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/lit/ - Literature

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8720138 No.8720138 [Reply] [Original]

>haven't read for pleasure in years
>tried to read a book about Nazi Germany because I think WW2 was cool
>I literally fell asleep reading the book
>Wake up 3 hours later
I was on page 10
Should I give up

>> No.8720143

why isnt there a novel about sadfrogs yet?

>> No.8720153
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>> No.8720161

keked moderately

>> No.8720162

Nice one desu

>> No.8720174


>> No.8720211

I fall asleep easily reading too. But I work at night and have little time to stick my nose in a physical book. So I get my /lit/ fix through audiobooks. Then I can enjoy stuff while doing physical busywork like chores or commuting,and a good reader makes the book come alive.

>> No.8720270
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>> No.8720696

Pick one.
No shit a history book is boring - history tends to be a boring ass subject unless it is being studied for epistemological, sociological, hermeneutical, anthropological, etc. insights. It is literally one of the most autistic fields of study - akin to something like entomology or ichthyology. Its literally just memorizing random ass facts.

Usually a subject tends to be more interesting if there is more order, elegance, and structure to it; that is, if there exist in the given field of study certain patterns and regularities. Structure, pattern, and regularity are absolutely beautiful and provide one with the opportunity to think for themselves and explore the conceptual landscape on their own, so to speak.Thus something like biology, mathematics, or philosophy is really interesting, but shit like insect taxonomy or the history of of Protestant marriage practices is Western Europe tends to be boring. The more freedom and ability for creative and analytical thinking, and the less wrote memorization, the more interesting a subject tends to be.

History and "political science" (not poltical or legal philosophy) tend to be the most low-brow, pedestrian, commonplace academic subjects. We see that the general public likes History because it is relatable, often directly and obviously relevant to their own personal lives, and easy to understand and work with since it requires no logical, mathematical or creative thinking, but rather only memorization.

If you're a smart person, you'll probably find more intellectually engaging subjects to be a little more interesting.