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/lit/ - Literature

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8661376 No.8661376[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many commies on /lit/? You would think anons who claim to be """""intellectuals""""" would have a better understanding of how the economy works, instead of supporting >gib me dats.

>> No.8661443

Left wing nonsense has been popular since the 60s.

>> No.8661450

upvote. based crowder. based milo

BTFOing the cucks

>> No.8661451

Why are there so many blog posts on /lit/? You'd think a "literature" board would be fairly distinct from a livejournal group.

>> No.8661455
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There are very few commies, there are lots of Scandinavian Socialists, who give lots of praise to Marx, while they distribute oil wealth to their populace or have spread out the costs of services and housing to the taxpayer. Outside the fee, bourgeoisie lifestyles and wealth.

>> No.8661460

This is the literature bored not the political bored please take your discussion elsewhere

>> No.8661465

only fags read
why the fuck we even have a literature board

>> No.8661466

Lmao faggot don't give me that

>i have autism so i have exclusive knowledge on how the economy works

meme. Have you read any economics at all other than Rothbard? I'm no commie but this whole economic consensus faggotry needs to stop.

>> No.8661489
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>> No.8661505
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Because we had a pretty bad Reddit spillover when our 2014 top 100 books image got circulated on there and imgur. In my opinion, the overall post quality hasn't recovered.

>> No.8661509

fag containment board, you better run or we will make you a commie fag darling.

>> No.8661561

>implying the average right winger has any knowledge of economic theory whatsoever.

>implying marxists aren't probably better educated on bourgeois economics than most right wingers

>> No.8661569

>based milo

i've heard him speak, read some of his articles. what is so great about him to you? from what i can tell he's a complete idiot who relies on sensationalism. i don't find him insightful or interesting at all

>> No.8661587

>Leftist govt comes into power
>Economy slumps or collapses
>i-ts the r-reactionaries c-c-omrades
>stagnation for a decade or two
>t-the [enemies of the people/imperial power brokers/europeans] are o-oppressing us


>retard leftist founder dies
>market reforms instituted
>country flourishes
>the revolution continues comrades!
>dries away in lexus

Every single time.

>> No.8661597

Why are there so many people who do not identify as anti semitic on /lit/?

>> No.8661604
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>dries away in lexus

>> No.8661607

The only thing leftist economists are well versed in is the art of excuses.

>> No.8661629

Because a lot of sensitive and intelligent people actually fall for the communism or fascism. It was like that in Center Europe, a lot of artists were communists, or fascists, but then they saw the real face of it, and realise that it isn't what they thought it to be. The problem with western intellectuals is that they didn't see it. They say "real communism hasn't been tried yet!". Well, maybe there's a reason why it never worked well. If the western intellectuals looked more into the literature of Central Europe, they would see that it is bullshit, just used to bullshit people, telling htem about equality, freedom and brothership and then not doing anything about it, and changing the country into a dictatorship.
Unfortunately it's the same with the right-wingers, it is all about ideas, and while they seem great on paper, they don't work in real life.

>> No.8661646

he's being ironic, i think there is one poster who makes a post like this in every thread pretending to be some /pol/ caricature

>> No.8661654


>> No.8661657

I believe that a communist state should be our end goal. But right now and maybe for a long time, it is not possible to get a really succesful communist state. It is still an utopia.

Communist thinking is ruining a lot of countries currently, especially in Latin America

>> No.8661669

alright then, explain tu us how the economy works

>> No.8661675

B-but fascism works though. Hitler didn't get a fair shot. Black president failed. This means equality, freedom, and democracy was a lie. We need hatred and violence now more than ever.

>> No.8661683
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>lmao faggot don't give me that

Well, for one thing, I studied economics at uni. I also gave it to your mum, lad.

>> No.8661692

put da pinny in bagina

>> No.8661707

So you have a Jew neoliberal understanding of economics. The only real way is to watch Mises Institute videos on youtube and read The Road to Serfdom by Hayek. Everyone knows that. They don't even teach the Austrian school at university because, if applied, it would totally fix everything wrong with the economy and the Jews would be out on their asses.

>> No.8661713

There has never been a communist nation, only state capitalist ones. People never "fell" for communism, so to speak, they were tricked into thinking it was something else.

>> No.8661724

Because there's a lot of jews on /lit/

>> No.8661737

Fascism has worked with Mussolini & Hitler. Both did great things for their country & rescued them from poverty. Hitler however, took hatred of the jews a bit too far; he should've targeted the jewish bankers instead of the innocent jewish civilians. Communism on the other hand has always taken countries to unsafe levels of poverty.

>> No.8661765
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>the trains on time meme

>> No.8661764

Most take communism as a deontological stance rather than an economic (consequentialist) stance.

>> No.8661767

>thinks I don't give credence to the Austrian school

But why, mate?

>> No.8661790

has any state actually called itself communist

>> No.8661800


>> No.8661819
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I'm a super-capitalist my friend

>> No.8661820

This. Freemarketfags hate communism, but it is essentially a corporate state. Communism is a revolutionary ideology with the stated goal of regime change from domestic officials to mercenaries or goons of some kind who then install a leader more amenable to western imperial or geopolitical interests (private industry, political factions, etc., not nations themselves or their people). This, of course, is not true for all cases, but for the majority, usually those receiving less attention, it is the result. Communism is not something to be assessed as right or wrong, as if it were to be applied in first world economies. In practice, it is a way of seizing power and implementing a command economy. In theory, it is a lot of things, but it is not some boogeyman to be feared or some argument to be debunked.

>> No.8661829
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