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/lit/ - Literature

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8578412 No.8578412 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, intellectually I'm all spooked out. I can't stand philosophy because of all the unfalsifiable garbage. Many fields like economics etc are just applied common sense and stamp collecting. I see novels as nothing but entertainment despite pretentious people claiming life / philosophical insights and tonnes of people will consider you a disgusting plebeian if you don't initially read shitloads of boring as fuck canon novels.

I think I am painfully adapting to the idea of the Internet age / information overload by abandoning any pretension that I can be an all rounder or even dilettante in everything. There are ten trillion books called "Introduction to [broad and important field]", even if you only have one of each field.

History is similar to novels. Shitloads of reading along with a shitload pretension thrown on top telling you that you truly cannot no nuthin unless you have an in depth understanding of the Greeks / Romans / Christianity / USA / WW1 / WW2 / financial systems / or shitloads of other topics I can't stand it. And then there's current events. I don't care about climate change, outer space, inequality, China, the EU, applied psychology, the education system, diversity, Russia, South America, refugees, nutrition, mental health, and more. Admitting just one of these would make me an iredeemable idiot, no doubt.

Has anyone else had similar thoughts? The spooks are powerful and must be removed but their removal leaves your mind in a promordial state that is more susceptible to spooks than before.

I go to the city centre and see people shopping and the streets are busy, which is comforting compared to when they're empty, but walking through then brings no epiphanies.

I am so past watching movies or tv shows, even ones that pander to "edgy" young males. I just about read books but only because society tells me I should, though I don't derive much enjoyment

And obviously I have an existential crisis but /lit/ is fucking pathetic in demanding that anyone who has one should immediately "grow up" and become a monotheist and wagecuck. I fucking hate wagecucking. Seeing attractive young people is humiliating. I tell myself every day that I'll soon work intensely on one thing but I can't bear to do this. If you're really good at one thing then there are people lining up to call you a tard for not watching opera or being able to run a marathon or whatever shit. So I do nothing.

Every "thinker" is at their core an utter fucking fraud. Nietzche is a Tony Robbins tier Rorschach test. Science and mathematics provide non trivial insights but only in ultra specialised ways that probably require autism to appreciate. I listen to In Our Time podcasts and Bret Easton Ellis podcasts and I think at heart everyone cares about nothing more than social drama.

I think we all need to man up and admit that money, youth, videogames, and good looks are as good as it gets. But not everyone gets.

>> No.8578422

Not to sound like a hippy, but have you tried venturing out into nature more? Say, walking forest tracks, hillsides or mountain passes?

It sounds like your mind is cluttered and needs a good washing - one that only comes with wilderness aestheticism.

>> No.8578434


I have done that 20 to 40 times in the past few months and I eventually got bored.

>> No.8578438


sounds spooky

>> No.8578444

You're onto something there OP, its called being a teenager. Look into Ritalin and/or SSRI's

>> No.8578514

>wah wah everything is shit except me

>> No.8578528

i sort of agree with you but

this is true

>> No.8578532


Literature is nothing but entertainment, whose only value is aesthetic, and Philosophy is useless, no chemist or physicist cares about it, especially in the case of Philosophy of science.

When artists call themselves intellectuals and sign letters of support for something I feel ashamed.
The average artists understands less of the problems of their countries than a small business owner who at least knows how inflation and interest rates work.

>> No.8578548


This is what happens when you spend most of your life interacting with electronic screens.

>> No.8578562

Do you have constructive hobbies/aspirations/etc? Things you like to do that aren't porn/vidya/anime/shitposting? Srsly. You sound very bored.

>> No.8578576



you'll be OK OP

>> No.8578588


you sound like a person who has read very little.

Reading little is worse than reading nothing at all.
A person who reads nothing at all, lives his life using his common sense.
A person who has read little, is often dominated by what he has read.

Basically, read more, by writers who have very different opinions, even contradict each other, and live more.

>> No.8578664

stale pasta

>> No.8579051


I have read a lot compared to normies

>> No.8579153

Think you're too plugged in. Quit the internet for a whole, say 3 months, and go do other stuff. Practical stuff. Learn to cook or something. You don't need to care about all these so called intellectual topics.

>In the wild struggle for existence, we want to have something that endures, and so we fill our minds with rubbish and facts, in the silly hope of keeping our place. The thoroughly well informed man- that is a modern ideal. And the mind of a thoroughly well informed man is a dreadful thing.

>> No.8579203

Normies read 0 books

Reading 1 book every 3 months is a lot to Normie's, but reading 1 book every 3 months is not well read

>> No.8579206
File: 630 KB, 720x533, hitchhiker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not become a cheeky NEET like yours truly?

>> No.8579234
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Leave your life, move to Mount Athos, become a monk, handwrite copies of the bible.

>> No.8579278

I think you might feel guilty for wanting to pursue your flavour of hedonism. Don't.
As for getting rid of spooks, I think we need better systems for trust. I for one don't trust any media. I get a bit of trust talking on the chans, because I know that what people are saying can't help them socially at all on account of anony. That doesn't mean people here say true things, but they do say what they want.
Sorry I can't be more help. I identify with your faggotry though.
why the fuck would op want to do that.

>> No.8579814
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"Spooked out"? Your post leaks prejudice on every sentence. Your problem is fixation, my property. And also opposition. You are still defining yourself as not being this or that, not understanding this isn't something you "do", but something you "are" by just existing; you still cling to the idea that there are solid "things", that there is literature, philosophy, mathematics, et cetera.

Nothing but a bunch of fetishes! You see yourself free from the spirit? How can you lack a mirage? And be proud of it at that!

Off with ye and yer love of essences! Quit asking artifacts to not be fake! All the things you reduce are made great by the loving vision of those who enjoy them. You say some superstition for the "hard" sciences still remains in you: precisely because they require care (which you can't bring yourself to give) to enjoy.

Stop comparing yourself to others. Imagine what fools they must be if thou'st wiser than them, thou dolt! Be happy than any joy can come out of this chaos instead. But be not proud, for the only illusion in this world is that it could be in another way. Enjoy those illusion consciously when they come, instead of abusing yourself for being a man and not Man!

Follow your inclinations without pushing or pulling, and shape yourself as you will. Be not a slave to want nor wont. Do not face away from the mirror, Yaldabaoth. Contain and be not contained. There's no creation, no creator, no creature. Everything is in place, everything is necessary and needn't be justified.

Go read the The False Principle of Our Education too.

>> No.8579866

perhaps stirnir posting has gone too far

>> No.8579890
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>Gone, gone, gone far, gone too far, realized, hooray!
I'm still sitting in front of my computer though.

>> No.8579919

Take action, be the change you want to see. Learn more about science because you've not even seen the tip of the iceberg. You're a pseud, work harder, dig deeper, round out your knowledge and experience, specialisation is for insects etc.

Almost every genius has attributed their success to hard work, perseverance and the foundations laid by others.

Stop being a puss and accept your responsibility to make the world a better place and feel true freedom.

>> No.8580064

pretty sure this is pasta

>> No.8580084


OP here. I can confirm I created the pasta. this is also an updated version of the pasta that I have only previosuly posted twice at most

>> No.8580183

I've seen you post this thread before. Get off 4chan, it's damaging your health.

>> No.8580188

This post struck me to the very core. I feel and feebly meditate on various elements of this post throughout the day haphazardly, every day.

Differing between you and I is that I do in fact care about outer space, but only in a nihilistic sense, as in I'm here pissing for the umpteenth time of the day, washing my hands for the umpteenth time of the day, living, breathing the same repetitive lifestyle for the umpteenth time of the day, all the while entire planets and galaxies loom around me to endless reaches of space. It doesn't add up, nothing does, and no amount of literature will prove otherwise, because to do so would be from a basis rooted in reality, and reality is all the head. How can you trust it?

>> No.8580196

Trust no one, not even yourself.

>> No.8580361

Your problem is that you are delusional. You've accepted the delusion that your perception of reality is the most accurate one, and consequently, also believe your judgements to be accurate. False beliefs are weak foundations. This is why you're having a crisis.

OP, I want you to think damn hard about this.

Pick one belief you have. The more strongly you believe it, the better. Now it's time to play a game. It's called the 'How Am I Wrong?' game. You make an argument against your belief, and make it as solid as possible. Research it, read about opposing view points, think outside the goddamn box and find SOME POSSIBLE WAY that you are absolutely 100% wrong. If you can't do that, it means your comprehension of reality is broken, so it's time to rework your entire ideology. In which case, learn more about different religions and conceptions of god(s) and spirituality. Get into moral debates online with the intent to learn about the opposing view point. Do whatever it takes to expand your knowledge and figure out what tenants you want to live by, and why.

I don't give a shit what you end up believing, it doesn't matter. What matters is that your beliefs help you in some way. That your beliefs aren't self-destructive. Many beliefs are, because religions are memes of perception, and perception is personal. If you're not following your own, you're adopting the lie that someone else can tell you jackshit about who you are. That's not how it works. All outsiders can do is give you another perspective to consider. The rest is on you.

Play this game for every assumption you make or belief you hold. Do it for every stance, every opinion, every judgement. You feel like shit because of some shitty beliefs you hold. I guarantee it. So find them, and fix them. You're the one that made them, after all.

This is a never-ending process. If you're not doing it, you're fucking up somehow.