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8776440 No.8776440[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I overcome ressentiment?

I've been ruined by 4chan. These days I am consumed with hatred of minority groups, women, 'normies', non-readers, SJWs, liberals, in general people with views that disagree with mine.

It has gotten to the point where I scour through reddit, social media (Facebook, Twitter), tumblr and click bait websites (to find articles by feminists, etc.) for hours every day in order to post them on 4chan and getting a circlejerk going where people validate my beliefs and hatred.

This mindset is destroying me. I can't walk outside without becoming extremely aggravated when I see things that go against my beliefs (women with colored hair, interracial relationships, minorities, men with scarves, etc.) and I realize that it's become debilitating and downright pathological.

I can no longer function and instead find myself in an endless cycle of outrage and sadness where I get some momentary reprieve when I share it online and people tell me that I am inherently better than all these 'brainwashed' or 'mentally ill' sheeple who don't see the 'truth' like I do.

I read some Nietzsche and realized that this is ressentiment and everything he says rings true, which has been a huge eye-opener to my behavior.

Are there any books on this kind of mentality? And has anyone else written about this sort of resentment?

>> No.8776453

You can hate all the fucking degenerate weirdos without obsessing over it, faggot. I hate all those people too and think society is crashing and burning because of them but I don't spend all day on Reddit like a gay little bitch. I integrate my values and social preferences into my life like a normal person and accept that not all of them are going to jive with the status quo. You can also change the status quo without being a homo who scours Facebooks for lesbians who disagree with you.

>> No.8776455

Stop browsing pol for a start.

>> No.8776460

You're faking. Real bigots are delighted by their beliefs, because they position themselves as superior to almost everybody else by default. Hate women and you're a man? Cool, you're above 50% of all people already. Hate non-whites while being white? Hooo boy, you're soarin!

>> No.8776466

It's a troll insulting /pol/fags by pretending to be a caricaturedly contrite /pol/fag.

>> No.8776472

It's cause your nervous system is a wreck.

You probably suffer from diminished energy of some sort and can't realize your goals. So you have to learn how to ration what little energy you do have.

>> No.8776484

The trick is to hate yourself so much that you can't be moved to hate other people.

>> No.8776487

I don't browse /pol/ much, it's mainly /r9k/ and here

>> No.8776499

Realize that the true redpill allows you an objective view of reality. It does not moralize or hate.

Basically, you're a right-wing SJW. Addicted to solving all social ills. Realize that this attitude is insatiable. Your sense will always want SOMETHING to rage against until you can accept the vagaries and injustice of the world as it is, with an eye on the future.

Basically, stop being a fucking baby

>> No.8776505

Men are objectively superior to women though. It's not hateful to reject dogmatic egalitarian ideology.

>> No.8776511

start with fuck off read the rules and then on to suicide

>> No.8776513


>> No.8776514

Read more Nietzsche. Stop hurting yourself with reading idiotic shit. Read Point Counter Point to reinforce it's just a human thing and it's not even a "born in le wrong generation" problem. Read Wilde's prison letter, De Profundis, and realise the swishy faggot man might have been on to something about self destruction. Generally check yourself before you wreck yourself and read more.

>> No.8776524

This is what I mean. I agree with this statement (objective fact), but the way it interferes in real life is debilitating.

Like, I see a woman with a man and I can't help but think that she's inferior to me, instead of just not caring. Especially if she's laughing or seems happy, because I know that in 10 years she'll be a washed up old hag whose Chad bf will have abandoned by then leaving her with a child that she'll destroy. It frustrates me endlessly and would love to read a book on the psychology behind it

>> No.8776530

I'm trying, but it's hard to reach that level of self hatred when you come from a loving family.

>> No.8776546

picture of dorian gray
ovid book 3 if you're really far gone

>> No.8776549

metamorphoses for ovid

>> No.8776550

Thanks, man. Will give em a look

>> No.8776554

Why do you feel guilty about these thoughts? No one can control what you feel. Eventually you'll just get tired of hating people because hatred is hard work.

And try to understand women. They're different from you, try to see what makes them tick.

>> No.8776557
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1. Get a job.
2. Join the union.
3. Kill your boss.

>> No.8776568

It's enervated me already. I'm so tired, but it consumes me.

Already have taken enough 'redpills' to know what women want (and I find it base and vile and superficial); that's not the issue. It's getting over the outrage and accepting objective reality

>> No.8776600

>loving family

Do these actually exist?

>> No.8776608

On what do you base the idea that men are superior? Simply that you happen to be male and therefore that must be the ideal state? Or the dogma spread by sadboys on forums like this?

The way you write, specifically your overuse of the word "objective," suggests you don't really read anything unless it's accompanied by a picture of a sad frog. If you want to start overcoming ressentiment, read a book. Almost any book will do, really. Even that Nietzsche book you're reading will help you grow as a person.

>> No.8776614

no u

>> No.8776621

This isn't about my beliefs. I know they are objectively true. I've read On Women and the Bell Curve, Manipulated Man, sex and character, history books etc.

You won't make me change my mind. I'm here to ask how to keep these views but dispense with the anger and frustration

>> No.8776629

You drank poison and don't want to deal with the resultant nausea. There's no solution here. Either change your beliefs or kill yourself.

>> No.8776631

>I can't walk outside without becoming extremely aggravated when I see things that go against my beliefs

Get professional help.

>> No.8776634

Yes, and it feels really weird when you're a pathetic lump of flesh noone should be able to love.

>> No.8776657

When you believe passionately in Western civilization it becomes very hard.

>> No.8776679


Only when you believe something retarded

>> No.8776699

What a dogmatic bitch.
The only constant in nature is everlasting change. The world doesn't uphold your solipsistic values that you had as a child now that you're an adult? Who cares? You only have to do it for yourself. If Western civilization crashes and burn it's not your fault, if it continues or gets better it's also not thanks to you.

Enjoy life.

>> No.8776735

There is a serious problem with SJWs and "redpills" today. You should probably fuck alot of girls for fun and then have a relationship with one. What is on the internet is such a poor representation of feminism and "redpilled" virgins are disgusting and creepy combatants.

For example, white feminism and the culture of shouting (usually by women with high social standing and high income) that all white males are "privileged" is an offensive appropriation of Marxism and downright disgusting. However, on the other side, you have people attacking women who don't want to be blocked in parks by men, or complain about being groped in clubs, etc.

There's balance to this thinking but the internet is one of the poorest places to find it. If 4chan is influencing you more than finding it humorous in an offensive way, with the occasional book recommendations (I also use /trv/ for booking and general advice in traveling), I would just get off altogether for a bit. Read some general philosophy, have sex with random strangers, don't get names either, stop smoking weed alone, etc.

>> No.8776758

>have sex with random strangers

t. chad

>> No.8776779

Just let this thread die. I've become so angry and sad about the vicious response I've received that I can barely see straight.

I will sage it myself.

>> No.8776875

>muh horseshoe
also this

>> No.8776905

>Say a bunch of retarded shit
>ask for help
>people tell you the problem is the retarded shit you believe
>get mad

it's almost like the real world doesn't match up to the 'truth' of the /pol9k/ echochamber

really makes u think

>> No.8776924
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reading this book could help you understand how to develop a grand sense of sympathy that will haunt you in the best of ways. Learn to love opie, and the only sadness you'll have is that you can fix everything with your love.

Model yourself after Dorothea (and Christ) and you will be happier than anyone around you due to the sheer, white light you exude.

>> No.8776937
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The fact that you are aware of it indicates that the problem isn't a bad as you think. as long as this isn't bait

don't hate women senpai, it's pretty gay

>> No.8776969

That was obviously written by a woman, or maybe a troll.

>> No.8776994

If your response to anything that challenges your childish worldview is debilitating rage then you have problems even more serious than the average /r9k/ faggot. Go to a psychiatrist. Give him a printout of this thread, with your posts highlighted. He will know what to prescribe.