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8793483 No.8793483 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think about Ayn Rand's work?

>> No.8793511

Why does it trigger lefties so much? Why do they think people who adhere to objectivism are idiots. It seems like she just has a utilitarian philosophy. I read half of The Fountainhead but left it on a plane by accident, was actually pretty comfy tbqh i liked the architecture element a lot.

>> No.8793548
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>> No.8793559

I think she is the least original author that everyone should still read. Her philosophy is a weaker version of those that inspired her (and their philosophy is not particularly interesting either), but she is indeed influential and to read her is a nice way to understand a lot of what is going on with the world right now (trump, government, migration, alt-right, sjws... of course she would be biased about those topics, but her bias might inspire you as a source of neutral analysis.)

>> No.8793567

I don't care about her politics, but I avoid her books because they're all long and look boring. Yeah she has a small one called Anthem, but I don't care.

>> No.8793570

Read Anthem if you want to see what Atlas Shrugged would be if she didn't repeat herself 5000 times. That is, still not very good.
It's almost a meme at this point for people who haven't read her shitty books to say "Oh, she's a terrible philosopher, but an incredible novelist!"
She could not keep the soapboxing out of her writing. Her characters were more polarized than Redwall's. I'd even say Dagny was a self-insert.
She built up some neat, pulpy plot points in a unique setting and I wanted to like her, but she was just too self-absorbed to write a decent novel.

>> No.8793573
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like a little babby

>> No.8793596

i find it a little weird that she will quote her own books in her non-fiction to prove her point. her fiction is good, her non-fiction just okay. i actually find her advice to writers quite endearing, those are my favourite things she writes. in her own weird way she really means well i think

she was no dummy but from what i've read of her she was a pretty difficult and insecure person. smart as hell no doubt, and apparently could debate with anyone.

to me she seems like massively more interesting version of the molymeme. very smart but there's something not quite right there

>> No.8793619

What exactly were her ideologies?

>> No.8793630

libertarianism with an extra dash of moral righteousness. milton friedman free-market ancap and a passably fair impression of the neetch although she claims never to have read him, which makes very little sense

it's all very "commonsensical," if that makes sense. remember that she's fleeing europe at the moment when it is at or becoming its most totalitarian: stalin in russia, hitler in germany, axis types all over. america looks really good to her and you can kind of see why

nobody besides objectivists take objectivism seriously, but she insisted it was a thing. it really wasn't but greenspan was in her inner circle and he wound up running the fed and said he liked her thinking. so it's not like it matters what philosophies seem legit and don't seem legit when stuff like that is going on

weirdly her literary idol is victor hugo, which is super strange, considering the sympathy he had with the poor and downtrodden. so rand is a super-romantic and believes in romanticism all the way. that becomes capital and anti-statist stuff, which is more or less the plot of AS

she was a good writer though, and she thought anyone could be if they just thought hard. def an interesting humanoid

>> No.8793704

Laissez faire

>> No.8793757

It's often weird to see people criticize Ayn Rand. People just absolutely, virulently, hate her and everything she stands for. Clearly something in her worldview just offends them to the core. I think her emphasis on individual achievement and personal ability really offends people. Her philosophy is one that celebrates the great, the intelligent and the capable

>> No.8793841

It's not utilitarian. Basically an apologetics for greed. Not even egoism

>> No.8793864

its actually because shes a moron

>> No.8793972

I read about Objectivism, and it sounds childish. Rationalized selfishness. I'm trying to read Atlas Shrugged, but I had no idea the prose would be childish as well. I don't even think I can get through it. So much badness.

>> No.8793984
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Is this bait?

>> No.8793985
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underrated philosopher

>> No.8794090

Objectivism is simply Aristotelian ethics plus free market and scienze

>> No.8794094
File: 208 KB, 807x935, averagetrumpspporter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so basically an entirely new philosophy?

>> No.8794335

>Objectivism's central tenets are that reality exists independently of consciousness, that human beings have direct contact with reality through sense perception, that one can attain objective knowledge from perception through the process of concept formation and inductive logic, that the proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's own happiness (rational self-interest), that the only social system consistent with this morality is one that displays full respect for individual rights embodied in laissez-faire capitalism, and that the role of art in human life is to transform humans' metaphysical ideas by selective reproduction of reality into a physical form—a work of art—that one can comprehend and to which one can respond emotionally.
Hmmm, I don't know, anon.

>> No.8794358

Anthem is a bredy good dystopian novel, and Atlas Shrugged part 1 is amazing.

>> No.8794361

This is good.

>> No.8794690
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She should've been flogged to death.

>> No.8794720

Is "Anthem" good / worth reading?

>> No.8794732

>reading anything written by a woman

>> No.8794736

Just read it on the bus or something, it's like 10 pages. I'm sure you're at least a little curious.

>> No.8794740

get fucked. rand was no ordinary woman you mouthbreather

>> No.8794746

The first movie isn't even CLOSE to as bad as the critics made it out to be. It's not great, but it's something different at least.
Is it really worse than, say, Resident Evil Extinction (11% vs. 22% on RT)?

>> No.8794756

She was a mediocre American writer and that's that. Jesus Christ, you fucks seriously think her works are that good, don't you?

>> No.8794768

Lying piece of cunt.

>> No.8794779

nah. but you can't sell 12 bazillion copies to burgers and spawn a psedointellectual cult without having something going on. rand is purest ideology. that's why the sniffler is so keen on her

>tfw i have no original thoughts or opinions of my own and need to devolve to namedropping slovenians to feel good about myself

objectivism is objectively plebtier philosophy, but that has nothing to with gender and that was my point