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8594993 No.8594993 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some of the most autist philosophers?

>> No.8594995


>> No.8594996


>> No.8595000

Schopenhauer, he's r9k the philosopher.

It's why I love him

>> No.8595003

This meme has to end.

>> No.8595006

Most philosophers are literal autists

>> No.8595027

All of them.

>> No.8595032


>> No.8595047

what does it even mean?

>> No.8595054

none of the above anons know autism or philosophy. [which is particularly bad for the Deleuze fag]
Kant was probably really autistic. Wittgenstein has a reasonable cause for suspicion too.

>> No.8595133
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How about the most badass philosopher?

>> No.8595137


it means autistic people

>> No.8595195

how are they defined?

>> No.8595226


>> No.8595245


>> No.8595303
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>Throws an epic party for 12 people
>That's still being talked about 2016 years later!

>> No.8595316


>> No.8595765
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>> No.8595774

If Wittgenstein wasn't autistic I would be surprised. He threatened Russell with a hot poker and constantly reeeee'd during conversations he didn't like.

>> No.8595794


> Russell

He threatened Popper. Russell also?

>> No.8595826

Jeremy Bentham. The motherfucker devised an equation to measure the amount of pain or pleasure that an act may generate.

>> No.8595919

Kant, actually

>> No.8595934

as not good

>> No.8595962

Name one philosopher who wasn't autistic.

>Muh purpose

Philosophy is never leaving the 3 year old's mindset of asking why for no purpose other than the question itself. Let's wrap it up in a pretty intellectual bow and pomposity so nobody notices.

>> No.8596045
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I'm curious what it is about Kant that leads him to be described in this way so often on this site.

And - imitating one of Kant's own methods, I guess - what it is about this site/this site's users that leads it to contain so many descriptions of him as autistic.

>> No.8596053
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Its a form of endearing love and respect
"faggot" is an endearing term
"senpai" is an endearing term
"autist" is a term of respect

trust me, I know what I'm talking about

>> No.8596057
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I second this.

>> No.8596152


Well probably at some point I bet he did. Consider Wittgenstein arguing that Russell couldn't prove there wasn't an elephant in the room. I can just imagine Witty pacing back and forth, throwing his hands and shouting about how Russell is WRONG WRONG WRONG FUCK. Or maybe I'm just imagining myself.

Saul Kripke is most certainly autistic.

Then there's Nick Land.

I've always suspected John Stuart Mill was autistic.

Maybe Giordano Bruno.

>> No.8596187

There's actually real academic debate about this, the reasoning being that people on the autistic spectrum tend to be high systematizers and and low empathizers, and Kant's moral philosophy was exactly that. However, Bentham's utilitarianism places him at more likely having been on the autism spectrum. There are recorded details on Kant's life though that do paint him in the '4chan autism' box; loner, never married, and apparently masturbated on a tree on his afternoon walks (source some interview between Alexander Kluge and Heiner Müller). The other info is from chapter 6 of The Righteous Mind (which has this ridiculous graph with an actual autism zone).

>> No.8596194


>apparently masturbated on a tree on his afternoon walks (source some interview between Alexander Kluge and Heiner Müller)

Source please, considering Kant had nothing good to say about wanking.

>In The Metaphysics of Morals (1797), he made the a posteriori argument that "such an unnatural use of one's sexual attribute" strikes "everyone upon his thinking of it" as "a violation of one's duty to himself", and suggested that it was regarded as immoral even to give it its proper name (unlike the case of the similarly undutiful act of suicide). He went on, however, to acknowledge that "it is not so easy to produce a rational demonstration of the inadmissibility of that unnatural use", but ultimately concluded that its immorality lay in the fact that "a man gives up his personality ... when he uses himself merely as a means for the gratification of an animal drive".

>"Masturbation is worse than suicide" - Immanuel Kant

>> No.8596204

because he displayed a lot of the symptoms: the famous "I need to be tucked in tightly at night or I might disturb myself" story, the obsession with telling the truth, his panic when his routine was disturbed, that his routine was so strict the townspeople set their clocks by it literally, the whole categorical imperative thing, calling marriage a contract from mutual use of genitalia, the silent period during which he sent his friends notes explaining he needed to be quiet because he'd made an error and could they please stop trying to talk to him which lasted ten fucking years. Take your pick.

>> No.8596230

Focault, Sartre, Diogenes, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius.

>> No.8597189

I'm too lazy to look up the source exactly, it's mentioned in the book Public Sphere and Experience: Analysis of the Bourgeois and Proletarian Public Sphere by Alexander Kluge. Just download the pdf and search it if you're so inclined.

>> No.8597191


>> No.8597198

>Or maybe I'm just imagining myself.
Wouldn't be out of character.

>> No.8597247

Kant and Witgenstein.

Kant was as autistic as it gets, with every day planed to the smallest details. His servant said he barely had any characteristics of human being.

Ludwig on the other hand was also autistic but more in neurotic kind of way. He often came to Russel's house in the middle of the night with some bullshit logic problems and threatend to kill himself if he would not solve it.

>> No.8597268


>> No.8597281

On the other hand, what would be the most normally functioning philosopher? p.s. Camus is a not a philosopher.

>> No.8597312

>be kant's servant
>have to find larger pipes every year because kant wants to smoke more but has made the rule for himself that he can only smoke one pipe a day

>> No.8597317

All philosophers are pretty much on the spectrum except phony pop philosophers like Camus.

>> No.8597323

Confucius, in fact his direct decendents are perhaps the oldest extant documented lineage.
Hume. Sartre. Ben Franklin if he counts.

>> No.8597510
File: 30 KB, 456x402, 1467219990975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pardon me, stranger, but it's pronounced, "knee-cha."

>> No.8597597

Is that a "nerdy" girl from a porn video?

>> No.8597667


>> No.8597701

>inb4 spooks

>> No.8597714




>> No.8597722


Hume maybe. Sartre maybe.

Ben Franklin strikes me more as hypomanic. Mild bipolar.

I think Socrates was schizo, what with his daimon telling him he was so wise, and that he was committed to telling the truth like it was a divine mission.

>> No.8597739


He refused to accept the nobel prize, then begged for the money from the commission. He also had an "open relationship" with Beauvoir.

>> No.8597757

fucking kids with your psychogf is normal now? I mean, he's way more normie than Beauvoir, but still

>> No.8597766


>Public Sphere and Experience: Analysis of the Bourgeois and Proletarian Public Sphere by Alexander Kluge

This sounds like pure Marxist trash.

>> No.8597774


Top kek. Just imagine him sitting with a full-blown Sherlock Holmes pipe.

Small things like that are what I find admirable in Kant, however, and make him seem much more human. In his younger days he had a habit of lying in, for example, hence why he got a servant.

He also loved coffee, but abstained from it until he felt his life's work was done, after which he had it quite often.

During his last days, he made his first and last journey beyond his home town, to a small cottage where he spent his time listening to birds sing.

>> No.8597780


As a general rule, the more dysfunctional you are, the more of a philosopher you are. Philosophers always require something to be a little 'off' about them.

>> No.8597783

>He also loved coffee, but abstained from it until he felt his life's work was done, after which he had it quite often.
It's more specific than this. He liked coffee after dinner. He put it into his routine in the last year of his life. But it had to be right after dinner. There's a great story from deQuincey about him freaking out the servant was taking too long to bring the coffee so it wouldn't count as right after dinner, and when the servant showed up Kant shouted "Land! Land! We are saved!" like a Greek soldier spotting the sea on their return from defeat at the Persians.
>During his last days, he made his first and last journey beyond his home town, to a small cottage where he spent his time listening to birds sing.
He lectured in a different city for a fair while, the "he never went 16 miles beyond Koningsberg" story is myth, though an easily believable one considering his other quirks.

>> No.8597882

It's actually Philosophy of Walking.

>> No.8597887

coffee right after dinner is god-tier taste kant is my bro now

>> No.8598928


ur average 4chan memer

>> No.8598939

he's a loveable sperger all right

>> No.8599045

Yes, he actually was

>> No.8599165

Diderot, Hume, a lot of the French and Scottish Enlightenment guys who had to Tapdance for their aristocratic patrons, were witty and well adept in social situations. But not Rousseau, who mightve been autistic.

>> No.8599171

Aristotle confirmed for high-functioning autist

>> No.8599233

Archimedes might count if we consider him a philosopher
>discover how to measure volume by displacement in the bath
>run through the streets of Syracuse naked screaming "i found it!"

>Romans invading your city, killing errybody
>Roman shows up in your house
>die because Roman is just interested in stabbing you not your circle pictures

>> No.8599247


>> No.8599252

I think Mill is explicable as being hothoused as a kid, not autism.

>> No.8599409


True. I'm unable to believe he managed a meaningful understanding of Aristotle at 5. His early education doesn't even seem to influence his ideas, and none appear that novel. Then later in life he cucked his own philosophy to try and woo a married woman, who delayed fucking him for like a decade.

>> No.8599441

The Aristotle thing I'd believe; some parents still hothouse their kids that way now. When everyone was obsessed with Mandarin becoming the new language of power, I met a lot of kids who could quote classics like they were going to take the Imperial Exam.
He had his breakdown before he produced anything really, so I can see a lot of his interests being in not hurting humans that way. As much as is useful is sort of riffing off Aristotle, but I think a lot of his stuff is reasoning why that kind of excessive education might not be the path to human happiness. Bentham writes stuff like couldn't pushpin be as much fun as the Greeks, and I think having experienced Bentham's education as a kid, he might have seen the hypocrisy in that. So he comes across as less fun than Bentham, but I'd prefer Mill teach my kid than Bentham, because Mill might actually play push pin with them not drill them on verb endings.

The last one I think you can explain by his shitty childhood too, and if she'd fucked off with him then and there, she probably wouldn't be good for him so much as likely another hothouser. I view it as a "finally real love" thing, and he probably needed a slow burner.

>> No.8600848
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>he doesn't intuitively recognize the artful composition, cinematography, lighting, space and general mise en scene of blacked dot com
Perhaps /v/ would be a more suitable board for a plebeian like yourself.

>> No.8601166

>he probably doesn't even notice the subtle french new wave influences informing the director's use of light and shadow
When will plebs learn to start with the greeks before tackling blacked dot com

>> No.8601323

Mfw Heidegger

>> No.8601348


>> No.8601364

>Mill was a notably precocious child. He describes his education in his autobiography. At the age of three he was taught Greek.[9] By the age of eight, he had read Aesop's Fables, Xenophon's Anabasis,[9] and the whole of Herodotus,[9] and was acquainted with Lucian, Diogenes Laërtius, Isocrates and six dialogues of Plato.[9] He had also read a great deal of history in English and had been taught arithmetic, physics and astronomy.

>At the age of eight, Mill began studying Latin, the works of Euclid, and algebra, and was appointed schoolmaster to the younger children of the family. His main reading was still history, but he went through all the commonly taught Latin and Greek authors and by the age of ten could read Plato and Demosthenes with ease. His father also thought that it was important for Mill to study and compose poetry. One of Mill's earliest poetry compositions was a continuation of the Iliad. In his spare time, he also enjoyed reading about natural sciences and popular novels, such as Don Quixote and Robinson Crusoe.

Why do we even try, lads?

>> No.8601371


This could only be written by a man very well acquainted with masturbation.

>> No.8601391

I find they really boring, I like rawness and filth on my interracial porn.

>> No.8601402

Kant and Rousseau were certainly autistic.
Pascal, Nietschze, and Aquinas are questionable.

>> No.8601448

I think a better word to describe Wittgenstein would be "tormented"

>> No.8601486

>even Kant was on nofap

>> No.8601490


Of course.
Where else do you think he got all of his metaphysical prowess from?

>> No.8601538

Wittgenstein, without a doubt.

>> No.8601542

i don't see pascal really

>> No.8601579

All mah boy JJRousseau had was hypersensibility, not autism.