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8835131 No.8835131 [Reply] [Original]

Free will doesn't exist

>> No.8835148

I choose to believe it does :^)

>> No.8835151
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and what are the implications of your findings

>> No.8835159

He can't be held accountable for being a dumb frogposter

>> No.8835161
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>> No.8835169

I can't help but believe in it

>> No.8835220

prove that it does

>> No.8835240

depends how small you wanna get

I think it's a bit of both. Free will exists like little balls bouncing around inside a circle with set parameters. they can bounce around inside these circles which ever what way but can't bounce out

>> No.8835310
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it ultimately depends on whether or not one submits to a Bayesian understanding of probability or not

if the world is causally determined (it seems to be that way),
then the future is defined, just as much as the past is

the events that will happen in the future are certain, even if we do not know what they are to be. one can say that a certain future event is "possible", but that tells us more about the beliefs of the person and what predictive knowledge they have than about the event itself

this applies equally to events involving humans or deer or rocks.

that being said, we do not know the future, so things are are still possible, that is unactualized.

do not kill yourself (for that reason)

>> No.8836545

Free will exists.

>> No.8836546
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>> No.8836555

>(it seems to be that way)
Not really. Citation?

>> No.8836560

fucking compatibilists don't under stand that concepts are human-relative; we don't even know what it would mean to have free will if free will requires total ontological independence from things like causation

>> No.8836578
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Acknowledging that changes nothing.

>> No.8836579

>if free will requires total ontological independence from things like causation
Why would it though?

>> No.8836582

it doesn't! it couldn't!

>> No.8836585

Anyone else notice that weird alien vessel flying around observing shit at 0:08?

Conspiracy theorist's call them rods, sometimes they are 20 feet long. I hope they aren't malignant.

>> No.8836588

Are you implying compatibilists claim it does? They don't...

>> No.8836595

Compatibilism is just determinism.

>> No.8836599

do you mean incompatibilists?

>> No.8837476

yeah man i see it

>> No.8837773


>> No.8837804


It is literally impossible to determine that whether the universe is causal or whether we are just rationalising it ex post facto.

If you observe an event that is TRULY random and unpredictable, you would simply ascribe the seeming unpredictability to a lack of knowledge on the factors determining its state.

So one may as well live as if free will does exist.

>> No.8837899
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Only through God

>> No.8837953

if free will doesn't exist then you don't have the free will necessary to make the conclusion that free will doesn't exist. Your argument has already invalidated itself. Next

>> No.8837988
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nice bait

>> No.8838091

If free will doesn't exist, why do we need religion or governance?

>> No.8839336
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Evidence required to believe in free will (limited by ignorance, ability, consequence, etc., obviously): none.
Evidence required to disprove it: endless idiotic ontological bullshit.
I'll stick with Occam's Razor, thanks.

>> No.8839351

my post was in support of compatibilism; compatibilists say that free will doesn't require ontological independence--I'm saying that, further, we don't even know what ontologically independent free will would look like

>> No.8839380

Fucking hate these threads. Sage.

>> No.8839677

wow rekt

>> No.8839957

But the balls dont controll any of the factors which determine their trajectory. Just like humans are unable to choose their enviroment and biology, which will define their ability to select the options they're presented with.

>> No.8839963

What would an "existing free will" actually look like to begin with?

>> No.8839969

No, its a branch of determinism

>> No.8839998

>X does or doesn't exist
Hi, 18th century.

>> No.8841433

>Evidence required to believe in free will (limited by ignorance, ability, consequence, etc., obviously): none.
It literally requires you to disbelieve the causal relationships you observe everyday to be true. You've no doubt as to what happens you flip a light switch, there's nothing to suggest you're brain is somehow fundamentally different.

>> No.8841438

no it isn't, you guys have no idea what you're talking about, it's a conditional thesis that doesn't require the truth of determinism to be true

"Determinism is compatible with free will" doesn't entail or imply that determinism is true

>> No.8841624

It's not just that it doesn't exist- and one could easily define "free will" to refer to something that does- but that the concept that is groped at with it is meaningless, worthless, and non-existent.

>> No.8841640

he can, because he did those actions, even if they weren't freely chosen, they are a symptom of his character

>> No.8841657

do you punish people for exhibiting symptoms?

>> No.8841659

yes it does you untermenchzlichztz

>> No.8841671

>freely chosen
If Free Will doesn't exist, then what is this refering to?
Yes we do, and we have for thousands of years, and our notion of justice has been founded on the idea that some symptoms are worthy of punishment and others are not.

>> No.8841703

This was a prescriptive and not a descriptive question; do you think we should punish people for exhibiting systems?

Our notions of justice, personal responsibility, and even personhood are predicated on the existence of free will.

This is how thin the concept is; no ontological independence is required. All we mean when we say "he acted out of his own free will" is that, had he chosen to do otherwise, he would have done otherwise--that he could not have chosen to do otherwise is neither here nor there.

>> No.8841709
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Why should I care about whether free will exists or not?

>> No.8841710

instead of quibbling over whether or not it exists—an irrelevant metaphysical debate—we should understand that the existence of the contradiction within metaphysics is itself symptomatic.

>> No.8841718

>This was a prescriptive and not a descriptive question; do you think we should punish people for exhibiting systems?
Sure; I find it pleasing since that's what's been practiced in the culture I was raised in.
>Our notions of justice, personal responsibility, and even personhood are predicated on the existence of free will.
How curious then that those arose in the ages when a person's will was recognized to be caused by the gods and stars.
To the contrary, I say that free will (at least in the modern sense) is the incoherent invention of Abrahamic theology and devised post hoc to justify already extant beliefs and practices viz. by putting God-the-judge in the same position of disinvolvement from the criminal as a human judge.
>All we mean when we say "he acted out of his own free will" is that, had he chosen to do otherwise, he would have done otherwise--that he could not have chosen to do otherwise is neither here nor there.
Yes, but that requires that there's some kind of meangingful "reality" to him acting otherwise. Which there isn't.
"What could have been" is just a hypothetical about our knowledge, viz. "at some time we did not know what in fact was". None of these alternative realities contemplated is the true one.

>> No.8841733

God and free will are mutually exclusive

>> No.8841744

read paradise lost

>> No.8841749

You shouldn't. Your life is and will be the exact same either way.

>> No.8841757

>the contradiction within metaphysics is itself symptomatic.

Which contradiction? And symptomatic of what?

Cutsie mystery is meaningless if nobody knows what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.8841776


>> No.8841963

“What is this life? A frenzy, an illusion,
A shadow, a delirium, a fiction.
The greatest good's but little, and this life
Is but a dream, and dreams are only dreams.”

>> No.8842108
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>> No.8842208

By this reasoning, "free walking" doesn't exist because you can't walk vertically without stairs.
Of course the perfection of free will doesn't exist but this has more to do with perfection not existing in this fallen world than with you not being responsible for your actions.

>> No.8842218

It's not a perfect circle and both the circle and the balls are shaped by your experiences and environment

You can calculate how the balls will bounce if you know the exact way each of them and the circle itself are shaped.

Their bouncing is determined.

>> No.8842306
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>physicists claim free will is a myth because classical physics is deterministic
>quantum level of things discovered where fundamental particles are only representable as probabilities and they behave in erratic, unpredictable ways.
>physicists who are smarter than anyone on this board collectively agree that free will exists because the physical world that we see is an emergent property of the quantum world.

Free will exists.

>> No.8842338

That's like saying a dice roll is truly random because your lack of knowledge prevents you from knowing the outcome.


>> No.8842403

hidden variable theory is a meme

>> No.8842426

It's more like a dog on a leash tethered to a cart

>> No.8843058

"Free will" doesn't mean there is no such thing as influence or cause and effect. It means that within reasonable parameters and abilities, people make conscious decisions. Our brains are, to point out the fucking obvious, a bit more complex than light switches. And even with light switches, you do NOT know what's going to happen when you flick the switch: you're just betting on the odds. Or have you never flipped a switch and watched a bulb pop, or had nothing happen?

>> No.8844962

Or had nothing happen and begin to levitate, as you realize you're dreaming?

>> No.8844974

this is a merely verbal dispute

>> No.8844986

Free from precisely what?

>> No.8844989

The brain is like an enormous network of switches, still working on the binary framework of ON/OFF. Neurons either activate or not, it's just that there are billions of them.

>> No.8844994


What exactly do you suggest that "will" is free from?

>> No.8845034

Citation needed

>> No.8845073

>Clinical Neuroscience
>Dennis R. Mosier, in Neurology Secrets (Fifth Edition), 2010.


>What is an action potential?

>The action potential, as classically defined, is an all-or-nothing, regenerative, directionally propagated, depolarizing nerve impulse. In axons, the rising (depolarizing) phase of the action potential is mediated by Na+ currents, which depolarize the membrane. Repolarization of the membrane is influenced by two processes: (1) inactivation of Na+ currents and (2) activation of K+ currents, which hyperpolarizes the membrane. When Na+ currents are inactivated, a new action potential cannot be initiated (absolute refractory period).

Key term there is "all-or-nothing."

>> No.8845218
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A current theory in computational neuroscience is that consciousness doesnt even really exist and its sort of just a momentary picture of all the signals currently in transit

All that needs to happen for an organism to function is that the neuron transfer functions work, there is literally nothing happening at all in someones brain other than neurons putting together signals and producing more, of course you dont have conscious control over that procedure because that procedure makes your 'consciousness' in the first place

>> No.8846176


Reductive materialism is false, senpai.

t. Walter J. Freeman

>> No.8846180


It's a fly u friggin' retard.

>> No.8846184
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>brains are minds

>> No.8846193

fuck off

>> No.8846203
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>> No.8846485

>Homunculus Problem

>> No.8846590

Only nerds care

>> No.8846673

Pascal's Wager, anyone?

>> No.8846743
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All we perceive are ideas, and these are immediately and directly perceived. There is no such thing as light -- as in a physical entity.

>> No.8846973

So you fell for the Cartesian duality meme, huh?

>> No.8847011

And what activates them?

>> No.8847024
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Hello m'lady... still believing in Free Will?


>> No.8847027

From total influence from an outside force.

>> No.8847032

>implying physicists aren't blinded by rationality
>implying quantum physics doesn't suggest that the world fundamentally cannot be modeled scientifically
Shit is random. Scientists only try to give useful theories, they'll never get to the bottom of anything.

>> No.8847039

Reminder that the universe is essentially random, non-rational, unscientific. The idea that we can understand the word through rational methods is a Platonic meme that won't die.

>> No.8847083

You're determined to believe it exists though so there is a paradox of believing it exists for various reasons even though the determination to believe contradicts the notion of free will.

>> No.8847104
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Reminder that you - the person reading this - possesses a soul, an immaterial nucleus to your own consciousness that renders you immune to the trappings of material determinism.

>> No.8847170

Electric impulses from sensory receptors, and they activate each other - all in a dynamic interplay of forces, same as everything else.

>> No.8847267

Outside can't exist without inside, and vice versa. Neither is "free" from the other.

>> No.8847273

Reminder that the distinction between matter and spirit is a thought process, not reality.

>> No.8847435

But not from determinism.

>> No.8847694

You got the sauce on this? God damn. Also, yeah free will isn't all too real.

>> No.8847844

Its pointless to speculate about things that don't affect you.

t. Dialectical materialist

>> No.8847867


No; there are no brains because there are no material substances.

t. the good Bishop Berkeley

>> No.8847868

what a qt

>> No.8847872

What's wrong with you?

>> No.8847876
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whats wrong with U?

>> No.8847894

I'm not a fan of the 'Nordic' æsthetic.
But I'd still find her fine except her expression is utterly abhorrent. She looks like a gay muppet.
What you posted is fine; not my style but still good.

>> No.8847899 [DELETED] 


snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....


Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....


Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….

>> No.8847909

No it's more like a series of dice rolls. They will converge on an average which is predictable but no tool can accurately predict each one and yet there is every reason to believe forces to subtle to measure were determining the outcome.

>> No.8847926

Go plow another altar boy, you retarded, rancid hypocrite.

>> No.8847947

>start understanding free will doesn't exist
>start choosing to be more relaxed with my new found understanding

>> No.8847960


>> No.8847978
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that muppet look shows she is uncomfortable taking selfies which is attractive tbphwym9

>> No.8848008


>> No.8848023
File: 1.73 MB, 388x314, Milana-Vayntrub-Winks-For-The-Camera-As-She-Cooks-ATT-Mobile-Girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8848060

It's a question that goes beyond the epistemological horizon and as such should be banished to the third truth-value as per Peirce trivalent logic, by that not ment suspension of judgement but the acceptence of the necessary inadequacy of judgement on said issue, with the exception of pragmatically motivated conceptual development, under reference to the principles laid down in Carnaps Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology. Casual.

>> No.8848075

>science only gives data-driven models of the world, that's nothing compared to my philosophy professor's manuscript which is def going to be published any day now.

>free will := perfect randomness

I'm more inclined to prefer the answers of people actively engaged in a physical search to figure out the fundamental principles of the universe than I am to give credence to the musings of admittedly literate men in armchairs.

>> No.8848081

Who's this man-milk-Mephistopheles?

>> No.8848082

"Free Will" is the notion that we are not simply chemical machines reacting to completely predictable and measurable deterministic physical inputs.

Free will exists, and it's because our physical forms are emergent properties of the quantum underpinnings of the universe, which are NOT deterministic and have effects that propagate upwards and APPEAR deterministic at the macro level of the world we perceive.

>> No.8848090

>smash someone's brains in
>they cease exercising their will, they are dead
>lol the will/soul is immaterial

>> No.8848097
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>hiding behind theoretical quantum physics
>the fact we don't fully understand something is proof of anything

>> No.8848102

What are "we" then?

>> No.8848112
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>material primacy

>> No.8848115

Moreover, even assuming that randomness actually does exist, I don't see how our actions being the result of a throw of dice makes us anymore 'free' than if they flowed deterministically from our spirit's nature and material causes.

>> No.8848123

but it is th0

>> No.8848125

Good point.

>> No.8848127

None of that has any bearing on the question. Your arguments are like saying "All computer screen displays are made up of pixels, and pixels are either one color or another, on or off, made from electric impulses, therefore you can't draw a cow in Photoshop."
The question isn't if we're machines or how we operate, the question is who steers us.

>> No.8848135

If you look deeper, the point is that there is actually nothing separating anything that you consider "us" from anything you consider "the rest of it".

The reason I ask
>free from precisely what
Is to help people notice that there is nothing that has a will separate to the universe. To put it crudely, we are all one, motherfucka.

>> No.8848166

You have to go back.

>> No.8848170

Tell me more.

>> No.8848211

Alright, I'll bite.

Back to when?

>> No.8848719

The question isn't when, but where.

>> No.8848721

Awesome, now I have to smoke weed every day! Or should I read instead?

>> No.8848725

Same difference.

But OK, if you need the setup that badly... back to where?

>> No.8848729

Oh, and if you say reddit you are the biggest fucking sheep minded faggot who ever sucked.

>> No.8848740


>> No.8848751

I hope for your sake that you have conditioned yourself to enjoy letting other people down, because I can already tell that you are a humongous dissapointment.

>> No.8848755
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Whatever makes you feel better about yourself, anon.

>> No.8848762

The existence of free will would mean that by acting in the present, you are somehow able to alter the future. But that's only an illusion. Time is not linear in the first place, not the way we understand it. The past, the present, the future, it all exists, has always existed and will always keep on existing. No matter what you do, you aren't changing a thing, because the line of your life in the universe has already been drawn in full. Not that your primitive brains are even capable of understanding this prison that you've built with your own hands.

>> No.8848767

I wish I could hate you more, but it turns out you're just a cute anime chick!? Wow, it's true what they say about books and covers.

>> No.8848771

All of existence is merely one electron that's everywhere at once to be honest

>> No.8848775


>> No.8848776
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I come in color, too.

>> No.8848797


There are like 7 of them.

>> No.8848819
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>samefagging this hard

>> No.8848833
