>> No.8995316


>> No.8995317


>> No.8995322


>> No.8995324


>> No.8995325

>How do you pronounce Nietzsche?


>> No.8995329

neet che (the e in che like the one in the)

>> No.8995344


>> No.8995345

>How do you pronounce, Nietzsche?
He's dead, kiddo. How is he supposed to answer this quesion?
He probably had an aristocratic accent or at least he wished, btw.
Anyway, >>>/x/

>> No.8995362


>> No.8995364

Thank you!

>> No.8995371

The real question is how do you pronounce Goethe?

>> No.8995376


>> No.8995418


>> No.8995445

Beginning part is like neat but without the t.

Second syllable is like pitcher.


>> No.8995456
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>> No.8995462


>> No.8995479


>> No.8995485


>> No.8995493


>> No.8995496


Friedrich Nietzky was a proud Pole after all.

>> No.8995525


>> No.8995548

>great threads get ignored
>a meme thread with some skanky ass in the op picture gets 20+ replies.
I am done with this! I am blocking this shit board in my browser.

>> No.8995575


>> No.8995602

Mane grammar is for everyone, not just autists.

>> No.8995609


I'd pronounce that ass so hard, if you get what I'm saying.

>> No.8995611

Your thread was shit

>> No.8995631

kys fampai

>> No.8995681

>you will never have a conversation with good old Nietzsche
I wonder what he will think of the current state of the civilization.

>> No.8995684


>> No.8995704

nee Che

>> No.8995807

Like it's pronounced in German (pretty close to knee-chuh)

>> No.8995817


>> No.8995979

Native German. These are close.

>> No.8995988


>> No.8995992


"Ni-chii" kawai desu san baka baka senpaitatchi.

In honesty, Americans will never get it. Just like they won't ever get Schopenhauer. The O sound in Schopenhauer simply does not exist in any english word. English cannot speak an "O" without turning it into an "OW"

>> No.8996040


>> No.8996086

Knee Chuh

>> No.8996167


>> No.8996203

came here to post this

>> No.8996237
File: 95 KB, 500x749, tumblr_mncot0fe0K1qfg0tlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fryderyk Niecki

>> No.8996243

Pyccкиe в cpeдe, пocoны
Aлco, нecкoлькo днeй нaзaд я yзнaл, чтo пpaвильнo "Hицшe", a нe "Hишцe" лoл эльмao

>> No.8996249

its NEET, chuh

>> No.8996250

*B тpeдe

>> No.8996255


>> No.8996278


>> No.8996338


>> No.8996461

isn't the o in Schopenhauer pronounced like the ough in bought?

>> No.8996507


>> No.8996529

Hello, my slav fellow.

>> No.8996546

"Dat ass"

>> No.8996553


>> No.8996568

It's like the beginning of the o in boat, without turning it into an oo sound

>> No.8996585

American accent is literally THE WORST.

>> No.8996598


Not even close. The o in boat is still turned into an ow. Phonetic of boat would be something like bowt.

O, like in the german froh, simply does not exist in english.

>> No.8996620

Nigga have you heard Australians?

>> No.8996879

boat is pronounced Bo-ut in German spelling, if you cut the vowel into two parts.

>> No.8996892

english speakers in general are fucking incompetent at pronouncing foreign words.

>> No.8996994


>> No.8997005

foreign language speakers in general are fucking incompetent at pronouncing english words

>> No.8997014


>> No.8997026


Oh he'd be fucking pissed.

The guy's whole thing was a desire for people to take control of their own lives and make their own independent values. He didn't give an iota of shit even what those values were. He just wanted people to stand up for themselves and their individual beliefs.

The alternative in his eyes was a world in which people realised nothing really matters and so give away their freedoms and individuality for comfort and safety. His so-called Last Man.

The current world seems to be drifting pretty close to that. Our governments erode our freedoms and privacies because the educated individual can't possibly influence them, we're too lazy to fight companies who sell our privacy to them, people aren't allowed to voice their opinions if they're even slightly controversial in case they get stamped on by the masses, and populist democracy means that the country is governed not by people with vision or experience but by people who know how to push the right buttons to keep themselves in power.

Every time a government somewhere takes something away from you 'for your own safety' (generally to fight 'terrorism' nowadays) Nietzsche rolls in his grave.

Life isn't meant to be safe. It's the difference between 'surviving' and 'living'.

I'm from the UK. Our government is currently in the process of making sure our country resembles 1984 as soon as possible because 'terrorism'.

Fucking hell. We had the blitz. Half the country was levelled by people who actually knew how to make bombs properly. But we give away everything now because every couple of years a sandnigger blows up a bus.

>> No.8997041

Germanfag here. It's pronounced "Nietzsche"

>> No.8997052


>> No.8997155


>> No.8997239

Please fucking leave

>> No.8997359

at the very least he'd probably be irritated that his ideas were perverted in order to justify nihilism

>> No.8997366


>> No.8997415

Knee Cheh

>> No.8997419

Neetshen without the last n

>> No.8997435
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nyi - tzuh

>> No.8997449

Fun fact Nietzsche loved Nizza

>> No.8997453


>> No.8997454


>> No.8997505



>> No.8997596

When an author is dead, you can read their work however you like, including their own name. So all pronunciations are equally valid.

t. lit major.

>> No.8997604


Who is this buxom bitch?

>> No.8997981

I was taught by a professor in Texas in an online class that it's knee-tshuh, I say "tsh" because it's not quite as harsh as "ch" but not as soft as "sh"

>> No.8999071


>> No.8999419


>> No.8999553

this, desu

>> No.8999558

I'm here for the feet to be fair.

>> No.8999839


>> No.8999993

Why are you using oo and ow to represent oh?

>> No.9001467

Njestszcjuh freedonia

>> No.9001479

NEET.... cheh! (anime interjection indicating contempt)

>> No.9001481

I just call him and his acolytes Nietzschwit

>> No.9001515

that applies even when the author still isn't dead though

>> No.9002181


>> No.9002288


>> No.9002349


>> No.9002749

Nee-che (as in Che Guevara)

>> No.9003185

Standard English pronunciation is "Neet-cha"
Though a German once told me that it's "Neet-che"
It's more likely only Germans can pronounce it properly and everyone else is retarded.

>> No.9003282

It's like the o in chopin but then again if you can't pronounce schopenhauer you probably can't pronounce chopin

>> No.9003299


>> No.9003315

German here. Approved

>> No.9003332

also that girl was made to be a intercourse machine, 5/10 face tho

>> No.9003339


>> No.9003443


>> No.9003498
File: 36 KB, 607x608, Hyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knee-chuh. The 'chuh' doesn't have much emphasis however, almost like an exhale.

Nigh-Chee (like 'Lychee') when I'm in a meme mood.

In general however:

>Speaking a language containing sounds that are nigh-to-wholly unpronounceable to non-natives

This is why English is the lingua franca, fools.

>> No.9003528


>> No.9003544

English is a tough language when it comes to pronunciation though. Tougher than German, certainly.

>> No.9003571


>English is a tough language when it comes to pronunciation though.

English is EXTREMELY forgiving when it comes to mispronunciation, however. Despite the extremely poor English of Japs/Chinks and in many other places in the world, it is readily understandable for 99% of the time.

German? Not so much.

>> No.9003814


>> No.9003847

I guess I'd put it like knee-che

>> No.9003921

called a long 'e'

>> No.9004433
File: 32 KB, 260x400, kafka hunger artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read my first Kafka (pic related). Really enjoyed it. I need more short stories like this. What does /lit/ recommend?

>> No.9004809

Fucking This.

>> No.9004868

I'm German. So I pronounce it "Nietzsche" :D
Correct: ˈniːtʃə

Written like I would speak it with english "letters": Nee-tcheh

>> No.9004888


like Dakin