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/lit/ - Literature

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8645279 No.8645279 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: the book that sparked your sexual awakening.

>> No.8645286
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Lolita hahahaha I'm a proud pedo unlike reddit I'm totally 4chan morals!

Pepe the frog approves!!!

>> No.8645289
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ebin, simply ebin my dear friend!

>> No.8645543
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Now THIS deserves an upvote

>> No.8645580

All right kids, no more memeing before bedtime, only books now!

>> No.8645587
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>> No.8645588


The 120 Days of Sodom

>> No.8645609

Presuming you aren't just being edgy, I really enjoyed that one. De Sade is my biggest guilty pleasure.

>tfw a girl wanted to watch the movie with me and then never spoke to me again and treated me like a freak after I showed it to her

>> No.8645621
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>> No.8645626

Not my diary desu.

>> No.8645628

Care to explain how?

>> No.8645635

sexy mufuggin dragons

>> No.8645640

That's cool I guess

>> No.8645668


Lessa of Ruatha loses her virginity violently in a psychic dragon/human mating ritual. She's a rough, almost feral woman, and yet what happens to her is exactly what she needed. It pressed all my buttons for the first time.

>> No.8645674

Weird, I was convinced that it was a kids' book.

>> No.8645678
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Also used to fantasize about having sew with the match seller girl who dies in the Hans Christian Andersen story. That was my first hardon

>> No.8645992

Definitely not my diary senpai

>> No.8645998

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8646008
File: 327 KB, 962x1500, terry-pratchett-sourcery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to get hard to the ladies on terry pratchett book covers

>> No.8646009


That I didn't read the thread before posting tbqh

>> No.8646026

>used to fantasize about having sew with the match seller girl who dies in the Hans Christian Andersen story

don't freeze, i will warm you with the warmth (ughm) of my body? (:

>> No.8646233
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>the book that sparked your sexual awakening
>sexual awakening

That ain't how sex wurks, Timmy.

>> No.8646254
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i'm a grill

>> No.8646260

Uh, what? You do realise that a "sexual awakening" is the moment when you first start getting sexual thoughts and desires, right?


>> No.8646263

Geralds Game. Was 10 when I read it.

>Squeaky wheel gets the grease

>> No.8646366
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>> No.8646401
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>> No.8646459
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I wish this were bait but I'm completely serious.
I distinctly remember seeing a picture of Padme fighting aliens in a midriff and being like, "Oh now I get it."

>> No.8646473

I still have this book. I loved it a lot, it was great to look at.

>> No.8646492

my man

>> No.8646496

Who doesn't get hard because of Padme?

>> No.8646530

ctrl + f "spongebob novelisation"

reddit i am disappointed

>> No.8646534
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Pic related for me. Read it around 13, when I was just getting interested in edgy cyberpunk anime and "mature" literature. This book was so fucking cool it pressed all the right buttons, and I wanted to fucking be Case. The scene toward the beginning where he wakes up in a coffin thing after being operated on and Molly's there next to him provided me with fetish-fuel the next nine years.
Especially because of the the sleek and erotic way that Gibson wrote, every dream I've had thats sexual since then takes place in a similar setting with a qt3.13 hacker-punk girl like Molly. I think Gibson truly did write himself a juvenile male-power fan fiction full of his fucked up self inserts and waifu fantasies, and somehow it revolutionized the sci-fi genre and got labeled as a masterpiece.

>> No.8646679

Comus by John Milton.

I mean the other kind of awakening—awakening out of dreamy sensuality into a full awareness of the evils attendant on worldly sexuality, and a sober humility and awe before the "sun-clad-power of chastity".

>> No.8646685

Read Tropic of Cancer for a middle school book report and lost my mind

>> No.8646699

Who /chastityvow/ here?

Why did you decide to do your book report on that? What did the teacher think?

>> No.8646775

>Who /chastityvow/ here?
Who /wantstobechastebutshitmanI'mstillawickedsinner/ here?

>> No.8646777

/incel/ reporting

>> No.8646780


>> No.8646782
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No book has ever done that.

>> No.8646787

When my friend showed me newgrounds and I spent the rest of that night playing hentai flash games

>> No.8646788

this t b h famalam

>> No.8647360
File: 21 KB, 400x300, http___images5.fanpop.com_image_quiz_846000_846513_1335667799045_400_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I read books at the age of 8 and wasn't sexually awakened by anime girls

>> No.8647366


>> No.8647392
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Not kidding.I read it when I was 12 and thought the sex scene was hot.

>> No.8647515
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I wasn't a normal child.

>> No.8647549

I was born from mere organic matter out of a will, out of a hunger. Hunger for pussy.

>> No.8647887
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>> No.8647909
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Your sex life must be pic related, stemlord.

>> No.8647910

>be sadist
>didn't like the sex scenes
>got turned on by the torture scenes

>> No.8648263

>turned on by man torturing another man
What a faggot.

>> No.8648270

Joke's on you, I enjoy the company of men.

>> No.8648273

Are you a furry?

>> No.8648576 [SPOILER] 
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me too

>> No.8648650

Dear god I hope this isn't true.

>> No.8648653

The scene near the start where one of the boys gets a little preteen boner looking at the girls anklet. Also the scene where she hides and watches the boys lighting farts and checks out their dicks. the gangbang at the end didn't do anything for me for some reason though

>> No.8648654
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forgot pic

>> No.8648655

What book are you talking about?

>> No.8648716

Bear is more tasteful than the title suggests senpai.

>> No.8648728

>"Bear," she cried. "I love you. Pull my head off." The bear did not, but her menstrual fever made him more assiduous.

It reads worse than The Very Virile Viking tbqh.

>> No.8648732


Is this a sex book? I'm about to read it and don't want to go into it if this is what it is

>> No.8648743

>The Very Virile Viking
I'll have you know VVV has 4 stars on goodreads.

Your cherry-picked quote makes the book sound distasteful; I'd actually recommend it to anyone. On the same page we find the very patrician:

>She cradled his big, furry, assymetrical balls in her hands, she played with them, slipping them gentky inside their cases as he licked. His prick did not come out of its long cartilaginous sheath. Never mind, she thought, I'm not asking for anything. I'm not obligated to anybody. I don't care if I turn you on, I just love you.

It's the candid, undemanding and simple nature of their love that really allowed me to lose my inhibitions and find my sexuality.

>> No.8648754

That's very, very patrician anon. Truly you have opened my eyes. I'll download it tonight and masturbate to it. All jokes aside I do get where you're coming from.

>not knowing Dorian Gray
You don't belong here.

If you're not baiting, it's not a sex book, it deals with sexual awakenings and massive amounts of sexual tension which I found extremely erotic as a kid.

>> No.8648764

wow, that's fucking awful

>> No.8648773
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reminder that women who have dogs get their dogs to lick their pussy with peanut butter

>> No.8648783


>> No.8648801

It's not about the animal sex, anon, it's about rediscovering the uninhibited, carefree, and playful state sex should be about but rarely is.

Besides men fuck animals as frequently if not more than women.

>> No.8648802

>I'm not obligated to anybody
Exactly. A woman loves to think that she is not docile, while dreaming of being in full trust of a captivating chad who takes her without permissions so that, during the night, while he sleeps, she can dream of saving the destitute after the chad has fucked her properly for the first time in her life of going from lovers to lovers, craving a eclectic panorama of precious moments...

>> No.8648812
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The scat scene in Gravity's Rainbow.

Turned me into a full-blown Joycean. Gotta find me a German girl now...

>> No.8648817

Scat is the one fetish that I will never understand. What's appealing about human waste that's unsanitary and smells disgusting?

>> No.8648826
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>> No.8648828
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I know this feel.

>> No.8648834


It's the psychological aspect desu. Highest form of degradation out there.

>> No.8648840

Katje was Dutch, burger-boy.

>> No.8648844
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Yeah but there's a reason that kink is so associated with Germans desu.

Right? If I can find a Dutch girl who likes it, that's fine too. Dutch is just drunken German.

>> No.8648847

Yeah germanic girls are the most open-minded on what they should do just to come.

>> No.8648856


That's what happens after 7+ decades of having your nation's collective souls destroyed thanks to WW2.

>> No.8648909

Czech girl*

>> No.8648917


Let's just say that WW2 robbed most European/Continental women of their shame, sexually speaking.

>> No.8649011

Germans were into scat long before WW2. See Umberto Eco, The Prague Cemetary.

>> No.8649034


I looked it up on Wikipedia and found nothing pertaining to scat desu.

>> No.8649038

Unironically 1984
The scene where he imagines ravishing Julia really did it for me

I'm a lesbian and I think I imagined myself in Winston's place. Thanks, George Orwell

>> No.8649040
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>I'm a lesbian

>> No.8649041

There's a whole passage where the protagonist describes how Germans shit more than any other race because of their diet, and how they take immense pleasure in eating and then shitting.

>> No.8649045

Germans are degeneracy wikipedia wont say shit because it is bluepill if you want a real source look up greatest story never told on youtube its a 10 hour doco about hitler and it mentions that berlin was a giant scat brothel before hitler fixed germany

>> No.8649050
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reminder that cuckoldry is redpilled

>> No.8649062

Get out of my thread.

>> No.8649064


>This is American """comedy""" nowadays.

Didn't the guy behind this show shoot a porno movie that was actually called (unsurprisingly) 'The Cuckold'?

>> No.8649069

where is that from?

>> No.8649131

> they take immense pleasure in eating and then shitting.

Dude same here

>> No.8649136
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it really is a blessing that USA is turning into mexico

>> No.8649146

I thought they were Germans.

>> No.8649152

i guess it really doesnt matter who it is

>> No.8649168

whoever wrote and shot this unironically deserves the rope tbqh

>> No.8649179
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>Yet another thread turns into a discussion of cucking

I fucking hate this board, but I know I can't leave. Is this my punishment for watching cuck porn once? Did I sell my soul to Blacked dot net?

>> No.8649196
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Fear not. CALM have been running an advertising campaign using similar tactics

>> No.8649209
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i hope you've prepared yourself for this

>> No.8649215

lol what the fuck.
How dos this even make sense.

>> No.8649216

Dear God what is happening to us.

>> No.8649221

the good thing is that it's mostly americans and western europeans doing this shit. good riddance i say

>> No.8649229

This is why I fuck men.

I'd rather get pozzed than raise a black man's child.

>> No.8649236

inshallah my brother
muhammad (pbuh) will slay these stupid europeans
death to infidels 2bh

>> No.8649238
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im not muslim, but god bless you too friend. i hope i live long enough to see the west crumble.

>> No.8649241

>wants whites to die
rly makes u think

>> No.8649246 [SPOILER] 
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the Metamorphosis

>> No.8649249

this shit has to be bait.

>> No.8649261


>> No.8649262

>live in South Africa
>contemplate suicide every day
>keep living just to spite these people

>> No.8649282

Legit this, can't remember how I found the site though.

>> No.8649326

S03E08 of You're The Worst -- "Genetically Inferior Beta Males"

>> No.8649550

I'm sorry to continue the derailment of this thread into just another cuck discussion, but does anyone here actually have a cuckold fetish? Could you describe what you find appealing about it so I can understand?

Just to swim in the degenerate pool with you: others please recommend best bondage scenes in literature.

>> No.8649558

Anon why are you doing this? You're hurting me.

As for your second request, just read de Sade. I recommend Justine and Juliette. All modern erotica is worthless.

>> No.8649595

>it's about rediscovering the uninhibited, carefree, and playful state sex should be about

so it's about unlimited and unthinking license to sensuality and sin

>> No.8649598

Sex and sensuality are not sin.

Unless it's sex with bears. That's fucked up.

>> No.8649842


>> No.8650051

>good thing it's only Western Civilization doing this haha good riddance

>> No.8650206
File: 1012 KB, 1347x643, 1477232830357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

precisely. the west deserve to burn

>> No.8650608

leave bro

My parents left in the 90s and I am so fucking glad

>> No.8650630
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Dude, fuck math.

>> No.8650638


I started reading incest fiction when I was 9/10.

Mostly brother and sister but there was some mother and son too.

Father and daughter never appealed to me.

I'm 31 now and find sex boring.

>> No.8650683

>sensuality isn't sin


sensuality is a type of worldliness

>> No.8650694

I still have 5 more years of medical school...

If you mean "sin" as described by the monotheistic god, then I suppose it is but idgaf.

I'm /vowofchastity/ but I'm also /aestheticism/.

>> No.8650706

why would I say sin if I wasn't implying a divine authority

what would a secular sin be

>> No.8650731

The monotheistic god is not the only divine authority, anon.

There are plenty of older pagan religions where sensuality is not a sin, and is in fact encouraged.

>> No.8650738

r u Travis Bickle?

>> No.8650765

Paganism and polytheism is the laughing stock of the world

>> No.8650782

I acknowledge and respect your opinion.

>> No.8650796

I don't think most people give a shit about paganism and polytheism, much less find them absurdly funny. "Muslims and christians react to polytheism" videos does sound kinda hilarious though.

>> No.8651226

Good luck escaping

>> No.8651277

>ahahahaha fucking Greeks man, what retard pagans amrite?

When I say "paganism", I don't automatically mean teenagers running around in the woods trying to do spells and summon their waifu.

>> No.8651399

heathens have no right to laugh at polytheists

>> No.8651606


>> No.8651630
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I jerked off just to the sex and rape scenes alone.

>> No.8651742
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these were some patrician YA novels I read at about 11

>> No.8652126

what is attractive to rape?

>> No.8652194

there are some fucked up people in this world kid

>> No.8652198


absolutely nothing, clearly nobody decent is turned on by rape

>> No.8652204

"Marabou Stork Nightmares" by Welsh has a sick one

>> No.8652223

I remember this was like the only book I ever checked out of my middle school library like 10 years ago lol. That series goes fuckin hard

>> No.8652239

I think it's meant to be "The Dragonriders of Porn", it's just Newcastle dialect.

>> No.8652241
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>> No.8652251
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These men think they gain back power over whatever is their life.
As usual with any fantasy, the more you think about it, the more stupid appears the fantasy.

-the woman gets pleasure, especially since to woman, there is nothing more boring than to be fucked by the same men, even when the guys ares good at the beginning

-to the cuck, the woman gets this pleasure primarily because the cuck lets this happen

-the cuck knows that, to a woman, there is nothing more appealing than good sex, and that women are meant for orgasms, more or less explicitly requested from the woman and that men are just here to serve women
Women love to get pleasures from men who do not ask permission to give them pleasure, BUT, these men most show beforehand the promise to be satisfying.
Later on, some women will cry about rape because the guy did not deliver, over sex and even more importantly over any activity not directly sexual, as much as the promise that the woman saw in him

-the cuck thinks that he has power over the bull, like when the masochist thinks he has power over the sadist, because the masochist thinks that the sadist exists only after the masochist wants pleasure; the masochist think that he controls the sadist [normies think that they are smart in thinking that the sadist has less powers, because they hear form other normies that, on first thoughts, it is the sadist who has the power]
-the cuck thinks that the bull is privileged and that the cuck is special.
the cuck chooses to forgets that the bull is utterly normal. and that if the cuck selects this bull, then the bull can be totally selected by other cucks for the same task, especially in the middle class.

-the easiest way to destroy the power fantasy from a cuck is to drop the phrase, especially as his bull, ''I wish other husbands/bfs would be like you, my lie would be easier'', especially when the woman is no longer in the room.

-the smartest bull knows that it is the woman who is in charge, both over the cuck and the bull, so the smartest bull can control the cuck through his woman, typically to do unusual sex that the cuck would oppose.

That part is more about women who promote open relationship:
-of course, there is also the fantasy of necessity. Normies love to cling to their habits and at some point these habits will become ''a necessity'', aka ''I cannot do otherwise, it is natural after all, it is bound to happen, it is the natural selection, the genes, about survival''. Normies love to externalize their impotency and their error.

>> No.8652260
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Also, especially in bourgeoisie, most cucks are bisexual and the bull is here to fuck the man and the woman

>> No.8652266
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>> No.8652268

Fuck you and fuck off!!!

>> No.8652282

The pair of tits growing by the day on the girl who sat across from me in fifth grade started my sexual awakening, OP.

>> No.8652304

There is also a part about humiliation. To the cuck, it matters that the bull is not the cuck. For instance, the bourgeois cuck does not want bull who is a normal bourgeois just like him. The cuck is most importantly a peasant. If the guy who fucks the woman is actually higher in the cuck's hierarchy, then it becomes just an affair. The cuck think that the bull can only please the woman sexually, that the bull is less powerful than the cuck outside of sex which would make the woman chained to the cuck, not the bull, precisely because the cuck knows that women love sex, love to be entertained outside of sex, and then once they are assured to be entertained outside of sex, they love to get back to good sex [where the cuck fails].
At this point, there is a danger for the cuck, overlooked by the cuck, but it applies more in open relationship. It is the nature of the woman who takes over and break up with the cuck, to go with the bull, typically over sexual matter. [concretely, the cuck has a small cock, the woman discovers far better orgasms, thick cocks, wants to explore ''this part of her self [because that matters you know]'', after years of average sex with her middle class normie husband and after her libertarian husband proposed her to try open relationship [thinking that he will get at last some threesome pussy and that his woman will not leave him once she is fucked by other men]]

To Americans in the middle class, americans want black men as bull, since americans have deeply failed their fantasy of melting plot. reminder that there is nothing more authoritative and deluded about this craving of power than the middle class leftists.

There is two part to this humiliation
-to the cuck, the cuck knows that the bull is lower in the cuck's hierarchy
-the the cuck, the bull fucking the woman shows how ''depraved'' the woman is, going as far choosing to be fucked by anything lower than the cuck [peasant, black guy, animal, or traffic cone [true story]]

-to the woman, it is just exoticism, since women, especially in the middle class, cling to much to their fantasy of the humanity as being one big family to think that she becomes depraved when she is fucked by any man

>> No.8652312

redy to die pilled

>> No.8652339
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>> No.8652341
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>> No.8652345
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>> No.8652347

Reminder that militaries are all cuckolds, know that other militaries are cuckolds and that some of them love to be cuckolds.

>> No.8652362

Death in Venice

>> No.8652472
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What is the book equivalent of this ?

>> No.8652575

well things have changed

>> No.8652578
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>> No.8652580
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>> No.8652612

Is this real? How does having exclusively female sexual partners or going to university influence the quality of your cum?

>> No.8652631

People don't want aids and they don't want dumb kids.

>> No.8652633

>he fell for the 'iq is racist' meme

>> No.8652635

That's not the episode one book with Padme though m8, but yes, the page where they show her in her red dress with the huge gems at the bottom.

>> No.8652652

I didn't fall for any "meme", I just didn't understand because I've never thought about donating my cum.

I understand now, thank you.

>> No.8652655

Fun fact: Gays aren't allowed to donate blood either. They have so much aids people the risk is not worth it.

Same goes for Africans or people who fuck them.

>> No.8652662

I saw a black dude donating blood the other day though.

>> No.8652664

I said African, not African-American.

>> No.8652670

But I'm not in America.

>> No.8652738

Pet Sematary


>> No.8652750

If your country lets Africans donate blood then you live in a shitty country.

>> No.8652756

>tfw I literally live in Africa

How did this thread even get so off topic?

>> No.8652764

Lord of the flies. I realized I was attracted to boys back when I first read it. I recently reread it but I pictured them older this time, strangely.

I still think about it, I find it bizarre as hell.

>> No.8652766

I also found Lord of the Flies kinda gay.

>> No.8652769

The way it was paced makes me think that Ralph was being obsessed over.

>> No.8652778

I'm sorry, mate.

>> No.8652883
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OP here. Having experienced my sexual awakening from reading Dorian Gray, I'm obviously a homosexual. I've wrestled with self-doubt and hatred of my degeneracy for all my life.

But then I remember that I could've been a cuck, and everything's ok.

>> No.8652908

None, I realized I liked young girls very organically.
Why would she treat you like a freak if she's the one that suggested it?

>> No.8652913

Fuck should I know.

Women amirite?

>> No.8652921

No, I don't get you, I have no interest in women.

They're the same as men to me.

>> No.8652939

I have no romantic interest in women, which is why they irritate me.

>> No.8652948

I don't spend time with women because I have erotic or romantic interest in them, or philia-love interest.

>> No.8653096

but then what do you do with your life?

>> No.8653098


>> No.8653142
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Thank you for a genuinely fascinating analysis.

>> No.8653196

>>8648812 I'm proud of you anon. I'm glad to see some other people here besides me who are into scat. To be honest I don't really watch anything other than scat porn. I think everyone should try wearing diapers too. Pooping feels really good, and it feels even better when it spreads out under your butt cheeks like a warm pillow, and you sit in it and squish it around and it's so soft and warm. It's also a really liberating feeling, because you can do it anywhere, even outside your house if you're adventurous (I've never done it but I know there's a lot of people who do) and you don't have to worry about it getting on anything because it's contained in your thick, soft, comfortable and secure diaper.

I don't like, like, eating scat porn, or shitting into people's mouths, or on other people. That's just an ignorant idea of what scat fetishes really are. Everyone into scat is into something different. For the longest time I was only into watching young, attractive people poop in their pants and diaper, and squish it around a bit and show it. But now I'm a bit more into videos where they get a little more adventurous, and poop in their panties and then squish it up between their butt cheeks and then smear it around their butt and thighs and stomach, sort of get a bit more messy with it. I do that myself sometimes. I don't do it very often, usually I just use my diapers, but sometimes I go really crazy like maybe once every several months, and I like to just get really messy with scat.

It's really erotic for me, and really liberating. I remember when I used to do it secretly in my parents house, with my diapers, I would literally shoot cum directly onto my face laying down when I masturbated in the bath tub with my untaped diaper, wiggling around my butt on my poop while I masturbate. It's turning me on just thinking about it to be honest, but then again I'm always turned on, I masturbated once or twice a day. I'm not fucked up in the head, I just have an extreme sexual appetite, and I'm still a virgin. I don't even watch porn with intercourse.

>> No.8653219

Young Cioran was hot af

>> No.8653248

Wtf I hate this thread now

>> No.8653266
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The qt black girl makes my dick diamonds

>> No.8653301
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I was hard all the time reading this when I was around 14

>> No.8653382
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so intrigued and repelled. good post.

>> No.8653612

Sup, Schopie.

>> No.8653620

I like piss so who am I to judge you?

On a similar note, I wonder why so many great authors were into scat, farts and piss.

>> No.8653691

Literally name three (3) besides Joyce

>> No.8653704

>couple adopts children
>provides a safe, supportive home for them regardless of their race

Only you stupid faggots could find fault with this.

>> No.8653707 [DELETED] 

It's really erotic for me, and really liberating. I remember when I used to do it secretly in my parents house, with my diapers, I would literally shoot cum directly onto my face laying down when I masturbated in the bath tub with my untaped diaper, wiggling around my butt on my poop while I masturbate. It's turning me on just thinking about it to be honest, but then again I'm always turned on, I masturbated once or twice a day. I'm not fucked up in the head, I just have an extreme sexual appetite, and I'm still a virgin. I don't even watch porn with intercourse.

>> No.8653714

>>8653620 like who? also, being more sensually in tune is part of being creative, creative people are more in tune with their senses, and more in tune with the world. It's no surprise that creative people such as myself would develop these senses, it's a deeply personal experience, and it's something that just developed naturally for me. I didn't "get into" it. I've always been excited by scat, even when I was really young. Fortunately I didn't start masturbating until I was like 13, so I never like, made it clear to anyone that I have a scat fetish. It's a social death sentence, everyone hates you for it, which is honestly one of the reason I hate society and think everyone else are just a bunch of fucking sheeple. I'm not even being facetious.

>> No.8653721

I would literally torture you to death if I could.

>> No.8653729

Havelock Ellis
Marquis de Sade

Ah shit you got me.

>> No.8653735

Jesus Christ anon you've gone too far. Stop jerking yourself off.

I would hate for my piss fetish to become socially acceptible, without the taboo it would lose most of its appeal.

>> No.8653772

No me. My ideal world is a surreal fantasy where no one is judged for anything.

>> No.8653849

Not even for judging, monsieur?

>> No.8653861
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>adopting black kids

>> No.8653899

The David Garrett Pokemon Story. I thought I knew everything before that day.

>> No.8653911

>being judged for judging in a world wheee judging dossn't exist

>> No.8653937

Good god, there's actually something worse than cucking.

Their daughter must despise them.

>> No.8654462

This actually makes me mad for some reason.

>> No.8654475

>fostering the genes of creatures to incompetent to fend for themselves
Devolution at work.

>> No.8654980
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de Sade of course.

>> No.8655931


>> No.8656112


Whoa, I wonder what she said about it.

>> No.8656628

How can you life as a virgin?

>> No.8656667

His worst work. Phil in the Bedroom, Justine and Juliette are all better.

>> No.8656760

Q and A by Vikas Swarup

>> No.8656904
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book equivalent?

>> No.8656939

Sade's Justine

>> No.8656940

I didn't know I was into rape
>puts his hands around her neck

>> No.8656949

All humans are.

>> No.8656988

These, Delta of Venus especially.

>> No.8657380

A Clockwork Orange and >>8656939

Where's this from anyway?

>> No.8658112

The bible

>> No.8658257
File: 513 KB, 800x600, 1453046679686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I discovered I can only love little boys. I dream of finding an aristocratic boy who adores me for my intellect and wisdom. I would teach him the art of living. I would wrestle with him, both of us naked. I would feel his sweat as I pinned him down. Then after a long training, I would dine with him until late in the evening. And then, when he could no longer resist my temptations, I would refuse him. Such is my erotic desire.

>> No.8658307

You sound really attractive, not even memeing.

>> No.8659099

I love grannies

>> No.8659352
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You are, by a considerable margin, the most articulate poop fetishist.

>> No.8659760

>And then, when he could no longer resist my temptations
what if he did resist? you'd give him the ol' St Agnes?

>> No.8659763

I never had a sexual awakening. I spent too much time hating myself thanks to shitty parenting that the moment I realized I had a sexuality I was 15 and masturbated while watching a stupid video on youtube with various pictures of the same girl. It was pathetic.

>> No.8659767
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Mammoth hunters.

>> No.8659779


>de Sade

You people really enjoyed one of the best arguments for book burning?

But I suppose De Sade does open one's eyes, in a sense, to the fact that human sexuality is fallen. What can one get from reading him, except that worldly pleasures really are as evil as they are said to be? Who can desire, after reading his books, anything other than the whip and the hair shirt?

If you are conscious at all of what it is you are reading, I hope you are thoroughly ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.8659880

>What can one get from reading him, except that worldly pleasures really are as evil as they are said to be?

I got that torture turns me on, personally.

The whip and hair shirt turn me on too.

>> No.8660195
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desade is not about sex, it is about reading the same thing for 2000 pages, just because you heard that it is dirty

>> No.8660855
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I like to hurt women emotionally, but not physically beyond strangling during fucking

>> No.8660942
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>> No.8660950
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epitome of Canadian literature

>> No.8660980

Ya know I passed by this thread the first time thinking it didn't apply to me but then I realized it totally did. It was Snow Crash when Raven fucks YT.

>> No.8660984

Unfortunately I know this feel, the fetish is glorious and feelsgoodmang but that post-fap shame kills me.
I don't mastrubate to intercourse either.

>> No.8661102

Your not alone anon. I think i got horned up during these books because of the change in body. It wasnt that i was acttracted to the animal they became, but rather thought deeply about the characters and their bodies morphing into something completely different.

>> No.8661123

Did this inspire Justin Trudeau?

>> No.8661138

i slapped('sexually') more girls than i made out with in horizontal position, it's like earlier base to me

that's why you shouldn't watch weird porn

>> No.8661180
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>> No.8661199

Homo here, I've beaten, strangled and flogged more men than I've had illicit relations with.

They just seem to like it and ask for it more...

>> No.8661224

Shit, 9 months later, she's still beaming from being stuffed full of black cock.

>> No.8661305
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Tropic of cancer

>> No.8661343

lol Sylvester got cucked

>> No.8661586

If Sade doesn't make you laugh out loud you're a cunt.

>> No.8661606

>My prick is beshitted!

>> No.8661661
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my god pic realated, still my top 5

>> No.8663039

truckers and bikers

>> No.8663055
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I found this in the summer before 4th grade and now incest is my favorite fantasy.

>> No.8664449
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>tfw you like incest conceptually but not attracted to family members at all

>> No.8664623

Same thing happened to me but with Caligula

>> No.8664636

Sad to hear, Caligula wasn't even that extreme.

>tfw always wanted a twin but got a 10 years younger sister instead