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8819373 No.8819373 [Reply] [Original]

>Beginner's Guide to Fantasy:

Science Fiction
>NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

Previous Thread: >>8810540

>> No.8819385

What are you reading right now?

How are you liking it so far?

>> No.8819452
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Ereader says I'm 10% into it and I'm really hating it so far.

Counted at least 3 instances of characters blatantly contradicting themselves. The sidekick character spoke all of one line in a really obvious vernacular, was told to "stop that," and immediately did so, thereafter speaking so similarly to the main character that I have to keep doubling back in their conversations to check who is saying what. And to cap it off the plot got moving in a really stupid way. "Holy shit I am so witty and silly I came up with this plan in 10 seconds so I am going to do it and there will be no objections."

Probs gunna push on for a few chapters to see how the first big plot point plays out before dropping it if it doesn't improve.

>> No.8819468


Re-reading David Eddings Beldariad/Mallorean because it's super comfy fantasy. Just picked up Gardens of the Moon because I needed a new series and I've been seeing it in the shops for years. Not really sure what to expect since it was more an impulse buy than anything else.

>> No.8819497

I don't care what anyone thinks, Gardens of the Moon is legitimately enjoyable and one of the best books in that inconsistent series.

>> No.8819641


I'm not reading anything right now because I'm waiting for sequels

I'm not liking it very much

>> No.8819653

Currently reading Wagner's The Illusuon of Conscious Will. Not /sff/, but it's one of the books Watts referenced in Blindsight so it's intrigued me.

>> No.8819660

Plague of Swords.

Battling through it. I like the story but he makes it so much harder to read than it needs to be.

>> No.8819690

I'm about a quarter of the way through Baru Cormorant and it's pretty good so far. I'm a big fan of the more economic and political angle, it definitely makes the Masquerade feel like a real colonial power, even if its social politics border on cartoonishly evil.

>> No.8819762


I just finished Words Of Radiance. As far as Shallan is concerned it could have been called Words Of Annoyance.

Still a good book, I liked the Bleach fight at the end.

>> No.8819796

I need a new book.

>> No.8819800
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You sure that isn't Branderson?

They both have Smokey light eyes and glowing blades?

>> No.8819804

Stranger Norrells

>> No.8819808

If only there were billions of books out there to choose from.

>> No.8819814

Are you the anon that cries about not having books to read.... then can't read anything but sequels because his autism is so great?

>> No.8819817
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>> No.8819821

Holy shit Sanderson is awful.

>> No.8819824

>I'm a big fan of the more economic and political angle
Daniel Abrahams is the guy for you.

>> No.8819829

You fucked up anon you should have made the blade blue

>> No.8819830

Anon who originally recommended Baru here. I also enjoyed Dagger and Coin too.

>> No.8819837

>let me meme
Read emperor's soul and get back to us. It's a short story so you should be back by lunch.

>> No.8819845

Is Dagger and Coin better than his Long Price series? I tried that and didn't enjoy it, gave up after the first book.

>> No.8819848
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>daniel "no magic for hundreds of pages" abraham
>suggesting in my general

>> No.8819853

Titus Groan.
Audiobook might have been a mistake. This is a drag to listen to.

>> No.8819879

Fantasy doesn't require anime battles running pages on end to be good.

If you don't enjoy Abrahams and/or literary books you shouldn't read TDC. It's more of the same borderline literary writing (not as slow as the classic stuff or even as slow as more modern prose like Guy Gavriel Kay's. It's a little faster but it won't provide instant gratification like Weeks or Sanderson or even Baru (although this author isn't afraid to stylise aspects of the prose so it lies somewhere in between Abrahams and a rapid modern book with bare/minimal prose.)

>> No.8819898


I used to think so too, then I read emperor's soul and went on to WoK and WoR. He's not that bad actually, certainly better than fucking Bakker with all his pretension.

>> No.8819929

>Fantasy doesn't require anime battles running pages on end to be good.
Did I say I wanted anime battles?
Why are you projecting your wants onto me?

I was promised something new, magical sentient golems that are made with thoughts and words. I wanted to see this explored... what did I get instead? HUNDREDS ans i mean HUNDREDS of pages with BIG fat nothing.
The price quartet is more of a boring slice of life series, than it is about magical reality bending golems. In the combined 2000+ pages in this series, probably 30(being very generous here) pages contain something that was actually fantastical. If you are writing a boring slice of life series, write it. Don't advertise it as magical beings, when the fucking story is about humans and the price they pay for their trials and tribulations.

I kept reading book after book saying "now it will all tie together", nope Abraham is a master troll. Made me read 4 books for squat...

Then the first dagger and coin book "magical spiders", etc...
I finished it only to see less than a page of magic, and that was when that orc/ whatever threw blue sparks in the air at the parade . I'm onto Daniel, I'm not continuing and I'm not reading anything else by him. Yes the name of this series makes it clear it's about money and backstabbing, but why advertise the magical elements and not use it?

Fuck you anon, don't trip my autism mode.

>> No.8819942
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>he wouldn't listen

>> No.8819967


One day, one day you will understand that people have a right to read whatever the fuck they damn please.

I pray it comes sooner rather than later as I grow tired of your same 4 shit reaction pics posted ad nauseam.

>> No.8819971

I am from the sf side, and really enjoy Sanderson's Legion series of novellas. I am using them as basis for a superhero who earns his living as a semi-famous character actor and whose superpower is ACTING!.

>> No.8819975

Anybody want to help me write a summary of echopraxia's plot for wikipedia?

>> No.8819981


>> No.8819982

And of course, out of all the Stormlight characters Sanderson could have dedicated a whole short story to, it just HAD to be fucking Lift. Thanks a lot Brandon.


reddit as fuck.

>> No.8819991

He just likes reminding people he can write worse characters than Shallan

>> No.8819999
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>we will never get an account of whatever Jasnah did in Shadesmar while everybody thought she was dead and how she survived in the first place

I think she must have Soulcast a fake body for the assassins to stab and then just teleported away.

>> No.8820030

Stick to Sanderson you retarded animefag.

>> No.8820069

With Sanderson you will get all the REALITY BENDING magic action you can handle, especially his superheroes YA series.

Abrahams uses what you refer to as magical golems as commentary on the human condition and they are aspects of the humans that create them. If you expected lel epic fucking Pokemon battles between andats you are a retard and a retard twice for reading the second series too and complaining that your self inflicted delusion resulted in the monumental pain of completing a book.

>> No.8820084

You guys ought to try KJP's the Folding Knife. Or if you like Abraham's economic aspect, try out Dorothy Dunnett's House of Niccolo series, which was a major inspiration for those parts in tDatC. It's historical fiction, but absolutely fantastic.

I thought the Long Price quarter was one of the finest stuff written recently (mainly because of the last two books), and while I like the Dagger and the Coin, it doesn't have nearly the same pull.

>> No.8820085

And as a further fucking addendum if you can't even fucking spell 'and' without giving yourself stroke, overuse ... like a five year old afraid of wetting their pants and seeming lacks the intellectual capacity to place spaces, pray tell me why you are on /lit/ and not a mental asylum in the first place?

>> No.8820100

>pants and seeming lacks
grammar nazism cuts both ways, friend

>> No.8820177

>One day, one day you will understand that people have a right to read whatever the fuck they damn please.
Why does this apply to others and not me? Don't be a fucking hypocrite, if yall can shit on other people's likes, I can shit on yours.

I could just make new memes anon <3 just for you if you want anon
would you give me your boipucci if I do?

>> No.8820179

>do my work for me guys

>> No.8820197
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>a fake body for the assassins to stab and then just teleported away.
>heh nothing personnel kid
>teleports behind you
Sanderson IS anime

>> No.8820218

You can't read can you?
You just saw I expected golems and you jumped on that to shitpost.

What are you doing on the lit board if you can't even read and comprehend?

>> No.8820221

And anime IS shit.

>> No.8820238

Not the anon, but another ye olde book reader. I need new memes to hate.

>> No.8820239

>he made some solid points
>let me call him animefag
>let me point out the typo because 'd' and 's' are so far apart
>let me attack his intelligence
>he likes to use '...' let me attack that
>let me ignore that Daniel Abraham is a troll, he had a picture up with a girl pointing at her vagina with the caption "you can stick it in for 10 bucks". Upon paying $10 and entering the room, their is a tesla coil with a hole for you to stick your finger in.
>muh false advertising

>> No.8820243

>being a grammar nazi
>making that many mistakes
Jfc stop posting.

>> No.8820244


Maybe teleport was the wrong term. She, like, shifted into the Sanderson equivalent of the Astral Plane. More Dungeons and Dragons than anime.

>> No.8820259

>lives in a glass house
>throws stones
These pseuds never learn.

>> No.8820271
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Wolfhound Century.

I like the setting, the sentences and the mood, but it hasn't quite all come together for me yet.

>> No.8820277

Ite buried meme anon
Lets see how it goes.

>> No.8820280

3/4 through Dust of Dreams. I only read Malazan on weekends to retain my sanity. During the week I'm currently burning through Asprin's Myth series. It's a reread, but I wanted to test an old kindle I picked up at thrift store.

>> No.8820289

Favorite Discworld book?

>> No.8820303

there's an short scene of how she survived on tor. as for her journey, sanderson wrote it out as a novella that he refuses to publish.

source: jasnah is my waifu i am contractually obligated to know and pass this knowledge on.

>> No.8820313

>finished WoT after 6 months

>sanity hanging by a thread after forcing myself through Crossroads Of Twilight

Looks like a good time to pick up Malazan.

>> No.8820316


>sanderson wrote it out as a novella that he refuses to publish.

You mean he wrote it just for himself to keep his universe's internal consistency? Is there even a more autistic author?

>> No.8820318

Why do you hate yourself anon? I'm waiting a minimum of one year between finishing Malazan and starting WoT.

>> No.8820328

Thief of Time, Night Watch, Reaper Man.
I love I Shall Wear Midnight, Monstrous Regiment, Thud!, Lords and Ladies, and Hogfather, but those are objectively less good.

>> No.8820371

>The Worm Ouroboros
Fantastic. It's structured a lot like an epic: little focus on plot mechanics and more on larger than life events and supernaturally powerful/witty characters. Lots of great archaic insults. Unfortunately the world does not feel entirely 'lived in' and history seems confined to a few preceding decades. The prose is impossible to breeze through, so pace is slow.

>The Dragon Reborn
Just started. Was disappointed with the end of The Great Hunt – the stakes, and why I'm supposed to be intrigued by the protagonists, are unclear to me.

>The Power That Preserves
Also just started. I really love these books – Thomas Covenant is an odd character archetype.

>> No.8820410


>starting WoT.

I have finished it and my honest advice is don't even start. There are admittedly good ideas, good moments, even good characters in the whole thing, but it's so DILUTED it's like...if I took a bottle of vintage wine, emptied it in a pool and then forced you to drink the whole pool.

>> No.8820418

>You guys ought to try KJP's the Folding Knife
Great suggestion. That's what I was going to suggest as a much more appropriate one than Abraham.

>> No.8820482

I already bought the books...
Though I appreciate your advice, I'm not reading them due to any anticipation of enjoyment or whatever. Enough of my time is spent reading that I can treat this stuff like mountain climbing. "Yeah, WoT really sucked, but I read the entire thing", that kind of feeling. I have several other multi-tome monstrosities waiting to scratch this particular itch, so I might not get around to WoT for some time.

>> No.8820535
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I've noticed your complaints about Abraham in these threads. I happen to disagree with you (I find tDatC lacking, but tLP to be excellent), but there's not much ground for discussion there.

Now I'm curious, though. In that post you say you were promised and advertized magical beings/sentient golems, and the exploration thereof, and that you were disappointed by the relative lack of said material.

But, may I ask, where were you promised these things? And if you were, why does it seem like you hold Abraham personally responsible for what his publisher does? Or did Abraham falsely advertise his own series in an interview or something?

Pic related is what I'm going for. It's the back cover, front flap and back flap of the hardcover edition of "A Shadow in Summer" (the first and possibly the slowest book in the quartet). In the ARC of the book, the Martin quotation is basically the only thing used to advertise it. I don't know about you, but to me it seems like a very personal tale. The setting seems epic, but the tale does not. Granted, I didn't expect the book to be that slow either, but then, I didn't feel like I was being rused.

I also felt the andat were satisfactorily explored.

(I know the books were re-issued in omnibus editions with a Lawrence/Weeks type of "badass" figure in the cover, which was exceedingly weird, but that can't be what you're referring to?)

Awesome reading list, Anon.

pls read Dunnett too. pls.

>> No.8820569


Gardens of the Moon can be a little difficult to get into when you first start because there is very little exposition.

>> No.8820615
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I finished the first book of Michael Moorcock's The History Of The Runestaff series, the Dorian Hawkmoon books. All four books are collected in an omnibus in the Fantasy Masterworks series and elsewhere.

This is the first thing I've read by Moorcock and I enjoyed it. It's a brisk read, written in short chapters that move the action along quickly. Its unadorned and action-led style feels refreshing in this age of long and overly descriptive and meditative modern fantasy books, and I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series.

>> No.8820623

I read it years ago, I can't remember where I got my starting info from(I read digitally) and my autism isn't that great that I will go and find it.

I liked the series it was okay, but it wasn't fantastical. Abraham just threw in the golems to explore humanity (fuck humanity, I want the inhumanity /alienation explored) humans are trash, why would I want to read about "how good" they can be? If I wanted that shit I would read philosophy, not fantasy.

Through 2000+ pages we only get to see a golem made once(twice if you count the half formed one), and it's near the end of everything.
I didn't read to see the fall of everything, I didn't read to see that we can't use tools in place of human interaction, I didn't read to see that no matter how low you fall there is still more ledges below.
I read to see the andat do amazing things, and how they would utilize their abilities to fix situations. But none of that was explored. It was just mentioned they could do 'x' and 'y'.

Daniel Abraham isn't a fantasy writer, he is a philosophical writer who uses very miniscule elements of the fantastical, as a van to sneak his contraband across borders.

>> No.8820635

Please I need new memes to peddle.

Give me some other authors to shill so I can bet people to hate on it.

>> No.8820700

That's a big cat.

>> No.8820713

for meow.

>> No.8820721

I think we disagree on what is fantasy and what not. Abraham may explore different things than normal with his use of the fantastic, but he most definitely still writes within the borders of the fantasy genre.

As to the other points, fair enough. The Saraykeht Empire was in decline, and most of the andat concepts were already mined in its heyday. I thought the rarity, therefore, drove the point of the decline home. There was no resurgence, and the decline was real. The fact that any new andats were created was a miracle.

Again, personally speaking only, I liked the use of the andat. They were beings of immense power; practically WMDs. Seedless could have starved the world, and Stone-Made-Soft could have turned the world into mush. At that point they acted as deterrents and threats, and since they weren't actively engaged in war, they were used for... industry. I forgot what Seedless did (something to do with trade), but Stone-Made-Soft was used for mining. I thought these points were cool.

I'm not trying to argue with these last two, by the way, just trying to convey my thoughts on these issues.

P. S. The series isn't exactly 2000+ pages. It's barely 1400 in my hardback editions, and it isn't like they use small print either. This - and Kearney's Monarchies of God - are two series I often recommend if someone is looking for a good, short series.

>> No.8820751

Enders Game/Enders Shadow/The Supernaturalists

>> No.8820760

Mmmm, the elusive Sabercornasaur.

>> No.8820825

Recently finished Sword of Destiny

I really liked most of the stories, the last one was probably my favorite. I almost lost my shit when Geralt met his mother

>> No.8820959

>The Supernaturalists
The YA about teens hunting afterlife ghost things? Man I haven't read that in years.

>> No.8820986
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>Main Character's name is Shepard

>> No.8820987

So I have read Emperor's Soul, Way Of Kings, Words Of Radiance and Edgedancer.

This Cosmere shit intrigues me. Where do I go next?

>> No.8820989

Nowhere, unless you want to be disappointed.

>> No.8820990


>> No.8821014

To see the rest of the extended universe watch Iron Man 1 and 2, Thor, Captain America, and then Avengers.

>> No.8821058


Are all his other works not as good?


Shit, that looks like a LOT of books.


It's not that bad.

>> No.8821065

Stormlight is by FAR his best, just wait for book 3. There's lots of other authors out there, check them out.

>> No.8821133


What should I start with in the fantasy charts?
There's too many choices

>> No.8821150


Easy. You cannot make a choice on your own therefore you are weak willed therefore a cuck therefore read Bakker.

>> No.8821154

Sit down. Close your eyes. Meditate. Who am I? What is it that I want? After contemplating your life for several minutes go pick a fucking book that looks interesting and read it you cuck.

>> No.8821285

Read ten pages of the Cybernetic Samurai by victor Milan last night and DROPPED. Don't know why I even picked it up, guys a fuckin hack

>> No.8821370

>Cybernetic Samurai
I tried reading Dinosaur Lords by him. His prose is as shit as his ideas are crazy. And I have no doubt he starts his stories by thinking "What's the craziest premise I could come up with?"

>> No.8821399
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Close eyes.
Stab finger.
Curated selection is overrated. You can't properly appreciate the good stuff unless you also read the trash.

>> No.8821404

Finished warrior prophet today.
Battle of carrascand at the end was awesome. My dick was hard entire time reading it.
If proyas and cnaiur don't have passionate gay sex in 3rd book i'll be disappointed

>> No.8821408
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More charts

>> No.8821414

>a whore after all

>> No.8821420
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What do you guys think about Gene Wolfe?
I don't see him mentioned often here, but it seems that he is almost revered on Reddit and other places.
Just a meme, or is he actually good?

>> No.8821426
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>I don't see him mentioned often here, but it seems that he is almost revered on Reddit and other places.

>> No.8821430

I started Shadow of the Torturer a week ago, and now I'm up to Sword of the Lictor. I love his prose style and how he blurs the line between sci-fi and fantasy. I can see why people would find him difficult to get into, but I find that old style of writing incredibly comfy, and I really like Severian as a character.

>> No.8821436
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What if I told you.. this wasn't a bait post?

>> No.8821442

Fuck off, we only discuss real fantasy literature here, like that by Pat "Skilled lover of women" Rothfuss.

>> No.8821449

Absolute meme, avoid everything with his name on it like the plague.

>> No.8821451
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Are fantasy readers way too used to old sexist tropes? Consider what KKC fans think about Denna.


>So along comes Kvothe, and he’s adventurous and proud, and he loves this woman and she does not immediately fall at his feet, she does not go out of her way to adore him. She doesn’t bend over backwards to make herself available to him. I think people resent that, because some part of them has come to believe this thing they’ve heard in stories again and again and again. They think a woman should make herself available to a man just because the man wants her.

>> No.8821454


>implying Reddit isn't too busy wanking over Sanderson and Rothfuss to even know who Wolfe is

Come on man.

>> No.8821484

Use a random number generator. Re-roll until you get something that might interest you.

>> No.8821500

good anon, read rest of the books now

>> No.8821503

Stop posting your gender wars bait. We know Ruthfuss's head is up his own asshole, you don't need to remind us.

>> No.8821514

House of Chains. This is actually a reread, I had read through most of the Malazan Book of the Fallen a number of years ago, but burned out since I was in the middle of college. I had forgotten most of the details so it's almost like reading it for the first time. Still have a ways to go before I pass where I left off.

>> No.8821526

You say that like these threads aren't also obsessed with Sanderson and Rothfuss.

>> No.8821536


I have never and I mean never seen anyone here unironically enjoying Rothfuss.

>> No.8821573
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>> No.8821604

>dual wielding assassin women

>> No.8821613

A few days ago I was recommended a book but i cant remember the title.

Main character was a woman during a sort of medieval era. There was court intrigue and she had to keep the influence of a certain group away. I think she might have been lesbian but i cant recall.

Does it ring any bells?

>> No.8821643

The Traitor Baru Cormorant? Though I believe it's more Renaissance than medieval.

>> No.8821656

Yes thats it, thanks

>> No.8821695

>The series isn't exactly 2000+ pages.
Yea I just checked, it plodded along so slowly that it felt like 2000 pages(600 pages a book).

>I forgot what Seedless did (something to do with trade),
He made the seeds fall out of cotton, he also was a walking abortion factory.

>> No.8821706
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Am I to understand this to mean this Denna offers men various services for money?

>> No.8821724


>> No.8821756

She is a whore.

t. cuck

>> No.8821778

Go back to Tumblr

>> No.8821784
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Really jogs your noggin

>> No.8821794

>people consider this guy the "premiere author" in quality fantasy prose
Jesus Fucking Christ

>> No.8821816

>I think GRRM is a genius, and I read Game of Thrones specifically to try to learn from his wonderful use of character. However, the brutality of it (Daenerys specifically) while beautiful on one hand, was just too much for me. Perhaps some day I'll read the rest.

Come on Brandon you fucking pussy.

>> No.8821827

Sanderson thinks GRUM is a genius, Rothfuss writes beautifully, and that swears will send him to Monogamous Mormon Hell.

>> No.8821895



You should have known better man

>> No.8821898

Yes Denna pleases old men for money


>> No.8821955

I read those too, total garbage but at least I could laugh at it. Samurai was just shit

>> No.8821984

And yet these threads still mention and talk about him constantly. Almost as if obsessively hating somebody doesn't remove their influence from your lives and actually increases it, as if for all the protestations people make about Rothfuss they actually find him a comfort and that's why they continually rag on him because letting go and moving on would mean one less bit of routine in their lives.

>> No.8822107

denna is the best girl tho

>> No.8822146

the great irony of this is that this fuck has authored the most notorious "male power fantasy", as they would call it, of the last decade

>> No.8822384

Rothfuss btfo!

>> No.8822390

any quality novels with storylines similar to Terminator?

i.e. robot apocalyptic future, time travel, shit like that?

>> No.8822476

It's that weird form of pseudo-progressive objectification. "Why aren't there any hot babes that I can jerk off to in The Hobbit?"

>> No.8822496

Not ghosts, creatures that sit on your chest when you are dieing and (suck) your last few years out of you

Was a good book growing up. I think I enjoyed these types of books so much because they were easy to grasp, but at the same time didn't hold back. It was nice to be treated seriously when you were a teen, and not like a stupid little kid that 'just wouldn't get it'.

>> No.8822550

You see, a being with a woman is like playing a sweet song...

>> No.8822568

I am looking a series with multiple star systems, unique technology, maybe fantasy aspects, and a great story line. Any suggestions?

>> No.8822574

Solaris by Lem. I'm ejoying it, though I wish I found the drive to read more lately. I'm a tad slow as of these days.

>> No.8822600

what do you do when an established order impairs your ability to tell a good story?

>> No.8822602
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Can anyone recommend sci-fi similar to The Culture? Preferably post-scarcity and optimistic with a bit of humour.

>> No.8822614
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So I'm currently reading Knife of Dreams which is the 11th book of WoT. I read the first six books in less than a month and enjoyed them but it's taken me almost two months to read books 7-10 because they were slow as fuck and boring.

Is it important for me to read the shitty Egwene and aes sedai plot lines? So annoying and makes me stop reading everytime that I see another Siuan or Egwene chapter ahead.

>> No.8822618

Sorry I meant that it took me almost two months to read them.

>> No.8822670

>it's another egwene gets spanked by a lesbian mistress chapter

>> No.8822681

>pls read Dunnett too. pls.
It's on my bookshelf. Haven't got to her yet, though.

>> No.8822716
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Why would you read so many Robert Jordan books within a year? This isn't rhetorical, I sincerely want to know why people rate him - people who like him tend to really like him. Does he do something better than everyone else?

>> No.8822760

Because WoT is actually an avant-garde masterwork than no one was intended to finish. Jordan literally tells you over and over that there are no beginnings or ends in the Wheel of Time, and nobody believed him and had the gall to complain about it (no beginnings = infinite prequels would have been released as well). It's a meta-fictonal exercise in human hopelessness and predetermination.

>> No.8822778

Matt kept me going through those books. Egwene and the other Aes Sedai just end up treading water until Sanderson takes over.

>> No.8822823

What sort of "established order"? Like, consensus on how something's supposed to be written, or some sort of outside influence figure (eg an editor), or...?

>> No.8822833

Neal Asher. It's mostly modern pulp though.

>> No.8822837

More like a symbolically significant motif

>> No.8822854
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>> No.8822902

To Your Scattered Bodies Go.
It's bizarre and just great.

>> No.8822907

What are some of the most paranoid sci fi books?
obviously PKD and Watts who else?

>> No.8823022

The Fall of The House of Cabal

It's really great. Some of the other Cabal books needed a bit to catch my attention, but this one got a hold of it right away. On top of that, it's bringing all the other stories together really well, even the short stories that weren't published alongside the books.

>> No.8823037
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>Story starts out in a church
>Religion is just a crazy superstitious sham dude

Am I the only one that's sick of liberal horseshit invading every bit of fantasy?

>> No.8823040

I'm on the verge of giving up this story /sffg/. I have so much to change and even if I finish it I can't think of a decent way to work in the interactions and character dynamics I want.

On top of this, I'm afraid the edits I'm making are beating people over the head with redundancy

>> No.8823043
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>tfw I rarely ever get bursts of drive to sit down and write
>when I do, they're late at night
>write two to five paragraphs and then I'm out of gas

>> No.8823054

i've been stuck at 10 chapters for 3 years.
but i did get back into uni at 23 and now i am through to the final year so, there's that.

>> No.8823064

She can dual wield me and you, eh anon?

>> No.8823071

reading the gap series enjoying it so much more than the shit that was the nights dawn series

>> No.8823073

>Can write as like a machine as long as I know what to write
>Don't know what to write

>> No.8823076

He got his wife back yet?
was it revealed if Satan and that trickster god was the same being?

>> No.8823081

What gap series. The Donaldson ones?

>> No.8823091

Not yet, though this book certainly seems to be about him going about doing that. It's got the vibes of a final installment. If you haven't read it yet, you should read the short story "A Long Spoon" before you pick this book up.

No, he's hardly been mentioned. Have you read the fourth book yet?

>> No.8823122

John C. Wright, start with The Golden Age and then Count to a Trillion if you like it.

>> No.8823134

Anyone reading The Liberation here? I feel like I'm the only tregillis fan in the thread

>> No.8823152

Just started Shadow of the Torturer today and I'm loving it.
Also I've been trying to trudge through the rest of A song of ice and fire. I don't know, I thought it would be interesting but it's just kinda meh so far.

>> No.8823254
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>papist memes

>> No.8823309

?"lookie her folks, a gen-u-ine inbreed, straight from the swamps of alabama"

>> No.8823389

>implying Catholics are not idolaters

>> No.8823421

Finished The Voorh by Brian Catling last night, can thoroughly recommend it. unusual and very well written for fantasy.

>> No.8823455
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cry more pussy

>> No.8823461

Just picked up Theft of Swords on the suggestion of a friend. Is it any good? I've heard conflicting opinions and the first chapter isn't really grabbing me that much.

>> No.8823467


There are not a lot of books that are at least decent and fit the subgenres I want to read

>> No.8823477

No the author is pretty bad and advertises himself daily on reddit.

>> No.8823513

>reading women authors
what did you expect nigger?

>> No.8823580

>just recommended this general from /tg/
>reading through, seems to be a lot more Fantasy than Scifi

Is this standard? I'm not complaining in any sense, but I always thought scifi was more popular, or at least a little.

>> No.8823592

well, ideally you'd like people discussing their all time favorite classics here equally, you know, your tolkien, lewis, wells, asimov, and so many more.

but the kids here want to fight over shitty obscure newfag writers like bakker and what not. i haven't read even one of them, and i probably never would unless they become at least as popular, even if for all the wrong reasons, as rowling.

so, yeah, not an ideal general, but it is what it is.

>> No.8823633

>but the kids here want to fight over shitty obscure newfag writers like bakker and what not. i haven't read even one of them, and i probably never would unless they become at least as popular, even if for all the wrong reasons, as rowling.
Why don't you stay at reddit and read everything sanderson shits out then?

>> No.8823641

>bakker is triggered again

he's okay, i guess.
but nothing worth salivating about.
he sure dreams about being a giant someday.
but he's got a long way to go before you can even think about him and tolkien in the same thought.

>> No.8823662

>tolkien, lewis, wells, asimov
>I want people to discuss bad authors and ignore good ones
lmao what

>> No.8823669


>> No.8823673
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> It's on my bookshelf
Fortune favour you, friend.

>> No.8823714

Liar's Key by Mark Lawrence.
Just read the passage of how the Red Queen got her name, it was amazing (and a welcome change from sailing seas and nothing happening)

>> No.8823718


no idea what's more popular generally, but here there is more fantasy than scifi

>people discuss what they're reading rather your particular favourites
wow what a shock

>> No.8823768

>bakker is triggered again
At least read my books first, if you want to shitpost about him

>> No.8823769

>read my books
>>>/out/ and probably learn to write well, you faggot.


>> No.8823772
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>> No.8823775

kinda bored

>> No.8823786

I'd be too if I was reading the shitty authors you were.

>> No.8823813

>Bakker reappeared again

>> No.8823842

This is going to sound like a stupid question
Dune is by far the best science fiction/fantasy series I've read, how does the book of the new Sun compare to it and would you recommend it?

>> No.8823851

If you like Dune everything can only go uphill.

>> No.8823863

you don't actually believe dune is the worst of the genre, right?

>> No.8823866

Maybe not, definitely the worst I have ever read though. And I doubt anything I will pick up will top its badness.

>> No.8823869

That's exactly what you're going to get from female authors. I can't stand 'em because it's always about muh feels way too damn much.

>> No.8823871

pretty different

botns is quite literary

>> No.8823889

Read prince of nothing if you liked dune.
Seriously. it's basically dune/lotr lovechild.
Read dying earth before you head into botns

>> No.8823891

Why didn't you like it anon

>> No.8824050

>fantasy is either nothin personnell or John C. Wright "if only Luther hadn't been born" turbocatholicism
i will fix this

>> No.8824072


You forgot the Mormons.

>> No.8824077

>"well I guess he really is some kinda Dune Messiah"
Why does Herbert always do this?

>> No.8824079


take this shitty meme back to /tv/ and stay there.

>> No.8824096

I didn't because I am one but the more famous Mormon fantasy authors are a lot less in-your-face about it, to the point a lot of readers didn't even pick up on the Homecoming series being the Book of Mormon in space and Alvin Maker being fantasy Joseph Smith. Wright's newer stuff would be stuck in the Catholic bookstore ghetto if he weren't already established.

I wish there was an atheist bookstore ghetto for Arthur C. Clarke and his ilk.

>> No.8824102

if thats the case they arent aimed at you, if it bothers you then i guess they are aimed at other kids your age. if you dont like books because of your worldview dont buy them. plenty of time to read them when you grow up.

>> No.8824108

Naw, I have it but will probably read sometime early next year. I only finished book 3 a few weeks ago.

>> No.8824111

What part of
>invading every bit of fantasy
wasn't clear? If every book you picked up were anti-flaming homos such as yourself you'd be a little offended, wouldn't you?

>> No.8824114

>Mormon fantasy authors are a lot less in-your-face about it
fucking lol

>> No.8824116

>all those (you)s

>> No.8824119

>he hasn't read a fedora novel
Pity me.

>> No.8824122


There is plenty of right-wing and conservative fantasy. You're just blaming your own ignorance on the rest of the world, which is ironically a very leftist thing to do.

>> No.8824128

Everyone likes GRI, it's a built in human feature. If you don't like that then you are abnormal.

>> No.8824130


Why does every fantasy book nowadays have to contain a clear political message or some social commentary?
It's fucking fantasy, it's not our worlds, stop bring our shit into fantasy

>> No.8824137
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>tg knows about us

>> No.8824140

>There is plenty of right-wing and conservative fantasy.
Not in the shiny action-oriented contemporary wing of it anon was obviously interested in. Unless you'd count Red Rising, which honestly did a good job not moralizing for any of the sides in it, which is harder than it looks when one of them frequently gasses the Irish. But if you want to let Herbert and Wolfe be your token conservatives while publishing-house cliques narrow the ideological field I can't stop you.

>> No.8824147

What are you talking about? Hyperion gets recommended as often as Buried Giant here.

>> No.8824158

>lose myself writing
>double my wordcount and an hour's passed
feels good, /sffwg/

>> No.8824179

>as often as Buried Giant here.
>that buried plug
I saw what you did there. Hyperion is discussed a lot more than it's recommended.

>> No.8824186
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>science fiction and fantasy writing general

>> No.8824203


>Wright, Sanderson, Correia, Card, Goodkind, Heinlein don't actually exist and are all unknown

whatever m8, the evil commie "cliques" sure have a choke hold on the market when the heavily religious Sanderson is literally one of the best selling fantasy authors in the world right now.

>> No.8824208

>double my wordcount
writing is all about reducing your word count.
this is exactly what these shitty newfag writers have no idea of.

>> No.8824213

Star Wars - Catalyst - A Rogue One Novel

>> No.8824214


>Right wing

lol what
Have you even read his books?

>> No.8824218
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>right wing

>> No.8824219

I try to defend you faggots because I enjoy amateur writing every now and then. But don't do this.

>> No.8824223

Hard to reduce it from 0 m8.

>> No.8824224


A brave young adventures set out on a journey
He killed the evil king and rescued the princess.
The end.

Is that short enough for you?

>> No.8824228

>reducing your word count

Boy is warrior
Girl is damsel
King is evil
King is dead
Boy is hero

How do you like my short story, anon?

>> No.8824233

the difference between >>8824223 and >>8824224 is that >>8824224 is a shitty newfag writer!

probably the same with >>8824228

you people are precious, bless your hearts.

>> No.8824236


bit of a purple prose there my friend. Also I would subvert some tropes if I were you.

>> No.8824239

It's postmodern

>> No.8824242

>Boy is bad warrior
>Girl beats up several men
>Boy dies
>The end
I can feel less patriarchied already.

>> No.8824246


Good, we're almost there. Now all you have to do is add as much GRI as you possibly can.

>> No.8824247


Boy is warrior
Girl is damsel

Life is hard
King is evil

Boy kills king
girl ostriggered

muh misogyny,

>> No.8824254

I'm trying to reduce my wordcount, anon.
Boy is warrior
Undergoes quest
Gets lost
Gets raped
Ex machina deus,
Rapist was boy's son
You happy?

>> No.8824256


Boy is warrior
Girl is damsel
King is evil
King is torn apart fucking viciously, doing away with ideas of justice and mercy in favour of good old fashioned revenge
Boy is hero
Girl is sister


>> No.8824257


It's avant garde
You woulnd't understand

>> No.8824258

>Gets lost
>Gets raped
still too many words there.

Boy - warrior, lost, dead
the end.

hmm, so it CAN get worse.

>> No.8824260

boy, girl, warrior, damsel, lost, raped, killed, raped again, end.
You fuckers can't do anything right.

>> No.8824266

Doing away with any semblance of syntax. How artistic.
>you fuckers can't do anything right
Keep this line in the story and we have a winner

>> No.8824278

Boy - warrior, lost, dead.
Girl - damsel, raped, dead.
King - Old, weary, dead
Queen - wrinkled, barren, dead
Kingdom - heir-less, feuds, broken

i don't know how difficult it is for you guys.

>> No.8824285

I'm loving these non-conventional story structures. We should release a short story collection.

>> No.8824298

>still too many words there.
but the story was in the first letters anon

>> No.8824301

I bugger ye?

>> No.8824308

>no gay
>no incest
>no gritty violence
Apply yourself.

the first line was obviously outside of the story structure

>> No.8824342

There are significantly more posts about fantasy than about sci-fi. There is much more debate about what the good fantasy books are, and recommendations are, accordingly, more of a mixed bag. Not that that's a bad thing, variety being the spice of life and all.

>> No.8824350

>no gay
>no incest
>no gritty violence

Boy - religious, sodomized, scarred, sacrificed.
Girl - horny, father-fucker, impregnated, stoned.
King - Old, abdicates, hacked, dead.
Queen - wrinkled, barren, raped, spiked.
Kingdom - heir-less, feuds, embroiled, divided.

>one word for father fucker?

>> No.8824363

>one word for father fucker?

how about "Ivanka"

>> No.8824365

verb, not noun.


>> No.8824373


>> No.8824398


It gets so much better. In the second chapter we find a poor oppressed minority being surrounded and bullied by zealous religious bigots.

>> No.8824408




Lot from genesis (bible) comes to mind.

come on people, we need to think a new verb here. the entire literary world depends on it.

>> No.8824418

= dicked by dad.
e.g.: ever since ivanka was 3, she has been continuously dadicked by Donald, her father.

dadickted = addicted to dad's dick.
e.g.: Ivanka says she is dadickted to her dad's dick.

dadickable = father thinks his daughter is fuckable.
e.g.: Donald thinks Ivanka is dadickable]

lol, i'm a literary genius... kneel and worship me, you puny commoners.

>> No.8824558


I recommend Hyperion & Fall Of to anyone reading this

>> No.8824591

Rec me the next thing I'll read. My options are :

>Prince Of Nothing 01
>Long Sun
>The Dispossessed

>> No.8824595


>> No.8824604

fucking kek

>> No.8824605

Currently reading Hyperion. Not a huge fan so far, but then again I think its one of those books that are supposed to be unclear until the end

>> No.8824607


K. Any other anons that are not R.Scott Bakker?

>> No.8824619

I have Game of Kings and Niccolo Rising
Which to read first?

>> No.8824624

Think of it as one story spread over two books, Hyperion and Fall Of.

>> No.8824639

Yeah the version I have is the first two books
I'm almost done with the first

>> No.8824643

Prince of Nothing

>> No.8824668

Could somebody make a Stormlight Spurdo? I need it for reasons.

>> No.8824742
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Prince of nothing

>> No.8824754

Long Sun > Hyperion > The Dispossessed > Prince of Nothing

Haven't read Mistborn. Long Sun of course you should only read if you've read New Sun, and most of what makes it good only comes to full fruition in Short Sun.

>> No.8824758

Finally got around to reading the Malazan book of the Fallen and holy hell this is the best stuff I have read in a long time.

I've just finished Midnight Tides and the slickness of Tehol and Buggs conversations really puts most other fantasy series with "wit and banter" to shame.

>> No.8824810


> really puts most other fantasy series with "wit and banter" to shame.

even Shallan's famous witty banter?

>> No.8824881

Somebody wrote one a few threads back but never made an image for it.
Just replace every verb with Shard and Storm, and give the spurdo glowy armor in ms paint. It'll take you 10 mins

>> No.8824886

Fuck, I meant noun.
I'm 9/10 through a final year essay and my brain is fried. I just want this semester to end so I can focus on writing already.

>> No.8824910

>Shallan will never beat you with her safehand

>> No.8824914

>I just want this semester to end so I can focus on writing already.
you and me both, mate.
maybe we'll someday meet in a writer's convention or something.
just say, "this is lit," and i'll know you.

>> No.8824959

>implying she'd ever do anything with her safehand
>implying she's not blushing this very moment because people are talking about her safehand

Maybe someday. I always thought it'd be funny to meet somebody I've talked to on 4chan

>> No.8825021


do you guys think Adolin will go dark side? The ending of WoR seemed to imply he's a LOT more ruthless than anyone gives him credit for. Jesus that was stone cold.

>> No.8825025

>tfw shallan will never give you a long sensuous lotion hj with her safe hand while quipping at you

>> No.8825036


Not Sanderson enough.

>that stormfeel when Brightness Shallan will never give you a longduration highjob with her storming safehand

>> No.8825072

Long Sun.

>> No.8825073

Definitely. The end of WoR made it feel like all the protags are coming together. The Power Rangers are being reformed and Adolin has been left out. And he's just suprised himself by finding out what kind of things he's willing to do when wronged.


>> No.8825100
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>Want to discuss what you're reading
>Nice blog post
>Want to discuss writing genre fiction
>No writers allowed
>Want to talk about upcoming book
>Fuck off shill
>Wanting to talk about old books
>Dino pic spam
How do I not shitpost?

>> No.8825103


You could begin by telling me what book is that pic from. I want to read it.

>> No.8825110

You're not the shitposting anon. The people who reply "don't talk about this or that in /sffg/" are the shitposters. Just ignore them and talk about what you want.

>> No.8825113


Also, in order for Kaladin to inevitably get Shallan Adolin needs to go. Making him an antagonist seems a perfect way to do that.

>> No.8825133

All of these are fine except talking about writing books.

>> No.8825149

Why do you consider talking about writing sci-fi or fantasy in the sci-fi and fantasy general to be verboten?

>> No.8825157

Because this thread is for reading. Post in the writing critique thread or make a new one if you desperately need advice, don't come here because you don't know how to write books yet still want to do it.

>> No.8825161
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Finished The Name of the Wind over last 4 days.

Now the real question. Should I read Wise Man's Fear?

>> No.8825170

I'm pretty sure the thread title is "Science Fiction & Fantasy General", not "Reading Science Fiction & Fantasy General". If you don't like discussing writing, then don't discuss it. I don't see any concrete reason to prevent other posters from doing so.

>> No.8825180


If you liked NOTW, then sure. Go ahead.

I would like to know what you liked about it.

>> No.8825193


Literally nothing happens in the overall story and everything Kvothe does is forgettable. All I remember him doing is leaving school and then joining some weird monk civilization and shortly after mastering their martial arts. Then I think after after he left he got captured by some sex goddess and despite him being a virgin at the time he managed to have the best sex she ever had so she let him go - I wish I was making that up. Then he talked to some evil tree or something.

>> No.8825198

>I don't see any concrete reason to prevent other posters from doing so.
Then you should lurk more and see what it does to the general. There is absolutely no reason to have it here anyhow because it's two opposite communities.

>> No.8825204

>it's two opposite communities

You think that people who enjoy writing a genre are mutually exclusive with people who enjoy reading a genre?

>> No.8825207

I started reading it because I wanted to something light, just for fun, and I'd say it fulfills that purpose well.

Before I started I read some posts criticizing Kvothe, but that meant I wasn't really taking the book all seriously, so I didn't mind when it got a little bit *tips fedora*.

This >>8825193 sound way overboard though, and that's why I'm asking if I should continue to WMF.

>> No.8825216

>This sound way overboard though

It is exactly what happens. I actually recommend reading it because it is hilarious. Just Google the author before you start so you at least know what he looks like and have that image in your mind as you read.

>> No.8825236

No I think people who write are the extreme minority and most people don't give a shit about anything relating to it here. And that exact minority also tends to spam this thread with retarded questions and plea for advice multiple times per thread. There's threads for that, post there.

>> No.8825256

Writing ain't free. The creation of the cosmere gotta be litterd with the blood of innocence. Profanity, aka cussing is not to be used. It is the sign of an unbeliever and probably a non-Mormon as well :DD. A book every year and not every 6 ok.
Praise the shards.

>> No.8825294

The debate of including/excluding writer topics from the general is a loathsome one and you should all know better. Part of the process of writing in a genre is the digestion of other writer's material and the synthesis of their ideas and style, so any discussion of writing will bring in the discussion of what other authors have done - meaning that people are still ultimately talking about fantasy or SF - meaning that it is on topic.

Besides, if there must be balkanisation then the split of SF from Fantasy makes more sense. I daresay that now the current thread is near 300 replies now is the time to consider this (previously tried, admittedly) eventuality. A glorious thread where we can discuss the golden age greats and modern disappointments, unmolested by posts concerning those same purveyors of doorstepper swords and sworcery we see all too often. This is already a fantasy general, anyway.

But do we take the leap? Just imagine the fun to be had when we all start moaning about where Gene Wolfe belongs.

>> No.8825304

No it doesn't.

>> No.8825305

>The people who reply "don't talk about this or that in /sffg/" are the shitposters. Just ignore them and talk about what you want.
>come into sffg
>pollie has the right to shitpost about muh blacks and muh females

>come into sffg
>shill recommending a book that doesn't even have the things that the person asked for(and they admit they shilling to trick ppl into buying a shit book)

>come into /lit/
>critique thread on first page
>go into the catalog and find sffg
>read through thread
>someone filling the thread with writing advice and critique

>come into thread
>dinoanon dinoposting
>ignore and continue with thread

>> No.8825306


We already tried this a lot of threads ago. "Fantasy" thread went on as usual, "scifi" thread beached itself and died then they all came back here.

Also why split when they're basically the same thing anyway.

>> No.8825322

is the Three Body Problem (trilogy?) good ?

>> No.8825325


>> No.8825354

Tried and failed many months ago.

I keked at the scfi guys coming back to fantasy and the fantasy guys telling them that they wanted the split so they should live with it.

They were like a kid that wanted independence, went out and saw how hard it was in the real world , then came back crying saying they sorry please take them back.

>> No.8825356

Question to all ya cunts, i just started the wheel of time serious as a time waster. Semi - through the first book and seem to like as much as i did the rings bit less but that doesn't matter.

The questions is what makes the 5 - X'th volume of the series so bad that they're on the Shit tier of the multivolume list? From this https://i.imgur.com/fOGNfWK.jpg

Is this just /lit/ memeing again or is there something to it?

>> No.8825380

Why have any split at all? The thread can easily accommodate fantasy and sci-fi, readers and writers. People just don't want that because it doesn't suit the ideal of this thread that they've constructed in their heads. They need to adapt.

>> No.8825515


You'll find out soon enough.

>> No.8825522


>Name Of The Wind in God Tier

Hahaha oh wow.

>> No.8825540


wew lad

>> No.8825590


The GRUM is midtier at best. Rothfuss should be "Fucking Joke Tier"

>> No.8825606

rothfuss is better than gurm tho

>> No.8825616


To each his own I guess. I personally think Rothfuss couldn't write on the level of the first 3 ASOIAF books if his life depended on it. Say what you will of the fat man, at least he doesn't really do neckbeard wish fullfillment and Mary Sues.

>> No.8825625

This guy gets it. The part where the Reds take Rand is good though. Although I can't remember which book that is.

>> No.8825631



>Kneel. Or you will be knelt.

Yes, that was good. I think book 6.

>> No.8825637

GRRM wrote some fun characters and interesting interactions. Rothfuss is only good at creating the illusion of poeticism in his prose.

>> No.8825647

Jon Snow will probably end up a bigger Sue than Kvothe

>> No.8825661


He's obviously been setting him up only to have him fail spectacularly.

On the tv series tho, you're probably right.

>> No.8825924
File: 43 KB, 324x499, wasp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasp by Eric Frank Russell. It's slight but a hell of a lot of fun. A pro-terrorism scifi comedy.

>> No.8825936

Ok I listened to you and started reading Long Sun.

It's nothing like BOTNS, the prose especially is so...plain. It's hard to describe, it doesn't have that flowery, dreamlike quality it had in new sun.

>> No.8825960
File: 61 KB, 711x1080, cryptonomicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at a goodwill, happened to see this there and bought it on a random whim. What am I in for?

>> No.8825964

Captain Crunch.

>> No.8825975

Erikson has to be one of the most inconsistent authors I've ever read.

The quality shifts so much between books and even between viewpoints in the same book.

>> No.8826018

This is a tricky one.

I would recommend Game of Kings, because there are ties between the series, and while the Lymond Chronicles is actually set after the House of Niccolò series, it was written first. So it feels right to start there. I did, and I was hooked. What makes this a tricky one is that Game of Kings is perhaps Dunnett's most inaccessible novel. Her style is at its most baroque here, and Lymond is spouting obscure quotations every second page (she tones the previous two points down later on), and the plot only starts to make sense to the reader at the very end, since the main character plays with his cards close to his chest (very Dunnett, this). I think the payoff for this book is great.

House of Niccolò, on the other hand, is much more accessible. It was written 25 years after the start of Lymond (or 11 years after the end), and Dunnett has toned down her style somewhat. The main character also has less historical baggage starting as an apprentice dyer, so it is easier to get into.

Do let me know what you thought whenever you get around to trying either one out, even if you think it's shit. These two series are part of less than a handful of books where I've completely eschewed sleep sometimes, so I'm quite interested to hear other people's opinions.

(looks like this thread is on auto-sage, I hope you find this post)

>> No.8826139

"A tour de force."
Says so right on the cover.

It's okay if you don't mind slogging through a billion words on crypto in a ww2 setting and crypto in a modern covert startup setting.

>> No.8826228

I get the feeling he writes them piecemeal. Like he'll plot out one perspective entirely then switch to another and then edit them together in rough chronological order.

>> No.8826274
File: 94 KB, 300x319, Syndicate_coverart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone recommend me a book with the same tone / setting as this game

Bonus points if it justifies the perspective of the corporations

>> No.8826279

I want to immerse myself in the world of the hip techno-fascist 1%

>> No.8826296

Go ahead, maybe your SF thread will actually survive this time, though last time it didn't even last a week did it?

>> No.8826300

Happened fairly early and yeah it was great for what came after.

>> No.8826344

Now I want to see Sanderson try to write a sex scene, complete with Sandersonisms.

>> No.8826351

Yes, it's set up for him to turn against them. His fiance is a Radiant, his rival the former darkeyed slave is a Radiant, his dad is a Radiant. But not him. Has to be huge blow to his ego. He's going to be as frail as a house of cards in the next book and will probably fall before its over.

>> No.8826382


Remind me who Adolin is and what he did

>> No.8826416

>implying he won't actually just get cool Skybreaker powers instead
Also don't forget his autistic brother is also, out of nowhere, a Radiant.
kinda hoping he does fall, turn into a Voidbringer Radiant or something like that

>> No.8826540

New thread


>> No.8826638

>I never read the book
>spoonfeed me info so I can pretend as if I did

>> No.8827256

>get cool Skybreaker powers instead

it's just flight and instead of sticking stuff to walls they dissolve and break shit.