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8888072 No.8888072 [Reply] [Original]

Was Nietzsche really an inoffensive liberal like he says?

>> No.8888076

Post where Kaufmann said that

>> No.8888088

Kaufmann is a cuck but his scholarship is the only reason people take Neechee seriously in Ango-America

>> No.8888110
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In fact, the idea of Nietzsche being some sort of freedom-loving liberal/individualist is dying off, and not a moment too soon.

Beyond those who are actually familiar with Nietzsche, this isn't very significant. Normies either think he's a proto-Nazi or one of the aforementioned freedom-loving liberals/individualists.

Everything that implies the latter was written in his youth, whereas Nietzsche became more radical with age. Given that he believed philosophers should be read chronologically, old/late Nietzsche trumps young/early Nietzsche.

In a weird/coincidental way it's similar to the Quran - starts off nice, then gets radical/violent/etc. Similarly, the 'end' stuff trumps the 'beginning' stuff.

>> No.8888119

>"[W]e might say Nietzsche was the first great cosmopolitan of the twentieth century. His misappropriated legacy in conservative and Nazi philosophy notwithstanding, he was the first German philosopher seriously to question nationalism. He maintained great friendships with leading Jewish intellectuals and excoriated anti-semitism. Even his flirtations with flamboyant gender-bending and homoeroticism precede Oscar Wild by a generation. Truly he was the modern world's first cuck."
- Walter Kaufmann

>> No.8888127


>> No.8888136


>Even his flirtations with flamboyant gender-bending and homoeroticism precede Oscar Wild by a generation.

Having read all of Nietzsche's stuff, I'd love to know where the fuck Kaufmann got that from. Nietzsche has little to say with respect to the specifics of sex, beyond the occasional, broad statement in support of sexuality/sensuality in general.

>> No.8888144

>he thinks the quote is real
wew lad

>> No.8888153
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>Didn't read it to the end

>> No.8888161

Nietzsche is fundamentally apolitical. Both left and right have borrowed ideas from his work but neither can really lay claim to him in his entirety.