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/lit/ - Literature

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8967740 No.8967740 [Reply] [Original]

>Start talking to cute girl
>She's a literature major
>I ask of her, her favorite authors
>She says anything post-modern or post-colonial
>Starts name dropping: Woolf, Vonnegut, etc.
>"Oh haha, is DFW post-modern? I'm reading Joyce at the moment."
>No reply yet

Why am I such a pseud, /lit/?

>> No.8967814
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>>I ask of her, her favorite authors
>>She says anything post-modern or post-colonial

if it's any consolation she sounds far worse than you do.

>> No.8967834
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>>"Oh haha, is DFW post-modern? I'm reading Joyce at the moment."

>> No.8967846

Is post-modern a real thing? It sounds like a made up term pseud academics use to sound intelligent.

>> No.8967850
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So is this the new 4chan word that means nothing

>> No.8967854

You've got a dictionary. Time to learn a new fucking word bucko

>> No.8967856


>> No.8967857


>So is this the new 4chan word

is this your first day here or something?

>> No.8967859


By new I mean newly popular dipshits.

>> No.8967864

we know what new means. it's still not that, you fucking pleb.

>> No.8967865

>When you try to dig yourself out of a hole but just get deeper.

>> No.8967866
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>> No.8967868


>when your clarification digs you an even deeper hole in your newposter moment


>> No.8967869

Not those guys, but they've been saying pseud/o as an insult here for years. It's nothing new for /lit/, although the other boards clearly still dwell on gems like "cuck" and "faggot."

>> No.8967872


lol some nice bantmind there.

>> No.8967873

>Start talking to cute girl
>She begins the conversation by admitting to being a snob and hating YA and genre fiction
>She's into cinema as well, loves Bresson, Resnais, Fellini
>Fluent in several languages including Russian, French and English
>Never happens to be a massive pleb after months of conversation
>She lives 2500 kilometers away from me

>> No.8967875


I've seen it for a long time to, but it's in pretty much every thread now. People were saying cuck for some time before it exploded.

>> No.8967878

And how many languages do you know, anon?

>> No.8967882

Three desu

>> No.8967886

>is DFW post-modern?
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.8967891

I assume he asked, "Is David Foster Wallace post-modern?"

>> No.8967892

Carry on.

Thanks for clearing that up, I really needed that.

>> No.8967895

np. Though a fan of post-modern lit should likely know who DFW is. He is extremely popular outside of /lit/, especially in colleges. Much like "G R R M" would be understood.

>> No.8967900

are you serious

>> No.8967906
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Uh, yeah? Do you think DFW is just a /lit/ meme?

>> No.8967908

Sounds like she isn't gonna give up her milk and honey for you.

>> No.8967910
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I get that reference.

Someone please kill me.

>> No.8967949

Tfw she's reading my short story now. BTFO permavirgin
>I don't get that reference tho

>> No.8967959

don't forget embryo

>> No.8967962

>has a biopic made about him
>Infinite Jest is a literary fiction bestseller, with 44,000 copies sold by the end of its first year of publication.The book has continued to sell steadily and attract critical commentary. As of 2016, worldwide sales of Infinite Jest have exceeded one million copies.
>In 2005 it was included by Time magazine in its list of the 100 best English-language novels published since 1923

>are you serious


>> No.8968170


I bet she likes to be choked in bed.

>> No.8968192


>> No.8968193
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>> No.8968317

lit girls are absolutely always the biggest cunts