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/lit/ - Literature

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8895825 No.8895825 [Reply] [Original]

>22 years old, uni student
>almost midnight
>mindlessly on internet, sleeping soon
>google something like "angry at women never had girlfriend" for mutual feels
>go on to reddit result
>see OP talk about etc.
>First reply: "Women don't owe you anything, fix yourself, you're a piece of shit etc."
>other search results: "abloobloobloo, I am pathetic, I'm 47 and haven't had a gf for years"
>suddenly violent hatred wells up inside of me

I hate the reddit replier. I hate that all males get told they're pieces of shit for not being good with women. I hate that all equivalent women are advised that the world owes them X and that the world's magical justice system temporarily forgot to hand them their Chad. I hate pathetic males who turn 30+ without approaching women or getting prostitutes. I hate that hating this is a proxy for hating the pathetic parts of myself.

I love seeing news stores and hearing about people with friends or relationships dying or getting injured. I love seeing middle aged or older women in the streets and realising how ugly they are and realising that they know it. I love seeing binmen or street sweepers or low paid workers, all of which who are disposable males to society, and all of which would punch you and sacrifice themselves to society if a woman blinked at them.

I hate that I still look back on my school days and tell my younger self to give no shits. I hate that I'm in university and give many shits about everything. I hate that I've never approached a girl ever. I hate that the internet has given every woman access to 500 Chads ready to fuck after a few taps on a phone.

I love the fact that everything is meaningless. I love the fact that doing very well academically has given me an easy life compared to the more disposable males. I love the fact that so many males are utterly beta or fat or lazy or dumb, I seem great in comparison.

>> No.8895827

Not /lit/

>> No.8895833

You are on the literature board, you pathetic unattractive loser


sage and report

>> No.8895838


>> No.8895839

>A frogposter is an unproductive retard with no friends

Huh, who'd a thunk it

>> No.8895840
File: 37 KB, 316x202, IMG_0536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going on reddit for woman hate
>not going to /r9k/

>> No.8895848

Notice how you reject everything that challenges what you presently think. Luckily you have those dismissive shorthand terms like "Reddit", "chad", "beta" to prevent you from the work of change and growth as a person.

>> No.8895851

nice blog faggot

>> No.8895862

Women don't owe you anything, fix yourself, you pathetic fool.

>> No.8895874

I can't change being 4'11", you legitimate retard.

>> No.8895878

This shit is beyond r9k levels. Impressive

>> No.8895883

I also don't have to treat them as humans. That's why I go out of my way to make every single one feel uncomfortable, or try my hardest to ruin their days, all within legal limits, of course.

>> No.8895890

what do women owe you then?

>> No.8895892

It's not women's or the Jews' fault that you're short or that you can't get laid.

>> No.8895893
File: 6 KB, 196x250, 1482783900293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw misogynist who literally beats his girlfriends and was almost charged once for sexual assault
>tfw I've had more sex with hot girls than every white knight on /lit/ combined
>tfw I've literally closed-fist punched one of my ex-girlfriends in the face and she stayed with me for 8 months after that
>tfw I cheated on her with girls from Tinder
>tfw you can literally do whatever you want to women and they'll take it

>> No.8895897

and look how well that turns out for your happiness.

>> No.8895905

Of course. And I never asked for bullshit meme advice like "JUST BETTER YOURSELF XD" that won't work on me.

Now if only all normies were like you and accepted that "self-improvement" is a meme.

>> No.8895917

Seek Christ.

>> No.8895919

This sounds like bait, but I believe it.

>> No.8895927

self improvement isn't a fucking meme, are you blind?
You're saying "Because china doesn't conduct electricity conductors are a meme"

>> No.8895928

I never told you that with self-improvement you'd stand a chance, retarded little shit.

You're hopelessly undesirable because of your height and only with money would you ever be able to have a woman want to become intimate with you.

>> No.8895937

you can do the same with men, it's you, not them.

>> No.8895939

Self-improvement isn't a meme, though. Most people can improve their looks somewhat through fitness, clothing, better haircuts, etc. Some people can't, though. They are in the minority.

That doesn't mean self improvement doesn't work.

>> No.8895958


Maybe you should just hang yourself?

>> No.8895959

Okay fuck you, I'll discuss literature on r9k then.