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8735355 No.8735355 [Reply] [Original]

>A escravatura é lógica e legítima; um zulu ou um landim não representa coisa alguma de útil neste mundo. Civilizá-lo, quer religiosamente, quer de outra forma qualquer, é querer-lhe dar aquilo que ele não pode ter. O legítimo é obrigá-lo, visto que não é gente, a servir os fins da civilização. Escravizá-lo é que é lógico, o degenerado conceito igualitário, com que o cristianismo envenenou os nossos conceitos sociais, prejudicou, porém, esta lógica atitude. Povos, como o inglês, hipocritizaram o conceito, e assim conseguiram servir a civilização.


>Slavery is rational and legitimate; a zulu or a landim does not represent anything useful in this world. To civilize it, either by religion or by any other means, is to try to give him something that he cannot acquire. The right thing to do is to force him - since he is not a person - to serve the ends of civilization. To enslave him is rational; the degenerate igualitarian concept, with which Christianity has poisoned our social concepts, has damaged, however, this rational attitude. Some peoples, like the English, have hypocritized the concept, and thus managed to serve civilization.

SOURCE: http://arquivopessoa.net/textos/1013

>> No.8735359


Meh it was written in a time that this would be a popular consensus.

Plus Pessoa came from an aristocratic background and lived in South Africa if I recall correctly.

>> No.8735370

No, it wasn't.

Those are the opinions of a mature 20th century man.

>> No.8735377

>whole Continents of uneducated dark savages usable as a near unlimited form of cheap labor

>expect people to think kind things about them


England was much kinder to the Indians then they ever were the Africans though. Introduced english and modern education to the whole society on top of technology.

>> No.8735390

Fernando Pessoa also talks about the Indians on the very same article.

He is differentiating three types of imperialism:

1 - towards savages;
2 - towards civilizations which have degenerated from the past;
3 - towards other civilizations.

He cites the British Empire in India as an example of the second type.

>> No.8735397

Lads this thread has been especially poor.