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File: 89 KB, 850x400, quote-postmodernity-is-said-to-be-a-culture-of-fragmentary-sensations-eclectic-nostalgia-disposable-jean-baudrillard-49-7-0780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8866736 No.8866736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good thinkers/theorists of the 21St century?

>> No.8866756

bernard stiegler

>> No.8866760

Noam Chomsky

>> No.8866764

brian holmes

>> No.8866776


whoever writes my diary

>> No.8866790

that techne stuff or w/e is really confusing. what is his end game?

>> No.8866795

stiegler sucks and is ted talk tier

>> No.8866805

Saul Kripke

>> No.8867025

my dream is to be the one to take things further than baudrillard in academia. but im soon finding out im not really smart enough

>> No.8867040

my diary writes itself. all i do is check in every once in a while and see how it's doing.

>> No.8867050

are you an alcohol?

>> No.8867078


object orientation is quickly becoming the big thing in all fields of humanistic study

read Graham Harman, Quentin Meillassoux, Ray Brassier, Levi Bryant, and Alain Badiou in philosophy, Tim Morton and Jane Bennett in ecology studies, and Bruno Latour in sociology. Roy Bhaskar is probably helpful if you want a firmer ground for the critique on post-Kantian epistemology Meillassoux launches.

>> No.8867081


Tristan Garcia is good too.

>> No.8867090

im sociology, why latour?

>> No.8867239

frederic jameson

>> No.8867244

you're late
the last good thinker/theorist died more than 100 years ago

>> No.8867539


well, on the one hand i find that his actor network theory is sort of antithetical towards object-orientation, in that its basic paradigm is one of "overmining," a term from graham harman whereby objects are "upwardly reduced" to the relations in which they are enmeshed, and their individuality as solid chunks of stuff is lost. on the other hand, though, Latour's principle of irreduction seems to celebrate that exact individuality, so it's important for widening your lenses to incorporate specific objects that don't immediately fall within the field of view: consider, for instance, the ozone layer, its holes, global warming as such, and capitalism, all as particular objects with their own metaphysics. the irreductive pays all these things their due, but does not by the same token reduce any of them to the other, nor does it reduce the birds, trees, plastic compounds, and floating pacific trash-islands to effects of these global entities, either.

>> No.8867551



and yeah, this, because jameson will help you realize HOW all this object-orientation is historically determined. it's really spooky thinking about a writer like harman in terms the jameson supplies in the political unconscious, for instance. that said, that book was written in 1981—jameson's career has only gotten more exciting in the 21st century, with i think some of his finest essays appearing these past few years. for those of you with PMLA, check out his essay "marxist criticism and hegel," it's an instant classic imo.

>> No.8867561
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Thoughts on /ourguy/ Trump winning?

>> No.8867586
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do you have to ask?

>> No.8867635


well the usual thesis you'll see trotted out is that the liberals turned their back on the working class and paid for it, and this for the most part holds water, i think. ignore retards like nate silver saying it's "not about class, it's about education," because education is an articulation of class: just because you make more as an electrician than as a barista with a B- english degree, doesn't make the latter is proletariat nor the former bourgeois, or whatever the preferred class label should be today.

on the other hand i think it betrays something somewhat similar floating around in the political unconscious, such as it is, that trump actualizes but which has been circulated throughout countless pop culture extravaganzas. it's the notion that, for radicalism to succeed, a member of the hegemonic class has to, literally, defect. consider the force awakens: the rebellion would have been fired by the planet killer were it not for finn helping the robot bring back the map to luke skywalker and helping the rebels through the starkiller base's shields, or whatever he did: the specifics aren't important: he's an imperial who cracked, and his jumping ship aided the revolutionaries.

here's another, somewhat unexpected example: sausage party, the seth rogan animated comedy about sentient food. for the most part the food, not only worshipping human beings as gods delivering them to the promised land by purchasing (and the rotten hand of marx bursts out its coffin), but are also totally helpless to stop the human beings, precisely because the humans are unaware of the food's sentience and cannot be affected by any of the food's actions. it takes one of the human's huffing bath salts to break the perceptual veil for him to become aware of it—this fuck up enables the food to stick more humans with the stuff and stage a successful rebellion. here the theme is less a "defection" than a straight accident, but nonetheless i think the theme of revolution requiring help from the hegemonic class sticks.

now we have the most recent exhibit, rogue one, which enjoys the dual distinction of not only changing the accidental flaw in the design of the death star to an intentional one built in by (you guessed it) a secretly defecting weapons engineer, but also (i think) culminates in a happily fascist celebration of imperial power. i won't say more for those who want to see it, but i think it's worth it for this last, insane scene alone.

and finally, we saw this year the so-called alt-right, the neoreactionaries, and tea party conservatives all place their faith in a billionaire who claimed to represent the working class. now of course that narrative has collapsed since trump stocked his cabinet with goldman saks execs, but the libidinal investment in an apparent class traitor is remarkably similar to the stories these blockbuster films have been telling for the past few months.

>> No.8867654

i haven't rooted this theme out further, I'm sure it's older than this year—but consider, finally, the matrix 2001. there's no outside intervention implied there. the zionites came to consciousness by a miracle of their own minds, and organized themselves. they give prospective rebels a choice of joining the rebellion, rather than forcing them out violently. this, i think, is a better model of radicalism than we have gotten lately. but this is all obviously hastily typed and represents just the sum of a few index cards worth of notes, so take it for its worth.

>> No.8867660


>also inb4 some /pol/lack says that endorsing the "zionists" in the matrix means I'm a jewish shill

>> No.8867661


is this a zizek copypasta

>> No.8867666


no but i read a lot of marxists, so. mainly fredric jameson, but he has called zizek "one of [his] strongest ideological allies" and was only being half ironic.

>> No.8867680

>now of course that narrative has collapsed since trump stocked his cabinet with goldman saks execs

we'll see what they actually do mr pinko

>> No.8867685

almost took you seriously, but then you made comparisons to star wars and a seth rogen movie to make your point

no words

>> No.8867691

he's drawing on popular culture to explain the zeitgeist

literally what's wrong with that?

>> No.8867698
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you'd best start believing in texts, anon.

you're in one.

>> No.8867702

he's on a literature board, it's not necessary to dumb himself down

I didn't watch a single of those movies

>> No.8867731

it's not a dumbing down, it's an attempt to explain and draw connections between one popular trend (the rise of trump) with others (popular hollywood movies).

>> No.8867732


to a certain extent i would say it doesn't matter what they "actually do." you have to sort of put your ear to the ground and listen to the thumping of the popular imagination. i cannot cite zizek's critique of chomsky's empiricism in re: the khmer rouge enough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tLz_9xmLKI

i don't see drawing on popular culture as "dumbing down." i actually think that popular media is best used in critical discussions of culture for forming hypotheses, because presumably marketing experts have their thumbs on the pulse better than we dumbass critics drifting around on 4chan do. you troll through the dross of the culture industry to pick up some major thematics, then dive into high brow sculpture, literature, installations, and whatever, and here you search not only for confirmation of those broad themes, but for their negations as well, and then you can bring THOSE back to the popular culture and read against the grain, etc etc.

>> No.8867754

I don't know if it's about having a finger on the pulse, just that the people who make and watch these films also vote. Funny though that the films you talked about are generally characterised as "liberal" and here they basically tell the story of Trump.

>> No.8867771

I'm glad the globalists are getting the boot, but the demise of net neutrality is a steep price to pay. I'm not sure it was worth it. This could end up being bad. Really bad.

>> No.8867779


that's the joy of criticism, for me. it's a leftover of my edgy nietzsche-fueled contrarianism from when i first started reading theory, a contrarianism which i never fully shook and has kept me from being seduced by the foucaultian numbskulls dominating my department. but this in any case makes the irony all the sweeter when we return to politics: for with every celebrity endorsement, every slander against the archetypical white male, and every commissioned think piece on the devastation wrought by the berniebros, shillary was unwittingly telling that same exact story.

but you have to be a little dialectical about it, too. on the one hand shillary could be seen as a fuck up a la sausage party, on the other hand trump is still represented as the defector I'm more interested in. "it goes both ways," so to speak.

>> No.8868131


>> No.8868462

Unironically this.

>> No.8868466




>more like 22nd-23rd century thinker

>> No.8868470
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Not /myguy/


>> No.8868471
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>> No.8868473
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1080, IvankaTrumpstein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the cuck, kid. Or you're a kike.

>> No.8868475
File: 95 KB, 470x599, LOL4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every single jew is bad
>he doesnt even know about the synagogue of evil

try reading a book son

>> No.8868476
File: 302 KB, 1200x1600, Irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The election is over. You morons aren't shilling anymore, it's just bootlicking now. I choose not to vote anymore since the second Bush presidency, btw.

>> No.8868479
File: 118 KB, 1920x1080, ReligiousJewishVote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read. The kikes who value the Talmud voted for Trump. Doesn't take a genius to understand why. Secular kikes are just useful idiots for the religious kikes, the way stupid whites like you are useful idiots to any and every kike.

>> No.8868484
File: 189 KB, 1024x611, GreaterIsrael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thanks to Trump's future political dynastic genetic line
Thank yourself.

Hitler was pro-Islam/pro-Arab. ANTI-kike.

>> No.8868485

>orthodox = synagogue of evil

u guys cant even see what's right in front of ur face lmao

we averted the clinton spirit cooking timeline and that's all that matters


>> No.8868486
File: 466 KB, 1920x1080, PowerBehindTheThrone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orthodox jew

>> No.8868489


>> No.8868491

What do you think the CIA/Mossad created ISIS for?

To cause chaos in those territories in Syria and Iraq in order to expand Israel's borders. ISIS is an invention, a false flag. Wikileaks proved this already. Wake up.

>> No.8868494

>islam is a CIA invention

now you're just trolling

>> No.8868496

Roger Scruton

>> No.8868504


Wolfendale's Noumenon's New Clothes demolishes this idealist monist cult.

>> No.8868505 [DELETED] 
File: 662 KB, 1000x1279, I Could Tell You But Then You Would Have to Be Destroyed By Me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, you're a kike.





As you can see, no politician will change any of this, not even a newly elected president, they are all useful idiots for the state of Israel. Nope, not even your """""god-emperor"""". In fact, Trump was chosen to make some radical hastening of assistance to Israel.

>> No.8868515

so you think the whole thing is an op purely for israel's benefit?

i'd rather have israel than muslims. all the jews can fuck off there for their retarded prophecies and they can leave the rest of the world alone.

>muh NWO

that was synagogue of evil shit and they lost

>> No.8868519

>antisemitic/trump /pol/ shilling to derail, yet again, a good thread

Keep your shit on your containment board please

>> No.8868520

>i'd rather have israel than muslims. all the jews can fuck off there for their retarded prophecies and they can leave the rest of the world alone.
Of course you would, you kike. Hitler was pro-Islam and pro-Arab for obvious reasons.

>> No.8868524

This is one of the main contemporary philosophers everyone should be reading right now: >>8868466

>> No.8868527

Blame this retard:

>> No.8868529

>baww things that are related to politics sometimes have those political points discussed waa mommy help me my safe space

commit suicide

we will never know the direction nazi-arab relations would have taken

it would likely have ended up similar to what we have today

normal jews don't have anywhere near as much sway as you think they do, and the synagogue of evil is severely deprecated as of 2016 and the rise of the alt-right, mainly thanks to the internet and free transfer of information

trump most likely wants jews to fuck off and for white people to have an ethnostate, though he wont say it for obvious reasons

>> No.8868536

>trump most likely wants jews to fuck off and for white people to have an ethnostate, though he wont say it for obvious reasons

Here's one point to show how full of shit you are, kike.
>pic related
Also notice all the kikes Trump added to his team, including Goldman Sachs.


Why do whites fall for such horseshit, such kike lies and delusions? Oh, I know, because it's been happening for centuries.

>> No.8868539
File: 71 KB, 558x386, fuck off ctr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying his daughter marrying a jew isn't a 5d chess move to get them to fuck off

just watch

>dude he added conservative jews to his team lmao

see pic

>> No.8868543

>thinking Trump can out-kike the kikes, when no whites have ever proven to be able to do this
How do I know whites have never been able to out-kike kikes? Because you elected Trump.


>> No.8868545

>"you" elected

you mad ahmed?

>> No.8868547

It's always kikes replying when I post this information.

Again, Hitler was pro-Islam and pro-Arab.

>> No.8868555
File: 53 KB, 479x361, moohamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahaha you actually are a filthy sandnigger

stay eternally mad you pedophile cunt

shitskins always lose

>> No.8868558

You're only proving you're a kike. Hitler was pro-Islam and pro-Arab, because they kill kikes. One cannot like Trump and Hitler without being a blatant hypocrite, an uneducated fool, or a ratty kike memeing like you. It's not like whites are ever going to kill kikes again, Muslims have the courage though.

>> No.8868562

how does it feel to always lose because you are genetically inferior

can't wait to extinguish the muslim roach from this world tbqh

>> No.8868564
File: 249 KB, 973x522, TheInventionOfTheJewishPeople.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gas yourself, kike. Ashkenazis are not even descended from the Hebrews. You people are total frauds.

>> No.8868567

It really is neat watching /pol/'s Sorelian mememyth architectonic shift like a fucking scene from Inception into being cool with Israel/Jews once the cognitive dissonance became too high

Antisemitism was a shibboleth and a fun little coming-together ritual for them, but when it becomes psychically difficult to make sense of how that ritual relates to its underlying MEANING, nothing actually breaks down. A few people post "TRUMP SUPPORTS ISRAEL YOU GOYIM???", but it's like a trickle, really nothing noticeable. The subterranean meaning, /pol/'s fundamental solidarity and opposition to "Them," is completely impervious to a breakdown in its ossified structures. We like Jews now!

After studying this shit for years through dried-out corpses on laboratory tables, it's weird to live and breathe it. You're part of something bigger, a being-toward-something.

>When I was small, I would watch the young men parade the portable shrine through the streets at the local shrine festival. They were intoxicated with their task, and their expressions were of an indescribable abandon, their faces averted; some of them even rested the backs of their necks against the shafts of the shrine they shouldered, so that their eyes gazed up at the heavens. And my mind was much troubled by the riddle of what it was that those eyes reflected.
>More accurately, what had eluded me was the tragedy of the group, or tragedy as a member of the group.
>At the moment when I first realised that the use of strength and the ensuing fatigue, the sweat and the blood, could reveal to my eyes that sacred, ever-swaying blue sky that the shrine bearers gazed on together, and could confer the glorious sense of being the same as others, I already had a foresight, perhaps, of that as yet distant day when I should step beyond the realm of individuality into which I had been driven by words and awaken to the meaning of the group.

The shrine, the form of the ritual itself, is irrelevant.

I don't know whether to laugh or be scared shitless that practically the entirety of academic and bourgeois culture doesn't realise this, and is simply obsessed with detecting familiar shrines.

>> No.8868570

>It really is neat watching /pol/'s Sorelian mememyth architectonic shift like a fucking scene from Inception into being cool with Israel/Jews once the cognitive dissonance became too high

They must be all Jews. I can't imagine whites are this stupid to think Trump is not totally pro-Jew.

>> No.8868573

i am very far from being jewish lmfao

tick tock roach, your time is coming to a close

so this is the power of 90 IQ

>> No.8868575

>i am very far from being jewish lmfao
No shit, kike.

>> No.8868577

I hope you're not the Girard/Lacan guy I like that guy.

>> No.8868578

what did mehmet mean by this

>> No.8868580

>When I was small, I would watch the young men parade the portable shrine through the streets at the local shrine festival. They were intoxicated with their task, and their expressions were of an indescribable abandon, their faces averted; some of them even rested the backs of their necks against the shafts of the shrine they shouldered, so that their eyes gazed up at the heavens. And my mind was much troubled by the riddle of what it was that those eyes reflected.
>More accurately, what had eluded me was the tragedy of the group, or tragedy as a member of the group.
>At the moment when I first realised that the use of strength and the ensuing fatigue, the sweat and the blood, could reveal to my eyes that sacred, ever-swaying blue sky that the shrine bearers gazed on together, and could confer the glorious sense of being the same as others, I already had a foresight, perhaps, of that as yet distant day when I should step beyond the realm of individuality into which I had been driven by words and awaken to the meaning of the group.

What book is this from, btw?

>> No.8868581

Oh never mind, from Yukio Mishima. I have this text already.

>> No.8868583


this post gave me aspergers

>> No.8868585

The implication is that anonymity on the Internet is now co-opted by the kikes, it's no longer a tool for goyim to use against kikes. In fact, the kikes use this anonymity to create useful idiots out of white people to do the kike's bidding, as they have done throughout all of white history.

That's what it means.

>> No.8868594

At last for my part, I think the implication is that myth-forming is a given in any philosophical anthropology. Or at least attempts at it are.

Then again, capitalism ate '68. I'm sure it can eat fat chronic masturbators on the internet.

>> No.8868596

Source then?

>> No.8868600

Sun & Steel

>> No.8868602

I see the text in this blog, saying it's from Sun and Steel by Yukio. But I didn't confirm it because I have all his ebooks on another hard drive.

>> No.8868611

But there aren't this many white neets that actually exist to promote this mind control pro-Trump kikery, which means they are being guided, influenced, and brainwashed by someone else. Anon needs to understand that a lot of these successful memes are orchestrated, they're not just happening randomly. There are groups who co-opt and create them in psychological operations.

Just look at how many suicide-advocating memes there are, and the result of them: thousands of threads of anon saying he will kill himself.

Memetics is mind control, memes. Language itself is a mind control tool. Repetition alone is enough to brainwash a fragile mind into certain thinking and certain behavior. Isn't it obvious? Since it's so obvious, it's also apparent that groups are using this as a weapon.

>> No.8868685

pseudo-intellectualism: the post

in fact, this thread is rife with similar priggery

>> No.8868694

Ah neat. Actually read that some years ago, but didn't recognize the quote.

>> No.8868700

Argumentum ad hominem has never been nor never will be an effective argument and will always be just a logical fallacy used by morons.

>> No.8868704
File: 90 KB, 600x442, feel the bern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn u btfo me now im #MentallyHill now

>> No.8868706

Trump is more of a kike than Bernie.

>> No.8868709
File: 20 KB, 386x275, mopig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>achmed still posting after getting jihaded

bomb off you kuffar

>> No.8868714

Kike still using logical fallacies and deflection to distract from the statements about Trump being a kike's cuck.

>> No.8868717

we'll see who the cuck is when you're shlled into pieces by Trump™ brand Pig's blood-infused artillery strikes

I'll even join the orthdox kikes dancing on your grave

Hava nagila!

>> No.8868720

love thy neighbour

>> No.8868721

>I am an orthodox kike

>> No.8868725

sleep next to a rabid dog wake up with fleas

i would rather be an orthodox kike than a muslim

>> No.8868726

>i would rather be an orthodox kike than a muslim
That's because you are an orthodox kike, kike. Hitler was pro-Islam and pro-Arab.

>> No.8868732

you seem mentally disturbed tbqh, maybe you should see a (((psychiatrist)))

>> No.8868738
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>> No.8868739
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>> No.8868798

You can take the Nick Land route; Deleuze & Guattari and novel amphetamine analogues.

>> No.8868834
File: 4 KB, 212x238, to intelegent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to inteligent to not aprecciate rey koz

>> No.8868864

is object-orientation for us anti-humanists too?