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8948810 No.8948810 [Reply] [Original]

What are some great medieval books?

>> No.8948829

Canterbury Tales
Don Quixote

>> No.8948844
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The Decameron
Orlando Furioso
Faerie Queene

>> No.8949089

Also, if you can suggest books that tells a story on the medieval age, not only books written in medieval age, I will appreciate.

>> No.8949096

Le Morte de Arthur

>> No.8949181

A great time-travel book featuring the plague years is The Doomsday Book by Connie Willis. The modern-day portion is tedious, but the 14th-century parts are excellent.

The social and religious life of a village are explored on their own terms, not through the viewpoint of a modern scold.

If you want stuff written in the era, check out some Icelandic sagas. Egil's saga is probably the best known, but Njal's saga is fantastic too.

>> No.8949203

Orlando Furioso.

>> No.8949207

I like the Shardlake series.

>> No.8949220
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Laurus. Russian mystic/healer journeys across his country in the 1400s.

>> No.8949230

Morgante by Pulci.

>> No.8949855

tfw this has been my wallpaper for weeks

>> No.8949933
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Azincourt and Harlequin by Bernard Cornwell

>> No.8949996

Theologus autodidactus

>> No.8950032
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the accursed kings

>> No.8950182

Still Ivanhoe (1820)
The Name of the Rose (1980) gets mentioned as being good here sometimes, but I've never read it

>> No.8950195

Oh also Italo Calvino has a medieval trilogy that's weird and postmodern. I'm not sure if that's what your looking for but he's a great Bloom approved author: the trilogy thus:
>The Baron in the Trees
>The Cloven Viscount
>The Nonexistent Knight

>> No.8950201
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>> No.8950219

La catedral del mar is really comfy. I don't know if it has a yranslation in english but you learn a lot of shit and has some interesting plots

>> No.8950222

In a similar vein to >>8950195 and >>8950182
I also recommend Baudolino by Umberto Eco if you don't mind some fantastical/whimsical elements in the story

>> No.8950264
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Every medievalist should read the Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius.