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8665978 No.8665978 [Reply] [Original]

I only scored in the 88th percentile on the Reading and Writing portion of the SAT. How should I kill myself, and what is the last book I should read?

>I'm 18

>> No.8665987

my diary desu

>> No.8666000
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Ego and it's Own, you are mortally spooked.

>> No.8666011


Depends, reading and writing have been separate sections for years now, meaning you must have taken the test as a small child. I bet you'd do better taking it now.

>> No.8666028

> tfw got perfect score on reading
> cratered the math

Why is life so cruel

>> No.8666052


I did the same. Just get one of those test taking books, they tell you exactly how to get the test answer by methods that are useless anywhere else in life. I raised my score 130 points all the way to 700. It's funny, because I only got one more q wrong than I did in reading. I guess my cohort sucks at reading but has a clump of super math achievers ruining the curve for everyone.

>> No.8666059

>800 reading
>670 maths
>660 writing

At least I'm good at one of them.

>> No.8666072
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>only 95th percentile in reading

>> No.8666126

i think i went 790 math, 760 reading, and then cratered writing - like 630. but now im way better at writing than math or reading.

>> No.8666164

>taking the SAT


The ACT is the only useful test -- writing optional, English and Science instead.

>> No.8666189
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>800 CR
> 780 Math
>650 Writing
>tfw I probably could've gotten into Yale if it wasn't for my writing score

The new SAT reverted back to the old, two-part (M, CR) SAT, which would've been great when I was testing. Life is unfair.

>> No.8666208
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>tfw I saved my ass by copying the math section off the guy next to me

>> No.8666219
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SAT Reading and Writing 97th percentile
ACT English 92nd percentile
ACT Reading 89th percentile
ACT Writing 97th percentile

>> No.8666225

>it's a jerk off to your SAT score thread

but 800 reading 730 math 720 writing, tfw modern renaissance man ubermensch genius top mind

>> No.8666226


>> No.8666231

35 on the ACT. I only remember I got perfect on the science section but did worst on math.

>> No.8666234

>standardized test
both of them are just tests of aptitude.

>> No.8666251
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>tfw I got a great score on both sections (1480 combined) but I still won't get into a decent liberal arts college because of my shit 3.3 GPA
>tfw my class rigor is also as good as it gets but I won't get into a decent LAC because I've been too unstable (I'm bipolar) to have the consistency needed for good grades

Should I just kill myself now? All I want to do is study /lit/ and economics at a cozy-ass liberal arts college with interesting people but because of my tucked up brain I will only be accepted at shit tier ones (and will most likely just end up at my state school because it's probably not worth going into debt for a school that isn't that great)

>> No.8666252

I have no idea how people do well on the science section. I guess people prepare for it, because it totally fucks you in the ass if you have no idea how to perform an extremely time efficient exegesis of the graphs, words, and numbers vomited across the page.

>> No.8666256

Admittedly I was sick at the time, but I literally was only halfway done when time was up

So yeah, I ended up taking the SAT

>> No.8666280

My reading score was always magnitudes above the rest of them. Got around 30-31's in the English section despite that. I honestly don't see how anyone could less than a 32 on the reading section

>> No.8666281

Got 1580 as a non-native first timer. 800 on the math. Only got 6/6/6 out of 8/8/8 on the essay though and I can't understand why.

>> No.8666287

Exactly me, for the first time I took it. Second time I got lucky, and my exam proctor fell asleep. I was able to spend all the extra time I had after finishing reading sections to do extra work for the math ones.

>> No.8666298

>I have no idea how people do well on the science section
i missed 0 on the reading section of the act and got a 32 or 33 overall but i would have had a 34 or 35 if i hadnt bombed the science section. the only time in my life ive ever run out of time on a test

>> No.8666339

The only prep was a practice exam. I took the ACT as a sophmore too and science was my best score then as well.

>> No.8666435

Join the army. Read a lot while you're in, don't get blown up (unless you're serious about killing yourself) get out and go to school.

>> No.8666469

Continuously drink coffee as you read all of Shakespeare's works in one sitting.

>> No.8666484

>tfw homeschooled
>never taken the SATs or ACTs
>tfw i would probably fail miserably if i did
>tfw the idiot

>> No.8666498

My inability to meet standards of tests such as the SAT is fucking with me. I feel awful because of it. I would like to live on a mountain.

>> No.8666524

Someone please respond so I don't kill myself

>> No.8666527

>Should I just kill myself now?

>> No.8666730


>> No.8666737

>didn't take SAT because not a yankee
>got 36 on both english and reading
>got 34 in science, 33 in math
>tfw I wanted to be a physics major at UChicago

in another life I would have done a comfy af history degree at Yale and then gone to law school

i fucked up hard by deciding to go into engineering at an sec school, i fucking hate my life

>> No.8666759

You can absolutely get into a mid tier LAC

>> No.8666762

Get your bp treated and stable before you head off to college. Nothing wrong with state school, you just gotta be in the upper range among your peers.

>> No.8666768

I got 98% on the GRE writing and I'm in STEM. You should probably start those job applications dude.

Realtalk, SAT means nothing, undergrad means nothing. Work your ass off wherever you go and prove yourself with CONTENT, not a degree. Gradschool is where the location counts.

>> No.8666803

I got around 740 for all sections, it was easy as fuck. What are you guys on about

>> No.8666807

Any suggestions? I'm having trouble finding many


Thanks. I just started seeing a psychiatrist so hopefully things will get better.

>Nothing wrong with state school, you just gotta be in the upper range among your peers.

I know, and mine is decent (UIUC), I just think I would enjoy learning more and fit in better at an LAC.

>> No.8666811

Doesn't your undergrad in many ways determine the grad school you can get accepted into?

>> No.8666821

go to your state school then transfer to a top 20 school. All you have to do is get a 3.7 in college. Your test scores show you are bright, but you need to show that you can handle college coursework. If you do that, you're golden.

>> No.8666822

some ugs are feeder schools to top grad programs but you can get in from anywhere. if you go to a bad school in the heartland though..... good luck

>> No.8666832


Undergrads everywhere are dumb.
I am by no means at a top school but I have visited/worked in some top 20ish schools and the undergrads there are the same distribution of idiots to inspired as any other place.
If you show you can do the work and actually care you can get into a good gradschool. It really is 90% perspiration.

>> No.8666834

Doesn't transferring kind of suck socially? I'd imagine that many friends are made in the first semester right?

I mean I can deal with that but I already did that in high school and it definitely sucks a little (but college might be different).

>All you have to do is get a 3.7 in college

Is this really true? That seems crazy

Also, is this transferring after the first semester, or first year?

>> No.8666842

You would think so, but I found it easier making friends after transferring to Brown than my first year at UCLA. Almost everyone lives on campus and it's easy to get involved. Sure, the first few weeks/months will be hard (and it will seem like freshman orientation all over again), but I don't regret transferring one bit.

>> No.8666865

>740 reading
>740 writing
>690 math
Surprised I still remember those (I'm 25). Daily reminder that standardized tests are racist and classist.

Literally nobody cares where you go/went to college after high school. Just pick somewhere where you are likely to enjoy the culture. Seriously, don't beat yourself up over it.

>> No.8666875

>Just pick somewhere where you are likely to enjoy the culture.

That's the whole problem. They won't let me in (probably)

>> No.8666940

My man

>> No.8666959
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kek. I scored 99th in reading and 93rd in writing on the GRE. Don't off yourself yet kid, you can take another set of meaningless standardized tests to validate your unwarranted sense of self worth. It's much more satisfying to score extremely well on standardized tests only to watch everyone who is objectively dumber than you do much better in life.

Honestly the scores I got horrified me more than anything. I got 73rd percentile in math despite only taking some stats in undergrad and precalc in high school and NOT STUDYING AT ALL for the GRE. I'm fucking amazed that that many grad students are that goddamned stupid.

>> No.8668243
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>> No.8668253

>caring about tests

>> No.8668264


>> No.8668296
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>Get a 32 on the reading portion of the ACT
>Get a 30 on the Writing portion

>16 in math

So here I am three years later finishing up the last of my remedial math classes. I just want to die.

>> No.8668298

>Caring about a thing that is key to get into a good college and by extension a good career

>> No.8668303

That's actually kind of impressive.

>> No.8668367

lol I scored in the 93rd for the CARS section of the MCAT

>> No.8668383

I got 800s in math and writing, 770 in reading

yes, I know this is a lame bragging post.

>> No.8668427

Jesus christ you are spooked

>> No.8668545

I remember when I wanted to study film after highschool. I'd pretty much given up on the idea of getting into the Computer Science field, and flunked my math exams.

Unfortunately for me, being good at just English isn't good enough to get a high ATAR (the score that decides what university courses we can get into in Australia), so there go my dream of becoming a film director.

Now I'm on my way to becoming an F/A-18 pilot.

I fucking hate my teenage self.

>> No.8668553

this is true but the higher up you go the less drooling retards there are. top schools might not be full of geniuses, but there are far fewer 70 iq "humans"

>> No.8668917

You fool, the new SAT released just this year recombined the sections

>> No.8669586

Your in ADFA doing your degree or are you on to pilot training? how is it? I did the initial testing n shit but didn't go further, just finished my last hsc exam 2 days ago

>> No.8669781

are you me?

>> No.8670211


They have different criteria for the SAT writing than they do on their other exams. Not everyone was taught their specific bullshit formula. Also, we did better than you at the reading.

>> No.8670446

>not getting a 36 and 3 4 on Eng and reading, respectively

>> No.8670461

Anyone here an Ausfag?
93 Atar with little effort
46 in English and 40 in Literature respectively.

>> No.8670480

I went from a garbage community college with literally illiterate people, to a high tier state school, to Ivy+, and I miss the drooling retards.

The retards were just normal people getting professional degrees. All the state and Ivy+ kids are insufferable sweater-vest wearing fucking rich faggots, and they're just as dumb.

It sucks ass. At high level schools you're just trapped in this kind of holodeck simulation for rich kids to try out their Rich Upper Class Elite personas and registers. You can FEEL the tentativeness and hollowness of their personalities when you talk to them. Everything they do is just an experiment in what affected "did you know I'm terribly, terribly succesful?" little identity they can construct for themselves.

>> No.8670489

Fug m8. I only got 80, 7 years ago.

>> No.8670559

I'm doing VCE this year and that's what I'm aiming for. Not that high but I'm not trying to get into medicine or anything

>> No.8670588

Don't worry. I absolutely bombed my ACT because I hadn't slept that night, was ridden with anxiety, and had untreated ADHD. I got into a nice college though and am making the best grades (keeping up a 3.8), get complimented by professors often. Studying for the GRE now and am scoring very well on practice exams.

Standardized tests arent the end, I promise.

>> No.8670604

Unsolicited tip for the GREs: Expect not to have any time to plan out, execute, and review an essay on the essay-writing portions.

Start practicing with real essays from the real essay bank (it's online I'm sure you know) that you HAVEN'T already seen and had time to think about. Seriously, don't go glance at the essay bank and then spitball what your answer might be to one of the essays while making coffee, and then sit down and start practicing writing it. Go to a totally random topic, get blasted with it, and give yourself a hard 30 minutes to get the whole thing typed and finished. You will find that the "plan, write, review" thing probably doesn't work, and you're struggling to write a half-baked piece of crap because time flies faster than you anticipated.

Do this as many times as you need to get yourself used to that time crunch.

t. got a 6.0 on the essay-writing portion. I totally spitballed that shit and I type freakishly fast, 170wpm or so. But I was panicking for time, I wasted minutes on a failed attempt to review that just ended in my mind blanking because I could see my remaining seconds ticking away, and I'm still surprised I got the whole thing done.

>> No.8670642

>Murricans have to do maths and science after the age of 16 even if they're shit at them

>> No.8671189

Nah, I'm not in the ADFA, didn't get a high enough ATAR to be able to study there. Just doing my pilot training.

It's difficult, I'll tell you that. First time I applied I got rejected and waited another year to get fit enough and then applied again and managed to get in.

I've got a younger brother who's in VCE, and he just started his exams, won't finish until mid November, he's also interested in joining the Air Force.

>> No.8671194

Am I you? No, no it couldn't be. Well, maybe. What's your dog's name? This is the only way for us to tell. TELL ME DAMN IT.

>> No.8671195
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And I am from Canada. where I live we got UBC so I dont need your Murican education

>> No.8671316

>tfw perfect reading score on PSAT
> tfw missed one question on actual SAT

>> No.8671738


I got an 18 on my ACT. I did really bad in Math is all I can recall. I graduated high school in 2009.

>> No.8671812

>tfw 800/800 on reading SAT without studying

My Jewish verbal intelligence ehehehehehe, get jewed goyim

>> No.8671813

Same but I got a 700/800 ahhahaha

stupid goys

>> No.8672748

>first time taking SAT
>730 reading, 660 math, 550 essay
>did bad at math because I'M TOO SLOW
>practice it online some to get my speed up
>retake it, get 740 reading, 740 math, 650 essay (I didn't practice at all for the essay so it was a fluke)

Senior in college now, here's hoping I can do well enough on the GRE to offset my meh GPA (or actually find a job, that too).

>> No.8672753

its a shit test senpai, don't worry about it.

>> No.8672802

You should've put in the effort lad. Im on a comfy scholarship now. well worth it.

>> No.8672960

>tfw 99th percentile in all categories
>tfw perfect score on essay
plebs the lot of you

>> No.8672966

Lmao kid, you shouldn't be posting in here if you aren't in a good college anyways. Keep circle jerking and humblebragging about your tests, rebbit

>> No.8672971

Why would anyone here care about what you just posted ? Or nobody in your life cares enough about your test scores that you need to post it here

>> No.8672994
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>never took the SAT because I dropped out of the 6th grade

>> No.8673089

I dropped out of school completely at 13, OP. You're probably fine.

>> No.8673193

>TFW when 99th percentile on all sections
>TFW to smart too want a nonloli-gf

>> No.8673256

I had a 3.3 and I go to William and Mary which is a decent, public liberal arts school.
I had a 1540 tho

>> No.8673513

I scored 98th percentile >:)

>> No.8673613

I know this feeling exactly. I have yet to find a friend of the caliber hoped for. Good luck

>> No.8673833

I should have, it looks as if I'm bragging about my lack of effort but it is actually the definition of mediocrity. I envy your work ethic.

>> No.8673917

I took the ACT with a QT3.14 whom I was a beta-orbiter of and I also have really bad anxiety so in the parking lot while we were walking in I actually threw up on my shoes right in front of her. And even at this pathetic moment I STILL tried to play it off cool, like "oh wow, heh" while just looking down at the chewed up Lucky Charms on the pavement that my mom had prepared for me that morning for my "big day" and the impossibility of my existence which mommy has no idea of filled me with despair. Then we went inside and she sat right next to me and my stomach was FUCKED UP the entire time, like I had to shit and fart the entire test and I have IBS so I was sure I was going to shit my pants. We only got like 1 bathroom break and I just sat in the stall the entire time afraid to even leave the toilet because I know I would shit right when I got back to my desk.
This was my state of being during the test and I STILL got a 30.

>> No.8674601

Undergrad rankings are largely worthless. The only difference in quality between programs is the availability of extracurricular activities. If you want to go to grad school the best thing to do is get close with 3 professors and assist them on some project for at least 2 semesters each. If there are grad school prep programs (you want the kind that pay you not the ones you pay for) available you should take advantage of them as well.

Publishing papers, patents, or creative writings are another good way to get noticed by a graduate program.

>> No.8674608
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>tfw shitass awful sat score

>tfw 35 on act

Feels good man

>> No.8676112


>> No.8676961

Did the ACT and not the SAT but same here. 36 in reading, 34 in writing, 34 in science, 19 in math.
MFW I'm majoring in Electrical Engineering.

>> No.8676996
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>was always the greasy kid sleeping in back of the class
>people i sort of know in front of me talking about their test scores
>hey anon how'd you do on the SAT
>they're really surprised
>hey that's great anon
>teacher maybe overheard, and I think I see her eyes light up in shock, just a little
>still one of my happiest memories to this day
>i let everyone down and work part time in fast food

Sorry for the blog post. Thanks.