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File: 32 KB, 183x320, queequeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8667536 No.8667536 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8667630

>HI I'm Moby Dick

Really Melville really?

>> No.8667740

Didn't they literally sleep together? It's been 5 years since I read the book but I remember them being in bed.

>> No.8667747

They had to sleep together because there weren't enough rooms in the inn for the night

>> No.8667758

Yeah but they didn't fuck. Have you never shared a bed with a friend?
I share a bed with my friends when we go on snowboarding trips all the time. It's not gay. It was the only bed he could afford.

>> No.8667779

I clearly remember them cuddling, or at least getting extremely close, too.

>> No.8667784

I didn't say it was, I was just answering the anon who asked the question

Ishmael woke up to Queequeg's arm over him

>> No.8667787

Well that's pretty fucking gay, anon.

>> No.8667813

It used to be that men could be affectionate with other men, without it being gay.

>> No.8667999

Call me cis male.

>> No.8668405


>> No.8668518

gettin' comfy under the counterpane

>> No.8668682

Ehhh, Ishmael explicitly says they were sitting there as comfortable and happy as husband and wife among a myriad of other gay shit.
That being said I don't think they were gay, I think it was intended as comic relief, but I'm going as Ishmael to a halloween party and you bet your ass I'm drawing on a tattoo with "Queequeg" in a heart.

>> No.8668686


>> No.8668687

But that's not even funny, that's literally just gay. The first time I read it at 15, I assumed they had sex.

Post your halloween costume

>> No.8668705
File: 537 KB, 1440x2392, Snapchat-578161120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this on my arm then added some generic sailing tattoos. The outfit's really basic, just a button-up shirt, chinos, a flat cap, and suspenders.
Ishmael described himself so vaguely that the only real distinguishing thing is this.

>> No.8668719

Wow you actually did it. I like you anon.

I'm gonna need to see the rest though.

>> No.8668900

somebody's getting laid tonite

>> No.8669059
File: 620 KB, 2021x2474, 1028161727a-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. I put them on last night and went to a friend's party, I'm sitting in a lecture going over them. This is the other side of that arm, generic sailor stuff.

>> No.8669075
File: 474 KB, 1871x2672, 1028161727b-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then the other arm has a harpoon. I ended the rope in a noose for muh symbolism.
I have a giant compass rose on my chest too but I'm in public so I can't redraw it or take a pic right now.

>> No.8669114

You're qt.

>> No.8669207
File: 14 KB, 416x416, 1447918334965.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you too

>> No.8669413

Can I be your Queequeg for tonight?

>> No.8669420

this one doesn't actually look half bad

>> No.8669441

>More like Queerqueg

>> No.8669873

Call me Cis-Male, Queerfag.

>> No.8669908
File: 43 KB, 531x346, melville-and-hawthorne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manly-man Melville was possibly gay
>uber-effeminate Hawthorne was straight as an arrow
How does that work?

>> No.8669911

>he thinks gay means feminine

you know thats a relatively new thing, right?

>> No.8669914

One guy fucks dudes the other makes love to women

>> No.8669924
File: 72 KB, 1404x956, 1466308017455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[Queequeg] still hugged me tightly…I now strove to rouse him…I then rolled over, my neck feeling as if it were in a horse-collar; and suddenly felt a slight scratch….[T]hought I; abed here in a strange house in the broad day, with a cannibal….At length, by dint of much wriggling, and loud and incessant expostulations upon the unbecomingness of his hugging a fellow male in that matrimonial sort of style, I succeeded in extracting a grunt….[H]e drew back his arm….[He was] stiff as a pike-staff….Meanwhile, I lay quietly eyeing him, having no serious misgivings now, and bent upon narrowly observing so curious a creature. When, at last, his mind seemed made up touching the character of his bedfellow, and he became, as it were, reconciled to the fact;

>stiff as a pike-staff

>> No.8670547
File: 1.91 MB, 339x188, I_AM_GETTING_OFF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8670745

Morning wood.