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/lit/ - Literature

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8686528 No.8686528 [Reply] [Original]

Every day with drift farther from the light of God.

>> No.8686546
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thanks op. stay vigilant... We keep those who are asleep safe because we're always awake. No one knew who we were until we put on the mask, and now everyone knows who they are now that we've taken off theirs.

peace brother


>> No.8686548

Newfag here.. has /lit/ always been religious, or is it a more recent thing since dedicated religion is a new counter culture now?

>> No.8686554

do you have a problem with how religious /lit/ is?

>> No.8686560

No, I have been Orthodox since I was a child (Russian parents). It just seems like a recent dishonest jump, due to 4chans contrarian nature.

>> No.8686566

OP here. I've been a Christian for about 12 years.

>> No.8686568

/lit/'s always been religious, just like /lit/'s always been Marxist, which seems odd since Marxism and Religion are at odds of each other.

>> No.8686578

christ, that cunt sounds insufferable. well he is making crappy star wars books I guess. hardly literary masterpieces.

>> No.8686584
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You're totally right. A few years ago it was all BUSH SUCKS RELIGION IS DUMB and so on, but the - feigned or real - commitment to liberalism America has enjoyed under Obama got the contrarian young male American core of 4chan all interested in their current blend of weird semi-coherent traditionalist stuff, and that attracted more people who felt that way, even sincere religious types from all over the world. Basically if Trump wins, in a few years 4chan will bend with the wind and go back to huffy teenage liberalism, and all the people who flocked here because the imagined internet police of tumblr and reddit and Facebook were mean to them will subsequently flock off. This is my utopian dream.

>> No.8686595
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>God's dead honey

>> No.8686599
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>> No.8686604

He thinks he's a fucking Übermensch but he's a drone like so many others, more concerned with being good and others being evil than actually being virtuous (in the original meaning of the word).
Dishonest Christianity would be for aesthetic reasons.

i.e. DEUS VULT idiots, NatSocs that think Christianity is good for creating cohesion, etc.

>> No.8686606 [DELETED] 
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Why does every nu-male look like that? Its ducking bizarre

>> No.8686609

I've been posting here since moot made /new/, and I was a Christian traditionalist for several years before I ever heard of 4chan. We're winning because evil is finally bearing its fruit and everyone is looking around and realizing all at once that it's poison. We're winning because we're right.

>> No.8686612

>implying that marxism isn't just catholicism

>> No.8686613


>> No.8686614

...which would make sense, since in our current culture "authenticity" purely falls upon "a good aesthetic with themes of high morality", without necessarily actually having any of this.

>> No.8686617 [DELETED] 

literally you are a cuck

>> No.8686627


no u

>> No.8686631
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>> No.8686634

inb4 this wasn't even that bad

Muh political masterminds though

>> No.8686643
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Of course there have always been people of all stripes on 4chan. But you're in vogue now because 4chan's legitimacy as a website comes from two things: animeposting and the culture of freedom that we 4channers imagine separates us from the sheeple of the rest of the internet. Ever since 4chan split off from SA that paradoxical notion of identity, the walled-off elitism of "newfags" versus "oldfags" and the proclamation of freedom of thought that comes from being the "asshole of the internet", has been at this website's heart. There'll always be crazies like you and me here, anon. But don't be so delusional as to think that it's anything more than a passing trend. Pepe isn't right-wing or left-wing, he's just a guy who enjoys the finer things in life, like shitting on people and getting angry at pointless nonsense and going to the toilet with his pants around his ankles, and the same goes for 4chan.

>> No.8686666

Fuck man.

You really are a newfag.

>> No.8686686 [DELETED] 
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This is now a nu-male thread

>> No.8686687

Who was in charge of letting this """""guy"""""" write

>> No.8686702

grow the fuck up, child.

>> No.8686703
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>> No.8686707

>tfw he's right and you can do anything you want in fiction, redpilled manchildren get triggered by things that don't feel like trying to understand, etc.

>> No.8686717

>in a few years 4chan will bend with the wind and go back to huffy teenage liberalism
I don't think that that's possible anymore. /pol/ has been pushed so absurdly hard to the right that it'll die before it ever goes left. It might kind of mellow out like Mel Gibson and only bring up the Rothchilds occasionally one day but they'll never turn on their god-emperor.

>> No.8686723

post the cracked article about how there's nothing wrong with being a cuck

>> No.8686737

there is LITERALLY nothing wrong with being a cuck

>> No.8686739 [DELETED] 

I want to see this

>> No.8686743

I think the zhe and zhir pronouns are pretty fucking worthless and that they look ugly but I don't really have a problem with gay characters in books

Refute this

>> No.8686747

Yeah...like I said, it's my utopian dream. The irony of all these /pol/fags who tell me to go back to tumblr when I've been on 4chan since it started is amusing, at least.

>> No.8686748 [DELETED] 
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Hark, my fellow mature gentleman! A belief in God is truly for the simple-minded child. Care to partake in some fine anime and share a glass of Franzia wine?

>> No.8686752

Post rare fedoras

>> No.8686757

jesus christ
>“I use it to emasculate the enemy in the afterlife,” Sparkle said. “Many radical jihadists believe that being killed by a woman means they will not enter heaven. Considering how they treat their women, I’m OK with rubbing salt in the wound.”
>“When you hit a truck full of people, there are limbs and legs everywhere,” Sparkle said. “I watched a guy crawl away from the wreckage after one shot with no lower body. He slowly died. You have to watch that. You don’t get to turn away. You can’t be that soft girly traditional feminine and do the job. Those are the people who are going to have the nightmares.”
>“It’s just a dead body,” Sparkle said. “I grew up elbows deep in dead deer. We do what we needed to do. He’s dead. Now we’re going to watch him get buried.”
>Sparkle says she cried as she watched an Afghan man drag his wife out in the courtyard and beat her. She wanted to shoot, but couldn’t, so when she does have the chance to fire, she doesn’t hesitate.
>“I know what they do to their women,” Sparkle said. “If you’re going to shoot a child in the head for trying to go to school, I have no problem with you being buried before sundown. I don’t think it is something to be upset about or cry about because they would kill me in a half a second if they could.”
>“You want to date a guy and they just do jobs that seem so menial,” she said. “They gripe, bitch, and complain about the most trivial things. Most are still wrapped up in their idea of masculinity. They think their jobs or their money should be impressive. It just isn’t anymore. I don’t care how much weight you can lift, not a damn bit. Get over yourselves.”
>She is now married to a fellow sensor.
>“It’s better to have someone who understands that you can take lives and not be a monster for being OK with doing something like that,” she said.

>> No.8686769

they're just words to indicate ambiguity senpai, they aren't going to kill anyone. they make a lot of sense if it's because the character's race is genderless too

>> No.8686790


>Cuck stands for "cuckold," which is defined as the husband of an adulterous wife. Often, it is a sexual fetish involving men who get off on watching their girlfriends/wives with other men, with their consent. Meaning that calling someone a "cuckold" is basically accusing them of enjoying sex in a very specific, totally legal, and perfectly fine way.

This word has mentally broken so many manginas.

>the imbecility of the plebs amuses me
>I've been on 4chan since it started
how hard are you ironying right now?

>> No.8686796 [DELETED] 

Lmao they think something being legal makes it really cool

>> No.8686799

im gay (bi, whatever, i have a boyfriend so everyone calls me gay anyways lul)
and i find it really hard to get into books by gay authors because they always feel the need to make their characters gay
i get doing it a time or two but there are writers who feel the need to put it in everything they do, all over their blogs
are there any gay writers that DONT do this

>> No.8686804

no, they think it makes it OK. the realization that most people don't have non-base moral guidlines of their own and will tread whatever line is defined by law or religion is the realization that leads to authoritarianism

>> No.8686811
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>and perfectly fine way.


>> No.8686815


Religion is a spook and Star Wars is fantasy garbage for children.

All of you should kill yourselves.

>> No.8686820

leading off this anons question, are there any good contemporary homo authors

>> No.8686824

Why do you care about the sexual orientation of the authors you read?

>> No.8686826


It's in a universe with space lobsters and laser swords. Pull your head out of your ass and think something other than what /pol/ hammers into your rectum.

>> No.8686829

this, desu

>> No.8686859

Virtually every book ever written is semi autobiographical.

The life a person knows best is that of historical figures, and themselves. What else then is there to model characters after?

>> No.8686862

You "alpha" fucks that are afraid of plastic amuse me.

>> No.8686864

i was just curious if there were any who werent "that kind" of gay writer to provide a counterpoint for reference's sake

bret easton ellis is gay, probably(?)

>> No.8686896

>tfw to intelligent to be mad at an author for doing what he wants

>> No.8686934

>our current culture "authenticity" purely falls upon "a good aesthetic with themes of high morality", without necessarily actually having any of this.
woah lad
I'm trying as hard as I can and can't even figure out what you mean. Please hit me with some examples.

>> No.8686956

feels good to be an antediluvian neet hermit in bumfuck flyover land.

>> No.8686985

what did he mean by this?

>> No.8687001

>/pol/ has been pushed so absurdly hard to the right
You fucking retard, the influx of normies has pushed /pol/ further from the right than it's ever been.

>> No.8687005

Either you're pretending to be retarded or you're legitimately retarded. Either way this is a bad post.

>> No.8687036

Well sure it's far less /stormfront/ now than ever but they've got a label and Pepe's been on CNN, there's no going back now.

>> No.8687037
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>written in present tense

>> No.8687045

Idk m8. Shit like Pynchon and bon iver. In not exactly a sociologist but lately ive noticed peolple throwing the term "authentic" around alot more in recent years and its always shit that has an image of being "authentic" withiut necessarily being so. Which basically just means "if its whacky and relatively obscure it must be true to themselves"

>> No.8687114

Doubt he'd be so accepting in the opposite direction, i.e. a racist/sexist/whatever character being portrayed positively

>> No.8687134

I wish I had a boyfriend. Do you cook for each other and cuddle and do comfy stuff together?
But yes, gay protagonists are often lacking. It's perfectly fine to give a character unnuanced or mundane attributes that don't develop anywhere (most if not all of us have them) but it's too often employed as a crutch.
"Look at me, I like to fuck redheads and so do you, or someone you know! Identify with me!"

>What else then is there to model characters after?
Sexuality influences nearly everyone's experiences, to the point where an asexual character is one quite heavily influenced by sexuality after all. I'd really like to send some of these authors back to eng 100 to re-learn the difference between surface and depth, though. It's nothing but a question of nuance, and it's far too easy to let the gender and sexuality politics of the day substitute themselves for nuanced human experience and strong writing in any other regard.
Mishima did it alright

>> No.8687140

Anyone know some good reylo fics?

>> No.8687145


Scat is "perfectly legal" and it's nothing to brag about. It's almost as if tolerating cuckoldry has become a shibboleth for the progressive left, solely because de nazees don't approve of it.

This whole crazy world is just too frustrating for me.

>> No.8687152

how do i get bf anon

>> No.8687170

>using the fervent pursuit of degradation, humiliation and inferiority for selfish sexual gratification as a metaphor for various political and ideological tendencies is LITERALLY THE SAME THING as demanding no man ever compromise or act reasonably
His sullen smugness really clinches the deal. This is gold

>> No.8688093

Who in the hell thought it was a good idea to let this man write a Star Wars book in present tense? Are there any other dumb things in this book I should know about?

>> No.8688111
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>Disney EU is already worse than the worst excesses of the old EU

>> No.8688207

Three typos isnt too bad, OP

>> No.8688217

>Forming an empire is quite different from the Empire, after all.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8688221

You do know people use those pronouns in real life right?

>> No.8688231
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>forgetting about Mr. Lightsabers-from-my-kneecaps

>> No.8688373

its funny but new Eu is still more shit than MR knee sabers

>> No.8688512

agreed. the only reason for the EU reboot was so disney could modernize the post EP6 storylines, for maximum profit. the idiots who buy new EU books "because they're canon" are just a side benefit.

>> No.8688540


>tfw sparkle would beast peg half of the /pol/ faggots

>> No.8688567

I call myself a catholic and wear a cross around in public/have a pretty strong fondness for the church, but I'm not entirely sure what I truly believe. I decided years ago that I didn't agree with atheism (and stopped being one) but now my ideas are just a mess from reading loads of theological and philosophical stuff from the East and West.

>> No.8688572

>/pol/ is further right than /new/ or /n/ were

/pol/ is full of yanks and yank politics and ha wen for years, their "far right" are liberal capitalists who don't like immigrants.

>> No.8688575

I wish Star Wars never was

I'm glad I'm not a fan

>> No.8688586

>that name
how uninspired and awful
how is it even supposed to be pronounced, plageass?

>> No.8688602

I hope George can't sleep at night.

He could have just waited until he died, and let his children sell out, as it the correct and dignified path.

>> No.8688622

holy fuck
I don't know what had to happen to a man to have him write this.
>re-learn the difference between surface and depth, though. It's nothing but a question of nuance
>gender and sexuality politics of the day substitute themselves for nuanced human experience and strong writing

I think you're right. But obviously the reason why we're seeing it and talking about it is because this sort of thing gets people angry and talking about it, it's good for marketing and good for selling. The system encourages works like this to rise to the bottom of the heap solely because anyone can get mad at them for existing.

This is probably going to replay again and again with <insert here> simply because with so much damn information, the only way to sort it is to arouse emotions in the reader. It's putting a naked picture of a woman on every book in written word form, and its not going to stop.

Welcome to the brave new world, /lit/.

>> No.8688624

If you're dumb enough to purchase Star Wars novels, you deserve to be disappointed by them

>> No.8688631

Fellow homo here, I completely agree.

How boring and pathetic must your existence be if your main concern in life and the key to your personality is who you prefer to get fucked by?

>> No.8688659

what a scumbag.

profiteering off the lgbt movement.

people who continue to create this bizarre fantasy world for young lgbt people to inhabit are only further detaching them from the reality of the world. These young people need to put their feet on the ground and get their heads out of the clouds, telling them their spaceship is going to come in is like invited Jim Jones over for cool-aid.

>> No.8688668


Who gives a shit? How does it have any effect on you?

>> No.8688681


not him but I have to make the point.
Politics is woo woo shit until it sues you for not calling someone 'zher'. Then, I start to care. I'm just hoping I can get through this life without running into one of these toxic fuckfaces who are like a traveling disaster area zone requiring everyone to obey their whimsical laws of forfeit money, property, and eventually freedom.

>> No.8688688


The chances of running into one of those people is almost zero. Also, you do not have to talk to them.

>> No.8688706

dummo, i dont really care about this trans shit but
>dont worry about the potential problems you might run into here
>you don't have to talk to them, but this is actually complete bs since you might have to study or work with them

>> No.8688712


They're fewer than 0.001% of the population. It was not affect you.

>> No.8688714


>> No.8688723

So? That doesn't mean you just let bullshit slide. Esepcially considering this is prominent in low level academia and politics? And it's not that rare, I've met a few heavily political trannies just in normal day to day contexts like school.

>> No.8688737


And how does it affect you to just either say what they want you to say or not? Does it really go out of your way to say "they" or whatever?

This is one shitty /pol/ thread.

>> No.8688757

They actually care about influencing people to believe the same as them, most people aren't that pushy. They have to survive their own insecurity, which makes the few of them that are vocal get a lot of attention and get encouraged to do more of this shit. Marketing works like this all the time, you only need to convince a small segement of influencers to actually get your point across and these people care enough to seek out that kind of knowledge.
It's fine if its just alone, but that's not the reality. Most won't do anything like this, which is why it's important to stand up for you beliefs when they are threatened because they you get stuff like the hate speech laws in canada.
Call it political nonsense, just accept it, whatever, I know enough to know that laying down and letting others talk is often just as good as lying to yourself about what you belief. It's unlikely that anything bad will happen to you specifically or me, but it does happen and when it does it's used to market the idea that they were right all along because the guy who gets put on the story will be unforgivable.

>> No.8688764

>it doesn't affect you, just do what they say and there'll be no problem :^)
dummy. its not like i'd even care about advocating not capitulating too much, but the fact that people do get censured for not doing so is cause for alarm.

>> No.8688773


So what you're saying is that you'd rather not take the nanosecond to just say what they'd prefer for you to call them? Do you bother to learn people's names or is that too much trouble so you just say "HEY ASSHOLE?"

>> No.8688775

What a cuck

>> No.8688792

No, just that I shouldn't be forced to call them whatever by the government. I would probably oblige unless it was too onerous, and then I would apologize, but that's me. I just don't like the threat of taking my property and freedom because I didn't call someone the right word.

>> No.8688797


But you're absolutely fine with all the other stuff the government forces you to do?

>> No.8688800


>> No.8688828

It's a constant battle between rights and liberties. No one gets everything they want, even the people who get everything they want are often left wanting in other areas.
I obey because either I believe it's fine where it is or there's nothing I can do about the issue so I comply for my own interests. The government does this with everyone, the threat of prosecution is always greater than the actual number of prosecutions they will do and they work hard to maintain that lie. We live in a real world, and that I would have to bend another inch down to satisfy another individual's beliefs, a minority at that, to keep them comfortable while I remain uncomfortable, is wrong.
There's plenty of other things I find wrong and I won't be able to do much about them either. But that doesn't mean that I still don't have my beliefs. I don't have or want infinite power, give me room and I'll give you yours.

>> No.8688829

what like drive on the same side of the road as everyone else, not commit murder, and not infringe on others' freedom of speech?

>> No.8688869


So once again you're saying you're too inconsiderate to just call someone what they want to be called?

>> No.8688912

You're just ignoring my point now. I feel sad I put forth the effort. Good job.

>> No.8689014

i'll admit i'm saying i'm inconsiderate if you'll admit you're saying being inconsiderate should be illegal ;)

>> No.8689274



>> No.8689361


No man is an island entire of itself; every man
is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;
if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe
is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
well as any manner of thy friends or of thine
own were; any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind.

>> No.8689602 [DELETED] 

I'm beginning to wish Nazis won. Their race theory was retarded, and it would have been a huge loss to culturally or biologically exterminate Jews and Slavs, but anything is better than dogmatic egalitarianism.

Not too thread related, but as long as this thread is a pile of shit that will get deleted who cares.

>> No.8689968

I bet he's the type of person who confuses imminent. immanent and eminent.

>> No.8689974

the series had two good movies, and yet people look at it like the greatest thing ever

>> No.8689988


>> No.8690240

desu tho its one of my favorite books, period.

>> No.8690251
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>When they haven't heard the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise

>> No.8690408

>tfw this whole time you thought his name was Darth Pelagius

>> No.8690435

In the neo-EU the lightsabers would all spin like helicopters and give him the ability to hover everywhere.

>> No.8690460
File: 39 KB, 704x480, [EG]Victory_Gundam_02_DVD_V2.mkv_snapshot_05.39_[2016.11.03_23.19.50].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beam rotors
I've seen it done in media before.

>> No.8690518

No longer canon. All of the Bane books are also no longer canon.

Honestly I'd stop being so butthurt about the Disneyverse if they did something to re-canonize Bane (he is canon but his story isn't) and all of the sith lord stuff. But without literal fag authors ruining it. Honestly I'd like to see a TV series that covered all of the content and filled in all of the gaps in the 1,000 year story of Bane's Sith order. Plagueis said in his book that there were only about 30 Dark Lords of the Sith in that 1,000 year timespan. Assuming that counts only the ones who attained master status by killing their mentor and cuts out all of the failed apprentices the average Sith Lord had a reign of about 30 years.

The entire Bane-Zannah story was actually really fun. They were both really interesting characters imo. That entire arc would make a good first two seasons.

Then the Plaguey book would make a good final season. I can already see in my head the scene where Sheev takes Plagueis on a wild speeder ride around Theed. At some point he would say "Let's try spinning, that's a good trick!" then do some wicked spins. His dad would come bitch him out for driving around like an idiot with a goddamned alien in his speeder (Sheev's dad was racist) but Plagueis would compliment his skills and his predilection for living life dangerously.

I really enjoyed the EU treatment of the Sith as Nietzschians with bad attitudes rather than just satan worshipers who enjoy evil for evil's sake (though some bad writers also go that route). It's understandable that the entire SW movie franchise is based on that extremely blatant dichotomy between good and evil but the extra depth in the EU felt rewarding to dig into.

>> No.8690524

They've literally done it in Disney Canon SW. There were some bad guys who had helicopter lightsabers, it was a common anti-SW shitposting webm on /tv/ for awhile.

>> No.8690533

>Well read.
>Still a nihilist.

Pick one.