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File: 110 KB, 1200x630, rs-178089-sturgill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8933352 No.8933352 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell is this?

The Huffington Post, "What Is Metamodernism?"


>> No.8933361

no no no

>> No.8933377

Can they just do this?

>> No.8933378

It's a forced meme

>> No.8933383
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Holy moley, this mensch.

Anyway metamodernism is literally nothing.
Its a strategic way for idiots like this writer to worm out a niche in academia by feigning a status as a relevant contemporary thinker despite not being able to come up with anything new or interesting.

>> No.8933429

>just the past few months we’ve seen the word appear in places like GQ, The Sydney Morning Herald, and (repeatedly) right here on The Huffington Post.
>I’ll cop to having written a lot of these latter articles

Fucking hell this guy is shameless

>> No.8933434

So is it postmodernism? It doesn't sound like postmodernism. What the hell is it? I'm not an expert on these things.

Some of the ideas sound nice but if it's just a meme or a feint I'm not interested.

>> No.8933443

So did this guy LITERALLY just make this up himself? WTF???

>> No.8933457

Nah I think a pair of dutch guys were the first to start shilling it hard, he's just jumping on the bandwagon.
This happens a lot in academia

>> No.8933507

Who the fuck cares what Dutch academics say? The Dutch don't even care. What does this have to do with MERICA?

>> No.8933514

I just want to point out how strange it is that someone on 4chan is saying they "think" they read some Dutch academics on this subject. How does one casually come across Dutch academic writing? Is this a thing now?

>> No.8933524

They publish their own paper on it called Notes on Metamodernism. I came across them from another thread on the topic

>> No.8933551

>Metamodern Studies

So he literally creates a discipline and then becomes a professor in it. Could I just declare myself a professor of Hypermetamodern Studies, make up some bullshit explanation for what it is and then get tenure? Are universities that bad?

>> No.8933556

Didn't that one American actor start this in some article?

>> No.8933563

I don't understand. The article says this is a thing from the 70s. Someone here says it's from some Dutch guys. Someone else says it's a meme. Someone else says this guy created it himself. I guess this all makes me want to repeat the OP: WTF? Either this just got created by some American guy or it's something the Dutch came up with years ago or it's been around for decades like the article says. Which is it? I'm not looking for snark, I'm look for a serious answer.

>> No.8933571


he invented this is what i understand

>> No.8933610

The phrase was used in once in the 70s by some literally who so its proponants point to that to act as if it has some sort of historical precedence.

The Dutch guys were the first to shill it big time. Shia LeBouf referenced it once so he's heralded as their celebrity mascot.
The writer here did not begin it but he's joining them for his own personal interests.

It is a forced meme that is just vaguely repackaging post-modernism

>> No.8933661

The article says that the word was used in the 1980's, 1990's, and 2000's, but I don't believe it. On the other hand, I don't have JSTOR access so I don't claim to know. The last comment is all I need to know, really. It sounds like this is just postmodernism, and anyone who says it's not must have some motive. This guy claims to sincerely believe in this thing but I'm willing to armchair quarterback and say that he is part of some sort of conspiracy here.

So, passing on the whole thing.

>> No.8933666

Jews gonna Jew

>> No.8933674

Is Shia a practicing Jew? I didn't know that.

>> No.8933784

I can't believe I read through several hundred words of meaningless tripe just to find out he means NS

>So here it is: metamodernism believes in reconstructing things that have been deconstructed with a view toward reestablishing hope and optimism in the midst of a period (the postmodern period) marked by irony, cynicism, and despair.

>> No.8934096


>> No.8934163
File: 393 KB, 640x360, Rearfield.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can make it through him trying to explain the whole field social science with a few name drops, you find out that metamodernism is basically just ignoring real problems and forcing optimism by creating our own fun instead of the old industries doing the hard work for us. People doing stupid shit and saying they were just pretending to be stupid, making a curtain from printouts of Emma Stone from a design you found on Pinterest and putting it up to hide the homeless guy pissing on your $2,000/month Brooklyn studio apartment window, and posting #feedtheHOMELESS on Twitter are all metamodern activities.

He talks about how metamodernism is post-irony but I have no idea where the hell that's coming from since there's almost nothing more ironic than a musician going on stage and pretending to be an idiot. I guess maybe its unironic because know one knows if there's a joke to get, but again that just sounds like equally retarded willful ignorance. At the end he also makes this weird implication that Donald Trump wouldn't have gotten elected if more people were metamodern, entirely ignoring all of the metamodern fake news and memes that got mainlined into the public consciousness this election cycle (not Pepes, but all those nicknames and Twitter rants left a mark).

TL;DR for the TL;DR, he's bullshitting to try and make the watering down of entertainment quality to memes and shitty EDM acts sound like a cultural trend that will save the world.

>> No.8934196
File: 181 KB, 1536x1909, IMG_0410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this metamodern?

>> No.8934201

>The Huffington Post
l m a o

>> No.8934218


>> No.8934228

Someone post an archive of this. I want to read it to cringe but I don't want to give it a pageview.

>> No.8934281

so its basically the bottom of the barrel shit post-modernism. the type that its encrusted and you have to scrape.

>> No.8934309

And autistic.

>> No.8934323

You're a clueless retard.

>> No.8934329


This is it pretty much. I don't have much to say about the viability of it as a genre. Who cares what things are labelled? Art is art.

>> No.8934359

It isn't incorrect. I agree that metamodernism could be a thing. What is irritating is this guy's insistence that it's a noble movement that is a positive for the world.

>> No.8934425
File: 1.28 MB, 640x359, Victorian style was basically just deconstructivism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy's description of metamodernism sounds kind of like the new version of all the "neo" and "revival" movements of the late 19th century. It's just a stage of civilization at its tired end and no one can think of anything new. Because capitalism desires "newness," it is willing to produce low-quality rehashes of things it used to make in order to satisfy demand. With a greater demand for buildings, goods, and entertainment and an almost unprecedented amount of leisure time, people are making their own material (i.e. memes and home goods) to fill the gap between quality offered and demanded entertainment while architects rack over lazy build-a-condo designs. Tons of traditionally successful industries, like restaurants and retail, are finding themselves struggling because people can do so much of what those industries used to offer from home or in their area. Entertainment, meanwhile, is split between heavily corporatized pop and film and the post-ironic shits hosting music festivals and playing video games on YouTube.

The author seems to forget that, especially in the 1880s-1910, there were a LOT of conflicting aesthetics around the globe and that real modernism didn't pop up in force until WWI. We're probably just in a transitional phase and the harshly divided modern/postmodern spheres are going to give way to something more productive in the future. One can hope, anyway.

>> No.8934527
File: 37 KB, 400x349, sad duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Trump nukes the Huffington Post and the Guardian.

>> No.8934544

>So what is metamodernism?

>Well, first and most importantly, you should understand that it’s a “cultural philosophy.”

>This means that it’s a system for understanding the world.

Idiots with no self awareness LARPing

>> No.8934586

Asserting an escape from postmodern irony into a modern hope that is avowedly unavailable—and hence doing so ironically—is not so much a "new moment" of "cultural philosophy" but rather the discovery, by postmodernism, of a way to parody its own birth. what they are calling metamodernism is rather the achievement of "postmodernism for itself," a stripping away of specific parodic contents, cutting to the quick of the corroded impulse to innovate that made the moderns give way in the first place; it is postmodernism as it would like its own essence to be understood.

But we could not actually be at a properly "metamodern" moment until it became apparent that we had reached postmodernism IN itself, the essence of the postmodern besides its own self-interested, egoic representation, and then overcame that, too, by an operation foreign to the modern genealogy—future historians will iperhaps locate a fragile, fleeting moment of "xenomodernism"—the likes of which are probably still unimaginable.

>> No.8934597

Woah, here's your tenure as assistant professor of Xenomodernism studies

>> No.8934775


u may think im a dork online

*teleports behind u*

but u wont have so much to say bad about me in the academic world...

*unsheaths Phenomenology*

>> No.8934804

I kinda understand how it would be a noble goal. Like, if you have enough cunts shilling it would it not end up spurring some kind of subculture with delineated boundaries for its art? and if these boundaries were actually good? would we not have some artificially forced high art?

>> No.8934814
File: 28 KB, 360x400, If everyone is special....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except a whole hunk of metamodernism is characterized by many individuals creating from established subjects, meaning that "high art" as a formal or elite concept cannot exist.

>> No.8934847

This is just confused postmodernism, irony and a need to label everything. Also an excuse for ignoring reality on faux ideological grounds.

>> No.8935282

Just want to point out how incoherent this thread has been. Different posters and the author of the original article have variously said metamodernism comes from the 1970s, from the 2010s, from Dutch dudes, from the author of the article, from Shia LaBeouf, from some dude's blog, that it's a rehashing of postmodernism, a rehashing of modernism, a meme, a hoax, doesn't exist at all, could possibly exist and be interesting, that its "post-irony" (a phrase I couldn't find in the article at the link), is the embodiment of irony, is just "NS" (which I looked up and means "The New Sincerity")...

beginning to think we're all just a bunch of stupid cunts

>> No.8935299

First rule of Metamodernism: Abrahamson is a mess and simply grabbing onto the term for marketing. He produces nothing of value and mainly writes giant fuckoff huge essays of word salad. Don't even read it, it's toxic liberal garbage that has nothing to do with the movement.

INTRODUCTION TO MM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EVb8bwuM54&list=RD2EVb8bwuM54

The Manifesto: http://www.metamodernism.org/

Short version: Rather then get caught not believing in a ideological position, simply doubting the validity or committing to a single stance. You try and work from both opposite and conflicting ideals, letting them swing you back around between their unreachable idealogical poles. Faith//Criticality, Sincerity/Irony, Abstraction/Realism, Bread/Cheese.

Shia is a good example of sincerity. Take a look at his twitter feed, he's not an academic artist just an start that wants to into people. Most of his works play on this star power aspect. You know "Shia" as presented by the media, but you know jack about Shia as a human.

For an example of a intimate MM work take a look at #ANDINTHEEND, what happens when Shia and Co turn the Sydney opera house into intimate space with two way communications. Hit up /metamod/ on8ch for some links.

It wasn't used before '06. There was a passing reference to Metamodernism that sets Abrhamson off on a evangelical tangent. Abrhamson at best is a late-postmodern artist.

>> No.8935317
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Metamodernism has no political alignment and the past election in the states proved that. Trump made a sincere appeal to emotion, and that pulled the vote over empty rhetoric. This isn't my concoction, but an admission from a large MM artist. (Practicing artist // in contact with TSL). That being said a politician can make appeals in the MM register, take a look at Trumps Twitter stream.

Fairly close to the same thing, both being recent developments. The important bit of MM action is that it moves from being aware of itself in an ironic fashion to fully sincere to somewhere in between. It's not static.

It's trying to save us. I want to believe it is // It will save us.

>> No.8935387

First rule of posting on 4chan is that no one gives a shit about whatever bizarre vendetta you have against this loser academic whose name you can't even spell consistently or correctly. Your links were to some crazy woman in a fake lab coat and some guy's blog. You call metamodernism a "movement" but it's NOT a movement. Shia LaBeouf is a "mess simply grabbing onto the term for marketing," get your facts straight. And seriously if anyone here wants to bleed from your eyeballs from the sheer stupidity of something please watch anything relating to "#ANDINTHEEND." The only real metamodernists are the two Dutch dudes DESPITE the fact, correction here, that the term was used regularly before 2006. Any idiot with JSTOR access can see that. I mean seriously.

>> No.8935734

Sorry was caffeinated and drunk, sobering up a little now. That guys blog was the dutch dudes & other metamodern authors platform. As far as Nicole, I just love the way she frames it. The 1975 usage of MM is covered here ( http://www.metamodernism.com/2015/06/03/misunderstandings-and-clarifications/ ) by the dutch dudes. As far as the vendetta shit, I was camping that hard. My bad. And there was usage before 2006, just not a fuck of alot.

> And seriously if anyone here wants to bleed from your eyeballs from the sheer stupidity of something please watch anything relating to "#ANDINTHEEND
I don't understand, you give people a chance to have a one-on-one conversation at 4AM in a 3000 person auditorium that most will never see empty. Have a discussion and come to some kind of conclusion about The Big Things (tm) to be broadcast over a massive structure. It turned the opera house into a two way medium in a fairly surreal fashion. But yeah it's boring as fuck to watch.


Don't ask me why I thought posting on lit was a good idea. IDFK.

>> No.8936746

>Postmodernism (1945 to 2005)


>> No.8936770

I think that people are just plain tired of calling everything "postmodern".

We're still too far away from leaving postmodernity at this moment in time.

>> No.8936804

My point is that the author is wrong for thinking that metamodernism would have prevented his election, is all. I wouldn't deny that Bernie or Hillary didn't successfully use it, but a lot of Trump's success in getting his emotional appeals to resonate came from very metamodern things like fake or questionable news, purely emotional arguments, and memes

>> No.8936809


>"new" equivalents of sublime
>digital culture

Someone hasn't done their homework on postmodernism. This guys defines postmodernism and says it's metamodernism. The only difference is that, by using the same tools, metamodernism is allegedly supposed to invert the ironisation of our culture and bring the sincere again.

What a pile of bullshit. American humanists, please stop. Go back to making the big guns.

>> No.8936820

They made a video that's available on YouTube. They fluent in English if that's the thing confusing you.

>> No.8936849

Underrated post, well broken down.

>> No.8936884

>the only real metamodernists
>implying there's such a thing as a "real" metamodernist
>implying that you have to be consistently sincere in your adherence to metamodernism
If anything, him using the term to shill himself makes him more metamodern, because it invokes oscillation between insincere attention whoring and sincere self-expression.
It's the thesis of metamodernism (applying postmodernism to itself) looped back around again. We've gone from nihilistic plane to nihilistic cylinder to nihilistic torus.

>> No.8936918 [SPOILER] 
File: 39 KB, 300x429, 1483727473052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just went full seth abramson

>> No.8936941
File: 801 KB, 3091x1067, Elements.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.."postmodern culture of relativism, irony, and pastiche" is over...

...replaced by a post-ideological condition that stresses engagement, affect, and storytelling...

...metamodernism as a "structure of feeling"...

...Plato's metaxy, which denotes a movement between opposite poles as well as beyond them...

>> No.8937351

The saddest thing here is that you can tell Abramson himself is the OP because the image he posted above is called rs-178089-sturgill.jpg but the Huffington Post scrambled the file name on his article to 586eafc21b00002f006e5c01.jpg. He must've uploaded it straight from his computer. Smart.

>> No.8937461

That's brilliant. I never can get past the lingering feeling that there really is nothing new under the sun when I see someone trying to throw a bunch of difficult vague concepts my way.
Call me practical minded, but I prefer simple arguments. It's an age where pewdiepie is popular, after all. I don't know if anyone can predict what's going to happen next at this rate.
My prediction is that the truth is, no one even knows what's happening right now already. We'll have to look farther and farther back in history to figure out what was happening as it was happening, until we live in a constant state of studying the past.

And then classicalism will be born again, and 90's memes will become vogue.

>> No.8938745

Give the poor guy a break; trying to scratch and claw your way to being able to afford a shitty studio apartment and still be able to go out and see performances from your friends' bands while being able to afford the drink minimums through freelancing for HuffPo is a torture of the most severe capitalist manipulation of commodification of human thought. He claimed it was talked about on 4Chan, which is obviously bullshit from most perspectives, but now he has this thread to use as evidence for his claim. The only kind of journalism left is the kind you make happen before reporting on it, or even during and after, like that sketch from Mr. Show With Bob and David where the reporter throws a rock into a crowd to report on the riot. It's a cannibal's world, my friend, and we can only hope to eat as few of our friends as possible until we wind up just devouring ourselves. There's your metamodernism, right there.

>> No.8939849

Let's not forget those MFA loan payments. Thank fuck the Gen-M poets will save us.

Why the fuck can't we just fuck each other in the ass, get fucked on acid and write poetry on rooftops with other broke nigs.

>> No.8940378

Keep the dream alive, anon. And make sure you take care to do those things in a certain order so as to avoid falling off a roof.