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File: 112 KB, 419x536, Philosophy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8610470 No.8610470 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we state a current philosophical or life issue we are facing. Anons then recommend a book to help us overcome or reframe the issue.

>> No.8610483

I've rejected materialism, hedonism, and aestheticism. Now what?

>> No.8610509

Start with the greeks

>> No.8610568

My mortality

>> No.8610589

I feel that I, as a person, is a fleeting thing. I'm afraid of sleeping because that's like a hard-reset of my consciousness: while I feel a certain sence of continuity, it seems false. Things I do today seem meaningless, because that's not me who will benefit from them, but some other dude in my body.

>> No.8610611


>> No.8610711


>> No.8610733


I sold my business and now I'm sitting retired on a large amount of money.

I really just want to do nothing but read and watch my girlfriend play her stupid video games all day.

>stop my desire to achieve more
>fuel my desire to achieve more

>> No.8610754

I am surrounded by people and I crave their attention, but at the same time they annoy me, and I feel like none of them can hold a decent conversation about books or politics. I feel bored and alone, and so far only coffee, alcohol and going to church have been able to temporarily change this state.

Any recommendations? I tried L'Etrange, but it only made me feel sorry for how autistic the guy could be.

>> No.8610763

this desu senpai, negate your self.

>> No.8610767


>> No.8610768


>> No.8610779

try an extended stay in a monastery. Vow of silence if you think you can take it.

>> No.8610786

Currently an accountancy student. I might try that during the summer. The vow of silence sounds really nice, now that I think of it.

>> No.8610796

>The vow of silence sounds really nice, now that I think of it.

It is incredibly potent and illuminating, but don't take it lightly, it can be excruciating to the point of agony. The end of such a vow is always an immeasurable relief.

>> No.8610804

I have reached the point where I would most likely die if stop thinking about anything, for even a second.
Purification through fire sounds like the only way to truly improve myself and feel some peace. Otherwise, I feel I might turn into an edgier version of Raskolnikov.

>> No.8610809

I don't "want" anything. True, there are things I specifically don't want, but neither do I actually want anything.
I don't believe in anything either.
>Ich hab mein Sach auf nichts gestellt
But what is my Sache even?

>> No.8610826

Not bad. But I don't want to go farming, figuratively speaking, life without any meaningful long-term pleasure is hell on earth. For example, even through I'm slowly writing my novel, I have constant urges to publish parts from it - dissatisfaction of never finishing a job is tormenting.

>> No.8610863

>Ich hab mein Sach auf nichts gestellt

>> No.8610884

I'm with Nietzsche on the idea that a life without suffering would be mediocre, but at the same time I feel that's just a cheap way to legitimise the status quo.

>> No.8611016


>> No.8611123

Read Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now.

>> No.8611151
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>> No.8611177

Buddhism without beliefs is a good pragmatic text.

>> No.8611300

I Am A Strange Loop

>> No.8611317

Find some other things to reject. Or if you want you can reject the finding of things, you can even try to reject rejection itself

>> No.8611337


>> No.8611355

The world is an unequal and unfair place that doesn't care for the people that inhabit it, so I have a hard time finding reasons to keep on living apart from death is painful and I don't want to hurt loved ones. How do I find purpose?

>> No.8611384

I'm a never-nude.

>> No.8611398

i'm smoking too much cannabis and not getting much better at anything whatsoever

>> No.8611406


>> No.8611413

smoke less canabis

>> No.8611414

The language I use, even as a positivist, leaves me ontologically committed to abstract entities but I can't prove they exist. What do I do?

>> No.8611418

reject positivism

>> No.8611422


>> No.8611451

I somehow managed to fuck up my focus/concentration, so I need help. Where should I start? I really want to get better, I want to read, but I just can't manage to, when I try I get so much anxiety, I am failing at my work place either. Life is such a mess. This is so depressing.

>> No.8611457

The only way to bring your focus back is through SHEER FORCE OF WILL. Just pick something and do it. When you find yourself losing motivation/focus/whatever, center yourself and press onward. Or get medicated.

Get laid.

Read Nietzsche.

>> No.8611467

What would you recommend?

>> No.8611471

>alcohol and going to church

if you want good conversations on serious topics you need to find professors. ones that arent blinded by ideology.

City of God. Book I at the least- its only like 50 pages.

the holy bible

those two things are related. quit the weedfaggotry

just read. try easier stuff. derivative works.

>> No.8611486

More like
>O weh!

>> No.8611487

Everything I do feels like a waste of time, as if I should be doing something I'm not doing.
I'm not a NEET

>> No.8611496

>I'm a walking piece of failure
>I never win
>Might win a little in the future


>> No.8611541

>smoking too much weed, not writing enough
>graduate in may with a geology degree i almost definitely won't use
>can't decide if i want to move back home to NYC to be near friends, family, and jobs or stay with my longterm girlfriend who hates the east coast after i gradute

>> No.8611720

Exercise. Doesn't matter if you're running or lifting, just something to get your heart pumping.

>> No.8611750

Sounds like a really good life to me.

>> No.8611755

Yeah, it's honestly pretty easy; I am lucky. Just need to get off my ass and actually get good at things and I don't really rly know how to make this romantic decision and hoping some books might help

>> No.8611757

I don't think books are going to help with that, particularly.

>> No.8611759

The best advice I got from God was.
Be patient and go with the flow.
Hopefully it will help some of you.
I have terrible patience. And once he showed me how to have it.
I stopped actively looking for answers and he started showing them to me.

>> No.8611762

this reminds me of catholic high school

>> No.8611763

I think society is going down the drain, but I still want to watch it fall further.

>> No.8611766

>be interested in philosophy since young age
>go into medicine because muh jobs, thinking I could pursue lit/phil as a hobby
>regret every single day that I will never be able to dedicate my full time to philosophy and work with it and thus never reach my peak

I am thinking about going into psychiatry but it's still not even close

>> No.8611797

not a book

>> No.8611805
File: 127 KB, 504x470, 3a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only here for the dank memes
does anyone else have any more donald duck nihilist reaction images?

>> No.8611807

Seeing the end of society is up there with being in a drawn out plane crash on my most desired experiences. I suppose one is a microism of the other

>> No.8613198

I am disillusioned by people's inability to truly understand/connect with others.

>> No.8613484

go work on a farm for 6 months.