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/lit/ - Literature

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8893331 No.8893331 [Reply] [Original]

There are too many cuck SJW globalist Clinton shills on this board. Go back to your safe space.

Intelligent, conservative literature in this thread only

I'll start off with an essential classic, entry level yes, but it will get the discussion going.

>> No.8893356

>Intelligent, conservative literature
>Posts a meme book for right-liberal capitalists
>Doesn't know the lefties of /lit/ hated Clinton for the right-liberal "neoliberal" she is

Read Strirner, dweeb.

>> No.8893363

Even Dirty Dancing makes fun of this book.
Dirty Dancing is a dope movie by the way, I'd rather talk about that.

>> No.8893367

>complains that SJWs want a safe space
>SJWs come to /lit/ to discuss things
>go back to your safe space

So you want /lit/ to be a hugbox for your ideologies then.

>> No.8893384

>Dirty Dancing is a dope movie by the way, I'd rather talk about that.
I'm sure you would, fruitcake
>So you want /lit/ to be a hugbox for your ideologies then.
Epic strawman, cowboy

>> No.8893386


ive heard that llosa was pretty right wing, and remember seeing that there was an essay of his that was denouncing the decline of culture.

worth the read? i know hes a nobel laureate but that doesnt mean much to me.

>> No.8893391

god you libs disgust me


>> No.8893396
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>> No.8893402

Ayn Rand was a liberal and a globalist and none of /lit/ were Clinton supporters

>> No.8893420

Demons by Fyodor Dostoevksy is better than anything Ayn Rand could hope to write. It is a damning portrayal of individualists. I highly recommend it for anyone interested in conservative literature and would also recommend George Orwell's Road to Wigan Pier.

>> No.8893478

>none of /lit/ were Clinton supporters
So they supported a geriatric Kuck Kike Kommie instead?

>> No.8893491

my diary desu

>> No.8893497
File: 142 KB, 298x475, demons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about 160 pages into pic related. It apparently picks apart the core of progressivism and atheism in only the way Dostoyevsky can.

>> No.8893505

Lurkmoar faggot