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8556689 No.8556689 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8556693

def. not my diary desu

>> No.8556696


>> No.8556705

how is it an addiction? how is it impacting your life?

do you spend too much money on porn?
jacking off in public?
putting stuff so huge in your ass you are becoming incontinent?

how is a masturbation addiction bad?

it LITERALLY reduce your chances of having prostate cancer.

it's never been linked to a decrease in sportive capacity

you are meming yourself my man.

>> No.8556707

>it LITERALLY reduce your chances of having prostate cancer
>he fell for liberalism

>> No.8556709

The Bible.

>> No.8556734

I can't stop it simple as that. I have no self control and I feel like an animal.

>> No.8556736

I mean I imagine it could be a problem if he feels he has to go on epic three-day wank-benders like most addicts where he jerks off like seven times a day till his pecker's like red raw and bleeding and shit.

OP, Kant's your boy. Read him and masturbate no more

>> No.8556737
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do you WANT to get prostate cancer?

i'll cure you anon

>> No.8556742

Reminder that masturbation is homosexual narcissism.

>> No.8556743

You can't stop eating either, does that make you an animal?

>> No.8556745

masturbation isn't "good for your health" that's just a meme spread by liberals who hate morals

>> No.8556749

it's literally good for your health, it's science

it's also not immoral.

it's a sin sure but not immoral

>> No.8556752

>it's literally good for your health, it's science
>it's a sin sure but not immoral
enjoy hell

>> No.8556753

You can survive without masturbating but not without food. That argument makes no sense. Why would you argue for anything that makes you less rational?

>> No.8556771

OP find masturbation animal-like

how can you live without being an animal

you can live without reading and reading is good for you

you can live without smoking and smoking is bad for you

if masturbation doesn't disturb anon life as >>8556705 say then WHY would he cuck himself out of masturbation?


how retarded are you?

>> No.8556776

>how retarded are you?
Not at all.

>> No.8556778

tfw jerked it twice this month

get a job it'll kill your libido dead

>> No.8556779

I have a job and still bang my wife on the reg tho

>> No.8556780

Portnoy's Complaint

>> No.8556787

I'm not implying that anything you can live without is bad for you. I only said that to refute the other argument.

Anyways I'm not asking you to give me your opinion if its good or not. I'm asking for literature that can help me quit.

>> No.8556788

>my wife
it's 2015

>> No.8556789

Whack your groin with the KJV every time you get the urge.

>> No.8556793

well not all of us are married to pamela anderson circa 1995

>> No.8556804

then how can you resorts to the >science argument

quite a few studies prove that masturbation reduce chances of prostate cancer

it doesn't mean IT DOES but at least a few studies TEND to prove that there is a correlation between NOT ejaculating for long periods and increase in prostate cancer %

it's literally a FACT, it can be wrong or biased but the % are here.

sex and masturbation BOTH reduce chances of prostate cancer.

if you are such a christfag then get a wife and fuck her at least 2 times a week

>> No.8556817

yeah when have scientists ever fallen for the memegeist
>if you are such a christfag then get a wife and fuck her at least 2 times a week
or what? you're gonna call me "problematic" and "sex-negative"?

>> No.8556834

Stop watching porn. Instead, just use pictures (preferably semi-clothed). When it's not as great you won't do it as much.

>> No.8556838


you do whatever the fuck you want, just know that you have a heightened chance of developing prostate cancer compared to Christians who have regular sex

>> No.8556850

>pictures (preferably semi-clothed)
the thinking mans masturbation aid

>> No.8556859

Why do you care so fucking much about prostate cancer? Is it because you're a faggot or because you're literally cancer?
Just like people knew about phrenology, right?

>> No.8556861

>not pre 1920 erotica
>not getting whipped by a venus in fur


>> No.8556870

are you comparing a simple statistic evaluation of whether peoples who have less frequent ejaculations present higher rates of prostate cancer to phrenology?

why are you even mad, i even said you can have regular sex with your marital partner and it work just as well

>> No.8556887
File: 86 KB, 521x818, Mark_Twain,_Brady-Handy_photo_portrait,_Feb_7,_1871,_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a simple statistic evaluation
>why are you even mad
I'm not mad. Do you think you can read minds? Maybe you should inform your beloved scientific community of these telepathic gifts.

>> No.8556895

God you're an intolerable cunt. Autistic, I presume?

>> No.8556904
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wow you sure showed me, bye fagtron

>> No.8556943

Don't you have a Christianity general on /pol/ to attend to?

>> No.8556957

I wouldn't know, I've never been there.

>> No.8556970

apart from calling science a "liberal" devil work he didn't said anything remotely /pol/ like

if his belief disprove of masturbation and make it appear detrimental to the mind then fine.