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8950055 No.8950055 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys (excluding the NEETs) have the energy to read after work? By the end of my usual eight-hour shift, I can barely see straight, and coffee just makes it worse.

>> No.8950058

Do your reading before work, you pleb.

>> No.8950076

Get more sleep and eat healthier; exercise

>> No.8950083

keep doing it. with time you will be able pusg your limits.

>> No.8950095

Do the following;

>Quit coffee
>Check vitamin levels
>Exercise in the morning
>Read during Lunch
>Read after work

>> No.8950104

Basically you are going about reading all wrong. You need to make an enjoyable leisure activity, one performed to wind down, not stress you out more.

Start by reading shit you enjoy. In between sessions, think about what you read and what you want to find out next time you read so you can hype yourself up.

>> No.8950123

Stick to pop fiction and young adult, it's all the reading wageslaves like you need.

>> No.8950128

unironically this


>> No.8950136

>By the end of my usual eight-hour shift,
try twelve hours, faggot

i understand tho, and i have no idea. some people just seem to have endless energy. when i come home from my job i just feel low-level violated and long for a distraction more intense and overwhelming than reading, which reguires some basic initial effort at least

i can always read on the train though, because the anxiety of waiting and having to look at people is worse than the effort required to read a couple of pages

>> No.8950406

Quit your job and become a full time philosopher/hitchhiker

>> No.8950414


This. I imagine OP is trying to force himself through meme books.

>> No.8950423
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>read 20 pages of Infinite Jest
>takes all my will just to finish the next paragraph
>can't figure out why reading is so hard
>I hate reading. how do you guys have the energy?

>> No.8950431

Set aside the last half-hour to hour before bedtime as reading time. It's a good segue into bedtime, as it's quiet but not mindless, and it gets you away from screens right before bed and thus helps you fall asleep better. It's up to you whether you read in bed or outside the bedroom, though I've heard that if you have trouble falling asleep, it's best not to use the bedroom for anything but sleep and sex.

>> No.8950434

What I do is read instead of sleeping, it's almost meditative. I read at least two hours a night

>> No.8950563

>it's best not to use the bedroom for anything but sleep and sex
>he lives in a place so vast and spacious there's seperate rooms for seperate purposes
>he has sexual relations

i'm gonna save up and one day i'll get me a two room apartment and an expensive hooker. one day.

>> No.8950592

I read on the train or just before bedtime.
To be fair more often than not I'm too tired and collapse before I can read even a single chapter. Perhaps it's different for people with a non-physical job though.

Used to work afternoon-night shifts at a hotel desk and it was mad comfy, I could maybe read 1-2 hours per shift as there's normally fuck all to do once everybody has checked in. I hear security jobs are often like that, Bolaño worked as night guard for a camping in Costa Brava because he could read during his work hours.

>> No.8950597

Hey, I'm just repeating what I was told by my doctor and my health teacher. Personally I read in the bedroom and it doesn't affect my sleep at all. I think it's just one of those "sleep hygiene" things that works for some people so they tell everybody to do it.

I might be outing myself as an illiterate dipshit, but I got through Plato's Republic by reading it a few pages at a time in bed. I'd start reading and about half the time I'd start nodding off after 3-5 pages.

>> No.8951256

Rejoice, you are not a psychopath.