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/lit/ - Literature

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8921645 No.8921645 [Reply] [Original]

Best book ever.


This is the ethos of the United States. If you don't like something, don't cry about it. Change it.

>> No.8921672

That's the ethos of 66% of the United States, soon to be <40%.

>> No.8921676
File: 20 KB, 220x249, 220px-Augiemarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adventures of augie march by bellow was a better stab at the great American novel.

>> No.8921677
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>> No.8921696
File: 25 KB, 232x348, swimsuit-onepiece-kk89s-507096americaflag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I am an American, Chicago born – Chicago, that somber city – and go at things as I have taught myself, free-style, and will make the record in my own way: first to knock, first admitted; sometimes an innocent knock, sometimes a not so innocent. But a man's character is his fate, says Heraclitus, and in the end there isn't any way to disguise the nature of the knocks by acoustical work on the door or gloving the knuckles."

GOAT opening lines. The American ethos in a paragraph.

>> No.8921697

Reminder that The Fountainhead is better but gets less attention because it's not as political.

>> No.8921713

Remember when /lit/ had the "thou shalt not discuss ayn rand" rule?

>> No.8921726

Remember how you're still a newfag?

>> No.8921737

It was from when /lit/ was first created and people would endlessly spam ayn rand troll threads.

I was trying to reminisce about the good old days....not tell op to stop posting rand threads.

Are you on your period?

>> No.8921744

Go back to Rebbit, tryhard psued.

>> No.8921745

I would take christfag posting, shilling radical feminism and/or natsoc any day over Ayn Rand threads.

>> No.8921757

kys Ayn shill

>> No.8921762

You caught me.

>> No.8921769

Y u mad tho?

Quality thread bro.

>> No.8921783

I'm interested in how this book often appears in Murrican 'greatest book' lists (and even 'most popular' lists, despite being an effing doorstop), but the rest of the world is barely aware of it. This is the result of Cold War propaganda, right? When did it happen, whodunnit, and how?

>> No.8921786

Ayn Rand changed my life. I was confused about my sexuality, was beta af and had got back together with the ex that cheated on me. I picked up the book and by the time I got to D'anconia's money speech, I had dumped her, stopped fapping to gay porn, became fully straight, starting working out, and began reading the Greeks, especially the Stoics.

Now I make 150k at a company and I'm not even 30.

Thank you, Ayn. See you in Durango

>> No.8921797

>"Atlas shrugged cured my faggotry"

Nice try

>> No.8923518

Because Ayn Rand is a shit author no matter how much you agree with her philosophy.

>> No.8923528

In terms of ethos of the United States, Ayn Rand is more like the Old Testament, whereas Karl Marx is becoming something of a New Gospel.

>> No.8923536

Agreed. Libtards can go back to r eddit if they don't like the truth.

>> No.8923544
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Cost 50 cents at a thrift store

>> No.8923556

that's interesting. would be better if you had a novel for the second example tho

>> No.8923579

american plutocrats use it to justify their greed to themselves

>> No.8923593
File: 25 KB, 384x384, das kapital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about the Communist Manifesto? That's the one everyone reads. Not like The Jungle or anything.

>> No.8923609
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>GOAT opening lines.

rand fans have no ear for prose whatsoever. yikes.

and im not a lib before you try to pleb out at me.

>> No.8923881

Those are the opening lines of The Adventures of Augie March.

>> No.8924528

Jacob, you're an asshole.

>> No.8924598

he doesn't say character though right? I thought the like was daemon, so it's like spirit or self, which isn't really changeable by intent

>> No.8924676
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>citing Flannery O'Faggot