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/lit/ - Literature

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8887764 No.8887764 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Share your story ideas and people tell you whether or not they're good enough to go forward with

>> No.8887798

Dilapidated virgin keeps diary, posts it online, kills himself.

>> No.8887899

A 2 act novel about a bunch of soldiers of the División Azul in WW2 (Spaniard volunteers fighting for the Nazis) (1st act) and how their acts affected people in different countries (Spain, France and Germany) (2nd act)

>> No.8887922

A zombie apocalypse overcomes a small Amish community and one Amish man saves the town with his wits, his bible, and his shotgun

>> No.8887923


Sounds interesting anon.

>> No.8887935

Fine, have it. I wrote a hundred pages of a projected one-thousand, but I don't think I can finish it.

The premise: A Hollywood film director convinces Sam Harris, the public intellectual, that he's the only living person who can do justice to the role of Richard Nixon in the director's upcoming biopic. Harris initially resists the idea, but over weeks of persuasion, he comes around and becomes convinced that he will go down in acting history. What he doesn't know is that the director intends only to humiliate him.

>> No.8887947

Would read
Meme but would read

>> No.8888033

In 2030, Due to the shark-finning industry going global, every single species of shark is declared basically extinct. Oceans now have more nets in them than fish, and a single shark fin is worth hundreds of thousands due to non-existent numbers.

However something terrible is going on. Rumors of a colossal Great White surfaces, one who has been destroying netting boats and killing fishermen. Nobody is terrified by this, and instead, causes more people to flock to the ocean in hopes of bagging this million dollar mark.

Cue in Simon Reggar, an edgy sea-faring ecowarrior who uses unsavory tactics to sink fishing boats and sabotage the finning industry. As this new Megalodon surfaces during one of his attacks, he discovers something strange about this giant shark: It shows signs of intelligence, is intentionally sinking fishing vessels out of revenge, not hunger, and it has a sense of camaraderie with him.

So he does what any normal person does when a shark starts chilling out with him: he straps a home-made saddle to it and starts raiding the shit out of finning boats with it.

In his pursuit to discover more about his new shark, he is joined by his Brother, a reluctant Coast Guard veteran sent to put a stop to his terrorism, an ichthyologist who believes she can save the shark species by saving this one individual, and a sea hermit who believes that this shark is the Anger of the Ocean itself.

>> No.8888068

American nan meets African girl in Parisian cafe and has a summer affair. Depression comes around and he gets sent back because of funding cuts at his paper. Goes on back to Paris after WW2 to find out girl had a child that was killed for being mulatto along with the girl.

Kid travels with family on vacation having a grand old time with a bunch of different girls all over their travels. The whole time he's just trying to escape his guilt of having hurt his stateside girlfriend. The irony of his escapades being an escape for his adulterous guilt consumes him.

Short story collection about various patients in a mental hospital in a similar vein to Dubliners.

Spy novel about the recent events in Korea where CIA has multiple agents in various degrees of secrecy. MC is an agent simply on vacation but gets pulled in regardless.

A few others but how do people feel about any of these.

>> No.8888073

Setting is 1300s England, in the time of the Black Death, and follows a band of highwaymen as they loot and pillage and torch and rapine their way through the countryside.
The main character would not exactly sit right with these events but participate in them all the same, for fellowship and for safety and for security. Eventually, they will be hunted down one by one until the MC is captured by the sheriff of the area they're in, where he's thrown in a cell awaiting execution. He sees the error of his ways, and is forgiven by a monk or an abbot who sees him in his last night on earth; they have a conversation about God and the infinite and what it means to be a good man.
He goes to the gallows a free man, penitent for his crimes and regretful for the things he's done and the lives he has ruined but secure in the knowledge that he will be forgiven in the next life and that something greater than himself will be there to judge the weight of his contrition, as his contrition is not false.

>> No.8888075

this story involves the life of a 32 year old manchild whose whole life has revolved around his mother, that is, until the day she dies, leaving both him and his mother's corpse alone at home as the manchild tries to figure out what to do (think of r9k)

>> No.8888080

1 is good if heavy handed
2 is not so good
3 is great
4 sounds like genre fiction trash
2/4 ain't bad though
Would read

>> No.8888085

Would read 1 if you commit to that typo

>> No.8888091

It will be a 5-10 pages long, Dubliners-like, story. During the Spanish Civil War, a young girl who has an important position in the Communist Party while being the daughter of a prominent antifascist general, moves to Madrid in order to do some propaganda-related stuff for the party. There she lives with his boyfriend, who I think will be a soviet comisar (there were tons of these suckaz during the Spanish War). They both have a chauffeur, also a member of the Communist Party. One night or day, while the couple is about to have sex, they found out the chauffeur voyeouring on them and masturbating. The story ends with the girl covering her tits with the sheets and her boyfriend running after the chauffeur.

>> No.8888112

Sounds like a lot of pointless heavy background for a very shallow situation

>> No.8888134

My story idea is a murder case (Zadorov) that took place in Israel more than a decade ago. It was so wild, so unbelievable it should have been an HBO series instead of that shit The Night Of pointless show, but it'll never be dramatized because reality truly far surpasses anything you could make in fiction.

>> No.8888158

lol that would definitely change the story around

Well, to be fair I did say at the start #4 was a spy novel. I had the same feelings about #1 as well.

Thank you. Any other people care to comment on mine?

>> No.8888166

Could be decent but really could just plod along and feel preachy.

Could be crap or good.

That's just dumb.

>> No.8888168

Not heavy at all for me desu. Any spanish reader would easily recognize this kind of situation. Now, it's true that I'll have to give the right amount of protagonism to the relationship between the couple and the chauffeur. The context won't be futile since I intend the story to be kind of a fable about the dumb mythification of proletariat.

>> No.8888170

You should roll with 3 desu

>> No.8888175

>have a chauffeur
Really makes me think

>> No.8888187

single confused guy in his twenties gets paid a visit by a stranger who doesn't say a word but somehow finds his way to the guy's living room. He doesn't do anything but sit there silently. The guy is even more confused now and doesn't know what to do.

>> No.8888195

Could work for a short story but I can't imagine a whole novel.

>> No.8888207
File: 55 KB, 306x438, Henry 8th 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, /lit/. I know this isn't usually your kind of thing, but hear me out.

I'm a gay man, and I've always loved reading about Henry the 8th. But, as a gay man, I've often found it difficult to find my way into the story. I've thought long and hard about it, and I've come to the decision that I'm going to write a play, that allows a man like me to better cross the horizon between then and now.

I'm going to queer Henry the 8th.

You might argue that it's unethical to tamper with history like this, and change things, but that's what Shakespeare did. And who's to say what I write about in my play didn't happen?

It's to be a five-act tragedy, called The Tragedy of Henry and Thomas (Working title; hopefully I'll think of something better.) It concerns an illicit love affair between Henry and his councilor, the writer of Utopia, which ends, tragically, due to Henry's denial, in his lover's beheading.

It will re-imagine Henry's relationship with his wives as being that of a deeply-closeted gay man, deeply unsatisfied in his marriages, until he meets Thomas. His feelings for Thomas are initially just those of a friend. But as he gets to know his wit, his intelligence, his staunch and immovable principles, this feeling grows, slowly enough for the king not to notice, into an great and confusing passion.

I can predict what you guys will say, but it's a very personal project for me. I don't care if people read it, let a lone like it. I just want to provide myself and others like me with an opening into this period. And a queer rendition of the story is the only way I can see of doing that.

I've only got the very beginning finished and I'll post that if people show interest

>> No.8888208

A collection of short stories revolving around the different people who visit this website. A glimpse into the life of a /pol/ user. A peek into what the average /ck/ lurker does. The inner workings of a robot's mind.

>> No.8888216

The son of an alcoholic, abusive lighthouse keeper fantasises about extinguishing the torch during a tumultuous storm, after becoming increasingly convinced that his father blames him for the death of his mother during childbirth. The narrative develops through three perspectives: the father, the son, and a social worker who worries about the boy but becomes emotionally entangled with the father and struggles to remain impartial

>> No.8888222

Literally the worst thing I've read in a while
Women might like it but what does that say about it
Want to read and hope I can when/if you finish
Sounds boring desu

>> No.8888232

I like it

>> No.8888235
File: 797 KB, 2560x1600, galaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A guy gets visited by a super intelligent alien life form, in human form, one night and gets asked if he would like to explore the cosmos.

>> No.8888236

High School girls tries to collect cum from every male of the student body

working title: Cum Laude

>> No.8888240
File: 59 KB, 499x499, 1474678180164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was that girl in hs

>> No.8888245

The Odyssey but retold in the style of one of those high school animes

>> No.8888248

me 2. It's an autobiography.

>> No.8888249
File: 38 KB, 640x360, henry 8th 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude just hear me out.

Since you got trips, I'll post the opening.

It's kind of in medea res. Henry has been mulling over his confusion regarding his feelings towards Thomas More, when suddenly he realizes the nature of his attraction to the councilor.

Here goes:

Act One. Scene One

[London. The King’s Chambers. Night]

The King sits alone and deep in thought at a table. The sound of rain pelting the window is heard.

All of a sudden, as if hearing a shot, Henry startles, coming to a sudden realization. His eyes are wide and he is shaking with disbelief. He rises to his feet, knocking over a wine-jug as he stands. It pours across the stone floor, as he says:

>Holy… I want More.

>> No.8888264

You should call it "My Diary Desu"

>> No.8888270

Make this into a tragicomedy and I'm sold

>> No.8888306

How2Save a species with only 1? Don't you need a breeding pair? Or will cloning do the trick?

>> No.8888314

2 sounds like it could be a decent porno, if the kid is 18+.

>> No.8888319

Ive finished r9k's. Maybe I'll do g's next.

>> No.8888326

Post r9k's this sounds funny

>> No.8888331

There are plenty of H8 stories already. Surely there must be some other ruler in history whose life was similar but is not as well known.

>> No.8888336

"Six 4chan'ers in search of an author"

>> No.8888337

Like a modern day Mobby Dick with a twist.


>> No.8888371

I had cloning in mind

>> No.8888389

Yeah I know it could be dumb and preachy if I'm or subtle enough (which I have problems with I think) but I'm going to try and make it as subtle as possible so it doesn't come off as preachy and memetastic "dude he like miraculously found god at the end and it's all okay", I want to capture the Raskalnikov feels of Crime and Punishment almost but have the MC be less of a dick in the beginning.

>> No.8888404


>> No.8888428

Isn't there a movie about this? With Terrence Stamp

>> No.8888518

Serial hospital procedural set in the distant future.

1. An elderly woman comes in with a rare form of dementia where she's essentially unstuck in time. (i.e. stuck five years in the past, suddenly having the mind of herself from 40 years ago, giving out next week's headlines, doubts whether her persona at the hospital is her "genuine" self.)

2. Highly religious space pacifist is forcibly impregnated by criminals with an alien egg sac for spare organs. Tries to convince doctors to let him go through the (definitely lethal) pregnancy.

3. Murders are being committed by robots designed to take the fall for their creators crimes. The doctors autopsy bodies and examine the robots themselves to find the perpetrators.

>> No.8888559

Mother died today

>> No.8888583

As requested. It's not great but it was fun to write.


>> No.8888591

Space pirates take down enormous space freighters and physically revel in the mindbogglingly vast quantities of bulk goods they acquire- seas of coffee and grain, forests of rugs and silks, mountains of soda cans and potato chip bags

>> No.8888617


>> No.8888625

Actually I was thinking about making it a picture book

>> No.8888681
File: 34 KB, 633x758, IMG_1464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn man that was depressing

>> No.8888700

It's a common extreme.

>> No.8888717

A clandestine nightclub located in a mansion of a wealthy neighbourhood that is home of a drug cartel/Dyonisian cult involved in sacrifice, pedophilia, and may possibly hold existencially horrendous connections to a higher power. It is told from the perspective of a romantic relationship between two very self destructive teenagers who are regulars at the club. There is also the leader of the cartel, an old man, who may or may not be a manifestation of the character's hatred towards each other and themselves.

>> No.8888795
File: 177 KB, 436x361, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1920s lovecraftian xfiles

>> No.8888802


>> No.8888803

If done properly it could be entertaining and scary. Need more details to know. On the other hand, its been done, so git gud faggot.

>> No.8888810

Been done where?

>> No.8888837

Lovecraft himself wrote from the point of view of detectives in his Mythos. Im assuming you want to give it an action/thriller twist, instead of it being pure existential horror, which would be at least a sort of original angle. Also, everything has been done. At this point in history there isn't one thing you can think of that hasn't been written and published.

>> No.8888840

First one (already posted in another thread but still):
>Steady but boring young man in 80s France suddenly suffers from insomnia. He finds out he can only fall asleep in movie theaters.

Second one:
>Contemporary France, coast of Brittany. A young man becomes the new lighthouse keeper in one of the last lighthouse in activity. One night, a girl, far away on the coast, talks to him through morse code, with a flashlight. They talk like this for months, never seeing each other, and fall in love.

I really like that one. Write it.

Please describe

>> No.8888845

How does he know it's a girl if he never sees her

>> No.8888850

She tells him. (No, she's not lying. Even if she/he does, that's not the point.)

>> No.8888874

A hobbo who's part of some underground assassination-esque order that works for the government(/ the higher/highest bidder).

He has to deal with abandoning his former life (w/ wife and child), and not biting his employer's hand(s).

>> No.8888887

A family of golden retrievers makes pancakes

>> No.8888908

I can see why this can be a good book.

But, for me, it would have to become political (obviously, right) and racial. You prepared for that?

>> No.8888923

Aging detective reflects on his relationship with his dead daughter after a group of preteen girls become the main suspects in a murder investigation

>> No.8888924
File: 506 KB, 1002x517, comfort_wipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That vaguely reminds me of The Secret History

If you haven't read it, you should

I don't know if your premise would be good or not. I don't really like it, but it reminds me of something I do like.

Neither one sounds that interesting. Could still be good though. It's hard to judge based on a premise.

Write about a different historical ruler. Henry VIII is overdone

Ideally, make up your own ruler

The premise is okay but the parentheses and the word 'hobbo' make me question your ability to write it

>> No.8888967

Once upon a time in a place not so far away. There lived a litlle boy and his parrents.
The little boy was a happy young lad who had never lost anything and was ingnorant of the world outside home. His parrents always said: "Don't you go outside of that door, there are evil things there, it's not a place for young boy like you."
But then when the years passed and the boy, mommy's little angel and daddy's proudnes grew a litlle bit and got curious of whats beyond the forsaken door.
Well that little bit bigger boy asked about it from his daddy but he always smiled and said: "Maybe when you're a little older." so the boy wouldn't bother him anymore and as a dad he could carry on reading the news and watching sports.
But then one night after few years, that already curious young man got an sudden but strong feeling perhaps even an urge or need or something like that And did what he had never done before, he disobeyd his parrents and opened the door and ran into the night.

>> No.8888992

The rise and fall of an A.I. overlord.

>> No.8888993

>The premise is okay but the parentheses and the word 'hobbo' make me question your ability to write it

I just wanted to make it short.

The protagonist works for the gov, he does other small jobs for private businesses, sometimes interests clash.

He used to have an established life, in an important profession to such a small country with a wife and son, but got fucked and his only reprieve came in the form of some gov assassination invitation.

"Hobbos" is also called something different in my country, but you understood the premise more, knowing what the protagonist is supposed to be.

>> No.8888994

why and how does it fall?

>> No.8888997

What do you mean by "meme?" Do you mean "cliche?"

>> No.8889001

The overlord falls by having its empire be mercilessly attack by an ominous enemy of the overlord's making.

>> No.8889006


>> No.8889017

the last one is the only one that sounds like it could be a coherent story.

I like it, write it.

>First one
I can see why this can be interesting, so don't make it mundane. Doesn't have to be a long story as long as the twist works out.

>second one
sounds boring but then again I don't have a pallet for romances

>that bubble boy movie and AOT/SNK in one

>> No.8889023

yes, anon. In my attempt to connect with the american crowd I forgot there are other nationalities here.

So yeah, he's a vagrant. My apologies.

>> No.8889024

>basically extinct
stopped reading there

>> No.8889030


>> No.8889032

Lol youre a fucking idiot

>> No.8889052

I had this idea for this story, I guess you guys should tell me if it sucks or not. It's about a wealthy American who goes abroad for University at Cambridge and falls in love with a girl. After he graduates he asks her to come with him to the US, but she doesn't want to leave so they break up.

The story itself starts four or five years later when he becomes an officer in the US Army Air Forces during WWII and gets stationed at one of the air bases in Cambridgeshire to find she still lives there and is married to an English (both in nationality and studies) Professor turned Royal Navy Officer.

I don't really know what's going to happen yet, but I have an idea of the themes and general layout.

>> No.8889070

Sounds boring and unoriginal. Then again, it could be good, but it mostly sounds boring and unoriginal.

>> No.8889075

Could be airport bookstore garbage or true litkino depending on your writing

>> No.8889076

First one piqued my interest, sounds somewhat absurd but in an interesting way. I'd read it.
Second one I really like, I feel like it could play out in a variety of moods.

My idea that was floating around, not taking it too seriously DESU:
>Old, crippled man withers away in an asylum. Every night he sleeps, they find someone in the asylum disappears. Man cannot remember his dreams, but does remember one thing: if he is killed, everyone stops existing.

>> No.8889081 [DELETED] 

thanks senpaitachi

>> No.8889085

yeah my hope is that it is either really good or nicholas sparks-tier, either way I'm happy

>> No.8889087

A scavenger turned smuggler realizes her latest cargo contains the most dangerous weapon in the galaxy. Now, pursued by her former employers, a group of space mages, and the most dangerous bounty hunter in the galaxy, she has to keep the galaxy safe while keeping her own head.

>> No.8889091

Go on

>> No.8889119

I hadn't put a great deal of thought into it other than a basic idea of combining the two. To be honest you could go a lot of directions and I think it would be interesting. In general it would be two agents (similar to xfiles) investigating and cataloging paranormal and fantastic things around the world. Not to say the stories wouldn't be exceptionally dark, but it's half a world away and the protagonists usually escape
I'm sure someone could do better with this concept though

>> No.8889124

Doing something in a similar vein (pun unintended) to There Will Be Blood. A Belgian oil prospector working on a project in the sahara desert "hires" a nomadic group of Touareg people to settle and work; after toiling under years of starvation, exhaustion and inhumane conditions, their efforts punctuated by a series of mortal accidents, the second part of the novel focuses on the lives of the nomadic children as they struggle to readjust to desert life after their parents work is finished.

>> No.8889137

Had an idea for a short story where some soldiers in some war, not sure which but most likely an older one, debate on whether or not to burn a village down and look for food/enemies/intelligence, decide not to, and later march into it with the rest of the army and see that it was burned down anyway

>> No.8889169

supreme gentleman-core
could be good
genre trash
i like the idea as long as its lighthearted
is this a meme?
1. Very good
2. ya trash
3. could be good
4. genre trash
blood meridian rip off
why are pseuds so obsessed with the spanish civil war
could be good if absurd enough
don't do this
ya trash
i dont know why but for some reason i think this will only appeal to the dude weed lmao crowd
please dont
genre trash
genre trash
ya trash
genre trash but i feel like it could be super comfy
i like the second one but i have a soft spot for sappy romance
genre trash
could be good
genre trash
could be good but again im a sucker for sappy romances
genre trash
i like it
not super original but i very much like it

wow didnt realize how much genre trash there was lying about here

>> No.8889177

A group of highschoolers in a small shitty town, sell their souls to the devil in exchange for weird power. After a couple months, they all start to die, one by one. The main character has to use his wits and his mastery of the dark arts to solve the murders and stop the killer before it kills him.

>> No.8889178
File: 223 KB, 960x437, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mass reply

>> No.8889188

i'm the hero this board deserves

>> No.8889189

Yeah I know my idea was basically Crime and Punishment meets Blood Meridian, but idk maybe I can pull something good out ofit

>> No.8889195

none of my replies are meant to be taken too seriously (except for the genre trash). I actually like historical fiction and this could be done well if not too pseud-y.

>> No.8889205


>> No.8889227

I also like historical fiction, I was thinking about time periods that could be sufficiently horrible and lawless to make good men go evil, and the Black Death kind of felt appropriate.

>> No.8889241

Thanks man

>> No.8889249

In the middle ages, a man pretends to be a Templar and strives to overcome his self-loathing.

>> No.8889257

Have him joust some kind of farm equipment
Windmill perhaps?

>> No.8889258

A virus turns animals to ridiculously hostile mutations and humans just get sick and die thus drastically decreasing population. At night the animals sleep, at day they hunt.

Some survivor finds a corpse with a laptop and (websitename).org as homepage. Turns out the website is one of the few that actually work since search engines are fucked. The website is a crappy plain chatroom of mainly other survivors.

By typing to these strangers he learns how to create tools, traps, weapons, etc. He also gets invited to go to (Some University) which is a safe haven.

The story's tone would switch from daytime where the dialogue is his thoughts and survival:
> If I shoot now, it will bring the other beasts. I can't afford that. I will have to bait them. etc etc.

To nighttime where he is in some shitty coffee shop typing away and the text is just what would be on the laptop:
> -[Survivor entered chat] I am still alive.
- [Yankee32] Good to hear from you, it's been a while. Did you scope out the watchtower I told you about?
- [Kid Sickurus] wtf i thought u would die lol
- [Survivor] Yeah, the center of town is flooded but I still need to get some rounds.
- [Survivor] Fuck you Sickurus.

Ultimately I would want it to be a somewhat analogy of how people can be connected without ever meeting in person. Especially via the internet.
A little Meta I know.....

>> No.8889261

The last gasp of a dying person.

>> No.8889266

interesting, how does it end.

>> No.8889268

The person dies.

>> No.8889275

Whoops. Wrong anon. I meant >>8889266

>> No.8889297

Absolute shit

>> No.8889323

could you elaborate on this >>8888795

>> No.8889326

>Average anime protagonist blank slate meets some hero-angel chick who will help him stop a evil demon bad guy.
> It's destiny that he wins or something.
>They have to kill some big bad evil guy before he destroys the world.
> Cliche moments, harem, and wacky adventures ensue and a bunch of people believe in Average protag.
>Average protag unlocks god sword and fights BBEG.

Average protag loses. BBEG dies but world is still destroyed.
3/4 of the book is how protag is hated by everyone because he failed.
People thought he was a messiah but he failed so they want to kill him.
Angel chick doesn't love him anymore.
Protag still tries to do small good things but is still hated.
He commits suicide in the end with the same sword destined to him.

>> No.8889338

Damn nigga

>> No.8889344

The premise is passable, like barely so, but the whole internet shit is literally horrible, don't even attempt it bro it's just embarrassing

>> No.8889356

>stopped reading there
>read anyway

nice try faggot.

>> No.8889365

Basically, its not some great lit, but if done correctly (lighthearted but tense and atmospheric), it could be super entertaining and I might actually pick them up.

>> No.8889370

I don't write memes, only tragedies.

>> No.8889388

I just want to write funny erotic titles to already established books.
1.) Harry Potter: The Sorcerer, bones.
2.) Mein Cumf
3.) Moby's Dick
4.) Anal Karerina
5.) Slutterhouse-5
6.) The Great Cosby
7.) Ulyasses
8.) The Adventures Of Cuckleberry Finn
9.) The Catcher is a guy.
10.) The Diary of Anne Frank (with more lezzing out)

Y'all got any ideas?

>> No.8889442

>i dont know why but for some reason i think this will only appeal to the dude weed lmao crowd
But I don't smoke and I came up with the idea :/

>> No.8889583

please give name of movie

>> No.8889594

was for >>8888428 my bad

>> No.8889600
File: 459 KB, 780x695, urine_therapy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be good
Try to steer away from the weeaboo aspects a bit though

would read in coffee shop and casually mention it in conversation with cute pseudoliterary barista girl

This book will sell a hundred million copies and /lit/, including me, will hate it

sounds very YA
anything about a group of supernatural high schoolers will probably not be very good or literary
it could succeed as a YA book though, if thats what you want

>> No.8889619

Writing a series of short stories based on the series of events that lead modern society into a one world government.

Essentially /pol/'s nightmare.

>> No.8889650

Butt Meridian
The Chode
No Cumming for Old Men
All the Pretty Whores

>> No.8889662
File: 17 KB, 240x210, IMG_5336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sappy romance novella about guy who talks to his dead ex-girlfriend whom he still loves as he attempts to reintegrate himself in society.

The big plot twist is that his ex actually isn't dead, they just broke up but he's still in love with her. Ultimately I want it to be a story about how we idolize people who don't care for us and self growth.

The only problem is that, that by itself is incredibly boring. Any ideas on how to make this better?

>> No.8889667

Anyone else interested in this?

>> No.8889671

I'm writing this song called "the ballad of johnny brown".

"it was a couple of hundred years ago in southeast south america
there was a family of mormons who had all just caught malaria
and every single one of them was buried underground
except for one weird little boy, his name was johnny brown"

there's another part where he's eating pieces of coal which he found on the ground or something and he decides to piss on an electric cattle fence

"well, sometimes the world don't make any sense
and when johnny brown pissed on that electric fence he was struck by
a steel black train that turned on a dime
which popped through the pain of his agonized mind."

and that day in school when the teacher asks him what he wants to be when he grows up, he says "freight train".

she doesn't really understand it and he goes down to the train tracks after school maybe? and a train goes by which is really long. it's the most beautiful thing the boy has ever seen: he runs up to it and stands right next to the screaming noise train. and he makes up this little song, which is the chorus to my song:

and hear the rumble from the thunder in his toes
get out of the way, it's johnny brown
freight train with a name that every body-knows!"

i was thinking that at the end he might eventually die and get a big train named after him, the "johnny brown".

>> No.8889677

I actually like that as a premise. It definitely needs some fleshing out, but I see it as having some potential

Maybe ditch the twist about her being dead. I am aware that twist is a big part of it, but it strains the audience's willing-suspension-of-disbelief, and it doesn't seem to add much to the theme

Flesh out his life. Flesh out the relationship. Add some periphery conflict

What's his job? What are his dreams? How did the relationship affect his life's trajectory?

>> No.8889678

Are you on drugs

>> No.8889681
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It does sound like an interesting premise

I think the main reason people aren't responding to it is because there are a million different ways it could go

>> No.8889686

>zombie apocalypse
>guy keeps "zombified" girlfriend in his basement
>other survivors think it is a zombified human to who he once had sentimental attachment
>blot twist, it's a real human girl; they broke up but he was in love with her

>> No.8889703

a guy comes up with something maybe a little off the wall
>"are you on drugs?"

every time

>> No.8889725

>a guy says some fucking retarded nonsense
>are you on drugs
Every time

>> No.8889738

don't hate. i'd like a second opinion on it >>8889671

>> No.8889742

A 20-something man in the west coast US decides to abandon his mediocre life and head north on a train. During the ride he one-by-one meets the train's passengers: all desperate, dissatisfied, or broken in various ways. The landscape through the windows grows increasingly sparse as the train travels north. As it travels beyond tundra, the view becomes increasingly unnatural and surreal. The presence of God becomes unmistakable.

>> No.8889753

dude why
im going to be nice to my mom today

>> No.8889756

it would be nice if the train traveled past God

>> No.8889935

I unironically like this idea

>> No.8889938

This one too, if it's done uniquely enough and not too melodramatical

>> No.8889961

Ok so my explanation of the story might sound kinda retarded but that's because it's 2:13AM and I'm really tired.


4 part bildungsroman about an 18 year old pseud painter obsessed with the idea of defining art and artists.

Part I: 18 year old runs from home to live with his alcoholic uncle, he concludes that artists (like dali, garcia llorca, toulouse-lautrec, etc) act in weird ways, do weird stuff and shit like that, are sex addicts, do drugs and shit, therefore he should do it as well to become a real artist. He does all this while dealing with his ex gf and the fact that they still have feelings for each other. She's a bitch and fucks other guys in front of him tho. Eventually he ends up losing all his money and getting kicked by his uncle. Lives in the streets for some weeks.

Part II: tell how his life in the streets was, how he managed to get shelter, food, money, etc, how he dealt with extreme depression. He starts walking around places he didn't know from his city and finds a small comfy bookstore that is run by a gorgeous blue eyed guy also 18. They become good friends as well as with blue eyed guy's sister, a gorgeous blonde 19 year old (literally looks like a greek god) that runs a small skin care shit store. Later, main character's best childhood friend finds him in the streets and invites him to live in his apartment (his dad is rich). Best friend is also a painter. He uses drugs, fucks girls every night and wakes up wasted every day. He offers to paint main character naked. After that, main character realizes maybe artists do weird shit because they are just naturally weird, and he shouldn't try to force it.

Part III: no depression anymore, he gets a job, also sells his landscape paintings to get some money and try to get his own place. every time he becomes even better friends with the two hot siblings and has great conversations about life and shit with them. Starts hitting on blonde girl, eventually they fuck and start having affairs (she had a bf). Notices blue eyed guy starts becoming increasingly distant. He struggles with the girl's bf and with shit from his ex gf, but eventually manages to sort it out in a very mature way, although the blonde girl's bf does beat him so they stop talking. In the end he meets a rich old guy that makes him suck his dick in exchange for buying his paintings and arranging exhibitions and shit for him.

next post

>> No.8889965


Part IV: he finally has a good income, meets a lot of influencial people, gets his own place, can do whatever he wants, fucks all the girls he wants. At the same time, he realizes his paintings are starting to be not as good as before. His depression starts to come back slowly. He tries to find why he is feeling so lonely and empty even though he has everything he always wanted. He believes it's because he cant see the blonde girl anymore. He starts taking long walks in the mornings and notices certain patterns and parallelisms with his life. For example, he sees a couple other young hobos that look like himself, some other pseud kids that look like himself, some old guys that look like himself, etc. At the same time he starts feeling like the blue eyed guy that was once his good friend is stalking him. He then begins seeing his face in every billboard, every guy he sees in the street, etc. He starts to question his own sanity and decides to kill himself. He gets a gun and just before he shoots himself, he realizes that maybe the only thing he lacks and the reason he feels like shit is because he thought he had love when in reality he didn't, and when he actually had love, it got away from his life because of his own stupidity. He realizes his real love was never his ex gf or the blonde girl, but the blue eyed guy. He starts crying about how much he misses him and starts masturbating furiously to him. After he cums, he grabs the gun and walks towards his apartment's door and goes out, leaving an open ending. The reader doesn't know whether he is going to go search for him to ask for forgiveness, if he's going to kill himself, if he's going to shoot the blue eyed guy or what the fuck he is going to do.

It will be full of homoerotic innuendos and strong discussion on topics like sex, drugs, life, depression, religion, art, etc. After the end, the reader may also realize that our main character also started doing weird shit and having a weird life as he so strongly wished by the start of the book, but without forcing it. It all came eventually, in an unintended, natural and spontaneous way.

Part I will be called "childhood", part II "youth", Part III "maturity" and part IV "old age" (sounds better in my language).

Some of you may have already read the first few paragraphs of the prologue, in which he runs from his home. I've posted it on critique threads a couple of times.

>> No.8889966

nigga it took you 40 minutes to write that?

>> No.8889969

10/10 would read

>> No.8889974

Yeah, mainly because I've only writen about 150 pages of the first part and still have a lot of things to decide regarding the rest of it, so I was trying to make a summary of the overall idea without talking about all the shit I may or may not change.

>> No.8889983

Really digging this m8

>> No.8890072

>why are pseuds so obsessed with the spanish civil war
Well I'm a spaniard myself and it's a context that I, as most spaniards, know pretty well. Why do you find my shit to be pseud?

>> No.8890108

Philosophical Fantasy Novel in which many of the Standard Cliches are Question. Also will be focusing on the Small-folk struggle to survive in a fantasy world. The focus of Economics. the Main character being a Deconstruction of a Standard Heroine. A somewhat Moral complexity. and various others

>> No.8890359

Why are you capitalizing that way

>> No.8890425 [DELETED] 

Short story for a videogame:

3 characters. Set in the wildwest. 18th century america. Slavery yadda yadda

John: Son of the plantation. Heir to it. But he has problems adjusting to the business side of it and just kills blacks to get his anger out. His dad constantly argues with him because they need the slaves to make money but John is just killing them.

Bradd: Ultra racist reluctantly agrees to transport a slave woman across the wild west to her father who bought her. And is paying a lot of money. Which is suspicious. His plan is to investigate and kill whoever gets in their way.

Sam: Bounty hunter after Bradd because he's killed a lot of white people to steal Clara (The slave women).

It would play like RDR and have multiple dialogue options and endings. In the final boss fight you would play both Sam and Bradd and John.

During the game you would run into Native americans. these people will kill you on site so I don't have to put invisible walls on, you'd just get killed if you try to go somewhere I don't want you to. Also you can hunt bears and shit.

>> No.8890465

So its red dead redemption with brad spelled all faggy. Sounds boring

>> No.8890480

Author sits down to write a brand new YA novel that will bring him riches. Keeps getting distracted by his family to do menial tasks and communicate with them so he is never able to get his creative juices flowing. Finally gets some free time to himself and decides to shit post on an image board instead.

>> No.8890741
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A company that everyone thought was a joke has finally found a way to bring prehistoric creatures back to life. As they ready the public to unveil their first "product" an actual T-rex, people get really excited...until it dashes all their expectations.

It's got feathers. It doesn't roar. It doesn't rampage and throw cars and kill people, it just chills out in its holding pen and relax, only eating its meat rations in the privacy of the trees. People are disappointed and sell their stocks, leaving the company spiraling downwards towards bankruptcy, until the CEO decides to pump drugs into the rex and pit it against a horde of lions.

After the rex destroys the pack of lions that attacks it in a drug-addled rage, the public comes back, and the CEO decides to introduce a new concept to the public: Gladiator dinos, and dino deathmatches.

Everyone is totally digging this except for one person. Madison Huali, a young girl who was captivated with "Poopy" the rex and decides to help set him free so he does not have to kill any more animals, and be free to be lazy in the wild.

CEO doesn't like this, and sends an armed riot squad to pursue the rex and the girl, which, despite the rex doing nothing aggressive to its pursuers, results in her untimely death.

Poopy finally does roar. Poopy finally does become threatening. Poopy finally does kill. And kill. And kill again.

>> No.8890766


>> No.8890790
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Autistic in a Drive similar way, but he is just a uni student who wants to connect to people and create memories and eventually find a gf and become a real human bean
The book will basically be his interactions with these people, his attempts at finding new ones, him going to a date or more at some point, all starting with the new year 2017

>> No.8890799

Good shit lad

>> No.8890821

Dude does taxidermy on ghosts.

>> No.8890862

A road appears overnight in a small country town leading into the forest. The villagers debate venturing up the road and seeing what it leads to.

>> No.8890899
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>> No.8890936

Thanks mates. Should I cont?

>> No.8890939

Yes pls
Also you have some grammatical and spelling errors you should fix but other than that I like your voice

>> No.8891010

Yeah do more

>> No.8891031

A shitty fantasy story about a mercenary knight. Story follows him from childhood to adulthood, his exploits, adventures and friendships. Becomes chummy with a young queen, and becomes powerful figure in the kingdom, eventually betrays her for personal reasons by kilung her brother. Becomes a fugitive, tries to return to his hometown but finds it burnt down. Is captured by the queen and is exiled into the unexplored country, where he undergoes a mental degradation causing things to become more and more surreal. He must delve into the realm of his illusions as a way of atoning for his misdeeds.

>> No.8891097

Not sold on"Poopy" or the whole Free Willy concept tbqh but maybe switch the little girl with a crazy dino PETA

>> No.8891117
File: 143 KB, 500x512, schway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vaporwave/Punkesque future in which all of humanity lives within hyper-technological/capitalist megacities. Somewhat reminiscent of Judge Dredd, but way more laissez-faire and without the excessive violence/authoritarianism. The tagline of the idea is something to the effect of:

>No where is home, the language is money

Bright lights, skyscrapers. Each megacity is like a hybrid of Tokyo and New York, but namely the former. The story follows a guy who is trying to get by — his role is akin to Nick Carraway in The Great Gatsby, a sort of omnipresent window/narrator through which we discover what lies beneath this high-tech veneer. Depravity, heartlessness, and a general sort of bohemian-libertine malaise that has infected everyone, breeding apathy.

As the story progresses, he'll get caught up in the pursuit of a notorious coquette. She'll lead him on to various nightclubs/etc, eventually convincing him of the fact that the predominant lifestyle/mentality in this apparent dystopia — such as her own — are actually enjoyed and actively desired by those who have them. It will probably end with him standing at a crossroads — wondering if it is worth resisting the aforementioned existence, and possibly giving in.

Possible/likely scenes would include him entering a well-known club her — watching from the sidelines as she steals the limelight and captures the attention of all, like some sort of prophet. She'd end up hijacking the DJ decks, throwing pocketfuls of pills into the crowds and so on. Some of them inevitably turn out to be tainted/cut, but rather than end the party, the bouncers and those present simply push those to overdose/etc to the sidelines/corners of the club, ignoring them as they convulse/foam at the mouth/etc. Moreover, they simply don't care - some of the bodies, whether dead or alive, trampled underfoot/etc as the club gets busier and livelier. Screams drowned out by cheers. This would constitute a typical night out.

>> No.8891121

Metro 2033 but in London

>> No.8891154 [SPOILER] 
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PS: Girl looks something like pic related, but way more thicc.

>> No.8891170

>abusive (in every way) husband abuses his devoted, slavish wife
>she is beaten so badly one day she is hospitalized
>during her stay, the husband never comes to see her
>she tells all of the doctors and nurses how kind, loving, and wonderful he is (He did take her to the hospital, he could have easily just killed her)
>she dies as a result of her injuries

>> No.8891178


You plagiarised my mom's diary.

>> No.8891187

good. pls cont and post it here, really interesting

>> No.8891197

Guy kills girl who is in love with him because he doesn't love her. He thinks she is better off dead than without him.
Has a girl he loves and goes to for comfort
Mostly focused on the dialouge and understanding him and his deluded reality, also death of the first woman isn't clear at first

>> No.8891198

a reluctant misantrhope discovers a grimoire that allows him to summon a jinn, he wishes for the ability to be extroverted and love humanity and all aspects of society, he finds that being unable to be alone and constantly feeling the need to socialize drives him crazy, works to his demise

(intended as a dark comedy with elements of cosmic horror)

>> No.8891223

Another cringecore classic from /lit/

>> No.8891426 [DELETED] 

Crazy dino PETA?
Kind of like the whole "prehistoric animals dont have rights because they're just clones" thing?

On the crazy PETA thing, how would I make them rational but passionate? Most PETAs I know are really dumb and regular people can't get behind them.

>> No.8891448


Do it.

>> No.8891464

Two lonely betas murder the little sister of one of said betas.

The other beta starts seeing her ghost, and develops a relationship with a dead girl.

>> No.8891482

A short story about a middle aged literature professor. After some contrived reason (currently working on the idea of an annoying student making up some bullshit and claiming that an introduction or differently translated version supports it) the professor looks through one of his many books to find that handwritten notes, analysis, and/or commentary have been added to it. Curious, he looks through some of his other books and finds similar notes in many of his other books.

He ultimately determines that his house is haunted and the ghost reads books when he's not around. He begins leaving books out lying around as 'recommendations' and eventually plays chess with the ghost by moving pieces and leaving a notepad on the desk where the ghost writes out its move.

>> No.8891496

Give the misanthrope a better understanding of extrovertedness, so he knows the pitfalls but follows through anyway because introverts are also foolish this way.

>> No.8891498


this is an interesting idea but it also sounds kinda boring, depending on how its executed

>> No.8891530

A friar in 16th century Savanoralan Italy is walking through the Florentine Appenine Mountains when he injures his ankle. He is tended to by a goat whom initially seems to merely be interested in his warmth, but whom he increasingly suspects to be Satan in disguise.

>> No.8891548

>None of the other survivors realize she can talk.
>Let me out! I'm not infected! This guy is crazy!

>> No.8891573

First night on stage at a small independent theatre the goat runs off stage and bites an audience member. Your career is ruined - RUINED.

>> No.8891636


>> No.8891989
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Title: Killer Trap

Small town detective trying to find the killer that's harvesting organs and selling them through the black market,that lures its victims through online classifieds as a transvestite prostitute.

Theme song would be genre of jazz with a typical black singer. Song lyrics would go like-
"She walks like a woman but punchs like a man. It's a.....TRAP.
She got a figure like a woman but a voice of a man. It's a.....TRAP."

I know I'm brilliant.

>> No.8892095

So he's pissed about small talk yet he's wasting his time narrating all this?

>> No.8892342

Shit. Back to the drawing board.

>> No.8892377
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Star Epic II (series)

In 2086, a UFO appears instantaneously just outside Earth's atmosphere. It crash lands in Central Park Manhattan. upon being surrounded, the airlock opens and and a man steps out of the ship with long unkept beard and hair (like a castaway). The man falls to his knees, screams in agony and collapses dead on the spot.
2131: due to the reverse engineering of the technology on the ship, the earth no longer has an energy crisis and mankind now has the resources to explore space and utilize discovered wormholes to search out other planets capable of being colonized. Long distance probes return from the wormholes reporting extensive coverage of 9 habitable and accommodating planets for colonization.
2144: after studying the information from the probes, an initiative is created to send 9 shuttles through the wormholes to start colonization.
2156: the shuttles are ready to leave:

The main story follows brothers Joseph and Adrian Thompson and four other selected gifted and trained young adults (ages 21-25) as they battle against 3 other groups in contests of wits and science to be selected as the engineering group who will be responsible for manning the "RIG" a floating repair and monitoring station that will ultimately follow each of the shuttles to their destinations and ensure each arrives safely at their destination.

the genre is hard science fiction and the story is not teen or YA. The candidates have to be young so that they're still physically capable of performing their grueling duties across the 20 year mission.

Plot twists involve:
The backgrounds and skeletons in the closets of the other candidates, the rumored "militarized" ship to follow, and the intentions and motivations of the candidates older mentor who is being "put out to pasture" and will ultimately be their superior for the duration of their travels.

Hard scifi of The Martian
the character process of Walter white to Heisenberg, (from Breaking Bad)
The armor of DEAD SPACE
The man vs nature vs nemesis of Moby Dick (frontier adventure)
"wheel of time" scale project

>> No.8892403

a super genius volunteers to become a subject for experimental research and it ends up with him regressing into a 85 IQ state

he attempts to go about his normal, day-to-day business (including his work as an actuary) until he gets fired and everything falls apart

>> No.8892812

Literally everything but the man with the unkempt beard is a cliche.

>> No.8893019

I thinks it's perfect for a short story or a poem.

>> No.8893656


Seems like a nice premise for a short story or poem, if written in an appropriate classical style

>> No.8893895


Please share this

>> No.8893951
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So basically The Witch but in Italy?

>> No.8893953

A guy apathetic to life meets a girl who is obsessed with the occult. Over the course of three years, the two bond together, with the girl dragging the guy along to see "haunted sites" or "fairy hotspots". She tries in vain to show him the "magic behind the world", but in the end, the only magic the guy sees is the one behind her smile. Later on, its revealed that the girl's obsession is due to her escapism from reality, and due to her circumstances, she is either dying or has to go away. The guy kills himself. The girl who finds out, also kills himself. Occult and Juliet.

This is meant to appeal to the YA audience.

>> No.8893958


this is a gay idea

>> No.8893959 [DELETED] 
File: 1.18 MB, 1599x1027, TheAssassin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Shakespearean tragedy would be the most appropriate to adapt to the Syrian civil war? People seem either have a hard time relating to Syrians as either blood thirsty mudslimes or they relate to them by ignoring Muslim extremism and radical Islam. Is there a play that focuses on a tragic figure torn by religious extremism, war, family tragedy, etc?

>> No.8893962

Have it be Macbeth but in Aleppo

>> No.8893963

Members of an ARS forum meet together to try and solve one of their games. As people go missing, they slowly realize that they are dealing with the real thing.

>> No.8893968

Yeah, that's why I said it was aimed at the YA audience.

>> No.8893978 [DELETED] 

Interesting choice. Are you thinking Assad for MacBeth and the consequences of seeking power for the sake of power? What about a Shakespearean tragedy centered around a figure that's torn between evil on all sides?

>> No.8894002

a new continent arises from underwater inhabited entirely by telepathic/telekinetic humanoid with dark blue, murky skin color, elongated, skeletal heads, and gaping black eyes, the rest of earth tries to figure out what to do about this, how to go about their existence relatively to the world, etc.

(haven't fully thought it through, admittedly came up with this while very high)

>> No.8894003


*relative to the world

>> No.8894005

Assad wouldn't have turned into the monster he is if it weren't for Henry Kissinger's evil ass destabilizing the middle east and completely blindsiding Assad after promising compromise because that's what Kissinger does. He manipulates others and other nations out of fear of any other nation not needing to be reliant on the united states. Kissinger is the root cause of the modern Syrian crises.

>> No.8894037 [DELETED] 

Not really. Kissinger is a war criminal, but saying he's the root cause to the Syrian civil war and Assad's despotism is false. Assad is a murderous tyrant in his own right, there's no need to attribute tragedy to him as a once good man lead astray by the dark lord Kissinger. Well, maybe for comedic purposes as a play on Star Wars.

>> No.8894043

Teen girl had a dad who is a detective. She has a premonition which turns out to be true and saves his life. He takes her along on his cases, but begins to realize her gift was just a coincidence. She tries and begins to accept failure, and returns to mediocrity.

>> No.8894046 [DELETED] 

Anyone have an idea for this aside from MacBeth? Especially not Assad as MacBeth and Kissenger as lady MacBeth, that's some god-tier comedy, but no what I'm looking for.

>> No.8894069

hopefully this isn't shit

>> No.8894076
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>> No.8894499


>> No.8894656

Star Wars but sexier

>> No.8895088

>little sister
>dead girl

Like is this a necropedo fic?

More context

>> No.8895118


A short story with experimentalism and abstract themes about the rise of a cult which use the power of collective thought to come together, essentially Meme Magik in a way. They create a false religion which people end up praying too but it really only gives them more power.

>> No.8895121

No I was thinking you would scale it down, and have the Macbeth-analogue be rebel who takes over a part of the city by murdering his superior and claiming hold of the rebel group.
The Syrian Army would act as Macduff/Malcolm

>> No.8895949

A retired gonzo porn actor and a popular internet pickup artist find the amateur of their dreams, the only problem is she turns 18 at midnight. Can they handle their shit?

>> No.8896064

See Star Ballz

>> No.8896418

Man falls into a coma for no reason one day
He's cared for in a hospital
Friends and family visit him
Parts of the book are in his perspective, whilst he's dreaming in his comatose state. In a stream-of-consciousness style, he contemplates his life overall and his relationships with the people that are visiting him
The other parts are just normal third-person narrative prose
He comes to the conclusion that he doesn't like life all that much and that from what he sees, his friends and family won't miss him that much (obviously he's unaware of these people visiting him and how distraught they are over his condition)
So then he simply wills himself to die

>> No.8896863
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>> No.8896876
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Looking out across the mountains the clouds leave giants shadows, but when I myself am in shade, I never think that is just be, but rather the whole world sharing it.

>> No.8896882

I never think that is is just me*

>> No.8897842

A young Mussolini struggles morally and emotionally with abandoning his Marxist leanings and developing the fascist ideology. Romance included.

>> No.8897910

5 stories revolving around different aspects of death and money from the perspectives of different passengers on a subway car of different ages and backgrounds. A little girl and her dead pet, a young black guy and his dead mother, a middle aged divorcee contemplating suicide, a father and his dead son, an old man and his dead wife,

It's called Pluto.

>> No.8898032

A time-traveling adventure in which a group of bum-fuck 20 year olds from the future hijack a time machine with the idea of killing some Nazis (like good boy Americans). They end up killing some, and some of the guys disappear - they killed their ancestors. I'm not sure where to go from here. Does it sound like it could work?

>> No.8898084

Bumping again (pls someone give some actual critique)

>> No.8898244


I'd love to read this one.

My idea is a story where Outback Steakhouse opens up a restaurant on the top of Ayers Rock. Rich patrons are helicoptered in and the restaurant does very well in its first year. There are issues with violent protests, and the Aboriginal tribes are unhappy with the restaurant's location and how they appropriate Aboriginal culture. For example, the Assistant Manager (who oversees on-the-job training) is an American method actor who pretends to be Aboriginal.

Eventually the restaurant becomes a kind of "temple," for training higher-ups in the company. The inner circle of Outback Steakhouse believe that the brand will live on "eternally, in Dreamtime," as long as the Ayers Rock location stays open.

>> No.8898273

It's about a man

>> No.8898278

i'm in along as it's gay

>> No.8898303

>why are pseuds so obsessed with the spanish civil war
Hemingway probs

>> No.8898332

I can't believe nobody else has acknowledged the greatness of this. Is this an inside joke that only people who were on /milliondollarextreme in that specific thread know about?

>> No.8898343

Soviets won the cold war and the Americans mutated into midget Trexes, only about 4 feet taller tho

>> No.8898361

Slice of Life of a non-magical Utopian "Fantasy" world
No significant conflicts occur between any characters besides mundane things
I've realized one of the prime elements that makes or keeps a world 'fantastical' is the lack of a proper network of either communication or transportation
thus you get your 'news' about the outside world through tales told by travelers in public spaces taverns what have you
the world is also essentially a mystery to you besides the vague impressions you gain through reading or stories you've heard, and never any exact photographic or video replications of any given place around the world.

It seems the obverse side to 'connectivity' is a lack of mystery or fantasy to the geographical (and largely cultural) world

When your world uses the vehicles it was naturally endowed with to communicate or to move around the world, I think this is ideal.

There is 'over-connected-ness'
And also it can come into question the very nature of whatever anyone considers "being connected" to "the world" means.
Does anyone really feel more connected to the world at large through reading a series of headlines?
I think a superficial superconnectivity is achieved, but ultimately if we want life on a finite globe to regain a level of fantasticism then the culture must dispense with the dream of total connectivity via artifically imposed technological apparatus on the condition of the human organism. This to me is the real meaning of an archaic revival. Not that technological / mental / cultural progress will simply be discarded, but that it will reintegrate into a world model where hyper-connectivity and hyper-transportation will be seen as fearful attempts by a collective robbed of their sense of intimacy and community to regain that lost sense through artificial/superficial means.

I would write a slice of life about a traveller in such a world where 'connectivity' or as stefan zweig calls it the "progressive monotonization of the world" is seen for what it is, a manifestation of the ambiguous feeling of being an alien in a strange land with no familiar faces beyond the front door of your geometrically confined land allotment

>> No.8898370

What would this be like? What could be beyond God? Nothingness?

>> No.8898388

Two short stories
A guy with his new girlfriend happens to encounter his ex with her new boyfriend in a mall. They both share a complicity moment trying to avoid each other but end up stuck in the elevator together

The romantic polygon between a guy and three girls that usually play volleyball together. After flirting with one she says "you are barking at the wrong three" to which he asks if there is a right three, and she responds that there is, meaning in a more abstract, philosophical way, but he understands that as a cue that one of the others like him

>> No.8898395

Misspelled tree brb killing self
Or perhaps it was a Freudian slip?

>> No.8898398

>glorious Il Duce
That's not very Italia Irredenta of you

>> No.8898422

A drug takes users to another dimension they cannot return from, their minds in a paradise while their bodies perform their basic and daily functions; zombies. When the world is thought to be at its end, millions of people are drugged and sent underground to prevent pain and panic.

A girl begins to grow tired in the place without sleep, and dreams about a life and earth left behind. As she gains lucidity, she is the only one able to control her physical body, and soon she is able to alter the reality of paradise.

>> No.8898502

I had an idea for a story, maybe a dark comedy of sorts, about a real loser asshole of a guy who works in some shit-hole like a comic book store when a qt3.14 girl starts becoming a regular/is a new co-worker; whatever it is she's stuck in his life now. We find out very early on through his private thoughts and alone time that he's a necrophiliac and keeps fantasizing about this new girl pushing up daises. He keeps daydreaming at work and the story can basically be a giant cock tease of him conjuring different ways to kill her but his fantasies get more vivid as the book goes on, waning the distinction in the text between the fantasy and reality. I was thinking the ending could have him cucked by death where maybe he has a day off and on that day she gets hit by a van and he ends up going to her funeral expectantly only to find out on the day she was cremated.

>> No.8898507

This is the stupidest yet funniest idea ITT and I would read it if it was written in a suitably comic way

>> No.8898601

A guy asks for some story ideas so he could steal the good ones and get published because he has some contacts with publishing agency

>> No.8898654

Good, because these stories aren't getting written otherwise.

>> No.8898768


>> No.8898779
File: 142 KB, 567x437, 14792611194775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A super tree-hugging hippie PETA-tier animal loving vegan is trapped in a small room with a cat after some catastrophe or something and he can't get out, but the cat keeps meowing at the door wanting to get out, and because this guy is in a fragile mental and emotional state after having just lived through this catastrophe, the cat starts to annoy him, but it won't stop meowing because it wants to get out, and it keeps meowing and driving him mad and he can't sleep because the cat keeps meowing and eventually the cat shits and he snaps and has to ask himself whether to kill the cat to spare his sanity or to stick to his morality and spare the cat

>> No.8898956

A group of Italian immigrants heading to the New World will find only despair and contempt in its shores instead of a new shot at life. It takes place after Italy's unification.

>> No.8899452

I would love this.

>> No.8899473

Adderal is a hell of a drug. You should burn those notes before your mom finds them and institutionalizes you again.

>> No.8899570

Dangers of a Meta(l) Ruler

A story about a handful of close-knit people, living at a period where the world population is at a severely bijou number who invite a man named Kletus to help them invent people's future actions. share their thoughts and ideas to conquer the adversity in their world and deliever to the future a text outlining how to tolerate other customs and live a pleasant life with decent ammounts of challenge, whilst also conquering the pseudoscience invented by agents idiosyncratic of this. They assume that the value of precious metals and industries requires patient deconstruction, lest people consume their planet.

They condense their hypothesis and theories into one mammoth tome which they term the "Static Actionable Imperatives"

I am not a good writer

>> No.8900240

An unmotivated artist finds work as a caretaker to an AI, set in a small facility that is one of many working on artificial intelligence. He spends day and night with this AI, both developing a symbiotic relationship built off of wariness and curiosity, and the struggles they share in trying to express their existence without confusing the other.

The facility finds itself vaulting off the deep end after a string of AI tech of their design is going haywire, meaning many employees are at fault for the mistake. The artist and the AI, having been isolated from this in the very heart of the facility, must redeem its name, though the strained relationship between silicon and human will not leave them untouched.

>> No.8900250

A sign painter in 1910's boston is tormented by visions of his dead parents telling him to commit crimes, their most powerful form is them combining to be a shemale apparition, and at the climax of the story he sets fire to a school

>> No.8900277

>a book about muh racism but against """white""" people
Enjoy never being published

>> No.8900334

((( I ))) would publish it desu

>> No.8900353

>Security guard who watches the security cameras at a mall falls in love with a women working at one of the stores

>> No.8901781

Tbf, their plight would be due to circumstances unrelated to race or ethnicity. Do I have a chance?

>> No.8901860

Best idea so far

>> No.8902388
File: 66 KB, 600x400, Crewdson17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, maybe this is the wrong thread for this, but my friend has been talking about this novella he's writing for a while now and I think its awful. Like, real bad. But I don't know how to articulate why its bad without it sounding like I'm just trying to shoot him down.

Here's a summary of what it is from memory:

This writer lives with an older writer and they talk about writing all the time. I don't remember if the protag is the older one, but regardless one of them is created a praised work and is currently having trouble getting back into writing. The protagonist is eventually persuaded to go with writer no. 2 to a bar to have a good time. There, protag comes across his old flame and they start talking. They eventually go back to his place and have sex and the next morning writer no. 2 asks how it was and the protag is ambivalent with his reply (or maybe he doesn't respond? something like that). Then it turns out the writers are the same person and, in the background of the narrative, the world is ending (he describes the treatment of this as being like how the civilization collapses in the film Synecdoche, New York if that helps)

So yeah, its pretty shitty. How do I explain how it sucks to him?

>> No.8902410

>guy is a drummer for a fairly famous singer
>talented but forced to play at a level beneath him
>chooses creative aspirations instead of easy cash
>fails and becomes just name on a Wikipedia page

>> No.8903031

A book with the vibe of lord of the rings but with the different races representing different social media websites. Like 4chan would be high elves, reddit would be men, and tumblr would be the orcs.

>> No.8903560

Man that has no view of himself and has never considered, much less internalized the look of others on himself has extremely boring, steady life, is very lonely.
One day, he stands in front of a wall in his hallway before work and starts wondering about its colour. From that point onwards, the man encounters little bits and pieces written about him, in the form of aphorisms and short metaphorical stories. It's unclear to the reader if these stories are real and/or if their content is true.
His reaction to them (or the lack thereof) doesn't convey anything. As the day progresses, he starts getting more and more uncomfortable and eventually decides to leave work, but collapses. A short "dream" sequence follows, in which he enters a large hall. There's a stage in that hall, several people enter it and read more of these stories and metaphors about him to an audience.

It's in german

>> No.8903616

a bizarre man and his talking wild hog, both with dissociative identity disorder, are trying to defeat a summoned god, which is driving the world mad

>> No.8903767

A romance teenager bait that turns into some adventure where people's souls are in orbs and those orbs have demons in them that symbolize who they are. Also character-focused

>> No.8904066

interesting stuff

>> No.8904114

Isn't this the scooby doo movie?

>> No.8904180

i read the first 10 pages of catcher in the rye: the excerpt

>> No.8905178

why would anyone read this shit

"Girl on the Train" much?

>or as stefan zweig calls it the "progressive monotonization of the world" is seen for what it is, a manifestation of the ambiguous feeling of being an alien in a strange land with no familiar faces beyond the front door of your geometrically confined land allotment

calm the fuck down we get it


>> No.8905194


>> No.8905706

kind of hot to be honest

Do you know if many girls have this fantasy? Would love to give my sperm to many girls in my school

>> No.8905724

The story is pretty great dark humour, but I think the writing could be denser
In any case, I want more. What else do you have written?

>> No.8905824


that sounds fucking hilarious please write it

>> No.8905880

Colonist on lost backwater farm planet survives the apocalyptic re-entry of a deep space exploration satellite and becomes the unwilling subject of a military operation to return forgotten extrasolar humans to the core colonies and must struggle with the devastating loss of his entire culture and way of life while simultaneously accepting the infinitely broader horizons of the interplanetary human race.
Story is structured as an analogy to the growth cycle of an insect starting as a husk buried in the ground and ending shortly after flight is achieved.

>> No.8905980

>No Cumming for Old Men
sounds interesting

>> No.8906026

A story of an average guy, living his last high school year.
He is pretty silent and values humility, which gives him an air of honor which others respect
It's mostly because he sees himself as a shepherd and tries to handle other people without being condescending while behind his words he feels he is slightly superior to others
However, his role has created him obstacles. He is too cold and calm to enjoy parties or to establish close relationships, despite attemps at befriending people. When an intelligent girl he has grown fond of is picked right from under his nose by a small, moustached man with strong glasses, he comes to revalue his lifechoices and tries to prove himself that he wasn't wrong about who he was.
In school, the last tests are behind the corner and he must concentrate on them.
On the bus, he sees the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. Later he finds out they are in the same school and seeks her name.
A week before the test he goes to a party, where he finds the girl and goes to chat with her. He is absolutely lost with the girl, he has never felt like this. He hangs out with her and she shows signs of interest.
He rushes through the tests, not really caring about them.
Spring comes along and soon they will have the ending ceremonies. He finds the girl running off with many boys, pretending she doesn't even know him. He tries to take solace in his books, but with the sun out, he feels drawn to the outside world. The test results come and he has barely passed them.
In the spring ceremony, after which they are relieved high school, there are titles given out (Best teacher, hottest girl etc.) and when there are titles of titles of "Cleverest person" and "The schools nicest person" he secretly hopes he would be recognized, but he is served a humiliation as the girl he was fond picks the first and her boyfriend the latter.
During the evening parties there is shot chess and he ends up playing against the beautiful girls new partner, a popular and loud person whom the narrator has made many negative remarks throughout the book. He has considered himself an experienced player, but is completely outplayed in front of all the people in the school, who take it as a sort of victory for "their guy"
Filled with impotent rage over his revealed mediocrity, he drunkenly starts raving how shit everyone in their high school was and how he's glad he wont see any of them. Everybody is very condescending towards him "Don't take it so seriously", until he is thrown out by the only friend he got from the whole school. He passes out on the sidewalk in the cool spring rain.
The book ends with bitter remarks over how there is no dignified in humility and silence, as it is better to be arrogant and loud, hated and loved than to live as already dead. The narrator concludes that he has trapped himself in his character, which he continues to play with no determination in the worklife.

tl;dr my diary desu

>> No.8906237

Fantasy story

In the beginning there was Light, Dark and Space. Light's domain was as far as it could cast its energy, Dark's was everything that Light couldnt touch. In an instant, Space let the two meet and the energy reaction forced a tear through Space, which it used to contain the reaction.

Dark energy, light energy and the fabric of Space was dragged through the hole, and the fragments of the original divine power formed the child suns (light) the moons (dark) and the planets (space). The heirs of the divine powers went to war with one another, resulting in the creation of asteroids and supernova and wreaking havoc across the new universe.

Eventually, as they realized that neither side could win, the two proposed a stalemate and formed a new system based on coexistence. Suns would provite heat to planets, and the moon would block the heat when the planet surface threatened to become inhospitable.

Out of recognition for each other's strengths, the celestial games were held at the turn of 99 million years of peace where light and dark would create avatars like massive ice creatures and fire golems to fight for the final 1 million years of supremacy. A Dark victory would result in 1 million years of glaciation, and a Light victory would result in 1 million years of firestorms and desertification.

This went on for 4.9 billion years until the end of the 24th period of glaciation, when the first sentient creature rose from the sea of lava that poured over the layers of ice that signified the return of peace. With obsidian skinned creature mastered the planet's elements and oceans, bringing new life to a now temperate planet similar to earth. This was the father of humanity, or at least according to legend. All of this is from the point of view of a human living 99 million years later, when the gods were fated to raise their avatars to fight for the next million years of supremacy. It is a fantasy universe so there isnt technology or any elements of science fiction.

>> No.8906249

>In an instant, Space let the two meet and the energy reaction forced a tear through Space, which it used to contain the reaction.
That doesn't even make sense mythology wise you derp
>used a hole caused by energy to contain energy

>> No.8906271


it has potential, probably, if it isn't just you being bitter

>> No.8906280

Well energy didn't cause the hole, Space tore a hole in itself to seal the energy away. They're divines so Space essential killed itself so that Light and Dark didn't destroy any other dimensions.

>> No.8906283

a story about an urban ascetic basement dweller who gives himself ongoing, painful self surgery on his cock every day to make it so that it goes all the way around into his own ass
i havent really thought out the rest

>> No.8906295

Earth grows increasingly overpopulated, we start to condense cities to allow enough land to feed everyone. After some time, the living quarters become so precariously stacked they begin collapsing under their own weight, or swaying to the point of inducing sea sickness. After a major disaster, many begin to riot.

It's decided that the solution is to move off world. Stations are assembled to act as orbital factories, hundreds of millions begin the arduous task of building stations to house humanity.

Upon the completion of the first, another disaster followed. The core personnel to run the station were already in place, but they did not count on the immensity of the desire to move to the station; resulting in terrorist activity that destroys the platform it had been build around.

The explosion propels the undermanned station outward, to deal with all sorts of bullshit.

I still don't have a solid idea for characters or an overall arc, but I think the back story is decent.

>> No.8906300

League of extraordinary gentlemen

>> No.8906307

Angsty pessimistic teenager tells his life troubles as narcissistically dillisional that he is mentally ill to his therapist. He is his therapist's first patient and this is apperent. Every chapter is his one of his therapeutic sessions, until one day the protagonist decides to kill himself after a session. The book ends with him waking up as a ghost right after death and saying "well shit". The novel should basically be cynical commentary on how the average /r9k/ autist perceives things.
That's just off the top of me head, I haven't written a book before and I probably won't.

>> No.8906351
File: 87 KB, 600x423, guy-fieri-flower-head-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a librarian, and i was looking at calvino on the shelf when this hit me:
>cavemen speak in "ooh"s and grunts
>have the first few chapters depict the mundane and exciting lives of this tribe
>really simplistic dialogue coupled with absurd prose (an influence would be flann o'brien's "the third policeman;" he describes a dead man pouring tea as "slapping it into the cup")
>the first page or so is a translation guide, from "ooh"s to their dirt scribbles to english

>somehow, the manuscript and translation guide falls into their world (no explanation of the author or if he's a time-traveler, yadda yadda yadda)
>after much effort, the wiser cavemen realize that this is their lives being described [a character's thoughts: "hey, i said ook to urha the other day and it's written on the page!"
>cavemen now in search of an author, accidentally into evolution

this idea just came out of nowhere at work today, so it is completely undeveloped. for instance, i don't know if i want to have the author guide them into agriculture or have the only interaction be through that one text.

this is my first story idea, which excites me because i used to want to be a writer growing up.

>> No.8906396

Kind of reminds me of Hitch Hiker's Guide, specifically the last bit where Arthur travels back in time. It might be looking at it through that bias, but I'd love to see that as a comedy.

>> No.8906706

oh god, i feared that something like this had been done already. which book is that scene in? i only read the first one.

>> No.8906823

i can't tell if you're being serious, but it would probably work better as a short story or novella, unless you have A LOT of sparkling commentary.

also, i don't understand your ending—does he appear as a ghost to the therapist?

what's your tone? if it's comedic, i think your backstory is decent but a little lacking. if it's serious, i think the idea (trapping a few people in a small space in outer space) is good but the setup is not engaging or believable; once you hit that point where they're hurtling off, i think it would require a heavy amount of philosophical training or else it would be boring (only if it's serious). if it's a comedy, you could turn everything up to 11 and then i'd wait for other people to read it before doing so myself.

don't take this too heavily, as i may be a sightless plen who doesn't get it.

when you say "surgery," do you mean jelqing or tying a brick around his dick, or scaples 'n shit?

you should read robert sheckley; i could swear he has one or two short stories exactly like this one.

>> No.8906834

>also, i don't understand your ending—does he appear as a ghost to the therapist?
No. Maybe the therapist sees the situation after it's reported or something, but I just imagined he would be a ghost and be a upset that he woke up like that. No one can see him, he's just alone with his dead body.

>> No.8906836

>alone with his dead body.
does he suck his own dick?

>> No.8906843

i'm asking for a friend

>> No.8906851

If that gets you off then sure. He's probably 16 or 17, thought you'd like to know that detail.

>> No.8906864

regardless, it sounds like "sad pictures for children," the author of which was revealed to be a hostile, mentally unstable tranny. thought you'd like to know that detail.

>> No.8906907

I wondered what happened to that comic. I was never very fond of it.

>> No.8906978

A detective investigates a "murder" of a seemingly wealthy philanthropist that is later revealed to be a suicide. Along the way, he discovers the root causes of unhappiness and misinterprets them. Full of wacky hijinks so not to be droll.

>> No.8907643 [DELETED] 

smells like o'toole

>> No.8907900

The tone is mostly just very cynical and disillusioned, as the story is told in the past tense
The narrator goes very bitter only in the end as he remembers his humiliations and considers his future
The book will be also laced with analogies where the narrator retells how he compared his situations to many historic moments and how all his beliefs turned out to be worth jack shit as he ended up the way he is

>> No.8907900,1 [INTERNAL] 

No no no! Fuck you. FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU! Arrogant asshats are the worst kind of people. What kind of fucking morale is that?